- May 5, 2023
- 681
- 259
- 63
It's a dewy morning—the transition back into rising with the dawn once more has been near seamless, sleep coming easy for once when she collapses exhausted into her nest each night. Her dreams, though . . . her dreams have grown no less troubling, even as the heat scorches away the hoarfrost of leaf - bare and the memories with it. She can't quite remember last night's . . . it's always vague, slipping through her paws like so much fragile ice . . . something lavender - toned pearled silver, white froth, a scorching sun on her back . . .
The thought's flicked away like water beading on a RiverClanner's back as she tries to focus on the here, the now, trotting towards one of SkyClan's less formidable pines with her child at her side. She'd asked Dogbite to borrow Hollypaw for the morning, blinking gratitude to her old friend, and towed them out in the sun - blushed dew of a greenleaf dawn to practice their Clan's most valuable skill. It hadn't been an easy adjustment for her, certainly—but effort had paid off, and soon, she's sure Hollypaw's chocolate - marbled pelt will be flying through the trees alongside her.
" Has Dogbite taught you about climbing yet? " she murmurs in the low, perpetually - husky tone she seems to constantly take now. Whether the tabby receives an affirmative or a negative, she'll blink softly at her child and nod. " Just follow me. Hopefully you take after me and not your father when it comes to this, " she rasps with no small amusement, freely releasing the tidbit of information in this rare moment of cheer as she remarks with a scratchy laugh, " For the cat leading the Clan, he was never really a climber . . . "
It's in one long smooth blur of lilac that Bobbie leaps and hooks herself onto the trunk, traversing up its craggy clawholds with simple, practiced motions that send a fresh sear through her still - sore shoulders, albeit one she pointedly ignores. Time has only minimally dulled her climbing skills, it seems, and she swings herself onto one branch, then the next with quick, sleek motions. Perched effortlessly on the whorl - studded branch, wreathed in the satisfying scent of freshly - broken pine needles, she peers down at Hollypaw with a rusty, stuttering purr of encouragement. " C'mon, love, you can do it! "
// Please wait for @HOLLYPAW! !! ♡
The thought's flicked away like water beading on a RiverClanner's back as she tries to focus on the here, the now, trotting towards one of SkyClan's less formidable pines with her child at her side. She'd asked Dogbite to borrow Hollypaw for the morning, blinking gratitude to her old friend, and towed them out in the sun - blushed dew of a greenleaf dawn to practice their Clan's most valuable skill. It hadn't been an easy adjustment for her, certainly—but effort had paid off, and soon, she's sure Hollypaw's chocolate - marbled pelt will be flying through the trees alongside her.
" Has Dogbite taught you about climbing yet? " she murmurs in the low, perpetually - husky tone she seems to constantly take now. Whether the tabby receives an affirmative or a negative, she'll blink softly at her child and nod. " Just follow me. Hopefully you take after me and not your father when it comes to this, " she rasps with no small amusement, freely releasing the tidbit of information in this rare moment of cheer as she remarks with a scratchy laugh, " For the cat leading the Clan, he was never really a climber . . . "
It's in one long smooth blur of lilac that Bobbie leaps and hooks herself onto the trunk, traversing up its craggy clawholds with simple, practiced motions that send a fresh sear through her still - sore shoulders, albeit one she pointedly ignores. Time has only minimally dulled her climbing skills, it seems, and she swings herself onto one branch, then the next with quick, sleek motions. Perched effortlessly on the whorl - studded branch, wreathed in the satisfying scent of freshly - broken pine needles, she peers down at Hollypaw with a rusty, stuttering purr of encouragement. " C'mon, love, you can do it! "
// Please wait for @HOLLYPAW! !! ♡
" speech "