NOTHING MAN『 🌈 』Rainbowpaw


& dayglow
Jun 20, 2023

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    RAINBOWKIT RAINBOWPAW ; a name synonymous with happiness, to them
    a people person, not concerned with the intricacies of clan life. ever - thankful that the most difficult tasks are handed out to the elite, and that he has the choice to simply be happy where he is, busying his paws with meaningless tasks and basking in the sun with his loved ones. determined to make those around them comfortable, and ever - warm in their quest to do so.

    ✦ AMAB demiboy ; accepts he / him and they / them pronouns as well as masculine terms
    ✦ apprentice of thunderclan ; born in thunderclan
    ✦ created 6.25.2023 at 1 moon / ages every 25th
    ✦ penned by floppie

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    rainbowkit is an odd thing at birth, sporting a pale, willowy form save the peekings of color atop their head and tail. sunburst stripes delicately cradle their cheeks, giving the appearance of a warm sun fading into the expanse of a clouded neck. Blue tabby fur crowns their forehead, dull in tone compared to bright, sky - blue eyes framed by long whiskers. The warmth of their face accentuates a serene smile and carefree laugh, eyes creasing with its brightness. they're sensitive – but they try not to let it show. prism light on their face rarely sees the light of day thereafter, save for smatterings of the rainbow along the top of their tail. as they age, they will grow into a handsome face and taller form, lean - built, unlike the sheer size of their father. may later develop vitiligo.
    ⤷ LH red tabby / blue tortoiseshell chimera with high white. genetically red tabby.
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    through and through, rainbowpaw is a people person – to the point where matters extending conflicts between small groups of cats seem unimportant to them, altogether. for a friend in need, rainbowpaw will lay beside them, offering a comforting shoulder and word to the best of their ability. to conflicts outside of that, rainbowpaw is bored. head lain across stone, blue eyes foggy and half - mast as the important people deal with it for him. it is not as if rainbowpaw finds these issues silly or unimportant — they take to clan values in the most general sense. border patrols are left respectful, no more, no less. the higher - ups who make those decisions for the rest of them are doing good, really. rainbowpaw would rather not be dedicated to all that themselves, though. at times, this can be frustrating, as it often seems they hardly talk about anything important at all, often dodging bigger subjects with talks about life or unimportant, silly questions for the sake of it. it will all work out. may be their motto. so what, as long as you're here? rainbowpaw is not very proactive in any sense, to the chagrin of some.

    outwardly, rainbowpaw is defined by easy smiles and nonsense questions. mentally, they try to be little more than that. living in the moment is something they subscribe to unconsciously, and they get the most joy out of surrounding themselves with kind faces than they do in the material, or useful, really. most of the time, questions will be asked for the sake of a laugh, leading to a joke, or for seeing the person smile as they talk about whatever it is, rather than out of any real interest. deeply and whole affectionate towards family and friends. somewhat protective, may go blank - faced in the presence of someone they know has done bad

    carries themselves with a seemingly - natural sort of poise. muscles always relaxed and easygoing. tail held a whisker above the ground by default. very big on eye contact, bright blue eyes seem to follow wherever you go
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    light and easygoing around all they interact; he trusts you, until he is given a reason not to.
    SOUNDS LIKE still a young, child - like timbre.
    SMELLS OF raspberryes ; fresh dew on greenleaf grass
    speech is #FFFFFF

    SUNFRECKLE xx RABBITNOSE littermate to emberpaw, sunshinekit and Pigeonkit; younger brother to sparkwing, freckleflame, and mousenose | mentored by raccoonstripe
    NOTABLE FRIENDS Emberpaw, Marigoldpaw
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    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: clueless. Newly apprenticed, So far, Rainbowpaw has absolutely no skill in this category.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLIMBING: clueless. Newly apprenticed, Rainbowpaw has absolutely no skill in this category.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: clueless. Newly apprenticed, Rainbowpaw has absolutely no skill in this category.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: clueless. Newly apprenticed, Rainbowpaw has absolutely no skill in this category.
  • Code:
    [box=55%][justify][COLOR=#b6bfcf]Text text text. " [COLOR=#fffbf7][B]Speech.[/B][/COLOR] "
    [TABS][TAB=『 OOC][b][COLOR=#fffbf7]OOC:[/color][/b]
    [tab=DO YOU EVER WANT NOTHING AT ALL?][quote][color=#fffbf7]( [b]I DO, I DO, I DO[/b] )[/color] [b][color=#F2AA84]R[/color][color=#F4B78D]A[/color][color=#F6C496]I[/color][color=#F9D29F]N[/color][color=#FBDFA8]B[/color][color=#FEEDB1]O[/color][color=#F2EBB9]W[/color][color=#E7E9C2]P[/color][color=#DBE7CB]A[/color][color=#D0E5D4]W[/color][/b]: Sunfreckle xx Rabbitnose. Mentored by [abbr='penned by marquette']Raccoonstripe[/abbr]
    ✦ he / they ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    ✦ currently 5 moons old as of 11/2/2023 ; ages every 25
    warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. he sports long curling whiskers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck. growing into themselves; rainbowpaw is showing signs of growing into an above - average height with a somewhat leggy frame. rainbowpaw is most plainly to be described as kind, his most tangible goals and motives being to make the people around him happy. somewhat aloof when it comes to more complex / outer clan issues. lives in the present first and foremost.[/quote] 
    [/tab][tab=』]this is for cute purposes begone.[/tab][/tabs][/color][/justify][/box]
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