camp NO ONE LIVES FOREVER ! patrol return

Centipedepaw, Twitchbolt says—a name that flushes Blazestar through with warm shame, with regret. The Ragdoll turns to look at his lead warrior, and then his gaze flicks to Figfeather, who approaches another topic with hesitancy. She asks if Wolfpaw and her four moon old denmates are to return to the nursery. He frowns, then shakes his head. “Wolfpaw, Blazingpaw, and Hawkpaw will need time to recover, but I will not undo their apprentice ceremonies.

After a few heartbeats, his gaze trailing over the injured, fragile bodies of his grandkits once more, he murmurs, “But they will all remain campbound until their sixth moon. Orangeblossom, Twitchbolt, you may practice hunting and fighting techniques inside camp with your apprentices if you wish, but there will be no patrols for them—for now.

, ”
Silversmoke's whiskers quivered in anger, the tom's voice caught in his throat. No words would make it right anyways, even if the kittens were not too young to be apprentices, they were certainly too young to be venturing as far as the borders. It was a costly mistake, but only one that was recognised in hindsight. Tufted ears twitched as the conversation between Blazestar and the Queens led to the proposal of a new code, unsheathe claws writhing in the snow below. The others were too heartbroken to think of revenge, but the Lead Warrior thought he knew just the justice for messing with SkyClan faithfuls. Enough time had passed for the Lead Warrior to move towards Slate and Dogbite, misgivings forgiven whilst he dreamt of dead rogues. "We're going rogue hunting," he huffed with a deep nod and the lash of a feathery tail, not waiting for permission. Three of SkyClan's largest, two of their most combative, if they could find Duskpool along the way, he figured the aggressors would not stand a chance (especially if the young Howlfire had managed to down one). "No apprentices, I trust that won't be a problem?" It seemed too risky, given the events of the day.


As Howlfire says her plea, other cats share their opinions too, and it seems she is not the only one who shares the belief that kits at four moons are too small to be doing this sort of work. Coyotecrest, Bobbie, Butterflytuft, and Figfeather all share her passion, pleading with Blazestar to make a change and do something.

And do something he does. Blazestar takes on their impassioned pleas, vowing to propose a new addition to the warrior code at the next gathering, and even if the other leaders did not accept the suggestion he would put it into place in SkyClan at least. Howlfire's eyes shimmer with tears and she nods her head at her father. "Thank you, Blazestar," She mews softly. She isn't sure she could find the right words to express her gratitude not just for her kits but for all the future youth of SkyClan.
The smell of blood is heart-wrenching, and it's detectable far too easily the moment the patrol of cats finally arrive back to camp. Fireflypaw is quick to follow behind his mentor, tail raised high in worry. There are injured apprentices, cats shouting for Dawnglare and in the thick of it, a conversation with his father. Howlfire speaks out, then Butterflytuft, then Bobbie- it is palpable, the energy in the air. A mother's worry, stronger than any cat tenfold. He brushes his nose against his sister's ear, a comforting hum leaving him. "We'll take care of them." He promises, Dawnglare's orders sounding not soon after. He dips his head to the high priest, turning on his heel and rushing back to the medicine den to prepare nests.

Poppy seeds are set before each nest where they're needed, digging through the mess of herb supplies to gather marigold and set it aside just in case. Dawnglare didn't order the delightful-smelling herb, but Fireflypaw would be prepared- infection could happen far too easily if they couldn't clean the wound completely. As Dawnglare tells the cats to settle down, Fireflypaw moves aside to let the cats settle into the nests before sightless blue eyes peer in the direction of the entrance of the den.

"We have.. Lots of work to do." He hums softly. I pray Mother doesn't decide to take any of these cats tonight.
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He stood there in the group of gathered cats, his lone eye casting a watchful gaze over the scene unfolding. The words of the queens, each pleading for the safety of their kits, reverberated in the tense air. Dogbite, hardened by the trials and tribulations of his own life, had initially held a resolute stance against any plea from the rogues. The fiery need to defend Skycaln and his friends had set him on a path of unyielding determination. However, as the voices of desperation and pain reached his ears, a crack appeared in Dogbite's stoic facade. The realization struck him with the force – these kits were too young to be dragged into the violent clashes. His mind raced back to the memory of Littlepaw, his own apprentice, the smallest among them during their ceremony. The vulnerability he had ignored in his eagerness to mentor, leading to the young cat's injuries.

Shame and regret gnawed at him, the tattered ears of the scarred tabby burning with humiliation. The queen's claims, once dismissed, now held an undeniable truth. Blazestar's staggered tone, full of conviction, cut through Dogbite's contemplation, anchoring him in the present. With a silent nod, he pledged his commitment to the new law being enacted, a law born out of the need to protect the youth from the brutal realities of clan life. The paw's were victims in this altercation and did not deserve to be stripped of their titles but no other child should face the same pain they had. His gaze followed Silversmoke as the tom moved through the crowd, a flame of rage now burning within Dogbite. Joining the ranks beside the silvery feline, he spoke with a cool intensity. "No apprentices." The decision was made, a resolute agreement to the terms set forth. He would not allow another young cat under his guidance to face the risks of battle, and these rogues would face the consequences of their disgusting actions.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Blazestar’s words cast water on the fire that had been burning her stomach with anxiety. He will attempt to add a new law to the Warrior Code, and even if he is unsuccessful he will change the age of apprenticeship in SkyClan alone. Tears of relief gather in her eyes as she hurriedly dips her head to her former mentor, breath hitching in her throat. “Thank you, Blazestar,” The queen utters, voice breaking with the emotion that weighs on her heart. She glances towards the nursery again, suddenly feeling an urge to rush back to her kittens, to lick and snuggle them and keep them warm, but her friend needs her. She touches her tail tip to Howlfire’s shoulder and offers her a sympathetic glance. She’s here to help if she needs her. Her gaze then falls to the apprentices that lay sprawled across the ground, somber frown deepening.
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