now thats what i call rock & Sootsprite



❖ With the recent disappearance of Howlpaw and Ashenclaw, there had been a development of a partner system or well more so most cats where too paranoid to go out alone anymore. It just wasn't as safe as it had been before and it was rather saddening that nothing seemed normal recently. Nothing seemed like it had been better either, but it was all pretty bad recently. New-leaf had always been a chance for something new, something good, but as of late it seemed to only deal turmoil. For an older cat, he had had the thought of perhaps a buddy system for the recently missing cats so that way more wouldn't get kidnapped.

Thus came this little patrol of his that he had asked the young Sootsprite to join him on. She wasn't really his first choice in a partner but he didn't know many in the clan anymore. There was always some sort of new faces around and he never had time to get to know them until recently. The ticked tabby tomcat flicked his tail back and forth in interest and then looked back behind him to where the she-cat had been following him. Bramblebelly tried to think of something to say, something to break this silence, but nothing came to mind.

Then finlly he got scent of something nearby and was quick to gesture to Sootsprite that he picked up on something. Bramblebelly gestured with his head for a moment before crouching to the ground, belly fur brushing the ground and he crawled his way across the ground quietly. A little ways up the path was a small little vole knibbling on a seed shell of a walnut. The ticked tabby then took a few bounded forward before trapping the creature between front paws, and ending its' life with a swift dip of his head. Ah good, no noise to scare away anything else.

Bramblebelly looked back to Sootsprite and smiled a bit cheekily, "This could mean we are gonna have a good hunt," He optimistically spoke with a wave of his tail behind himself.

sootsprite | 33 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #ffff99
Truly, sootsprite could not understand the fear these cats seemed to harbor of the twolegs and their strange boxes. She'd been caught once before, long ago, and they'd simply looked at her collar and then her twolegs had come to get her within the day. But... she supposes not all the cats here have twolegs to pick them up, and not all of them seem to want twolegs, so maybe there is a good reason. Whichever it is doesn't matter much - it hardly affects her either way.

Short and a bit stout, Sootsprite has always seemed much younger than her age - a spritely thing, her namesake not far off. Curly locks seem to pounce as she walks, pawsteps dainty and confident, a sunny smile on her face - though her bright gold eyes are not quite as empty of intelligence as one would think at first glance. When bramblebelly draws to a standstill for a moment she is quick to follow his lead - eyes catching quickly onto the same target but not interested in attempting to steal the catch for herself.

Instead, she is content to observe - gaze roving rather appreciatively as the tom so easy stalks forwards and delivers a powerful strike. Her smile turns into something sharper - more of a grin, as her lilting voice breaks the silence. "What a wonderful catch," she compliments. She listens to his musings with a fond sort of humor - perhaps he is right, perhaps not. She's not one to believe in luck, really, but still - "Mhm, must be our lucky day," she trills instead - gaze catching on a fluttering of feathers nearby. A sparrow - an easy enough target for the charcoal feline.

Upright ear flicks as she slips into the undergrowth rather than wasting her time with trying to approach from plain sight. She moves with a surprising amount of speed for her chubby figure - in one place and then another in only a matter of moments. The creatures shrieks and tries to scatter but that's what she expects anyways, and pearly whites bite down onto it's fragile neck with a deadly snap. If she's a bit smug that her attempt at showing off worked - well, that'll be her secret.

❖ Ah, this would surely be a battle of patience wouldn't it? Bramblebelly couldn't rightly say the was the best at conversation but he was vaguely decent at it. Hopefully theyre hunt wouldn't take too long- he knew he could get pretty boring sometimes with his rather small small-talk. Though he was pulled from his thoughts as the black she-cat then leapt for something he didn't notice till now- a sparrow.

Orange eyes watched with an impressive look to his gaze as she was quick despite her more heavy shape, and the screech from the bird was cut short as its life ended. Bramblebelly gave a low laugh that made his belly rumble slightly, "What an excellent catch you are yourself! I did not notice that bird what so ever," He gave a shake of his head at how silly it was that he missed it. Suppose he should pay better attention to the task at hand rather than his own inner monologue.

The tom then hesitated for a moment before speaking without really thinking about what he was saying, "Thanks for coming out here with me. With the whole twolegs thing- its a little sketchy being out here," He gave a meek smile and flicked his bushy tail behind him idly. He'd rather not get caught by twolegs and taken to wherever they where off too. Could be something like the Cutter or something worse then that- far away from Skyclan. Would they be able to find their way back? He hoped so, and prayed to Starclan every day about it.

Bramblebelly lifted his head a bit into the air to scent the air for a moment, trying to discharge the situation from his awkward comment. Sootsprite was a daylight warrior! Why would he say something like that? She returned to these twolegs all the time, so of course they didn't have to worry about whatever was going on with the disappearances and twolegs. They also probably didn't need his awkward talking anyway either. He cleared his throat a bit awkwardly, "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to be- insensitive," He quickly apologized when the silence got to be too much for him to sit comfortably in.

"Where do they take you when they take you? Have you ever been taken?" Surely her twolegs had sought her out when she didn't come home? Did they keep her some where for who knows how long? Was it a bad place? There was a many questions in his mind, but he didn't want to overwhelm them by any means either. He bit his lip to keep his worm vomit from leaving his lips further.
