NEW WEBBINGS — skyclan polycule litter. [CLOSED]

IT IS NOT DONE BUT FUCK IT IM IN THE RING... I also wanted to say thank you so much for the impromptu, short extension. Even if I don't get the slot, I appreciate the chance! Hurricane moment </3




PREFIX Cuckoo is a prefix gifted by their loving parents for their black and grey coat, reminiscent of the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). The prefix also serves as a homage to their dam Oddgleam, a name gifted by Crowsight.
SUFFIX Kit comes from their status within Skyclan, a mere pawn cocooned in the red strings of fate.

ALTERNATIVE NAMES (BOLDED IS A FAVORITE) Moonlitkit, Furzekit, Waxkit, Evergreenkit, Sloekit, Hushkit, Heartkit, Spinekit​


  • 31343C

    Cuckookit's purling fur and greyed colors may remind one of a gloomy sea or rolling stormclouds, ever-roiling and curling inwards. Their fur is long and plush, though leaden by the sheer amount of it, like murky skies of an impending storm. Underneath their heavy pelt, they are all sinew and skin - as if their fur aims to make them look larger. They are slightly smaller than average, even with their Maine Coon heritage, standing just below all of their parents in adulthood. Their angular features push just slightly out of plush features, looking almost like their father.

  • OVERARCHING TRAITS: Observant, Perceptive, Honest, Quiet, Secretive, Risk-averse, Brooding, Judgmental, Defeatist, Insecure, Disloyal, Adaptive, Soft, Forgiving, Affable, Informal, Serious, Unambitious, Clever, Tidy, Immaterialistic, Curious, Supportive, Sarcastic, Cowardly

    Crooked bird upon its perch, beady eyes only staring downwards to the ground it will not reach, not to the sky where it may escape.

    Cuckookit is remarked best by their cowardice and their quietude - often mistaken for gentleness, politeness, or passiveness. They tend to simply watch others without ever participating much, with anything of the sort having to be eked out of them. Stealth comes easy to them, shadowed by a life that seems too large for them to behold. Cuckookit is quite judgmental on the inside, which often twists outwardly upon their countenance and their mannerisms. All cats must have demons, they surmise, just as they do. Regardless, they seem to acknowledge the multi-faceted nature of personality even from a younger age. Although they do not often voice their opinions for fear of judgment, they tend to be quite perceptive of the emotional states and outward impressions of those around them. The eyes are the window to the soul, after all, but the face that hangs below is just as good of an indicator. Cuckookit has somewhat heavy people-pleaser tendencies. They often minimize themselves instead of uplifting others. Even if others do not deserve their forgiveness, they will often dole it out anyhow. They seem unable to stand up for themselves at times.

    They carefully calculate the risks that could come from anything potentially dangerous. Mouselike nerves have given them a hawklike gaze, threatened even by that which does not exist, except within the confines of their ever-broiling mind. They tend to be calculating and careful with their actions, not to salvage some reputation but to save themselves from some perceived harm. Their risk-averse nature causes them to detect the best time to detach themselves or to quit something that they perceive that they cannot do. Distant and aloof at times, Cuckookit assumes themself to lose before all. They falter away from most expectations and shy away from most ambitions. Cuckookit does not identify heavily with the Warrior Code and its preconceived notion of "honor." Like a cornered creature of prey, they shirk away from most common joys of apprenticehood, such as hunting or fighting. At a young age, they are starkly pacifistic, to the point where even eating prey makes their stomach churn at times. Despite being so averse to even the slightest hint of harm, they tend to be adaptive and are able to, ultimately, move through the life that terrifies and horrifies them. As if a shadow that melds to fit what lies to face the sun, they often traverse the world as if they are avoiding disaster at every turn.

    Despite the thorns that they guard themselves with, they wholeheartedly love their family and the cats within their clan more than anything. In fact, he considers sacrifices of the self ultimately those to serve his loved ones, believing them to be righteous in their own way. They will always try to save their clanmates over themselves. They also tend to be quite clever and witty at times, with wordplay coming swift and sharp from their tongue. However, they are not inherently a hateful cat - simply one whose patience flows and ebbs like the tides of the moon themselves. They tend to fit into a more supportive role than anything, allowing others to chase their dreams rather than aspiring to anything of their own accord. Their jaded demeanor is one honed by the wild winds of the world, but it is one that seems to have been present within them from the very start, impure and unrefined as their soul once was. Even through their naivete of childhood do they seem to see through the facade of society - and perhaps thinks of themselves better than those that do not.


    [ PLEASE NOTE that I am perfectly okay with discarding this long-term character arc if it is not what the parents want to happen or if it interferes with any future plans. This is just something that I felt would be incredibly interesting to play out. ]
    They are born to Owlheart, Oddgleam, and Crowsight. From the moment they open their eyes, they feel disconnected from the Warrior Code and are not beholden to their ideals, finding them silly at best and trite at worst.

    Somehow, Cuckoopaw is at the end of an attack by another clan cat, sustaining grave injuries and almost losing their life. They realize that they're too scared of death and failure to ever be a good warrior, so much so that they don't even want to be near the clans.
    They make a plan throughout the moon(s), thinking of how to perfectly escape with the littlest chance of anyone finding them. They are kinder and more gracious to their clanmates, knowing that this may be the last time that they ever see them. They want to spend more time with their siblings and parents, knowing that their disappearance would wound their hearts the most. They do not think of what would happen afterwards; on the contrary, the dire consequences of their betrayal of the Warrior Code is enough to push them further into their machinations.
    At the end of this act, they run away as they realize that clan life is not for them. They keep their name, Cuckoopaw, as they leave. They believe that they are not worthy of reinventing themselves, nor are they worthy of earning their true warrior name.

    They wander through the trenches of the Twolegplace city. After moons of subsisting on trash and carcasses, they are taken in by a generous Twoleg family. They are nursed back to health, and Cuckoopaw realizes that they are much better suited to be a housecat rather than a wildcat. After all, their caring nature comes into play well with the Twoleg family's several young children, and they feel that this is their calling.
    They will live just upon the outskirts of the neighborhood closest to the Skyclan territory. They stay indoors most times, avoiding any cat that could potentially know them. They will be discovered eventually, likely on complete accident.
    I imagine them taking on a Ravenpaw-esque role within the world of TabbyTales, in which they live away from the clans but would likely return to aid their former Clan during a great war.

    Explain here.
    Three rows.
    Explain here.
    Three rows.

    You can put anything here and format it however you want! Free space.
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eaglekit — alternatives: thrush, robin, lightning

⤹ afab ( him/they )
— sexuality will be determined through rp ⋆ mono or poly ⋆ too young
⤹ from skyclan, kit
— previous affiliations
⤹ 0 moons ⋆ ages every 12th ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by deidre

APPEARANCE — classic blue torbie w high white
⤹ carrying solid, non dilute, cinnamon, point⋆ masking black tabby

A fluffy blue, cream and white kitten, with deep orange eyes that look like amber. She will maintain an unkept pelt, often putting up a fuss if attempts made at cleaning it. (Help she's being tortured). Unfortunately, after grooming, she can be found often getting dirty again, someway, somehow. However, when groomed, she has wispy soft fur. (Reference hypokit.)

MENTALITY — ENTJ, ❝ the King of cups❞ ⋆ Ravenclaw ⋆ Libra
⤹ Eaglekits pokemon is Sandslash!
positive traits: Outgoing, Conformist
neutral traits: Diplomatic, Adventurous, Honest
negative traits: Impatient, Indecisive

Outgoing: Eaglekit wants to meet everyone. She is bubbly, curious, and easily exciteable. She can keep a conversation going for hours if it meant hanging out with someone. She wants to get to know her entire clan. She also entirely wants to make everything fun but still respect the people around her, their traditions, and that there's a time for fun, and a time for seriousness.

Justice: she is a rule follower, and she wants to keep her actions as good as possible. When she is older it is guaranteed that she will lay her life out for the clan. She is super protective of her siblings at first, but soon enough it spreads out to her entire clan as she gets to know them. She will always try to seek balance and justice, always trying to do what’s right in any situation.

Diplomatic; Eaglekit will have a way with words. She'll soon know what to say and how to say it to keep peace between others. Adventurous; blind to the horrors of the world, the only thing she's really scared of is the dark. (There's monsters in the dark, she swears it!) She absolutely wants to explore everything, but she wants to take her time with it. However, she doesn't trust that her siblings won't go headfirst into danger, so she prefers to take the lead.

Impatient: Eaglekit struggles with waiting for things, especially when eager to do said thing. She often doesn't understand time, so if you say you will do something with her, later is a hard word for her to understand. She is just excited and eager!

Indecisive: Struggles with making firm decisions in the face of many options. And often she will second guess herself, or do stuff she does not like to do just to make others happy. She often asks others on what to do, or pick. This even goes with her favorite color, unable to pick from several. Or even food, staring at the pile and unable to decide on what to pick.

Honest: at first believing honesty is important, she does not lie about what she thinks. Though upon realizing the impact it has, she will learn to tell what she can be honest about. Otherwise, she is never one to tell a lie, if she did something wrong, normally unintentionally, she will admit to it. However, sometimes if its to protect someone else, she will find that she will instantly say that she did it- even if she didnt.

RELATIONS & INTERACTIONS — Oddgleam x Owlheart (x Crowsight)
⤹ littermate to tbd
— Orangestar, Doeblaze, Blazestar, more.
⤹ friends with tbd
— admires tbd ⋆ likes n/a
⤹ enemies with tbd
— dislikes who ⋆ loathes who

Motifs: During moments of stress or chaos, she has a habit of instinctively rearranging small objects around her (like rocks, sticks, or other items in his environment) into neat patterns or designs. This action represents her natural inclination to bring order from chaos, even if the act itself is small and seemingly unrelated to the larger conflict. This will be while she is a kit, and young apprentice. When conflicts arise as she gets older, eagle will physically step between the arguing parties. Early on, this action is a bit hesitant, symbolizing her desire to avoid conflict. As she matures, the action becomes more deliberate and assertive, showing that she’s learned to mediate and de-escalate situations effectively. She will try to get both sides of the story, so that both sides can see where the other is thinking and coming from to bring a better sense of understanding when sometimes all they need to do is listen to each other.

Quirks: When Eagle is deep in thought or faced with a decision, her tail flicks rapidly back and forth. It’s a telltale sign that shes weighing options and needs to think on what to do next. Involuntarily, her nose will twitch when she's annoyed. If she's frustrated because of a complicated dilemma, or if the training session is harder than she would've expected.

Positive reaction to others, until proven otherwise. ⋆ Easy to gain her trust.
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at tracking, climbing trees ⋆ poor at decision making, feeling unsuccessful
— sounds like tbd ⋆ smells like chestnuts and maple leaves

⤹ Self Identification .
— she's going to struggle understanding why being called "beautiful" makes her feel weird and bashful. Shed much prefer as a child playing in mud, getting dirty, rough housing, and she is at first going to hate grooming big time. She's gonna be uncomfortable being referred to as she later in her life, but she's not gonna understand the turmoil quite yet till possibly early apprentice age in which shell admit shed rather be called he, or they.
⤹ Angst
— I can see her getting hurt trying to protect someone she cares about if it ever came to it. Or if it means protecting the clan, she may throw herself into situations to deprive herself of seeing someone else get hurt.
⤹ Things get serious
— Eaglekit is playing a game with others when because of her recklessness, someone gets hurt. At this point, she would realize she needs to be able to control herself and balance the fun with safety and responsibility.
⤹ Self doubt
— towards the beginning of her apprenticeship, she becomes scared. There's so many cats, and so many conflicts that happen that she is scared she won't be able to help her clan be the best they can be.

⤹ Playlist
"We can be heroes, just for one day." - 'heroes' by David Howe
"If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, I'll be the light to guide you." - count on me by Bruno Mars
"Everything you want's a dream away, we are legends every day." - adventure of a life time (Coldplay)

⤹ Pinterest
— tbd
⤹ Other
— I plan to have Eagle active with 5-10 posts! Good luck to all the other applicants!!!!!

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pretty much finished, may add some extras if i have the time

shade, willow, heron, wren, silk, velvet, juniper, laurel.
⠀⠀ᴋɪᴛ ᴏғ sᴋʏᴄʟᴀɴ | ᴄʀᴏᴡsɪɢʜᴛ x ᴏᴅᴅɢʟᴇᴀᴍ x ᴏᴡʟʜᴇᴀʀᴛ | 00 ᴍᴏᴏɴs ✦ AMAB | they/he⠀⠀

LH black smoke with low white⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Ravenkit is like a perfect blend of their blood-parents, with Crowsight's ebony black coating and Oddgleam's graceful, dainty frame. Inheriting maine coon traits, he is large pawed and big eared, especially for the kit's age; his tail's fur is long and full, as is most of their entire body, but somehow their overall shape is still delicate. He is handsome from the moment he is born, and he intents to take full advantage of it. Their height is average, despite the heritage - whether he will grow in size with age is a mystery.

Oval-shaped silver eyes widen at anything that excites him - new faces, new experiences; always seeking more, a deep seated hunger for information. Ravenkit is constantly getting their fur messed up, spiky and burr-like, due to their misadventures around camp ( poking their nose where it doesn't belong - where will he be today, Orangestar's den, or perhaps Fireflyglow's? Maybe he even snuck out ). Sticks and leaves are often weaved into their pelt, unruly and wild.

Stepping into apprentice moons and indulging in his casanova ways, Ravenkit will begin to care more about his appearance. Carefully grooming his pelt and fully embracing his already handsome physique to fully shine among the Clans. Wolfish grins and half-lidded eyes are always present on his face during his romantic endeavors. . .which may or may not include cats from other Clans.​

" something something something something "


moves on
enneagram: 2w3
moral alignment neutral good OR chaotic good
tarot cards: xix. the sun; two of cups; knight of cups.
aesthetics: sunlit gardens, citrus fruits, sunflowers, cheesy romantic comedies, leaving a trail of broken hearts, dandelion wishes, voice as sweet as honey.
temperament: Sanguine [dominant]
instinctual variant: sx/so

●●●● patience
●●●● empathy
●●●●● honesty
●●●●  humor
●●●●● ambition
●●●●●  volatility
●●●●● spirituality
●●●●●  happiness
●●●●●    warmth

Ravenkit is from the very start a warm, casual and laid-back individual. Cheerful and easygoing, he brightens up the room by just being present. They are easy to talk to and are friendly, constantly seeking out cats to talk to - be it in the nursery itself, or camp as a whole. All-smiles and sun-like, Ravenkit is a bundle of charisma from the moment they learn how to speak. Charming but terribly frivolous, this will follow him into his apprenticeship - gradually fading to show a serious and hard-working warrior.

He is honest, often bluntly so. While he is very open and can be generally considered to wear his heart on his shoulder, Ravenkit is rather reserved when it comes to talking about their family. He has a selfish side to him, and wants to take more than he gives ( in particular regarding love ), competing with siblings for parental affection. Despite this, they are close to their family as a whole, and gleefully enjoys teasing them as he sees fit, especially if they get riled up easily. Easy to befriend, Ravenkit can talk even with the outcasts and eccentrics of SkyClan.

As he grows, they will become a bit of a lover-boy, leaning into the selfishness that desires to be loved. Ravenkit desires validation and care; but they can show cruelty in the form of dumping someone when they can no longer provide him with as much affection as he wants, or when they want more love than he is willing to give. They will mellow out, with time.

Brilliant, but lazy — and to an extent Obfuscating Stupidity, Ravenkit has the potential to be great but is frankly too lazy to do so. He is good at things without really trying, and sees no point in improving when he's already above most his peers with his natural skillset​

positive: Kind-hearted, friendly, easygoing, charming.
neutral: Competitive, casual, non-committal, smooth.
negative: Blunt, dependent, selfish.
hidden: Cruel, self-indulgent.

fears. ── Abandonment ( not being loved ), never finding true happiness, death of family and friends, leaving no legacy ( and contradictory enough, having kids of their own ), commitment to relationships.
ambitions. ── Protecting family and friends, to prove themselves, finding a lifelong partner, righting the wrongs of his past, reconciling with an estranged family member ( due to his own actions, or something else )
mannerisms. ── Overuses the word 'like', stands too close to others, looks up when thinking, bobs head, waves paw dismissively, laughs nervously.


  • Often trips over their own paws as a kit, but they're seemingly unbothered by it.
  • Preferably the youngest born.
  • Loosely based off Kaoru Hakaze, from Ensemble Stars + Kel from Omori
  • Becomes a bit of a flirt during apprentice moons, seeking 24/7 attention from the other — he chases after she-cats, at first, but may go after toms later on.
  • Curious of other clans, especially WindClan whether they are told of Oddgleam's heritage or not.
  • Not really religious, more interested in Oddgleam's own rather than StarClan ( out of pure curiosity ).
  • Enjoys swimming, surprisingly
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi malesuada finibus venenatis. Proin a ligula quis sapien tempus aliquet eu ac justo. Morbi a enim ac mauris porttitor consectetur. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam porta vestibulum mi, ut gravida risus vulputate ut. Nam et mollis augue. Nulla vel libero in dolor accumsan porta mattis eu velit. Praesent quis ornare massa, sed vulputate nisl. Sed eu iaculis lacus. Integer nec efficitur ipsum. Nulla luctus nunc vitae nisl cursus pharetra. Vivamus et scelerisque lorem, eget laoreet dolor. Nam at odio non justo blandit viverra.​
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lovingly sliding in last second qwq

˗ˏˋ but the collar stays the same ´ˎ˗
'TBDKIT' ;; glass-boned dreamer​

a newborn, long-haired cryptic tortoiseshell with low white. she has tufted ears and a feathery tail, at its base a deceptive mimicry of Owlheart's warmth. she is a burly, heavy-pawed mimicry of her sire, Crowsight, in the overwhelming darkness of most of her coat and larger stature. with blaze-crested, yellow eyes and a tiara-like smattering of white and orange along her brow to break up the shadowy planes of her face.

*may make minor edits to the design to better reflect her parents​

  • oo. it's agonizing now, but.

    ⟡ . . . . .

    o1. this is nothing now.

    ⟡ The name for this application remains unchosen, to be picked IC! Just in case there's a name that really stands out to you guys as The One for a kit like this!
    my personal biases are yewkit, morningkit, hushkit but im literally open to anything <3

  • o2. people, just people.

    ⟡ While not unfriendly, the examples of socialization that she does have are two very opposing sides of a very awkward spectrum. Oddgleam and Crowsight are of a very reserved, kindly nature (though the former has some tendencies towards bluntness) and even Owlheart seems flustered by the realm of socialization... paired with the nerves of being new parents and their loving hovering, she feels fulfilled by her friendships with her parents and litter-mates and doesn't seek to form bonds outside of that. Kit's ability to create sincere friendships is minimal at best, uncertain how the steps towards lasting friendship start; given her affinity for sickness and the isolation that comes with recovery, the opportunities to practice are few and by the time her immune system stabilizes into apprenticeship, the gap between herself and her peers becomes daunting.

    o3. they're not enough.

    ⟡ Oddgleam, Crowsight and Owlheart are the most functional example of true romance that she has and they are openly sincere in their affections. She assumes them the norm, encouraged to explore... She learns what she wants in the little moments of cheeks pressed close, of murmured 'I love yous' and in all of her time bored and alone, Kit develops a hopeless romanticism; daydreaming of whatever cat may someday sweep her off her feet and cater to her, cherish her in all the ways her parents are cherished and cherish each other. Desperation for meaningful connection as she grows older makes her hungry and possessive of those she considers 'hers.' Crushes are many and confessions proclaimed loudly... she is bound to face rejection and must come to terms early on that not everyone is allowed to have a girlfriend and a boyfriend and a girlboyfriend and-. Her idea of what love is and what it actually requires are in dissonance, as she struggles to bring depth to her relationships by keeping others at arm's length. She is good at performing the actions of affection but not at understanding the emotion and openness behind it.

    ⟡ Her relationship with her parents is one of the few securities she feels she has outside of her siblings. They are a constant force of reassurance, gentleness (and well-meaning anxiety). Their doting teaches her that she is a prize above all others and in that regard, understands parents to be the providers of all a child's greatest wants. They turn dreams into reality and when confronted with parents who don't drop everything to accommodate their young, she becomes confused (and thus, forms an entitlement around the attention of her parents. Why do they have to work? Why can't they just stay in the nursery with her, Oddgleam, and the other kittens all the time?)

    KEY RELATIONSHIPS include Owlheart, Oddgleam, Crowsight, blah, blah, blah.

    o4. i vow not to lose.

    ⟡ She is to be a lazy apprentice.... she is often too absorbed in her own head to care to attend to her chores but does not complain when forced. She doesn't put a lot of effort in hunting or learning anything outside of combat; the thrill of a fight is a rush that reminds her that she still has life left to live. She struggles to be social but doesn't seem to mind how much time she spends alone... It would be in everyone's best interest not to get attached to her anyways, right?

  • o5. to anyone in my class.

    ⟡ Able-bodied and capable of physical movements. Does not struggle with vision, hearing, or speech.
    ⟡ Immune system is poor... this isn't the fault of her genes, just the unfortunate cruelty of worsening weather in her formative moons. She struggles from her birth to cling to good health, constantly sick and generally weak as her muscles work to keep up with her development. She will be less prone to sickness in her apprenticeship but still more likely to be ill than others her age...

    o6. aren't i such a lovely child.

    ⟡ Mentally sound other than a constant battle to stay present... reality is not a welcome friend, dismally aware of her poor health through most of her youth and fearing it an imminent mark of her untimely death. Kit spends much of her time daydreaming if not completely dissociative... It's nicer in her head, where she can pretend she is a great warrior, a fearsome leader, a beloved mate to someone with a kind smile.
    ⟡ Contrary to her dislike for acknowledging that she may not live a long life due to her struggling health, she is not fearful of much... Subscribes to a 'if it happens, it happens' view of life up until the odds look bad... then she grow unpredictable and desperate. She is not half so brave as she thinks she is.

    o7. love me i beg, love me i beg.

    ⟡ Cutesy and fluffy, generally considered adorable at a young age... Her fur ends up often lacking care, the ick of illness never quite leaving long enough to waste energy on grooming. Doesn't mind others doing it for her, as she enjoys being cared for (and expects it, really) but can't be convinced to do it herself in most cases. 'Messy' and oily from lack of consistent bathing, she is considered grimy in her adulthood.

    long-hair tortoiseshell with low white
    carries ... dilute, cinnamon, albinism​


  • o8. love me i beg, i'll give you everything.


    EMPATHETIC to the point of ABSORBING
    FEARLESS to the point of RECKLESSNESS
    UNHURRIED to the point of AMBITIONLESS

    She believes herself to be a ghost of potential.... She's present, but only in a superficial sense and her awkward shuffling dance with death has encouraged her into a feigned maturity regarding fear and inevitability of death. In an effort to be emotionally available to others, she has a habit of mirroring the emotions of those around her rather than forming her own... She can be morbid, tactless, though she believes herself to be empathetic in her extensions of understanding. "You don't need to be afraid," but it's reasonable to be scared. "It doesn't hurt," but hiding it makes it worse. She thinks herself fearless because she has been so approximate to StarClan's embrace that there is nothing worth fearing... certain that she is doomed to a less-than-long life, she relishes in moments that most make her feel alive; near-death is yet another day we say "until next time" to our star-ward ancestors. It is just a game of tag.
    Generally considered lazy, her lack of presence and attention makes her prone to forgetfulness, eager to escape the monotony of life when it doesn't suit her. She'd much rather sit with her head in the clouds, making up stories about grand adventures than going through the truth of life: it's slow moments. She hungers for fast-faced results and struggles without instant gratification. She lacks discipline... doesn't think to wake up early in the morning... doesn't fear scolding if she fails to do her chores... and when confronted with her lack of responsibility, she doesn't complain. She tends to get into trouble through simple lack of applying herself and until harshly corrected by her parents, doesn't really seem impacted by punishment.

    [ this is just a rough idea so it's a little wonky and contradictory while I figure out how to word the exact vibe im going for ]

    o9. but in return, but in return.

    ⟡ damsel in distress
    daydreamer that rarely comes down from the clouds
    the secret garden (sickly rich kid that just wants to experience the world before dying)
    fearless up until the final moment, terrified in the last
    cardinal sin of sloth

  • 1o. i'll make you share this hatred i bear.

    KIT !!

    history as a kit

    TEEN !!

    history as an apprentice

    WARRIOR !!

    history as a warrior

    * skills reflect projected skills as an ADULT

    HUNTING: ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    FIGHTING: ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇
    CLIMBING: ◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇
    SWIMMING: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    MEDICINE: ◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    LEADERSHIP: ◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

  • I have no immediate plans to kill her off super young by any means... I expect her to reach warriorhood without issue, she's just more prone to sickness and has a "weird girl" attachment to death after being sick in her young life.

    - lots of imagery of warmth through overwhelming cold. how your fingertips burn with frostbite. the way your breath catches in your chest just before you realize you're sick. the warmth of spring rain.
    loosely clings to reality, fears it too fleeting to be worth dedicating sincere thought to. struggles with names as a side effect, not out of malice but out of lack of attention.
    - has a love for combat because of the way it makes her feel in touch with her physical self, pain is Interesting rather than something feared. eager for confrontation...
    - fairly sickly in her childhood, no fault of her genes but just poor luck in worsening weather. the coddling that comes with the fear of her poor health inspires a sense of self-inflated importance. attention is owed to her... and she assumes that her every beck and call is to be tended to. takes advantage of her history of a flimsy, frail thing in her apprenticeship to get out of doing real work, preferring to sit in the trees and day dream. bird watch. cloud gaze.


    -> accidentally walks into having several little "girlfriends/boyfriends" as an apprentice, assumes their attention is sorta owed to her because she's so sickly that any time spent with her is a blessing right? fails to realize that polyamory is not the norm, gets into trouble with said partners once they discover she's promised herself to ALL of them... oh lord
    -> makes friends with another child that kinda takes on a 'protector' role since she fails to protect herself... this kit recognizes her hapless nature and ends up being one of her very first close friends... they are at constant odds with eachother in an affectionate way, bickering about her penchant for fighting and how she ought to do more to preserve her own health
    -> struggles to remember the names of others because she's so inattentive... makes up names for others that are "Close but not quite" up until someone gets really mad about it and then falls back to using "you" or "they" or "that cat from before" to describe who she's talking about... may prove a complication later in life when trying to relay important information
    -> thinking that she is 'mature' for her age, she tends to favor the presence of adults over her peers and though adults are kind, they are not quite going to have the same level of depth with someone not even half their age as she would with her den-mates... will often cling to her parents into apprenticeship and won't find her own footing until later
    -> surprisingly devout follower of the warrior code... her romanticism of life includes the concepts of honor and dying with noble intentions. is also just completely lacking in investment in knowing the other clans to be bothered to consider romance in other places...

[ template by tikki, with some silly little modifications by me ]​
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this litter is now officially CLOSED

you guys made it so hard to choose!!! and we absolutely loved every application and spent a generous amount of time reading through these! thank you all so much for applying. juice, velou and i loved seeing the interest <33 all the applications were compelling and we hope to see you in skyclan. we went back and forth on our choices and decided to up the slots to 5 since we loved everyone's applications so badly we couldn't pick! ultimately, we have decided that....

the chosen five are:
@Noia with pearlkit, @tempest with cuckookit, @tieirlys with tbnkit, @BossTaurus with brightkit & @nocthymia with ravenkit

one of us will add you to a Discord group chat to plot further, but again you'll only have a few days until the birthing thread is up c: ​