NEW WEBBINGS — skyclan polycule litter. [CLOSED]


most doomed yoai ever
Oct 24, 2023

Oddgleam, Owlheart, and Crowsight come from a variety of different backgrounds. One is an eccentric and larger than life ex-rogue from the cold streets of the Twolegplace, another the meek and anxious daughter of Orangestar, the current Skyclan leader. Then the last one being a rather blunt and direct estranged son to the former lead warrior Doeblaze and the estranged step-son to the deceased leader Blazestar.

Despite their differences, the three of them shared the one thing: having minimal to no experience in love or relationships before their paths crossed. Their paths crossed when they were apprentices, befriending each other based on their own interests and hobbies. The three kept enjoying their free time together, getting to know more about each other instead of silent glances and passing words of greetings.

It had been a rocky start with miscommunication and assumptions of motive from each other. Due to the pair's rather blunt personalities, this results in a confession of adoration for each other under the moonlight. Ever since the confession, the Oddbirds had formed a strong relationship unit. Experiencing the joys of first love and learning what it meant to be padding after one another, experiencing both the highs and lows of it. Their relationship had been largely undefined and untraditional, just knowing that they all loved each other and having time decide what that meant.

Due to a mixture of circumstances between a gap in warrior ceremonies and drastic injuries, the 3 of them had been separated from each other for 2 moons. This had tested both them as individuals and their relationship as a whole. But, they have been easily steady since they were separated. Not seen too far from each other's sides whenever possible. They recently became mates after Owlheart had a conversation with Orangestar about how to tell when one is ready for it. Leading into a confession amongst a field of wildflowers, the trio had decided that the label of mates felt right, while their relationship still is largely new and unknown to them they are simply happy with what they have right now.

Their story continues as a new chapter opens, three young parents are thrown into a situation that they hadn't expected. The kits are wanted, make no mistake, but they had hopes of being older and more mature before they arrived. Their children will be cherished yet there will be growing pains from both them and their parents. The Oddbirds will be learning what it means to be parents and will be navigating through those trials and tribulations to figure out how to be good ones.

This is not an FCFS (first come, first serve), we will be reviewing the applications and making a decision on an undecided date.
This will be a worm litter! The kits will be born on 10/12/2024, and they will age realistically on the 12th of each month. Once the roleplayers are chosen on 10/9 they will have two days to set up their account.
Specific activity won't be encouraged until 2 moons, afterwards casual activity is encouraged (5 posts per month).
We hold the right to rehome them or take back the slot after prolonged activity without any communication with us.
This litter will be born in Skyclan and should remain here until preferably adulthood. Only if a plot of leave comes up, please message us!
The form of these applications is up to the roleplayers, please include the kitten's name, gender, appearance, and the basics of their personality and concepts!
Please include alternative names in case the names are taken by other applicants. Please try not to use any prefixes used by any current, actively played characters!
If you plan on your kit having a disability there is an expectation for research to be done so that you can rp them respectfully
The Oddbirds will love their children equally, so any plots regarding parental conflict are discouraged. While spats are okay, long-term resentment and toxicity are highly unlikely.
Minor angst is allowed as this litter will be focusing on youthful inexperience when raising children. There will possibly be mistakes from the parents that you can plot to impact your kit. However, do not apply to this litter if you're looking for long-term dysfunctional family dynamics.
These kits will be born and grow up alongside Orangestar and Slate’s kits, feel free to have plots that bounce off this as they will be close peers in the nursery!

Crowsight is gen 2, Owlheart is gen 3 & Oddgleam is gen 1
The kits will be gen 4

  • sire: LH black smoke (50% Maine Coon; carrying non-silver, dilute, cinnamon, albinism)
    dam: LH blue tortoiseshell w/ high white (masking ticked; carrying non-ticked)

    — Toms can be black, blue, black smoke, blue smoke, red tabby, cream tabby, red cameo, or cream cameo
    — She-cats can be black, blue, black smoke, blue smoke, tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell smoke, or blue tortoiseshell smoke
    kits will be longhaired
    kits will have low white
    kits can have any realistic eye color
    kits will be 25% Maine Coon and may display some breed traits
    tabbies will display ticked pattern; solid kits may or may not mask ticked tabby; ticked tabbies and kits masking ticked will carry non-ticked
    red-based kits will mask black
    smoke kits will carry non-silver; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry cinnamon; kits may or may not carry albinism​

    sire: LH red classic tabby w/ low white (25% Maine Coon; masking black tabby; carrying cinnamon, dilute, point)
    dam: LH blue tortoiseshell w/ high white (masking ticked; carrying non-ticked)

    — Toms can be black tabby, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
    — She-cats can be torbie, blue torbie, red tabby, or cream tabby
    kits will be longhaired
    kits can have low white or high white
    kits can have any realistic eye color
    kits can display a ticked or classic tabby pattern; ticked tabbies will mask classic
    red-based kits will mask black tabby
    kits will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; ticked tabbies will carry non-ticked; kits may or may not carry cinnamon; kits may or may not carry point​
  • for skyclan: pinekit, oak-kit, squirrelkit, fernkit, skykit, tallkit
    names he likes: yewkit, literally think of all bird prefixes, pumpkinkit, pantherkit, twilightkit, monarchkit, hemlock-kit, huckleberrykit, cloudkit, chirpkit, asterkit, dawnkit, evergreenkit, viperkit,
    after silversmoke: frostkit, thistlekit, gorsekit, adderkit, thornkit, hailkit
    after doeblaze: deerkit, rosekit, stagkit, willowkit, oatkit, alderkit
    after firefly: firekit, glimmerkit, brightkit, chervilkit, dewkit, shiningkit
    after drowsy: woolykit, dreamkit, juniperkit, tawnykit, laurelkit, sunnykit
    after lupine: ivykit, vinekit, spikekit, briarkit, furzekit, olivekit
    after skyclaw: wishkit, hopekit, foxkit, wolfkit, lynxkit, stormkit
    lionpaw: rainkit, drizzlekit, lakekit, driftkit, ripplekit, mistkit

    AFTER CLANMATES. sunflowerkit, cuckookit, flurrykit, magpiekit, jaykit, vixenkit (after oddgleam) marigoldkit, pumpkinkit, rowankit, eaglekit, robinkit, dandelionkit (after owlheart)
  • AFTER SKYCLAN. pinekit, tallkit, rootkit AFTER WINDCLAN. swiftkit, kestrelkit, ryekit
    names he likes: silk-kit, dreamkit, petalkit, twilightkit, snoozekit, snailkit, glowkit, dewkit, rosekit, bitekit, glitterkit, spinekit, waxkit, nectarkit, pearlkit, violetkit, breezekit, hushkit, longkit, saltkit, hollykit
    after family: sweetkit, heartkit, shiningkit: after his mother.
    stonekit, needlekit, ghostkit: after his father.
    talonkit, mistkit, moonkit: after his older brother.
    after mates: velvetkit, midnightkit, shadekit ( after crowsight ), goldenkit, poppykit, sloekit ( after owlheart )
    who he likes: swirlkit ( after honeysplash ), berrykit ( after edenberry ), cloudkit ( after firefyglow )
    if he dislikes the kit for some reason LOL: ivykit, oak-kit, pinekit, mitekit, gnatkit, flykit, bilekit, wormkit, grimkit, spiritkit, oak-kit, yarrowkit, bumblekit, brokenkit, stormkit, rainykit, carrionkit, proudkit, boltkit, lightningkit, bravekit ╱ anything dealing with insects listed here or any thunderclan related names

    italicized names are personal favorites of mine.
  • family: bloomkit, pinekit*, seedkit
    friends: thornkit*, mothkit, bumblekit, dovekit*
    after her mates <33: flowerkit, flashkit, willowkit, warmkit
    experiences: rainbowkit
    , pebblekit, bark-kit, featherkit*, nightkit
    virtue: brightkit, gentlekit, loudkit, sweetkit, bravekit*, softkit, swiftkit
    misc names that she likes: thrushkit, curlykit, morningkit*, moonlightkit

    — the ones in italics are the ones that are favored. feel free to assign any bird prefix that isn't listed here/on the census to your kit (make sure that it's legal as well)​
  • kitten one / Black classic tabby w/ low white (OWL/ODD)
    kitten two / Black smoke w/ low white (CROW/ODD)
    kitten three / Blue torbie (classic tabby markings) w/ high white (OWL/ODD)
    kitten four / Red cameo (ticked tabby markings) w/ low white (CROW/ODD)
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Monarchkit has the similar colors and markings of Oddgleam while inheriting the classic tabby markings of Owlheart, and his fur taking more wavy/curly look akin to Owlheart's. Unlike their other siblings, they will likely have a smaller stature than the other kittens that have Maine Coon blood and even if this puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to play fighting or wrestling a plaything from other kittens. Monarchkit makes up for it in being able to hide in small spaces that other cats aren't able to reach and more quick on their feet due to small figure.

Colorful, creative, and a large imaginative mind, this kitten tries to see the world through his own eyes even if this means that he'll find his own way to cope over heavier subjects (ie: death, maiming, etc...). Much like the name of the very parent that brought them forth into the world, Monnie tends to be very odd though his mannerisms during kithood are considered normal. They're just as curious, just as troublesome, and just as talkative like any other kitten that stirs within the nursery or confines of camp. Monarchkit's the type to ask a few questions, get bored easily, and focus on something else entirely especially if something colorful or shiny catches his little leaf-green eyes! They're quite absentminded or come off aloof to their denmates/littermates due to how easily distracted he comes off.

As an apprentice, Monarchpaw attempts his best to remain attentive to those around him especially his own mentor if he wants to make either of his parents proud of his achievements and not see his failures. Of course, due to his odd little personality, he takes a nose dive that likely leads to a failed assestment or two along with a delayed graduation due to how clumsy he may be. Mon's more exposed to the reality of the cruel world that lays beyond Skyclan camp and nursery, with his creative mind, he does his best to block out all of the bad and tries replacing it with much happier things that he likes most of all. Why must he expose himself to such things? The thought of murdering a mouse comes out a lot better if he pictures the small rodent pleased with him catching it and not worried at all by its impending doom (killing prey will come off a lot easier after time, he won't bother imagining anymore ;] )! Potentially as an apprentice, he has a filter so he isn't randomly blurting anything disrespectful near his mentor at the time about the losses or deaths.

As an adult, Monarch will lose his filter altogether and randomly blurt out something that may be unsettling (ie: "oh, but look they died quickly!" or "they just look like they're sleeping... if you don't dwell on the blood~"). He's not trying to come off creepy by any means but moreso tries to have a positive outlook to everything that's in front of him or happens near him, he's mastered being able to tune out unpleasant things such as someone's final breath, a shriek of prey before dying, etc... All blood, gore, and mangled limbs are also carefully replaced by more vibrant hues that are pleasant to his eyes and less alarming, its the reason that he's able to muster a smile through every loss or misfortune that strikes Skyclan. Perhaps, a uncomfortable hum slips from him but he manages to hide his true discomfort about everything rather well. Unfortunately, Monarch never seems to open up about it to anyone since he's very good at hiding his negative feelings... Why would anyone want to see him at his worst?
  • reaction to first death would be unsettling, they'd be very taken aback then regard it with a morbid curiosity. will block out the gore and macabre for colorful things or favorite items/food/etc...
  • perhaps an obsessive lover... what do you mean that you love XX more than himself? impossible! he loves it INFINITELY more! this can be towards items or even individuals! perhaps an unhealthy romance or searing jealousy towards a clanmate/littermate for liking a cat that he likes more (it could be possible that he doesn't even love them at all but wants them for himself but realizes it way too late... messily breaks things up but already has negative relations w/clanmate and his now ex lover)
  • first vc will be Pinocchio from Del Toro's iteration (as a child) and later on Lego Joker from Lego Batman (as an adult)
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'sighs' I probably won't finish because I literally just got a worm kitten but slapping some notes


LH BLACK CLASSIC TABBY WITH LOW WHITE (carrying solid, dilute, point)
- Pinekit does not display any of the Maine Coon traits, although his ears are slightly tufted (on account of his long fur, as opposed to any breed traits coming through)
- Chivalrous, polite, well spoken
- Always treats others with respect (even those who don't deserve it)
- Very close with his half aunts/uncles, would likely treat them more like siblings as opposed to their real relation to him
tracking / wip


BLACK/BLUE CHIMERA W/ LOW WHITE // reference (click)
describe them.

KIT - TRAITS. explain



NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // WHAT - WHY
  • FEAR // WHAT - WHY
  • FEAR // WHAT - WHY
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awggggh little baby guy!
If chosen, please feel free to name her! I am happy with anything :D


aging rate / birthdate / creation date
extended family / adopted family
put links here like playlists or pinterest boards

╰┈➤ ❝ 𝙿𝙷𝚈𝚂𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙻 ❞
baby :3
physical disabilities : Hyper mobility
━ Her joints have an unusually high range of movement and can be forced out of their sockets by her muscles if she's not careful. Exercise and mindfulness can help :)
╰┈➤ ❝ 𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙰𝙻 ❞

━ TBDKit is a prank loving, chaotically neutral molly with a head full of snarks. She is self assured, and loving to those she calls friends but only protective of those she calls family. She sees the world as a adventure, and she's sure she has the map.

TBDKit hardly ever seems to take anything seriously and has a morbid love of ghost stories and other dead things.. Starting as a kit and continuing to adulthood, she is interested in dead things, wanting to understand what makes them 'alive' and what makes them 'dead'. She seems to enjoy sneaking into the medicine cat den and asking the most annoying questions she can think of. She hardly, if ever, steps up to the position of delegator without reason, a shame because her silver tongue could really be of help if she did.

TBDKit is a cat motivated by her need to understand the world and others around her - and control it where she can for the betterment of her siblings and family. She will gradually come to understand lying and trickery in late kithood, but will become interested in medicine later on.

While she is confident and seems like she does not care what others think of her, TBDkit is very aware of how psychically weak she is. What starts as 'being a late bloomer' will spiral into consent shaking paws, weak limbs, and the propensity to dislocate limbs seemingly on a whim. Seemingly held together by strings, TBDkit will develop hypermobility, which can be helped with exercise and muscle growth but this won't make the issue go away.

-Loves!! flower crowns!!
-lots of stupid pranks and dad jokes
-kinda floats around
-likes making friends
-lowkey asshole
-believes in justice
-has a hard time emoting
mental disabilities if any
━ anymore notes you want

╰┈➤ ❝ 𝙿𝙻𝙾𝚃𝚂 ❞
━ lowkey I really want to do kit -> elder with a character and I think she would be a good canidate 👀
━ ALSO she would def be nosey and find out shit about other cats/kits and question them head on. I can see her curious nature being the unintentional start to SO MANY FIGHTS. Also can see her annoying Slate/Ora's kits with questions about their parental status. She has multiple parents so why is it bad if they do?
━ I don't know if she'll be a meddie cat despite her liking medicine, but i'd like to explore that section of her personality. herbs are something i've been interested in and I think could lead to a lot of interesting plots...
━ I will prolly avoid to much self-hate with the hyper mobility thing. Going through alot of that irl rn with myself, but I thought i'd share that lil tidbit with her since she'd be born when I am set to go to PT for it lol.
━ lots of talk and exploration of control vs love i think... i find that i like tragic characters a lot so maybe something with that?
━ OTHER NOTES: symbols: birds (obv), birds of prey, rats, venus fly trap, crabs, pill bugs, frogs?​
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tracking !! <3

kitten of skyclan // no former ranks.
cisgender male // uses masculine pronouns.
00 moons // ages on the twelfth of each month.
played by @halimede // ADOPTION THREAD, PINTEREST, any other important links.

    ⋆⁺₊ using hypokit design !!
    && detailed description here( genetics ) genetic info.

    no notable scarring or accessories/any other important appearance aspects.
    voice description.

    ⋆⁺₊ elaborate

    mbti ' the ____ ' // alignment // etc.
    tropes, references, notes, whatever!.

    ⋆⁺₊extended relationship info // littermates, kits, cousins, etc.

    mate to none // crushing on none
    mentored by @name.
    ⋆⁺₊ mentoring none // formerly mentored none

    notable friendships //
    notable enemies //

    ⋆⁺₊ difficulty in battle, some insight on fighting style and/or strengths and weaknesses.

    excels at //
    poor at //

    ⋆⁺₊ interaction notes here, how easy they trust, general attitude towards interaction, etc.

  • put detailed plot ideas here

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Pearlkit — from Oddgleam; a favored name and indicative of the splotches of white on his body that stands out against darker fur.

❝ 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 ❞

⤹ cismale ( he/him )
— alt names: twilightkit, dreamkit, gentlekit, chirpkit, birdkit
twilightkit - for the color of his fur
dreamkit - his fur; the night sky, the parental dream of the future
chirpkit - for the chime of his voice, the black of a bird's beak
gentlekit - for his demeanor, his softness
birdkit - for SkyClan
⤹ from skyclan, kitten
— no previous affiliations
⤹ 0 months ⋆ ages every 12th ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by Noia

APPEARANCElong haired black smoke with low white (using hypnokit ref for now)
⤹ Displays some Maine Coon traits, like tufted ears and long fur. Will not display breed size. Carrying non-silver, dilute, may or may not carry cinnamon, may or may not carry albinism

A long-furred black smoke with small patches of white and bright green eyes; his name 'Pearlkit' comes from the particular splotch of white on his face that highlights the brightness of his eyes against the darkness of his pelt. As a fuzzy kitten, the true nature of his appearance is limited to the almost bird-downy softness of his fur and the glimmer of his eyes, full of possibilities. The little tufts on his ears that allude to his parentage; and yet his size assumes that this is one of the few traits of the Maine Coon breed he maintains.

As an older kit, and into his Apprenticehood, one of his largest challenges is going to be maintaining the length of his fur in a way that he enjoys. He's not the type to be untidy, a fact which will become readily apparent even as a kitten, often asking to be groomed where other kits might dislike being fussed over in that way. It will become something special for him, the points of connection with his caretakers and siblings who help him.

His self-perception will be a positive one. He considers himself a handsome little lad; and prides himself more on his smile and his tidiness than any other specific nitpick of his appearance. To him, what matters more is how he treats others outwardly, and how he feels about himself inwardly. Even if he may complain some days about having to re-groom his fur when he had just done it that morning, he is far from a vain person and instead uses it as a way to seek actual physical connection.

MENTALITY — enfj, ❝ the protagonist ❞ ⋆ neutral good ⋆ first born sibling
⤹ I imagine these traits to be more indicative of his Apprenticehood and his adulthood but whose beginnings and foundations start in his kithood.
There are some I consider to be *core traits and everything else may shift and change as he develops

positive traits:
neutral traits:
negative traits:

It's not easy to look at a young kitten and decide the kind of person they will be when they grow up. But is it possible to see core tenants of their personality and the kind of person they could become if nurtured the right way. As the first born* sibling of his litter, it's clear that Pearlkit takes this as a point of pride as well as a role that he feels responsible for. Someone who protects his family and looks out for them, who will stand up and speak up for his siblings and his clanmates without shying away from the consideration that he could be right or wrong. He's not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, and he feels it's his job to look out for others - even if that means he doesn't always look out for himself either.

He doesn't always take the breaks he needs at first, in his apprenticeship. He pushes himself hard, eager to learn, eager to bolster his skillset and his abilities, eager to please. It's both his own personal wishes and the understanding that he is a capable person, as well as feeling like life is only going to give him what he tries to get out of it - which means he has to work hard for it.

It's clear that Pearlkit is very personable and charismatic. His smile lights up his entire face, his eyes; when he smiles, he means it, and it shines. He's very facially expressive, where his expression will often match what he's feeling, even if it's negative. Even as a kitten it's clear he doesn't rush into things and takes his time to observe first. The sort of kid that would be labelled as 'shy', except he's really not - he watches first, tries to understand it, then participates with much more confidence than before. In that way he may be considered an old soul - but it's more that he doesn't have the same knee-jerk reactive personality of many kittens. Sometimes it means he misses out on games or things that move on too quickly without him. It also means that often times, he gets along with people who are older than him and struggles at times to make friends with those of his own age.

From an early age, he'll have respect for others written into his moral code. By taking the time to listen, to enjoy the time with others, he'll come to understand the amount of work that goes into keeping a Clan running, that age does sometimes equate to wisdom - and will have to figure out that sometimes that isn't the case too. Simply, he's respectful of authority; maybe too much sometimes. He'll feel very deeply too, which makes him sensitive to criticism and injustice around him. He may also clash with others when it comes to a sense of justice, or interacting with someone who's an outsider; believing it's better to put one's best foot forward instead of closing doors right away.

That's not to say that he's not a kitten, or a young person at all. He'll get along with his siblings quite well, and have that older brother streak of egging them on a little bit more than he should and being a little bit too involved in their space until they start complaining - he's king of the 'older sibling' rights and he's not afraid to use it; because he's comfortable with them too. He's energetic, full of life, and sometimes that means putting his foot in his mouth or making mistakes. There will undoubtedly be times as an apprentice where he gets into trouble for straying too far or exploring something that caught his eye because he believes he's surveyed the risk "enough." Socially he'll always feel a little bit like he's watching from the outside in. But simply put, he'll always have a very strong, unapologetic sense of self, and the challenges that arise from that tenant of his personality will serve to push him in different directions and in different challenges that he will have to meet or beat, for good or for bad.

RELATIONS & INTERACTIONS — Oddgleam x Owlheart x Crowsight
⤹ littermate to TBD
— other kin
⤹ friends with TBD
— admires TBD ⋆ likes TBD
⤹ enemies with TBD - dude imaging having beef with a worm
— dislikes TBD ⋆ loathes TBD

can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions: easygoing and makes friends easily ⋆ trusts known faces well, is friendly with the benefit-of-the-doubt to those he does not
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels tbd ⋆ poor at tbd
— inspired by Hero from OMORI ⋆ smells like fresh rain
speech is #b6ccfe

All of these are loose ideas and open to discussion. I am very flexible with anything that pertains to 'pearlkit' and happy to discuss as needed!

⤹ fall of a hero .
— Pearlkit will take a lot of pride in looking after his siblings and being reliable; of being capable, a strong warrior. But as Pearlpaw, life will challenge him by (formally) developing asthma, a condition that will affect his endurance and his long-term stamina as he begins the challenges of training under a mentor in SkyClan. He will struggle with feeling limited by his own body, and forced to redefine his own personal values and intrinsic feelings about himself as he navigates a health challenge while maintaining his core values of looking after his family and being a reliable figure both within his own family and within his clan. He will struggle with occasional attacks and learning where his limitations are. He will learn that changing an idea of what you thought life would look like isn't a death sentence, and that it's still perfectly possible to be a strong 'support' role instead of the main 'hero' like he always dreamed of - and how that may even be better than he had planned for himself to begin with.

⤹ raised by the young .
— With young, inexperienced parents, there's no way that any kitten - even if their parents were experienced - would go through childhood without at least something they can look back on in their older years as a challenge they had to overcome. It will be no different for Pearlkit as the firstborn child, the eldest son. Feeling particularly responsible for his siblings and his family as a testament to his understanding of his role within his family structure, as well as the way he perceives his world and his place within it, he will often try to take on too much that a -kit or a -paw might not realistically be expected to be responsible for. Making sure his sibling stay out of trouble, making sure they've eaten, checking in on his parents; it will not be a crippling role that he takes on, but one that defines who is he as a person who feels responsible for those around him, even if his parents step up and take care of things too. It is more his personal feeling regarding his responsibilities, and will push him to be a person who, at least in his apprenticeship, puts others before himself way too often and challenge him by forcing him to define boundaries and what is actually realistic for someone of his age to take on.