NO ROAD TO LEAD US BACK // Requesting Audience

The crisp morning air felt nice as it blew through her fur, it’s found she actually doesn’t mind walking downwind in this moment. It’s unfortunate for their later border patrols, however, the wind was bringing in the scent markings of ThunderClan far into their territory. It’d be a lot for them to clean up, but she knows her warriors cat handle it despite the wounds many of them suffered.

This patrol, however, was relatively healthy. Despite all but her fighting in the battle the wounds of the accompanying warriors were minimal, all that showed in evidence of the raid were scabs and the scent of poultice clinging to their pelt.

She feels nothing but pride with both deputy and loyal warriors at her side, she has low expectations for this patrol but their strength and loyalty sends a rejuvenating wave of confidence over her. Even if they left without achieving what they were looking for, they were still WindClan, a clan so powerful the entire forest feared them!

Planting her paws at the border she glances to Badgermoon and nods, while they wait they should make some progress on marking the border. She suspects a dawn patrol will be arriving in just several heartbeats now, but to be sure they were aware of their presence she goes ahead and yowls into the black forest. ”WindClan requests the audience of Howlingstar!”

// @Badgermoon @LAMBCURL. @Firefang (and any of their apprentices)
no need to wait!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 39 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Harrierkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ mentor to N/A
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.


It was not a smell they often encountered much on their territory. Despite how divisive Sootstar's rule was, the moor clan had largely left them to their business until now.

He is on patrol, his two apprentices close at his heel when the strong scent of WindClan hits him. He tenses for a moment, half expecting to come across a hidden hunting patrol, but no it's Sootstar herself along with several cats, one of which Flycatcher recognises as his fellow deputy Badgermoon.

He pads warily out of the undergrowth, silently regarding the moorland cats before Sootstar makes her demand. "Burnpaw, Roepaw, one of you go back to camp and fetch Howlingstar," He instructs calmly. When one of them leaves, he turns his attention back to the WindClan patrol before him. Despite his own suspicions and concerns he remains civil for now, dipping a head politely. "WindClan," He says in greeting. Nothing more will be said from the deputy until ThunderClan's leader joins them.

@BURNPAW ! @. Roepaw . obligatory apprentice tag

There were two borders that she absolutely despised patrolling...Shadowclan and Windclan. If she had to pick one over the other, she would probably loathe Shadowclan more. Pitchstar was a deranged tyrant, no better than a rapid animal. She couldn't recall the clan ever battling Windclan, but she still did not like their leader.

She was on the same patrol as her mate, and she too scented the stench of Windclan nearby. A growl rumbles in her throat, but she pushes it off as maybe a simple border patrol. As they get nearer, she finds that she couldn't be more wrong. Sootstar. Why was she here? She had made sure her last patrol here had behaved civil. As her mate orders his apprentices to fetch their leader, she remained silent, watching the other clan's patrol suspiciously. Were they here to fight? She wasn't quite up to her former strength yet from having kits, but she would definitely shred them if that were the case. Her gaze slowly scanned the area, looking to see if there was any evidence of more nearby. Windclan fought wouldn't surprise her if there was another patrol nearby for an ambush. Hurry Howlingstar...
A yowl into their forest makes Stormpaw's head jerk up. From the words used and the specific voice, Stormpaw knew immediately it was the WindClan leader. Her first time meeting Sootstar had been from the last gathering, in which had implanted an unpleasant view of her in the young four-moon-old's eyes.

Drawing close at the tail-end of the patrol, she watched her father carefully as he handled it. Stormpaw remained quiet and observant. What audience would there be? She wondered, as she drew close to her mentor's side. If they wanted to attack like they had done to RiverClan, they would all be ambushed by now. She reasoned, trying to still her trembling heart.



The crack, the boom, the chorus of gasps in surprise. No cat would ever forget the lightning strike marring the leader's stone, scorching it black with soot; nor would they forget the place its violent descent had landed it. Had they been in the midst of the gathering instead of just beginning: Sootstar would surely be dead. He wondered vaguely what purpose the sign held that could be anything but negative for the ashen she-cat had announced otherwise and insisted it be a sign of her high praise. Sunfreckle was not so convinced, all he heard of WindClan was blood and war. ThunderClan had fortunately never once crossed the moorland cat's paths in any particular way but supposed that changed today...

The gathering had been an ordeal, he'd quietly dipped his head in face of the screams and yowls of RiverClan and WindClan at eachothers throats for blood shed so it was jarring to see the moorland leader so calmly at their border as though she had not been spit upon by StarClan itself and demanded severance for her clans woes. Sunfreckle, despite his missing limb, at least cut an imposing figure so he wandered forward with his head held high despite the uneasiness washing over his pelt to stand alongside Flamewhisker in silent solidarity. If this came to blows, if something happened, he would not be so merciful as he was to the ShadowClan patrol desperate and starving on their lands; no, he'd learned his lesson. You let a cat slip once and they came back to bite you. WindClan would not be given any leniency if this was anything but some peaceful discussion.
The red tabby planted his 20lb of height and weight, long fur making him larger, right there on standby and hoped he did not look as nervous as he felt.

WindClan was not one he was overtly familiar with, not like SkyClan but what he was familiar with was the hushed whispers, the disgusted looks that usually accompanied the name and the way the other leaders talked about them on the great rock so he could easily guess that they were not a clan that was well liked by the rest of them. He looks to his mentor for guidance in this situation and he tells Burnpaw and Roepaw to go get Howlingstar, one of them at least.

He nods his head indicating that he would go and he turns and as fast as he can races back to camp to retrieve his grandmother.

// retrieving @HOWLINGSTAR

Even though she had been watching as the Windclan patrol approached, Cloudypaw gave a start as their leader let out a sharp yowl for audience. She stared at her with wide eyes. Sootstar, the terrifying leader she had only seen from afar at gatherings, stood before her, her warriors close behind.

Cloudypaw kept close to her mentor Flamewhisker, the tense silence that had fallen over the Thunderclan patrol weighing heavily upon her back. She squirmed under the weight of it, never taking her eyes off the Windclan leader. Dread wormed its way into her heart. Whatever Sootstar had come to say, it couldn't be good, she was sure of it. Nothing good could ever come from a cat like that coming to call upon them.​
As soon as her grandson tells her that WindClan's leader is at their border, Howlingstar is on her paws and looking around camp for her own apprentices. She waves them over with a flick of her tail, as while her stomach begins to twist with nervousness, she knows this is a learning opportunity. She promised them they will always be at her side and Sootstar or not, she intends to keep that promise. "Watch over camp while I'm gone," She instructs a nearby senior warrior, knowing her entire council is currently out of camp at the moment. With that, she follows Burnpaw back to the WindClan border at a brisk pace.

When she arrives, she does so with an air of authority about her. Powerful legs stride forward towards the dirt path that marks their territory. "Hello, Sootstar. To what do I owe this pleasure?" She trills evenly. There is no friendliness nor malice in her voice, only neutrality. The tabby comes to a halt in front of her deputy and lead warriors, although a swift side-glance tells them to stay on-guard. She has no idea what this visit is about, and she's both eager and anxious to find out.

❪ TAGS ❫ — Snakepaw must say, being the deputy's apprentice was pretty nice and provided him with many opportunities. He had accompanied the first raid patrol to RiverClan and now he was accompanying Badgermoon, a couple of other warriors, and not to mention Sootstar herself to an important meeting with ThunderClan.

The obsidian youth stood tall and proud now, head held high as he stood with his fellow WindClanners. He says nothing as Howlingstar approaches the border and commences a conversation with Sootstar, though he rakes his emerald gaze over the ThunderClanners. Snakepaw hoped they were intimidated by them, as they should be.

There was quite a lot of ThunderClanners present already. If anything were to happen, then the patrol would have a decent fight on their paws. Not that it would be too much of a struggle, though; WindClan was the strongest clan in the territories. Beating a ThunderClan patrol, should it come down to it, wouldn't be so hard.
Lambcurl does his best to make himself a comfortable presence beside Sootstar. Willing and waiting, but not overbearing, no. He certainly knew she could care for herself; unhindered by the labors of motherhood or the crashing of storms. He is contented enough to be in her presence, more than happy then – to be within Badgermoon's. He treads behind the both of them with shining eyes, more than the sun's tears. Happy to represent WindClan. It would be difficult to imagine things any other way...

A pleasant buzz courses through his veins, honor to be the one privy to such an exchange. Lambcurl would return the ThunderClan's nod. Figuring it polite, a rasp of "ThunderClan," soon follows. Dutifully, but vaguely, he acknowledges this one from time spent at gatherings... A notable one, face he should know... And one he does not mind looking at, in return. One of their youths follows his orders swiftly, retrieving ThunderClan's leader. Fresh face, in comparison to Sootstar's all encompassing reign. Oh, but it'd be hard to guess as such... Had Lambcurl only left the barn today, he would have guessed her to be a leader for seasons.

Lambcurl commits their council to memory, and an imposing picture, they certainly make. Newly appointed, he had been eager to take his own apprentice on his first outing, and what an outing it certainly was... Quietly as he could, he would lean to gesture towards ThunderClan's leader and deputy in turn. He would not say anything further, for now. No... he figures that to be the best.

[ Apprentice tag <3 @Petalkit. ]

Badgerstrike padded out of the woodwork as soon as she heard Sootstar call for Howlingstar. She was reminded of the gathering, how Starclan showed their wrath to all of them. She remembered how arrogantly Sootstar claimed it was a blessing. She thought Rabbitnose was dense, but man. This lady takes the mouse.

Striding up with her tail raised high and ears pointed, she looks down at the Windclan cats with a discerning gaze. Two shrimps, a normal sized cat, and an apprentice..... If they tried anything she could flay them easily. She would just have to flay Sootstar a little extra.... Unless she managed to take her lives in one go.... The memory of what happened to Emberstar haunted her. Pitchstar. Briarstar, she heard suffered the most gruesome death of all. It was so easy to lose nine lives.....

"Hello, Windclan~" She greeted them.

She would keep her mouth shut..... For now.
Firefang didn’t let her wounds were on her, she walked as if she didn’t feel a smidge of pain it didn’t encumber her like it did others who’d shred Riverclan fur. Her newly torn ear stands tall and her chest puffs out confidentially, she stands near Sootstar; practically looming over the small warlord. She doesn’t know howThunderclan will react she can only hope they bow their heads and do what Sootstar asks of them . She’s here on guard, her presence is little more then muscle to dissuade any violence on the border today - something she doesn’t expect from Thunderclan. Never had she heard them spit crude insults nor threats for as long as she’s walked this border. There would always be the off chance this would devolve into barbarism regardless, she knows better then to get to comfortable and trusting.

A sleeping wolf could still bite.

She looks at the others in the patrol from her former mentor and his new snot nosed apprentice, to Lambcurl and his unfortunate apprentices. She can’t say she knows how strong he was, she’d never gotten to see him in battle; she thankfully hardly saw him at all along with most of the grown Tunnelers. Today he’s serving as a normal warrior however and she can respect him being there, on guard and loyal to Sootstar like she is.

Familiar faces greet her on the border; from Flamewhisker whom she’d just seen and the three legged tom that’d made an impression on her moons ago as an apprentice (she can’t recall if he ever gave his name). She only greets with a waggling tail, her tongue kept still by clamped wary jaws. She wouldn’t let any insult or warcry fly today with any luck. They aren’t who they seek but soon the new leader of the verdant forest marches close. She’s an older she-cat more wizened than most, she doesn’t bow her head to her however respect was only granted to those who thrived on the moors. Yet she feels a twinge of intensity being in the Thunderclan leaders presence; she wouldn’t say she was intimidated but it’d be stupid to not at the very least be wary.

She keeps an eye on her as she waits for her own leader to speak.​
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nightbird followed out behind howlingstar after burnpaw's announcement. she could hope they were here on peaceful terms, they were not outright violent towards each other just yet. but there was no telling, stories of their leader ran rampant. she could not vouch that they were good ones.

she would sit with a stoic face after their arrival, tail laying over claws that kneaded the earth below. their patrol was smaller than thunderclan's, hopefully that would be enough to warn them from lashing out. her steady gaze would shoot across the border, waiting for what the moor cats could possibly want.
[ ☾✩ ]

All seemed to be going well - for now, at least. Howlingstar seemed willing to speak with them and that, if nothing else, felt like a victory. Badgermoon was happy to find that he recognized at least a few of the ThunderClanners who had appeared to greet them, and he twitched his whiskers in a silent greeting, yellow eyes attentive and watchful but not unfriendly. The broad-shouldered black and white tomcat positioned himself next to his apprentice and kept quiet: he could've answered Howlingstar's question, but it did not feel appropriate to do so. Sootstar was here, and he wouldn't dare speak for the queen of the moors herself.

The first feline she recognizes in an instant thanks to the recent gatherings. She's never heard him speak before, but she knows him as ThunderClan's new deputy. He gives a simple greeting and she dips her head in return, likely mumbling a greeting or two back. If there is one thing she cannot stand it's unfriendly silence, there was no point in a stare down, so she talks until the ThunderClan leader arrives about the weather, prey, and other things.

Luckily she does not keep them waiting. "Howlingstar. The pleasure is WindClan's." Confidence drips from both tone of voice and posture. She's aware confidence might be vain in this situation, but it's worth a shot. "I am sure you have places to be, so I will not use up anymore of your time than I must." With that established she draws in a long inhale as if the information she was about to share was tiring to verbalize.

"I must first tell you ShadowClan and WindClan's alliance is no more. ShadowClan ate up every bit of the benefits of our alliance but never in return would stand with WindClan when it mattered. I do not appreciate spineless leeches. I ended the alliance with Chilledstar." The blue smoke lies smoothly, unless a cat naturally distrusts her word (which they may), there was no other reason at all to disbelieve her at this point. "Don't be alarmed, I've not come here to propose an alliance. We stand for different things, and I respect that, but we can still make arrangements. We can be friendly." A light of ambition sparks in her eyes, it was clear to all who noticed this is where she'd be getting to the point.

"ShadowClan hunts in your land, RiverClan fights over territory with you, territory that is rightfully yours, yes? I've heard from my deputy that you've had to chase dogs from this land with no aid from RiverClan. With ShadowClan stealing your food, RiverClan against you for territory and SkyClan as their ally ThunderClan is just as alone as WindClan now." The smoke observes and points out before she at last, gets to her proposal. "You're having trouble with these clans, and so are we. An enemy of my enemies may not be friend in our case, but they are certainly not foe. I say when it comes to these two clans we help each other, a temporary truce between two neighbors."

A feathery tail lifts into the air, "The truce and assistance ends when both of our clans are no longer at threat of RiverClan or ShadowClan. No hard feelings when it ends, no debt, and we go our separate ways."

//didn't mean to monologue but shes acting salesman rn and trying to really argue her pitch ;p


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 39 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Harrierkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ mentor to N/A
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Following his mentor, Pebblepaw's eyes were as wide as the stones he was named after as he stared down the WindClanners. A paw was raised protectively to his own chest, hanging limply as if injured - though the only thing wounded about the lilac tom now was his opinions of the other group. He had not attended the gathering, the idea of hundreds of cats all crammed into one place sent his claustrophobia into a frenzy, yet he would have had to have been wilfully ignorant to have heard tidbits of the stories that had come from that awful event. Lightning had struck where the leader standing before him should've stood, to some, a sign of ThunderClan, to others, a sign of treachery in the eyes of StarClan. Pebblepaw himself wasn't sure, it was all so confusing as his opinion held as much weight as a feather in the grand scheme of things. He swore his heart briefly stopped when Sootstar requested not an alliance but... a truce. Instinctively, he looked to his clanmates, trying to garner some sort of understanding of how they felt about the surprising suggestion. Pebblepaw grimaced, finding that the reactions of his friends were not as discernable as he'd hoped.

He shuffled closer to Howlingstar, his pupils focusing on everything except for the she-cat before him. "Um..." he leaned upwards, trying to whisper something in the tabby's ear. "What if she's... um... as evil as StarClan says? Is it ok to link tails with evil to benefit our own?" The phrase didn't feel right, a disgusting notion to an apprentice who was keen to do the morally good thing where possible. But he could be convinced, at least temporarily, that a truce was fine Howlingstar said it was ok. It wasn't like ThunderClan particularly liked ShadowClan or RiverClan, he had to remind himself. Selfishly, as he waited for clarification from the leader, Pebblepaw wondered how he'd have faired on the moors. Some clans tolerated ex-kittypets far more than others, and as his nervous gaze briefly flew over Sootstar's followers, he couldn't help but notice the raggedy, scarred pelts of those who'd likely never touched luxury in their life. 'Eep... true wildcats!'. Copper eyes instinctively found the ground, deciding the earth was significantly less nerve-wracking than anything else at that point.
  • Like
Reactions: SOOTSTAR

Shallowpaw had not been there when the lightning had struck down at the gathering. He had stayed back that night not seeing a reason to why he should come along. Apperantly he had missed alot because of it. Only through gossips had he heard what had happend which actually sounded to unreal to be true. But it was hard to pass it down as untrue when so many of his clanmates had looked shaken up as they had returned. How some still was shaken up just talking about it.

The apprentice had stopt beside his mentor his violet-blue eyes staring right across the border at the other clan. Windclan. He was not a fan of them to be honest. Only once had he been in contact with them before and they had not left a good first impression. They all acted so full of themselves. Like they were better than all of them with an ego just as big as Wildpaws. Maybe instead of Windclan they should be called for Wildclan insteaad. Shallowpaw just stared, a bitter feeling getting tasted upon his tongue.

He stayed quiet though, not having said one single word during the whole day. He was left disinterested over this whole encounter wishing for it to be over soon. But when Pebblepaw started speaking it was like everything clicked in his head. Shallowpaw had forgotten about who that lightning had been aimed for, which clan and leader. Now he understood though. Just listening to his denmate made all of it fall into place. Before knowing it his mouth hung open and.. " Oh, so she is the mad one." the words left his mouth with ease as he thought this out aloud. Blinking his eyes he was left unbothered to what he just had said out aloud. It was true after all. Just listening to the mad queen of the moors made it even more clear to him. It was dangerous to entangle themselves with madness.

  • Crying
Reactions: Sunfreckle
Howlingstar's thoughtful, narrowed gaze flicks about the faces of the WindClanners. She forces her fur to stay flat; there's no reason to leap to the worst case scenario. Perhaps this visit is peaceful one. She feels secure with several warriors and apprentices at her side, and she when she looks back at Sootstar, it is with confidence and a head held high. The WindClan leader begins to speak, and the tabby's ears are pressed forward and attentive. They twitch with interest when she learns that the alliance once shared between the moors and the marsh has dissolved. Sootstar is quick to explain why, to which Howlingstar tips her chin up and mews in a professional tone, "I'm sorry to hear that."

It's the next part of the other's pitch that completely catches her off guard. She hates the fact that she brings up good points. Her jaw tightens, her tail curling upwards as she thinks. Having WindClan's aid would mean claiming Sunningrocks could be a lot easier...but it also means ThunderClan would be expected to answer every beck and call when WindClan needed them. And to be frank, WindClan's list of enemies continues to grow and fester. Is the trouble worth the benefits. Does she want to stand with a she-cat she has nothing in common with. But for a moment, when she looks at her, she sees that small, fluffy kitten in the marsh that she'd watched grow up. Stars, so much has changed.

She glances to her council, trying her best to gauge their reactions while her expression remains as neutral as she can make it. Her apprentice leans up to whisper in her ear. He's nervous about this, she can tell. She gives him a glance and touched her tail-tip gently to his shoulder. Let the leaders talk, She means to say. She cares for her apprentice, but this is no place for him to be speaking, especially directly in front of the WindClan leader. Shallowpaw's comment is much louder, audible to every cat present. The look she gives him is much sharper. "Sunfreckle, take your apprentice back to camp," She instructs her lead warrior, narrowed eyes gliding towards him. She will not stand for disrespect during such an important discussion, and if an apprentice can't hold his tongue he shouldn't be here.

Finally, her attention returns to Sootstar, mind made up. "I appreciate the offer, Sootstar. Truly, I do. But ThunderClan will remain independent. If there is an injustice in the forest, we will stand up to it, but I cannot ask my clan to fight for other clan's personal squabbles. We don't want nor need enemies. Not out of you, or anyone." She dips her head slightly, eyes remaining turned on her. She does not speak about the fact ShadowClan has halted their hunting on their land. She does not speak about how she could never side with the tyrannical ruler. She remains respectful, cautious, as she truly believes this is the best way to keep her clanmates out of trouble.

An offer of an alliance, its a surprise. Sunfreckle can not help the way his eyes widen to the small gray she-cat's words. He thinks of the gathering, the lightning bolt. He thinks of the way WindClan has been at odds with two clans and now apparently lost their one ally with Pitchstar's death apparently. His green gaze dances over the cats present, moves to Howlingstar with a neutral stare but wariness present across his maw. To join them might paint a target on ThunderClan by the other three clans; it worries him more than he could even put into words. Sootstar was a cat he would never want to be alone with though he didn't say as much out loud.

Someone did though.

Shallowpaw, who rarely speaks at border patrols at all, finally decides that now is the perfect time to be more chatty and he is so surprised by the comment that he does not chastise immediately; it takes Howlingstar's voice to snap him out of his openmouthed stupor of surprise before he is rising to stand and whirling around to fully block the younger apprentice from view of the WindClanners. "Camp. Now." It is not said in his usual soft, jovial tone, closer to a proper authorative order and one he is not used to using but given the volatile nature of the moorland cats before them he does not want to risk them turning their ire onto ThunderClan. What if they were attacked next for some percieved slight?
Thankfully as he is gently trying to coax Shallowpaw into leaving, he catches the tabby leader's response so that his nerves are soothed before returning to camp. No. They won't ally with WindClan. He relaxes, at least the neutrality will remain unless this is taken personal.
ThunderClan was fine as it stood, they didn't need more enemies or allies at all; especially not with the previous discussion of Sunningrocks still fresh in his mind.

-Out! Taking @SHALLOWPAW with him lmao

They aren't kept waiting long for Howlingstar. Once the leader arrives, Sootstar begins her speech, and Flycatcher listens with a neutral expression. The only time his expression shifts is when Sootstar mentions an alliance - or rather more of a truce. Regardless, Flycatcher's eyes widen in surprise and he blinks before looking round at the rest of Howlingstar's council, almost as if to check he has heard correctly.

Both parties wait fairly quietly for Howlingstar's judgement, the first words coming from Shallowpaw, who Sunfreckle escorts away at the instruction of Howlingstar. Eventually, his leader does respond and to his relief she politely declines, preferring to keep ThunderClan neutral. Flycatcher thinks it is the best idea at the end of the day. He is loathe to admit it but some of what Sootstar said rang true, but if they were ever to align themselves with WindClan they would surely draw only further ire from SkyClan. And the last thing they needed was three of their four neighbouring clans vying for their blood.