- Jun 17, 2022
- 33
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This couple of days hadn't been easy on anyone and with the new threat roaming in the forest more powerful then all of them fear was deeply infested in many of them. Fear was an powerful emotion that was easily to act out on in all the wrong ways. Blame was one of them. Smokethroat seemed to have fallen victim to that this time around. Maybe that was why he had found them down at the river wrestling in there with the fish like they where the true enemy. Or...this could be a new method on how to fish. In truth Ravendusk had yet not succeeded to capture anything in the blue so who was he to judged someone's fishing technique.
Everyone had thier own ways of dealing with emotions and fighting the fish might be Smokethroat's way of copy everything that had happen lately. It was never easy to have the whole world on ones shoulders even less so if thier decisions would get judged so mercilessly. Anyone who never had been in power to have lives in thier paws to look out and care for...did they really have any right to complain?. It was easy to tell that thier lead warrior was not going through a easy time right now and with thier emotions so shattered and all over the place...someone needed to get thier head back into the game again. Willowroot couldn't do it alone like losing thier apprentice not had been enough stressful for them. Now they dealed with he biggest threat on this earth. Twolegs. The most brutal and savage sort.
Ravendusk had taken himself down by the river to seat down with tail wrapped around thier paws and the raven would watch the lead warrior taking thier frustration out there in the water. Tables had got turned, it was not him out there this time after all fighting an invinsible enemy. " How is the fishing going?." Seemed like the most logical thing to ask in this situation to break the silence, to let them know about his presence. Ravendusk would not say they where good at this. Emotions was not something they often fall victim too. They had never been allowed to openly show stress like Smokethroat had done back then, to vomit out of anxiety like Smogbreath....even less show great pain over the fear of having lost someone dear to them like Willowroot. Or cried so openly in the public like Clearsight. Showing emotions had strictly against the way of life, like a forbidden law everyone had to commit themself to. Something to be ashamed of to show. Sometimes they envied cats like them for having such freedom to express themselves. Maybe if things had been different and he hadn't been so disconnected to his own emotions life would have been different, and that nightmarish day would never have happend.
What if, what if, what if.
Aha, there was no point looking back. All he could do was to live with this regret for the rest of his life. It was different for Somethroat though. Thier decision had been nothing close to selfish. Sometimes doing the hard thing was the right one even if everyone else would end up hating you for it. Sometimes, that was even better...