- Nov 17, 2022
- 401
- 80
- 28
The Interest Check will remain open from Today until the End of Sunday unless otherwise stated.
After suffering delusions from yellowcough, Ravensong has been forced to face his inevitable mortality and has now decided he must take on an apprentice. The clan might not know it, but their scrawny medicine cat is watching all of them now with hollowed eyes as he recovers, deciding on who will be his successor...
Hello everyone! This is a very quick interest check to see who would be open to potentially taking the position of MCA in RiverClan. This is not a "try-out" or "application process" but a way for me and the HP team to see who is willing to be considered for the role. We are looking for someone who is willing to be committed and eventually become a full MC.
Please read all and make sure to review the MCA/MC section of the rank guide before posting your interest! Let me know if you have questions. Looking forward to seeing you all!
The Interest Check will remain open from Today until the End of Sunday unless otherwise stated.
After suffering delusions from yellowcough, Ravensong has been forced to face his inevitable mortality and has now decided he must take on an apprentice. The clan might not know it, but their scrawny medicine cat is watching all of them now with hollowed eyes as he recovers, deciding on who will be his successor...
Hello everyone! This is a very quick interest check to see who would be open to potentially taking the position of MCA in RiverClan. This is not a "try-out" or "application process" but a way for me and the HP team to see who is willing to be considered for the role. We are looking for someone who is willing to be committed and eventually become a full MC.
Please read all and make sure to review the MCA/MC section of the rank guide before posting your interest! Let me know if you have questions. Looking forward to seeing you all!
- The character must have been created before this interest check. Characters made after or for the sole purpose of posting for this interest check will not qualify.
- Character must be active. I will consider all interest forms equally, staff or non-staff, old or new members. I look for consistency and stability in activity as well.
- Character may be between kit age to warrior age. As long as your character is not nearing retirement, they qualify. Ravensong does not have a preference for the age of his apprentice.
Does my character need to be in good standing with Ravensong?
Not necessarily—I'm open to plots and will take everything into consideration!
Does my character have to believe in StarClan?
Ravensong is a medicine cat that struggles with faith in StarClan and the outcome of that mental battle may determine his fate. He does not openly disclose his struggle because of the social ramifications. He will be less inclined to take on an apprentice who openly disbelieves StarClan as he wants to ensure the living connection between RiverClan and StarClan but it is likely he will be resentful of an apprentice who is fervent in their belief. I'm definitely open to talk more about this—but in the end, your character does not have to believe in StarClan but it is preferred they did to some extent.
What can I expect with Ravensong as a mentor?
Ravensong is a cat who loves to teach and share (read, show off) his knowledge. He is still very young, however, and used to having the place by himself so he is almost constantly burned out or refuses help even when he needs it most. Working through the yellowcough pandemic and falling ill himself has made Ravensong hyperaware of his mortality and his existential gloominess has shadowed his personality more heavily than before. Yellowcough has also left chronic symptoms on his body, so your character will also be working with the physical affects of that as well as the aforementioned mental ones.
Ravensong is a "secretive" cat and has always established the medicine den as a place where cats can speak whatever they may like or keep their conditions disclosed or private. He will want to instill this way of going about business in his medicine cat apprentice as well.
For what medical knowledge he holds, see the medicine den in the RiverClan discord. -
- Consistent and friendly activity both in the board through posting and engagement with the community and HP team on Discord
- Following this, it is a requirement that you are in RiverClan's Discord
- Must not have a MC/MCA in another Clan (as per TT rules)
- Be able to make the fifteen posts per month requirement for RiverClan HPs.
- Must be willing to work with me/Ravensong—I'd love for him to have a deeply plotted relationship with his apprentice
- Being respectful, patient, and polite during the interest check—and after!
- Consistent and friendly activity both in the board through posting and engagement with the community and HP team on Discord
[b]Main Account:
Character Account:
Why Are You/Your Character Interested In The Role: