Ferngill had readily volunteered to bring a caught fish to Hazecloud, surely soon to kit; Leafbare kittens were not the most relaxing of concepts, but he still cared for his journey-mate. The tales they had lived through, the quiet moments they had shared- none of it would be forgotten even now, as they were settled back into normalcy. He placed the catch at her feet, his smile surrounding the silver-sparkle scaled, a silent greeting.

"If you need anything else, just give me a shout," he offered. In Ferngill there never dwelled unwillingness-sincerity glowed from him sunlight-bright. Interest flickered plain and spotless as a meadow in the green of his solitary eye. "You must be excited." Must be- it was an exciting thing, wasn't it? The hazy memories from his own kithood almost entirely consisted of his father's grinning face, a pride and optimism that had persisted until this day. Seeng your kits for the first time, seeing them grow- it was a surge of emotion Ferngill could never wholly understand, but one that he thought he might like to, for a fleeting moment...

"Have you thought about any names yet?" Enraptured in the conversation already, Ferngill's expression was soft as he looked to Hazecloud- he pattered along a path that Nightkit might be nice, if not for Nightfish...

\ @hazecloud !
penned by pin

Another fish delivered for her and Smokestars kin to share. It's like clockwork, the method timing of replacing the moss of her nest and feeding her and the kits she took responsibility of. In the hours when it was too cold to leave the nursery and the little ones opted to play within the barriers of the sedge with milk-scented air to lull them back into peaceful naps, she is thankful that her Clan was so attentive. So doting. So kind.

"Ah, you know, Ferngill. I'm only starting to believe I've become this round because of all these special deliveries." Between the drop-offs from Beepaw, the occasional bird from Nettlepaw, her mate and sister constantly fretting she's not fed enough or unknowingly still hungry and Redpath and Bounceheart on top of keeping everything tidy and Ravensong's hovering concerns- it's overwhelming at times. Being so thoroughly taken care of as she slowly lost the ability to do so herself.

"I don't think I've been more excited before in my life. Nothing... truly quite compares to this experience. Watching, feeling them grow and knowing that once they're here I'll finally be able to truly meet them. It sounds silly but, sometimes I'm about ready to cry as if they're already leaving to become apprentices. I spend a lot of time imagining what their future will hold..." She is hopeful their futures will stretch far beyond her own. That they will be shining stars to their Clan and honor their home.

"Ooh yes, Lichentail and I have had a few conversations for names." Her mates recent ploy getting Algaekit popular among their peers was hardly the start. "A name is so special, it carries so much meaning, we worry they won't like what we give them but... I've been thinking of the name 'Batkit' for a while. You remember Batwing, from the journey. I'd never quite had a friend like him before, and since he has a child named Hazekit I thought about returning that honor for his own name." If only she had known it was Leopardtongue's idea, and the kits prefix had been inspired by her friends late kin.
die with memories , not dreams .
Dawnstorm spent little time around the nursery, busy with other things than wondering what it would have been like with parents that weren’t his own. Of course, the impending threat of leafbare loomed over everyone, hunting by the pawfuls until prey became lacking and illness rose over the horizon. Worrying. Dawnstorm couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to his family, no longer part of a nomad group, but a clan that had welcomed them in.

Blinking, Dawnstorm wondered if the other would pop from the amount of prey he’d seen enter the nursery, only to leave as bones. He supposed not. If he were carrying kits, then surely he’d be hungry. Although he couldn’t quite … get pregnant. The thought of fatherhood was foreign to the tom, even more so with kits on the way.

“Will you let others?” He inquired. His mother hadn’t been able to bear the sight of him, cursing his name and nearly abandoning him if it hadn’t been for someone else, then surely he wouldn’t be standing here. Dawnstorm frowned. Perhaps he should have expanded on his question, but the warrior remained silent.
thought speech

Though his youth in comparison to most of the Ripple Colony usually left him grouped with those younger than him — as if he would be useful in watching over the colony's kits — Dewcloud hadn't originally planned to go toward the River's nursery in his stride through the camp.

Still memorizing the camp's layout, the stagnancy of this new home of his, Dewcloud thought he'd been going toward the warrior's den, only to stand before the nursery. His confused pathway leads him toward a conversation between RiverClan's own — a warrior and a mother, er... queen, he vaguely remembers the Clan-term.

Future names for an impending litter, and all that. The tom finds himself listening, but only for the obscurity in the way the clan names their kits, ensures everyone is aware their youngest are indeed kits by labeling them as such. " Batkit... " the tom repeats in murmured tones, a perplexity twisting his face. Dewcloud doesn't know Batwing, but he does know that Batkit sounds odd against his ears, that Bat sounds better, more fitting in the names he'd grown up around.

" Name one Dew, " he offers to Hazecloud, since the RiverClanner seems keen on naming her children after others. He blinks, correcting himself with a straightened posture and a quick nod. " Dewkit. " Even that doesn't sound right, but it's tolerable enough.
Aspenhaze takes the time to check on their friend, too; once they were done with their duties, they enter the nursery, seeing a growing crowd already. Not that they would let it stop them. They take a seat next to Hazecloud, putting their legs underneath them so they’re invisible, always finding the queen’s presence comforting. Even the aura that the nursery brings is a welcomed one, and they can’t help but take a glance at Smokestar’s kin and smile at how tiny they are. “Motherhood is truly something special…” Aspenhaze muses, voice quieter than usual.

They don’t say much more until the topic of names comes up, their attention quickly stirred from their relaxed daze. Their name is something that they hold dear, even if they didn’t choose it for themself. But nevertheless, it’s fun hearing what others think would be good choices. Even if some of them are silly, especially Dewkit. It would be a nice name if not for Dewcloud suggesting it because it’s his. Even so, it’s not like he owns the name. And they couldn’t really say much when there’s three cats in the clan with haze somewhere in their name, now could they?

“Batkit isn’t a bad idea, I think. Maybe a little…dark, but bats are cute in their own way.” It’s not something Aspenhaze would personally pick, but they can understand the sentiment. “As for suggestions of my own…something pretty, I think. Iriskit, Featherkit for some examples. And of course, anything water-related would be very applicable. Creekkit or Mistkit would be lovely.” They purposefully suggests mist, as they would find it cute if haze somehow made its way in, even if just worded differently.​
Who the heck is Batwing? He ain't even in this clan? Cool, don't care about 'em then. She just listens not really having much an opinion of kits. They were gross, loud, and annoying. She remembered waking up to the sound of them crying and nearly had the sense to grab the kit and put them far away from her, but she had been stopped by Frond at the time. A lot of kits should owe their thanks towards Frond or else they might have been cuffed far too many times. As for why she's here? It's simple really. She's here because Dawnstorm and Dewcloud are here.

When Dewcloud offers a name suggestion and one that is named after him, she doesn't hide her gasp, "Nooo way is she just gonna say aight, imma name a kit after you!" It comes off more disrespectful than what she intends, but she has never been good at being more gentle. That is something that with time she would learn, or maybe not. She hadn't intended on saying anything, because clan names were weird and she wasn't sure how they worked still to be honest.

Aspenhaze listing off names is something. Why do they have to be water-related? Is that like a hard rule or something? Her whiskers twitch in irritation. More so from the lack of understanding of name rules. Can't you just name them anything you want? "My suggestion is... Name them whatever you want. They're yours, so who cares if it's not water-related or whatever." Wow. That was... Very helpful of a suggestion.

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 24 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots

Hazecloud was always easy to talk to- it was one of the things Ferngill had appreciated about her when they had embarked upon the journey together. In times of low morale he could turn to her for conversation and find kindness, find common ground. As Hazecloud spoke about how excited she was to meet her kits, speaking of how she could cry- Ferngill felt something welling up in his eye. A glaze over the green that spilled and dislodged with a blink. "Wow," the ginger tom sniffled. "You're making me want my own, now! Oh, it's... it's so exciting..." His voice croaked a little, and he tried to steady himself- to some avail.

Maybe that was his next chapter. Ferngill had never been in any rush to settle down, to find a mate... he was perfectly content appreciating the beauty of the world, and the beauty of some of the cats who roamed in it. When he'd spoken to Mosspool about worrying that his life would end at his warrior ceremony, though... he'd never considered a next chapter that lay outside of Clan hierarchy. But now... thinking of raising his own kittens, of being as great a dad to them as Mudpelt was to him... yeah, that sounded good. It sounded like something he might be good at, too.

Their conversation, as many a sentimental thing did, had drawn attention- Dawnstorm, Dewcloud, Cedarblaze, all considering names. A laugh fluttered from Ferngill's lips, his tearfulness a fled, fleeting thing. "I dunno if Hazecloud wants suggestions... she seems pretty set on Batkit," he murmured, though he looked to the queen as he said it, not wishing to speak on her behalf entirely. If Lichentail and her had already discussed some names, maybe they'd already brought up a couple of those suggested. "And Batkit is lovely. I love the meaning." Naming a kit after a close friend- it was a nice sentiment, wasn't it? And the journey was a difficult thing to forget. That kit would shine with the memory of that time of turmoil and triumph.
penned by pin

"I think you would be an amazing father, Ferngill. A kit would be blessed to have your courage and kindness." Traits she herself found honorable in a warrior. "Maybe once they arrive you can stop by to see what its like for a day. I promise I'll teach them not to bite."

A few more approach, namely the new faces from the Ripple Colony, and Hazecloud's smile turned more gentle at their curiosity. She wasn't all too sure of their former naming traditions, but many of them had names similar to her kin before the Clans. Words that did not pertain to their forest but rather words that sounded special for their mothers or were gifted from their twolegs.

At Dawnstorms question she would give her head a slow shake. "We've been open to suggestions from our Clanmates but we're not leaving it up to them when the moment arrives. I think, once we see their faces we'll have an easier time deciding. My mothers experience was not too different, she didn't have any ideas for my littermates until a few weeks later. Ah, hopefully we don't take that long, though."

Dewcloud brought about a bit more amusement, and she couldn't help but laugh! "Dewcloud is a very wonderful name, I'd hate to take it from you for my own." She leaned against Aspenhaze as they took rest beside her. "Iriskit is definitely beautiful, you remember my favorite flower?" Hazecloud purred without the faintest idea that all these suggestions may make her struggle even more to decide.

"At any rate we might have to combine all the names we like into one. Might end up with Algaebatdewkit!" The absurdity in its sound made Hazecloud laugh, tilting her head back with a wide smile. "Maybe Dawnstorm's idea isn't too bad. Might be easier jsut letting our friends name them for us."