camp no faith, big believer | patrols

Even in the long pine shadows, the Greenleaf air glitters with heat. The deputy chooses one of the thickest patches of shade to make her daily announcements in, a near-permanent line of umber across the grassy camp floor thrown by the Tallbranch. A dainty paw draws through her lush white coat, deftly untangling its strands as though shaking out stray motes of warmth. "SkyClan!" she calls, voice warbling in the muggy day. "Time for patrols." Her tail whips steadily behind her, drawing currents of slight wind over her sun-sagged back. Hot as it is, the movement is still welcome.

Both the scorching eye of the Greenleaf sun and the bodies bloodied by rogues weigh on her as she sizes up the SkyClan gathering before her. She imagines there would be little enthusiasm over going out today, not even from the newly-apprenticed cats fighting against their mentor's reigns, but evil would never rest. "Greeneyes, you're taking Owlheart and Tawnyclaw to the loner lands at dawn." Cherryblossom doesn't know how much she trusts the genial lead warrior to keep her siblings safe on one of their most dangerous borders now, but his presence was better than sending them there with an even younger warrior. Which begs the question of why she'd send them there in the first place, but her mind is already skipping onto the next set of cats.

She pinpoints her mother's fiery crown easily, even admidst her many taller subordinates. "Orangestar, the other dawn patrol is yours. Take Figfeather and Coyotecrest." RiverClan was never a problem, and ThunderClan posed none ever since Raccoonstripe's foray into their territory; she thinks of Howlingstar holding a tight leash on him, and it brings a faint smile to her lips. Besides, the other two warriors certainly wouldn't be pushovers when it came to this kind of thing either.

While not the most intimidating, citrine eyes settle upon a certain bed-headed visage as her next victim. "You'll be following them for the dusk patrol, Dogbite. Quillstrike and Lupinesong," she hesitates to not just say "Lu," there, and the enunciation of her full name makes her giggle a bit inside, "you're going with him." A funny thought, Dogbite being flanked by two of the tallest warriors in the clan. And the clan-occupied borders weren't the most contested ones today, thank StarClan.

Speaking of contested borders... "Slate, you and Oddgleam can go to the Twolegplace for the other dusk patrol. Fireflyglow will be tagging along with you." Certainly there were herbs only twolegs could cultivate, valuable enough to risk their lives along the concrete strip for. Whatever challenge could present them, she's sure her former mentor could more than likely solo it.

Cherryblossom flicks her ash-dappled tail and reminds herself to stand a little straighter. "Our hunting leads today are Silversmoke and Johnnyflame." She sends the odd-eyed lead warrior a look, as if daring him to find some issue in his position in relation to Johnnyflame this time. "Crowsight's in charge of training." Bleh, she'd probably sleep through the whole thing if she was attending, what with the detailed, no-holds-barred explanations of what exactly everyone was doing wrong that he was sure to give. Luckily, she was deputy, and she would have better things to do.

With a slight shake of her coat, she meows, "Alright, dimissed." Should she have assigned a group of cats to gather water too? Maybe that would be her self-assigned task for the day, provided nothing bad happened...

ooc: patrol leaders will be the first ones listed for each patrol! to be tagged for patrols your character must be on the census

dawn #1 (loner lands board): @GREENEYES , @Owlheart , @Tawnyclaw , @FLUFFYPAW , @Dogwoodkit
dawn #2 (riverclan board): @Orangestar , @FIGFEATHER , @Ashpaw , @Daisypaw , @Blazingpaw
dusk #1 (thunderclan board): @DOGBITE , @QUILLSTRIKE , @LUPINESONG , @HOLLYPAW , @stormpaw
dusk #2 (twolegplace board): @SLATE , @ODDGLEAM , @Fireflyglow , @COFFEEPAW

hunting #1: @SILVERSMOKE
optional prompt: you find a couple of frogs! they're just sitting there, chilling in a little pond. do you hunt them?
hunting #2: @Johnnyflame
optional prompt: the flies are getting really annoying on this patrol; how do you deal with it?
training: @CROWSIGHT

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
The border with the unclaimed lands has been dangerous as of late; her own father had been found dead there. Fluffypaw's pelt prickles along her spine as she goes to join her mentor near the Highbranch. Cherryblossom's voice rings out clear and high; she organizes patrols with an absentminded efficiency. Her paws tremble as she nears Greeneyes' flank; the tortoiseshell chimera peers up at him with big green eyes. "Is it... safe? At dawn? Will they still be sleepin'?" Her tone is stuttering and hesitant, and her gaze shimmers with apprehension.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 8 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

At Cherryblossom’s call, Sangriapaw is quick to come running. Patrol assignments! She hopes she and Johnnyflame get assigned to go somewhere fun, like the ShadowClan—no, ThunderClan—border! Fluffypaw gets assigned to go to the border with the loner lands, but she asks whether it’s safe to go. Sangriapaw steps closer to her cousin and uncle, green eyes bright as she attempts to be encouraging. "Don’t worry, you’re with Greeneyes," she says, an attempt to comfort her worried cousin. "The foxes and stuff won’t even be there at dawn! And if they are, all ya have’ta do is get to a tree before they getcha." That’s what Johnnyflame told her—if there’s ever a threat while they’re patrolling, she should try to climb into a tree quickly.

Her mentor’s name is called, and the torbie’s attention flits from her cousin and back to the deputy. Cherry blossom tells Johnnyflame to lead a hunting patrol, which is boring, and Sangriapaw frowns. "I wish I got to go to the loner lands, too," she says to Fluffypaw, a bit of petulance creeping into her tone. Instead of possibly getting to fight rogues or foxes, she has to just do the same thing she always does… she looks to her mentor, kind of hoping that Johnnyflame will protest their assignment.

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Tufted ears twitched as Cherryblossom announced the patrols, his eyes burning a hole in the space above his Deputy's head as he was reminded of what happened the last time she hosted. He'd gone with Johnnyflame and, whilst the patrol itself had been fine, the other's motives were still burned into the back of his mind like a grudge that wouldn't quite go away. A pointed stare from Cherry suggested she felt a similar distaste, enough to avoid placing him with his friend to the point where they were attending opposing patrols. Whiskers shifted in compliant acknowledgment of the decision, swallowing down the lump of dread that formed in his throat at the idea of guiding his clan in hunting. It had never been his strong suit, nor did he think he would miraculously improve by midday. Regardless, a job was a job, and, turning to Emberpaw, he mewed, "We'll use the opportunity to perfect your hunting in the trees." Too soon was her warrior ceremony coming up, though he had a duty to keep his clan fed, he had a duty to his apprentice to make sure she was ready. Craning his head back towards the Deputy, he mewed "It will be done, Cherryblossom."
"Um, Cherryblossom? You forgot me."

A small voice makes a large demand at the tricolor molly's paws. Oleander had been quite good, gathering at the call for SkyClan like she had. She is a SkyClanner, even if just barely, so she thinks it would be naughty not to gather when called. But she's been skipped over. It's obviously a mistake. Cherryblossom had addressed nearly every other cat she'd met so far and then some — but she hadn't asked for Oleander, or any of Oleander's littermates, or even Oleander's mother. Were they not SkyClanners, then? The idea distresses her.

She does not express this worry with her tongue; rather, her wispy tail lashes behind her, ears angling to the sides of her head. Surely Cherryblossom would give her a job to prove her allegiance to the Clan? Oleander had worked awfully hard to get here, and she thinks Lovage would be angry if she stopped being a SkyClanner all of a sudden. She sits patiently, still among milling warriors' paws, and waits for the deputy's answer.

  • ooc.
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 02 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse


Sangrias disappointment didn’t go unnoticed- hell, if Johnny was honest, he was hiding his own disappointment as well. It’s been nice patrolling with Silversmoke, and a part of him had foolishly wished to see it happen again even if he knew the odds of it happening were low. ”I know, lass. That’s another lesson to learn, though; not all jobs are fun. Sometimes the most important stuff is the most boring. Can’t be about guts and glory all the time.”

Life itself was like that in a lot of ways. Things would ultimately happen that were beyond your control, and no amount of whining or bargaining would change it. ”Think of it this way; there are cats in camp who won’t eat unless we hunt for them. All the kits, the elders, the injured, and the nursing queens. They’d go hungry without us putting in the work to feed them, and we can’t have that, can we?”

At the very least, she could take solace in the fact that it wasn’t pointless[/] work, and that her efforts -and boredom- would be well worth whatever pains it cost her.

don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
Anglin’ a shredded ear, Duskpool rumbled, shiftin’ a bulky frame from one paw to another, wooly plumage sweepin’ across the ground, no doubt collectin’ whatever strewn across the ground to later be plucked out ( if he wasn’t dead on his paws by nighttime ). “Reckon we’ll join one of the huntin’ groups.” He muttered lowly, tossin’ a glance toward his brother who strolled up with a rumbled purr, shoulders bumpin’ casually.

A brow rose in response, helm tiltin’ to watch lips split in a cheeky grin, molten hues crinklin’ mischievously. “Ain’t want nothin’ part of whatever ya got cookin’ up in that head of yers.” He muttered, turnin’ away from the shadowed daylighter with a mirthful chuff, dead set on ignorin’ the snickerin’ tom. Odd habits die hard, don’t they? It felt as if nothin’ changed despite bein’ apart for moons, fallin’ seamlessly in step with one another like breathin’. It was … Duskpool wouldn’t dare say this out loud, but it was nice to fall into somethin’ he thought long gone.
thought speech
Alternately colored paws dutifully follow after the dainty steps of Oleander, plopping itself down beside her with a nod. It hasn't really listened to what she's saying, not entirely sure what's going on. Really, the only thing it knows is that its sister was walking away, so it was bound to follow. "Mhm," Mercury mews in its still small voice, eyes not even focused on Cherryblossom, instead wandering through the crowd and taking in the many different SkyClanners gathered around to hear what they're to do. It's eyes glide over to Oleanderkit, who seems both determined and slightly bothered. "What she said." It leans against Ollie in a supporting manner, its head flopping against her shoulder, though the initial goal becomes unimportant as it immediately makes itself comfortable, eyes already sliding halfway closed to try to nap on her shoulder.​
As Cherryblossom extricates herself from the clan's spotlight, a torn ear catches the errant meow of Sangriapaw moving towards Fluffypaw. The interaction of the two tortoiseshell apprentices calls forth a memory, one before the journey of two seasons ago, where she once wore Sangriapaw's pelt and insisted on the excitement of danger to Lupinepaw. She hides the nostalgia of her smile in the one she sends to Silversmoke, crisp and cooling at the edges. "As expected of you, Silversmoke." That's a good line, she thinks to herself. It's one that'd come straight out of Orangestar's mouth.

As though by habit, her eyes bounce off Silversmoke immediately to Johnnyflame. She can't quite read him through the ever-genial smile he puts up for his apprentice, so she settles for imagining the lead warrior mildly disappointed inside. Speaking of hard-to-read—two, hulking shadows at the edge of crowd catch her gaze next. The calico watches Duskpool and Duskpool's clone with detached amusement. It's not incredibly weird for another face in his past to pop up in the clan, but it is weird for them to be wearing his.

Her procession away is interrupted by a reedy little whistle. Citrine eyes snap down, her knee-jerk frown held in check by a wide, dreamy gaze. This kit knows her name—as all kits should—but she can't seem to recall hers. After her traipses something presumably her littermate, but despite its claim her question seems to matter only to her. "I didn't," she says simply, perhaps coldly to such an impressionable mind. "Kits don't go on patrols." The deputy says it like it's obvious. "Find a mossball to play with, or something," she offers before striding off.

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags