It's a dewy morning—the transition back into rising with the dawn once more has been near seamless, sleep coming easy for once when she collapses exhausted into her nest each night. Her dreams, though . . . her dreams have grown no less troubling, even as the heat scorches away the hoarfrost of leaf - bare and the memories with it. She can't quite remember last night's . . . it's always vague, slipping through her paws like so much fragile ice . . . something lavender - toned pearled silver, white froth, a scorching sun on her back . . .

The thought's flicked away like water beading on a RiverClanner's back as she tries to focus on the here, the now, trotting towards one of SkyClan's less formidable pines with her child at her side. She'd asked Dogbite to borrow Hollypaw for the morning, blinking gratitude to her old friend, and towed them out in the sun - blushed dew of a greenleaf dawn to practice their Clan's most valuable skill. It hadn't been an easy adjustment for her, certainly—but effort had paid off, and soon, she's sure Hollypaw's chocolate - marbled pelt will be flying through the trees alongside her.

" Has Dogbite taught you about climbing yet? " she murmurs in the low, perpetually - husky tone she seems to constantly take now. Whether the tabby receives an affirmative or a negative, she'll blink softly at her child and nod. " Just follow me. Hopefully you take after me and not your father when it comes to this, " she rasps with no small amusement, freely releasing the tidbit of information in this rare moment of cheer as she remarks with a scratchy laugh, " For the cat leading the Clan, he was never really a climber . . . "

It's in one long smooth blur of lilac that Bobbie leaps and hooks herself onto the trunk, traversing up its craggy clawholds with simple, practiced motions that send a fresh sear through her still - sore shoulders, albeit one she pointedly ignores. Time has only minimally dulled her climbing skills, it seems, and she swings herself onto one branch, then the next with quick, sleek motions. Perched effortlessly on the whorl - studded branch, wreathed in the satisfying scent of freshly - broken pine needles, she peers down at Hollypaw with a rusty, stuttering purr of encouragement. " C'mon, love, you can do it! "

// Please wait for @HOLLYPAW! !! ♡

" speech "


𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Dawn paints soft hues of peach across the camp, and Hollypaw trots after her mother with a wakefulness bright as the sun. It commands him like the moon to the tides, light pulling him from wisps of vivid, incommunicable dreams. He is an early riser, for all his love of stargazing. If it were up to him, he would never have to sleep at all; there is too much to see, too much to do. There is no time for dreaming when the waking world is far more magical.

And today - today there is purpose to his steps. His mother has summoned him. What a wondrous occasion! It is rare that she shares in his brightness, rare that she lets the weariness slip and the corners of her eyes crinkle. She has far less time for her children than Hollypaw would like, but he loves her all the same. He is dutiful in his following.

He straightens up as a question is addressed to him. Climbing. "Nope! I have yet to conquer a single tree," she laments lightly, the realization putting little damper on her sunbright mood. After all, if she is catching the implication correct, she may just be about to. She watches her mother intently, only pausing when she makes a strange comparison, an admission about her father that few dare speak of. "He wasn't?" She blinks, attempts to slot this in with her image of him. The great Blazestar, hardly able to climb... "But - surely his other skills made up for it!" She laughs, good-natured and loud. It's funny to imagine such a grandiose cat scrambling up a tree. Once the inital confusion fades, it only makes her feel fonder.

She will do better, though. Her mother moves with grace, and the image of Blazestar fades. What an incredible cat she is, just as his father! She moves like water, practiced and fluid, like she never once stepped away from the treetops. He grins, and launches himself up after her.

Tiny claws hook into the bark, scrabble for but a moment - and he is safe. Latched on, blinking wide eyes at the feeling. He is off the ground, floating, weightless. He barks out a laugh. "I'll be up there soon!" He calls up to his mother, fixing verdant eyes upon her perch. He clings to the spot where he has hooked himself onto. Now to figure out how to move upwards.... It can't be that hard, surely!

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, six moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Twitchbolt had always flung himself through the trees effortlessly- while he had honed his tracking to be as good as it was, his climbing had been an innate thing that tied him inextricably to SkyClan. That knowing instinct within him fought against doubts, cemented within himself that he truly belonged in SkyClan, even at times he believed he was not welcome there. Blinking wide eyes of green in the clear day, he strode forward with Candorpaw- by coincidence, blinking in this early morning, he'd decided that climbing would be their objective too.

He let a wobbly grin find its way upon his face at the sight of Hollypaw and Bobbie together... Blazestar's name rode the wind, touched with humour. And he was glad it could be found, there... Twitchbolt's eyes softened at the memories of Blazestar's hulking body struggling up the branches. "He did well with what he had," Twitchbolt commented to his apprentice and Hollypaw both, smile aquiver. He'd tried, he had- in fact, despite a lack of grace he had lead them well in every regard, even in battle, perched in the trees.

Following Bobbie's lead, Twitchbolt looked back at Candorpaw- with powerful legs honed from moons of practice he leapt to the lowest branch, and turned expectantly. "Do whatever you can to get up here, Candorpaw. I- I want to see your instincts."

penned by pin ✧
But - surely his other skills made up for it! Hollypaw cries in shock, a whole - hearted laugh following. She's sure that her child's mental image is funny . . . but the real recollection of Blazestar clawing his way up trunks after her on their climbing outings together is doubly so, and Bobbie doesn't bother stifling a husky chuckle. With the rosy - stained sky sprawling out above and her kit at her side, the memory lacks its usual pain, the spearing of her heart not quite so deep today. Climbing had been Blazestar's greatest lack, but funnily enough, she probably outranked him in warrior skills by now . . . the golden tom's best asset and lasting gift to her had been diplomacy, her own sparse manners on border patrols a testament to it.

" That's putting it kindly, " she remarks in reply to Twitchbolt where he and Candorpaw appear, a welcome presence on the ground. The tabby barely contains a good - natured laugh; gentle pokes at the golden tom's lack of skill nearly reanimate his memory, bringing a breath of stale but sweet air from better days. The wiry - pelted lead warrior trails her path to one of the nearby lower branches, the two of them steeped in a rare air of contentedness and the soft perfume of the broken pine needles. " Good to see the both of you, " she says, and means it.

" See those craggy spots in the trunk? Those are clawholds, sweetheart, just follow them up, " she calls down to the chocolate - marbled apprentice where he's latched himself onto the trunk, laughs bubbling up from her chest, so innocently joyous it's hard to believe she's his mother. Maybe they did do okay . . . she thinks with a weary smile, watching Candorpaw's attempt under Twitchbolt's guidance. The sight of Hollypaw hanging onto the trunk brings back one of her own first climbing lessons, and she repeats Orangestar's well - remembered words, " Use your own weight to push yourself up, the momentum of it. "
