
She knew. She wasn't stupid, but it didn't mean she was willing to stop what she was doing because of it. Moonwhisper's long pelt only did so much, it was at the point that she felt as if every cat could tell at a glance and she curled her tail around her side to shield her belly with a quiet scowl at the ground; glaring into nothingness. She'd just been given an apprentice, she had worked so hard to get to this point and outside her little fight with Mousenose she was the perfect warrior; dutiful and determined, she didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to lose her freedom even if she'd made the concious decision to get to this point. It was stupid, impulsive, she was absolutely and without question going to place the blame entirely on Lightstrike.
Rationality told her to seek out the medicine cat, but she'd rather swallow a bee's nest than go anywhere near Gentlestorm. If only Berryheart were still here, if only she had that comfort to look to, to speak to, to cry her fears and worries and pour her heart out to; but he was gone. Like her mother he was gone and she had no one to turn to she felt she could be open with. Her brother had enough to worry about, soon to be a father and Howlingstar was the leader and obviously didn't need to hear trivial nonsense from her complicate grandaughter. There wasn't much other family she could turn to, Wolfwind wasn't exactly the most comforting of cats and Raccoonstripe was absolutely out of the question.

So she was going to ignore it. She was going to continue on with her business and pretend nothing was happening.
Though it was hard to ignore Roeflame's eyes buring into her pelt as she pawed the ground and dug smooth grooves into it as she waited her apprentice to return from his hunting with another group to take out. She was alarmingly restless, like she wanted to crawl out of her own pelt and she had been reclusive since the gathering - she still didn't know how to handle her complex feelings on Blazestar's death and now THIS.
"What? What is it you're staring at?" She asked sharply, voice cracking and without her usual intensity. Her frigid gaze held a warning, it said 'don't'.

  • Ooc - This takes place AFTER the gathering, several days or so...[ Please wait for @ROEFLAME . ]

  • dgk9va7-e404f34c-d42a-4934-8360-235d0834d2d4.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
She hadn’t meant to stare. Her initial acknowledgment of Moonwhisper’s presence had been only a mere glance at first, it wasn’t until a certain something caught the queens eye that she had to do a double take.
A pawful of sunrises in the nursery and she was already sticking her nose where it didn’t belong.
Yet, it was a little hard to ignore. Her friends adjusted posture, the slight curve at her flank that may have once soared right between cinnamon-kissed ears.
Roeflame does not flinch when Moonwhisper finally snaps in her direction, but wide celadon eyes do flicker upwards to level with ice.
The tortoiseshells narrowed gaze wills the lead warrior to silence, and perhaps… perhaps if the tabby was a different cat, a timid cat, she would have listened.
There’s no way she doesn’t know by now. Roeflame thinks, as Moonwhisper looked about as pregnant as she did herself- and Roeflame had known for a near half-moon by now.
”I think you know.” Roeflame chimes discreetly from where she sits just outside the nursery, quirking a brow in her friends direction.
”Am I wrong or do you plan on joining me soon?” The tabby slyly questions as she comes to a stand, shuffling to the others flank. Based on Moonwhispers rigid stature, hopefully everyone else would decide to mind their own business today.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Wolfwind hasn't noticed much of anything. She sees Moonwhisper everyday, so, she's alive. There were currently no lurking WindClanners or bloodthirsty predators nearby lookin' to dig their claws into her... so as far as she's concerned, everything with Moonwhisper is fine and dandy. She is oblivious to her kin seeming... maybe, like, uh... a bit thicker than a cat normally would in Leaf - Bare. She's oblivious to Roeflame's gaze on her too — which, if you think about it, really isn't her fault. It's like she can only see one thing at a time, these days. Peripheral vision is a goner. Not like that bothers her or nothin'...

And it's really not out of the ordinary when Moonwhisper gets kinda snappy... Wolfwind is left wondering to herself when RoeFlame says: I think you know. She sure didn't. Was this some kinda' secret meant for these two only? She doesn't think that's really fair, specially when she was Moonwhispers superior, and, uh, technically Roeflame's too if seniority counts. She thinks it should.

Am I wrong or do you plan on joining me soon? Now – what in StarClan's name did that mean?

What did the two of them have in common that they didn't with just anyone else... Wolfwind's eye flickers to their ears, their noses, their pelts, their bellies, their paws – no, back up.

Wolfwind, in fact, does not mind her own business today. " Ohhhh... " she says aloud, when it finally clicks. " Ohh – wait. Really? You? " she gawks at her kin. " Who – " wait, that's rude to ask. Just how out of the loop was she? " I mean, congrats! Woah. You? I mean, you'll do great. " Moonwhisper as a mom... it's a bit hard to imagine for a reason she wans't really certain of. She certainly had the attitude to be one...
He will mind his own business today. The gathering brought (bad? Good? Neutral?) enough news for the tom to dwell on for the next decade, he did not need the day to day drama that being a Clan cat brought. The mottled tom does his best to cycle through his daily itinerary - hunting first thing in the morning, then helping out with some of the apprentices later in the day. He has a short break before dusk patrol along the ShadowClan border...


Repetitions of his schedule lead to idle paws, and idle paws wish to busy themselves. He unintentionally invites himself into the conversation by bringing Roeflame a vole to munch on, only tuning in as Wolfwind cheers her congrats to his sister. The vole is dropped unceremoniously to the wayside and awkwardly dragged back towards his brother's mate. He should be... happy for Moonwhisper, absolutely - but Skyclaw has so much going on (they both do, though he wonders if she knows,) that he struggles to at first. Not to mention... Moonwhisper, as a mother? Would it be rude to say that she'd be a far cry from their own? Yeah. Maybe.

"I've got nothing for you," he says, kiddish and bluntly as a little brother would, however not with ill intent. "Should I start tugging squirrels on by for you, too, then? Looks like you've already ate enough for the Clan," he tests the waters, but instinctively ducks in case his sister swipes at him.​
If he was being truthful, Martenmask had hoped he would overhear Moonwhisper and Roeflame's conversation. He had carefully chosen his grooming-place, positioned just far enough away to seem respectable, but close enough that there was the possibility of being in earshot. Typically, the Ragdoll was not nearly so cautious about being nosy and asking questions - how could you learn anything if you were too scared to ask? - but he remembered how Moonwhisper and Mousenose had squabbled, and he had no desire to be on the receiving end of such vitriol. Besides, he knew that the tortoiseshell point had just found out that her father had died, on top of ThunderClan's other troubles - he had enough common sense to understand that she might not be receptive to his probing, and he might get slapped for it.

As it happened, he needn't have tried to be so sneaky. He had only gotten halfway through rasping his tongue over the thick fur on his chest when Wolfwind started offering congratulations. Martenmask's head bounced up immediately and he edged nearer, a grin blossoming beneath his bubblegum nose, eyeing Moonwhisper's belly as Skyclaw poked fun at her in a brotherly fashion. Though his eye was untrained, it definitely seemed that there was a curve there...and he knew Roeflame had just recently moved into the nursery..."If I heard correctly, it sounds like ThunderClan will have some little moonbeams running around this newleaf." he purred, unable to hide his glee at the idea of another litter to strengthen the Clan. "Congratulations, Moonwhisper!"
Raccoonstripe hadn’t been terribly surprised when Roeflame had announced her pending move to the nursery; he’d seen her silvery pelt brushing against Burnstorm’s, had noticed for moons their ongoing closeness. Moonwhisper, though? Her ice-pale eyes sear into Roeflame’s inquisitive gaze. Her stance is as threatening—even to a cat she considers a friend—as ever. What are you looking at, she snips, and Raccoonstripe’s eyes narrow as cats begin to flock over. Wolfwind’s congratulations is tinged with surprise, while Skyclaw badgers his older sister. Martenmask’s cheer is genuine enough, but Raccoonstripe wonders… Moonwhisper looks anything but enthused.

I suppose some congratulations are in order.” He blinks. Another good, talented warrior stuck in camp. He’s glad leafbare will be ending—soon enough, the Clan will be crowded with hungry, yearning mouths to feed, with queens whose paws will be busy tending to scraps of fluff. He couldn’t imagine wanting to be in her position… and he’s glad it’s not something he’ll ever have to worry about.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

Howlingstar had only just returned from her hunt, a mouse in her jaws and a slowness to her steps. Her mind eats away at her, as it has often done in the wake of so many deaths of loved ones. To distract herself, she plans to bring the fresh-kill to Roeflame, who carries her future great grandchildren. She wants to bond more with her, talk with her through any fears or concerns she may feel, but on her way to the nursery she accidentally overhears the conversation going on.

Congratulations, everyone is saying, and she cocks her head in confusion before realizing everyone's focus is on her granddaughter of all cats. Now that she gets a good look at her...oh stars, yes, she is looking rounder. Moonwhisper is most certainly pregnant. Shock ripples across her features and pauses her mid-step for only a moment as the news settles over her. Moonwhisper? Pregnant? Since when? The nosy grandmother that she is, she glances around to try and guess who the sire might be - as far as she knows, Moonwhisper has no mate. "Moonwhisper," She finally speaks, eyes lighting up as she puts down the mouse and approaches quickly. "Congratulations! How long have you known? By the looks of it, you really should be getting into the nursery, love," She purrs, her tone only holding adoration but if one listens close enough they can surely hear the surprise.

The congratulations were...strained. Pleasant enough and well-intentioned by the tone of surprise was so blatant they might as well all be saying the word 'what' simulatenously. At least SkyClan was a little more poignant, even if she did swing a paw at his ear to cuff him for his insolence, "Keep it up, furball, I can still take you in a fight - pregnant or not." Wolfwind, her former mentor and uncle and then finally their leader herself eventually spoke out and joined the small collective and she felt her fur bristle uneasily at the attention though a hushed, "Thank you." Did escape her lips after a moment of shuffling her paws.
At Howlingstar's insistence she move into the nursery she can not help but shoot Roeflame a look, as if it were her fault entirely this was noticed. It was obvious enough now at a glance but she'd happily place the blame on the first to call attention to it.
"...I'm guessing but it's been....maybe a moon now? I'm not sure..." She had not gone to Gentlestorm to ask, choosing instead to simply wait out her idle curiousity on its own to discover the truth and well - it was discovered well enough.
"...but I guess I'm moving in now." Ugh, she had JUST gotten an apprentice too - now someone else was going to take over Marigoldpaw's training.


  • 75204781_kmRWM9XaLmDg6Vg.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The question had barely left her maw before Wolfwind makes her presence known, Roeflame turning a wide-eyed gaze to see her councilmate gawking in their direction.
Shit. Woops.
Soon, there is a whole clamor of cats drawn over by Wolfwind’s exclamation, all offering their congratulations to Moonwhisper.
Roeflame wishes she could feel more than a tinge of guilt in this moment- but she cannot, all too excited to finally have another imprisoned in the nursery alongside her. Still, if Moonwhisper were to glance in her direction amongst the overwhelming support, she would see a sheepish smile resting on Roeflames round features for only a heartbeat.
I’m guessing but it’s been… maybe a moon now?
Now, it’s Roeflame’s turn for her maw to part.
”No way… same!” She cannot hide the genuine excitement from spilling into her tone, onto her expression.
”Congratulations, Moonwhisper. I already picked out the best spot in the nursery but… you can have the second best.” If the larger warrior would allow, Roeflame would offer her a friendly nudge with her shoulder. Making a mental note to apologize for spilling her news later on… without all the eyes on her friend.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.