development NOT LOOK DOWN FOREVER [ stone searching ]


Jan 7, 2024

She swore beneath her breath as her heart did not stop it's patter, it's jumping and thumping. Ears burned with each step she took, fully aware of what she was doing, mismatched goldens searching the shore for a suitable pebble. Ones that reflected that of... of her other half. She swallowed lightly at the thought of that, and stumbling. A low groan of frustration left her as she came to a stop, trying to center herself, ears pushing backwards and her tail lashing. Vision turned and cast across the water.

It was frustrating- she could imagine the surprised look on his face now, and had wondered if she wanted that. When she confirmed that she did, she had all but trotted out here to look for a stone. Ears twitched briefly, vision snagging a stone upon the riverbed's shore. It was just further out then she was comfortable- she'd be emerged nearly to her jaw, but.. it was the right color. Perfect, even, and she could imagine it'd be even better when she got to it. A gentle inhale followed as she summoned her nerves, thinking that this was a stupid quest and she was stupid for even trying it.

Before she really knew it herself, muscles moved, paws dipping into water she tried her best to avoid. She grimaced gently, paws pushing into the water. Long tresses of fur got soaked the further she moved in, her heart racing for a different reason now. Fear clung where embarrassment had, but she needed that rock. It wasn't long before she was on top of the rock, indeed soaked up to her jaw, with head tilting to stare down in the water without her head dropping below the surface. Claythorn knew that would trigger a panic session, and she was not ready for anyone on the shore to know that quite yet.

Still, she needed it.

Claythorn counted to ten in her head, inhaled sharply, and dove beneath the surface. Fear gripped her immediately, but it wasn't as bad as it had been when she took her assessment- she wasn't freezing cold. The water in the shallows was... warm. Warm enough that she could fasten her jaws around the rock she had spied from shore and break her head free. Limbs flailed momentarily before she was dragging herself back to shore, a look of death in her eye for any who tried to laugh at her.
  • "speech"

    // this is on the banks of camp, so kits are welcome in this thread! just wanted to make it open to yall
  • fYfRn8Y.png
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Sick
Reactions: tieirlys

Claythorn’s eyes warned against laughing at her, but Twinklekit isn’t. Blue eyes are wide with adoration, it’s a look most warriors will receive from her when doing anything even remotely cool- but still, adoration for Claythorn nonetheless.

The warrior looks strong and brave to her as she emerges back onto the river bank, not pathetic and sopping wet. In powerful maws a beautiful stone is clutched. She gazes at it curiously and assumes the torbie is going to decorate with her nest in it. ”I like your rock.” Twinklekit mews, and of course, with a smile.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

it’s an unusual sight ; claythorn steps from the shallows with thick fur drenched and dripping, mottled tufts of undercoat puffed out at the edges where river water could not permeate. she holds a familiar glare in her eye that shellpaw dismisses as often as it comes, death too ensnared on split - toned face to consider it a threat any more than she had sunrises past or any sunrises forward ; still, she doesn’t laugh. there is nothing to laugh at.

she merely stares, watches, her own stone - carved expression of faraway bleariness still as the waters behind her. astonishment glows dim in strawberry shaded eyes, the ghost of a smile twitching at corners of bruised - pale lips when twinklekit speaks. the lilac girl nods along eagerly, squinting to get a good look where it’s held gently between sharp teeth, ” did you see that, from all the way on the shore? “ there were pebbles upon pebbles shells and the gleam of evening sun over the tide.. ” you have.. a really good eye. “

  • i.

  • 75178334_B2nz6qRU6QTC3MQ.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. For as long as Moonbeam knew Claythorn seeing her step so willingly into the water was not something that she could think back to her ever properly seeing. She had been known to the medicine cat as a fierce warrior - had been a fierce apprentice too - but never a swimmer. It was this sight of the warrior stepping so uncharacteristically into the water that had caused her to come closer to peer in, looking to see what it was that Claythorn had been so intent on moving into the water for. Until she slightly older moggie dove down to grab the stone she didn't realize that that had been it and as she backed away to allow the other space to move about to wherever she wanted a slight look of curiosity couldn't help but place itself onto her face, in fact could brows raise independently one would be high above the other as she peered towards the feline she considered a friend.

Twinklekit mentions that she likes the rock while Shellpaw speaks of how well Claythorn could see and quietly the white feline would nod her head, offering them small smiles. "One day you'll be able to see into the water like that too, it's helpful for fishing but takes a lot of practice." Luckily she'd been able to practice with that while training with Salmonshade and that skill being learned had helped her to look for herbs among the reeds and various other plants. Eyes would flick back over to Claythorn for a moment before maw would open. "Is it for... someone?" She wasn't completely sure who exactly it would be for, and though she wasn't usually nosy like this Claythorn was her friend, and she couldn't help but want to be involved in her friend's lives to know if they were looking at potential mates.


  • --
  • flesh wounds
    ꕥꕥ infections
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    13 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
Mm, Moonbeam is right.” Troutsnout would murmur as she makes her way over being in earshot of the ivory medicine cat's statement. A plumed tail sways behind her as she glances into the waters from the bank, chambray gaze staring lost in the ripples. Minnows had fled the scene from Claythorn's flailing after retrieving the stone she was determined to get beneath the waters and she would turn her focus on Twinklekit who was interested in the rock gathered by the other warrior. “Would you like me to get you one, Twinklekit?

A simple inquiry and she would retrieve one for the kitten if she was interested in having one of her own. It was a part of Riverclan tradition anyways and eventually one day, Twinklekit, would give her own chosen rock to someone who was interested in. A stray rock catches her attention and she stares at it momentarily, legs trekking forward as she finds herself in the water. The ripples tug at her fur as she snags a rock before her teeth, a soft citrine hued rock in her jaws that reminded her of Robinheart. It would be nice to give it to her to help her feel better and bring positive energy to her with her current situation.
જ➶ A pale tongue streaks across flaming orange and pitch black. Amber eyes half open as she settles in her spot close to the apprentice den. At the current moment she is hoping to go do some training soon with her mentor. But at least she has some down time given the hunting she previously did. Afterall, she is gaining more freedoms the older she gets and hitting her 10th moon seems to have given her extra privileges. Her gaze slowly trails over camp till she notices Claythorn looking into the slow moving waters of the river. Curiosity only makes her watch from where she lays, noting the tensing of the other's muscles before she suddenly dives into the warmed liquid. Flicking her tail slowly she tilts her head just slightly as she waits to see if the other will come back up or not. Though she doubts that she will drown. Yet she thinks to the fact that some cats never really treat the river with respect anyway. Many have drowned that much is certain. Her gaze slowly pulls away as others start to approach but just as quickly her gaze sbaps back to the re-emergence of the warrior.

Within her jaws is a stone and for a moment she is a little annoyed. All that work just to scoop up a stone and not something to eat? Yet she pauses in her thoughts as she hears Moonbeam and she scoffs. Right, stones. She thinks on it now and she hardly ever has it pass her mind to think of looking for a stone. For someone. She doubts it and she doesn't really have anyone in mind. At least not yet. So she doesn't see it as something to be interested in. "A waste of time..." She sighs quietly to herself with cold tones mingling.

Eyes skipped across a pair of kits, Troutsnout, Moonbeam, and a very off-put looking Midnightpaw, but as she stood upon the shore, fur dripping with river-water she hardly touched, she slowly lowered the stone down between her paws. She hadn't expected an audience, and with flushed ears that twitched quickly, she answered them one by one. Mismatched golden eyes shifted towards Twinklekit. "Thank you." She murmured, head turning to lick a strand of chest fur free of water.

Shellpaw's voice is fill with awe, considering her sharp vision. Claythorn blinked gently- she hadn't even thought about that. Maybe time spent around the tide had done that to her inherently, maybe her old mentor had done it for her. Moonbeam's answer comes as gentle explanation, and her head nodded in response. Vision hovered over the white pelted mollie, the one she felt she failed for allowing her to be captured. A soft breath struck her, then a twinge of embarrassment at the direct question.

Her throat cleared before she answered, a paw curling over the seafoam colored stone to hide it. "Yes." She remarked- there was no point in lying, right? They'd all find out eventually. Claythorn didn't offer the information for who it was, but it was to come as a surprise to anyone that the cold-shouldered rogue-blooded found somecat in these times. She hardly had any friends, really, besides.. Moonbeam and Lichenstar. Was Lichenstar really a friend? That was a question for another time.

She watched Troutsnout dive briefly, before her head shifted towards Midnightpaw. Ears perked, and while she was struck with a twinge of annoyance, she ignored it. Eyes shifted back towards Moonbeam, Twinklekit, and Shellpaw before she speaks again. "It does take a lot of practice, but you'll learn how to see through the light eventually. Doing everything you can to be a strong warrior while you train helps you in the future." Claythorn stated quietly- she was trying her best to distract from what her paw still hid.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, fourteen moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    padding after otterbite / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.