nostalgia wave — mottledove

SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
Bobbie is doing the only thing it feels like she does lately—lying about camp. Granted, the others queens are also confined to the perfectly pleasant camp, but they've also generally dedicated moons of service to the Clan, such as Orangeblossom. Although she has Yukio's company often, and if Bobbie's remembering correctly (which is never a guarantee), she spied another new queen amongst the unknown shelter escapees. The queen dips her head to lap at where her chest fur ruffles beneath her neatly kempt red leather collar. Seeing the prized accessory sends a mixed ripple of nostalgia and melancholy through her, as it nearly always does. While the collar, and by extension the little pins stuck on it, are a pleasant reminder of better times past and her old Twoleg, it also pushes a pang of wistful sadness through her, reminding her of him; the softly indented dog-bite mark in its very edge doesn't exactly help.

The lilac queen allows herself the moment, just this once, not to push the memory away; the romance, the pregnancy. Running away. The dog attack. The memories are a touch fragmented, as all of her recollections seem to be these days, but they're definitely there; just as soon as Bobbie lets herself dwell on them, she shoves them away again. The nostalgic mood hangs over her, though, nudging her towards a direction perhaps a touch less guarded than she is on a daily basis. The sharp scent of the nursery holly-bush pulls her from her thoughts, and the shecat glances about the camp, hoping for someone to talk to. Maybe it'll help pull her thoughts from the deeply worn groove of old memories—after all, she has to look ahead. For her kits to come, if nothing else.

[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?

// @Mottledove. !!
chiara | 14 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
Chiara is hesitant to reach out to these new clanmates. Sheltered, she's truly only ever known the confines of her twolegs home and garden - and of course, him. The thought still hurts, sending shivers down her pelt and eye-watering pains to her chest, so she tries not to think of it. But with her belly swelling ever bigger, well it's not easy. Tired eyes are out of place on such a gentle face, smile lines turned to frowns more often than not. But... she wants to try, she thinks. Her denmates are as good a place as any to start, she supposes - and when she spots one she waddles over before she can second guess herself. "U-um - hello," She says softly, words a gentle lull as she gives a shy smile. "Mind if I join you?" she doesn't know the other's name, but she supposes she can always learn it now.
SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
A voice, convenient, what she was hoping for, purges the memories from her for the moment, like a bad taste; shy and gentle, much like her own sometimes. Bobbie looks up; it's the new denmate she was thinking of, and for once she has a reason not to know her name, as they've never met. Her belly swollen like Bobbie's, perhaps a bit smaller, but not by much; asking if Bobbie minds if she's joined by this unfamiliar face. Far from it; she aches for company sometimes, the warriors' talk of battles and training strategies like a foreign language to her.

Bobbie's face brightens considerably at this new presence, and she thumps the ground beside her gently with one paw, "Not at all. I'd love to have the company," she adds with a quiet laugh and a courteous mew, "It gets a little boring cooped up in here, doesn't it? I'm Bobbie; you're one of the newest arrivals, right?"
[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?
chiara | 15 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
She's greeted quiet warmly, and her uncertainty seems to slowly melt away. "Yes - I'm chiara, it's nice to meet you, she introduces politely, words gentle and soft. With all the strange sounding names, and the wide variety of faces and personalities, it's nice to hear what to chiara is a normal, simple name. Bobbie - easy enough to remember, she thinks. Now thats she's here, sitting down, she tries to think of a good place to start. Clanlife is very new to her after all. "Is it... always like this? she asks after a moment - glancing about at the busy way the warriors and apprentices bustle about, always training and patrolling. The pines themselves never seem to quiet either, something she finds a struggle to adjust to after spending most of her life indoors. Sometimes, she can't help bu miss her old life - can't help but wonder what would have happened if she'd never met him in the first place. Would her twoleg have kept her then?


Chiara ... Bobbie brightens at the name as her companion does; it feels familiar, an easy association for her overtaxed memory, still adjusting to the new faces and long names. The other queen is courteous and soft-spoken, feeling like a kindred spirit to Bobbie, who is still getting used to the sometimes-cruder mannerisms of the Clan. Not all of them, by any means, and they're hardly putting heads on sticks like some cats in Twolegplace would've had you believing, but ... the quiet manners of this cat are pleasant.

At Chiara's words, Bobbie follows her gaze with her own shadowed green one. The camp is bustling as always, something Bobbie herself had had to get used to; she folds her lilac paws beneath herself (just about any way of sitting is uncomfortable at this stage of pregnancy, though), looking about. A few apprentices trot about, gossiping as quickly as they bring the elders new moss; patrols wax and wane like prey-laden moons out of the entrance, and warriors are scattered about, chatting. True to form, even the trees rustle with an occasional presence; the lilac queen has had quite the fright a couple times when cats suddenly dropped out of trees. Apparently it's normal here; she often wonders what it would've been like to grow up in SkyClan. Her kits will know that reality, she thinks gratefully. Bobbie squints and redirects her thoughts; after all, the other cat is surely waiting for a reply.

"Oh ... yes, it is. It was a bit surprising for me when I first got here, still is, honestly. I used to live with ... just a Twoleg and it's a bit overwhelming," she mews, adding with a subtly amused tone and quiet laughter, "They make me feel a bit lazy lying about the nursery, honestly. But every time I say that, I'm told that having kits is the best thing I could be doing, apparently."