NOT SO SUNNY |☀| lightstrike

general info —— ☀.°✧
lightstrike @LIGHTSTRIKE .
thunderclan warrior
male | he/him
17 moons old
actions, thoughts, "speech"

✧°.☀ —— fun facts and other bits
favors his left paw, aka a lefty
fond of collecting odd bits and bobs, such as cool stones, sticks, or leaves
will keep them in his nest, or puts them in small nooks to retrieve later (which he then forgets)

physical details ——— ☀.°✧
  • cat_smal.png
    [fullbody ref]
    a long-hair, pale cream tabby tom with low white and green eyes
    a white tail tip, v-shaped marking on his chest, and white forepaws
    pale creamy face, neck, chest, and belly, which also covers his inner thighs and rear paws as well as the underside of his tail
    thick, fluffy coat barely masks a wide, powerful build, born with a natural strength
    warm pink nose and paw pads
  • Strength








    Lightstrike is a golden, cream-colored tabby with long, fluffy fur. Darker stripes litter his body, from his face, to body, to legs and tail, in typical tabby fashion. His throat, chest, and belly fade into a paler color, reaching down the insider of his legs, his rear, and the underside of his tail. His back paws also share this color. He has two eyebrow-like dots, giving him a bit of a natural grumpy look.

    He has scattered but few pale white markings, ranging from a V-shaped spot on his chest to pure white forepaws that reach up his forelegs like socks. The tufted fur within his ears also share this color, although not as obviously.

    Lightstrike stands at a remarkably average height. His ears are somewhat small, fading into a paler color at the tufted tips. Foresty green eyes are framed by a round, surprisingly friendly-looking face - at least, when he isn't glaring or smug. Beneath all the fluff, he is naturally well-built and athletic, and with enough training, will fill out superbly, capable of becoming a powerful warrior feared by adversaries.

    His pale snout is adorned with a pink button nose, accented by his equally pink paw pads. Lightstrike's whiskers are remarkably straight. Despite his lack of regular grooming and the occasional wild tufts from sleep, his fur is surprisingly clean and soft. Just don't push him in a river.

    Lightstrike obtained his first scars in a fight, one being a scratch upon his left cheek, and the other being a rather gnarly scar across his left shoulder, starting at the back of his neck.

✧°.☀ ——— personality
  • Intelligence






    in short, a bit of a snarky brat
    often smug, cocky, and/or quick witted - almost always has a sharp reply
    fairly relaxed by default, but easy to rile up and quick to anger or indignance
    seems to feel as if he has something to prove, and struggles with feelings of insecurity
    surprisingly easy to get along with - if you don't mind his prickliness or quips

    not usually one to turn down a fight, regardless of whether or not he can win
    fairly easy to goad into one, as his buttons are easy to press
    somehow simultaneously selfish and selfless
    often honest to a fault, usually an open book and quick to spill woes
  • For those that may not know Lightstrike well, they may categorize him as a few things: an easygoing young tom with a sense of humor and a fondness for wit, or an angry, insatiable brat that's impossible to get along with. While yes, he can easily be both of these things, it's most definitely not the whole truth.

    As some may describe him, on the surface, Lightstrike is very relaxed and easygoing, good for a casual conversation or sharing jokes. He leans toward honesty, leading some to think of him as particularly cold or blunt, but more often than not, it isn't something he does on purpose and will often look to soften or sugarcoat it, depending on the content of the truth. He's very earnest and straightforward. While it's not something he is particularly aware of nor does he mention, he would prefer if others would do the same, as he isn't a fan of beating around the bush. He often maintains this side of himself when presented with friends, acquaintances, or those significantly younger than him, sticking to his favored banter and wit.

    While not openly obvious, Lightstrike is strongly attached to those he cares about, filled with a strong desire to protect. In extreme cases, this can lead to throwing caution to the wind or self-sacrifice for the sake of assistance or out of rage at any possible threat.

    Despite his typical chilled nature that's filled with gentle interest, it's shockingly easy - or perhaps not so - to anger him, and he is all-too-eager to leap to insults, indignance, and hostility. Wit is perhaps one of his specialties, able to fire back retort after retort in record time, often leaving those on the receiving end of his flame sputtering for a response to remain on equal footing. Lightstrike is hardly one to back down from a confrontation most of the time, but that's not to say it's impossible as, like many things, it depends on the content of the interaction. On occasion, he may lose his sense of fight almost instantly, looking to remedy and extinguish while searching for an out, perhaps out of weariness or, rarer, fear.

    Lightstrike is typically willful individual, often digging in his heels with a headstrong and stubborn attitude. This can go hand in hand with him coming across as bossy and whiny. He is easily defiant and indignant, strongly resentful of orders, yet often fulfills them anyway - even if he grumbles to himself the whole time. He is far more receptive to orders sugarcoated to seem like favors rather than outright commands. Despite all of this, it's surprisingly easy to chip away at his prickly exterior and wear him down. A majority of it is a facade.

    At the foot of it all, he struggles with a severe lack of self-confidence and a surprising amount of self-loathing. Growing up has been a shocking slap to the face, and while he may have been coddled and puffed up in the nursery, the reality is starkly different. Here, he has no skill. In the face of older, more skilled apprentices, and warriors themselves, he is nothing. This is something he has quickly become acutely aware of, and it fills him with fear. Despite it all, he is a hypocrite, choosing to put in minimal effort and stagnate rather than working to remedy his feelings, in spite his natural talent. Lightstrike hides his more vulnerable feelings behind a mask of anger, preferring to lash out rather than face it. Simultaneously, he is an open book, almost all-too-ready to spill his thoughts and woes even on an unsuspecting stranger should they give even the slightest opportunity.

    Although not something often mentioned, Lightstrike has a peculiar obsession with strength and weakness, tied strongly to his self-image. He possesses a powerful "brush it off" mentality, often forcefully shoving down negative feelings to put up walls and facades, frequently defaulting to his anger and frustration. He fears his own weakness, possibly even a root of his confrontational attitude. Although he will never admit it, he sorely seeks a comforting presence and reassurance.

    Intentionally or not, Lightstrike seems to have a talent for finding trouble, whether it be getting a scratch from feisty prey, stubbing a paw on a stone, or even being the unlucky individual to discover a hostile intruder. He otherwise has the devil's luck, capable of worming his way out of difficult situations at just the right time or being whisked to safety by those who happen to be nearby. Lightstrike is intelligent, but not necessarily smart. He also has little environmental awareness.

roleplay —— ☀.°✧
some passive powerplay is allowed
please ask first!
can start fights | will finish fights
please no maim/kill/capture without permission!
attack in bold #f2d77c
roleplayed by its_oliverr
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history —— ☀.°✧
[ ] - important / development

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relationships —— ☀.°✧

general ———— ☀.°✧
heterosexual | monogamous | not looking
relatively easy to form platonic relationships with
slow to form romantic relationships with

✧°.☀ ———— familial
born to Maplespot x Thornclaw
sibling to Breezesnap + Grasspatch + Stonestride
parent to none

personal ——— ☀.°✧
mentoring none
mentored by Nightbird
mated to Moonwhisper
friends with Burnstorm, Stormywing
likes Nightbird, Sandthorn, Stormpaw, Lichenpaw
dislikes Nightbird
loathes tba
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