ODDS ARE CAST ANEW | gossiping

There was a loquacious buzz within camp, like a horde of angry bees preparing to suffocate a threat. The leader's den stood as a bastion against it all, separated only by a thin layer of lycan. He watched some cats hover close to it, adamant that if they pressed their ears to the stone, they would receive some worthwhile information. Others cast their sights on the Nursery, some sympathetic, others glaring at the walls. A sense of betrayal hung in the air and, although Sunstar had called a recess to talk with the xanthic traitor, it had not quelled the desire for others to talk. He saw it in the way they moved and the way their flanks rose and fell with a mixture of emotions driving their hearts to soar.

'She gave me what I wanted.' Yet, as his inflated ego grew steady, there was something hollow about the victory, something that reminded him that she had been a fool for Thriftfeather's sake and not his. His chance to lionize had been squandered by mediocrity, and until Sunstar emerged from his nest, no one would know how much they'd been able to influence what happened to the timorous tom. Would their leader emerge with a bloodied maw, or would he succumb to his clanmates and find friendship in the rogue? The latter seemed... wrong, revolting in a way the chimera could not describe. It couldn't happen. Juncoclaw's acceptance had been a mistake, but this? This would be sordid, irrefutable proof that he was the only one within WindClan that could honour the code.

He fed the young, he did not waste prey (the snake eggs were already dead, outside of the code, he reasoned), he only trespassed on his leader's orders, he had fought underground in defence of a Deputy, he had held a posthumous vigil for himself. The longer he stood, the easier it was to believe how virtuous he was, how much he deserved Bluefrost's place. There was plenty to do to show how much he'd earned in the two moons before he was free from the nursery.

His ears fell sadly to the sides of his skull, the prominent lashing of his tail falling to a still. In the face of the hustle and bustle, he'd grown immutable. Over and over he replayed Bluefrost's expression in his mind until he emulated it himself, growing a regretful frown and downcast eyes as if they were plants. When the look was at its crescendo, someone asked if he was alright. "When DuskClan raided our camp, I watched Bluefrost leave her post at WindClan's entrance which allowed them to escape. It looked like she ran towards Thriftfeather first even though her leader was dead, but it was dark, I thought I was mistaken." 'I thought her vision so poor that she could not tell the difference between friend or foe. It seems now her vision doesn't matter, they were both her friends.' "I am sorry, had I been less trusting, this may never have escalated."

A chorus of diatribes had been hurled Bluefrost and Thriftfeather's way the moment the shocking news of their involvement had been broken, and rightfully so. Anger and outrage eclipsed WindClan so suddenly, reduced to a simmering bitterness as soon as Sunstar had sentenced Bluefrost to the nursery and ordered Thriftfeather to his den. Although an innate temptation to stray closer wells within Rowanpaw, they know that it would not be the right thing to do. For now, the clan would have to wait and see what Sunstar's verdict would be. They almost know for certain that the rosetted tom would not be very forgiving or xenial to the DuskClanner, though.

Their juxtaposed eyes narrow into slits toward the garrulous warrior, Sootspot, though they do not say anything right away. Rowanpaw cannot say anything for certain—he could be right, for all they knew—but the way that Sootspot was treating his own blood was detestable to the apprentice. Had he no shame? Gossipping about your own kin? You truly are loathsome. Rowanpaw urges to criticize the blue-hued male though his superiority over them is a hindrance.

For now, the chimera lingers nearby, gaze flicking from Sootspot toward the windswept hollow that they called home. "Perhaps it would be best not to talk about this." The apprentice murmurs with a frown.

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    a tunneler apprentice of windclan, rowanpaw is nine moons and is mentored by swiftshade they are the child of snakehiss and berrysnap. split directly down the middle, their right half is solid black and their left half is tortoiseshell patterned. they also have amber and blue heterochromia.
THE TENACITY I HOLD✧°.☀ ——————————————————————————————————
Windswept fur crashes against his face as a particularly strong breeze traversed through the moorlands and into camp. Thistlekit remained outside of the medics' den, lounging in the shade while his ears were perkep up listening to Sootspot speak. The tom had always been rather loquacious, the kit had noticed — and more often than not, his words were a bore; but now he stood agreeing with the tom. The xenial behavior some of his clanmates offered to Thriftfeather was sickening. Did they not realize the how pernicious the tom was, how he would affect the quotidian existance of WindClan itself?

The seal-point's tail thumped against the ground rhythmically, like the way thunder can be heard rumbling from a distance; no doubt an augur of what was to come from Thistlekit did Sunstar decide to let the tom stay. If his clanmates' diatribes had not been enough to convince their leader to kick him out, or worse, he didn't know what would. Thistlekit didn't want him here. DuskClan had already taken too much from them, why was one of their ranks being welcomed like this?

His malaise be damned. Thistlekit stands up with a cough before stepping closer to Sootspot and Rowanpaw, just to make talking easier on his throat. I watched Bluefrost leave her post. He clicks his tongue, iridescent eyes staring up at the warrior's toxic green gaze. "Is that true?"The kitten asks the garrulous tom. Did Bluefrost really do that? Did she go after a traitor instead of staying and protecting WindClan?

[penned by nocthymia -
————————————————— ☀.°✧ I HOPE IT'S HARD TO BREAK DOWN

  • "Speech" Thoughts
  • THISTLEKIT HE/HIM, kit of windclan, four moons
    long haired seal-point kitten with an unusually long tail and pale blue eyes. short history blurb, short opinion on clan/clan specific traits. 1-2 sentences bout personality stuff and any other important details.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by nocthymia@hypmic on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Sootspot looks like he's... sulking. And Sootspot wasn't necessaarily a halcyon tom, or anything... in fact Pinkshine feels like sulking is something he does a lot, only not so openly... With the drooping ears and tail... Usually he was just mad, or grumpy, or some other synonym or whatever... Pinkshine couldn't pretend she didn't have any guesses on what about. He and Bluefrost — they were siblings, weren't they? Did they feel any kinship toward each other? She isn't really sure... Pinkshine would easily forget if he wasn't named... like that. Sootstar, then Sootspot... and now there was a new little Sootkit amongst them, nestling by Bluefrost's belly... Pinkshine didn't like sadness, no matter how sordid the cat. That's why she asks if he's okay.

She doesn't know what she's meant to make of that. It's such a Sootspot answer, isn't it? Not tat he's worried for Bluefrost, or not even that he's disappointed... He's... sad that sad that he didn't catch her sooner, himself.

And Pinkshine bites down her tongue... Because it's not horrible, not evil. Not ridiculous or crazy to worry over at all, but it still bothers her. Her smile twists into a partway grimace. Sootspot is looked at with unsteady eyes, as she tries to figure out what's wrong. With him, with Bluefrost... " If you should be less of anything... " something like a comeback bubbles on her tongue, but she can't really finish it. Can't distinguish the difference between what she'd like to say and what she should say. Sootspot had been vehement that day. he'd insisted that Thriftfeather bear his neck to him, even though it was hardly his business, she thinks. Was there any need for anyone to die? And if there was, why would it be by him?

...But Pinkshine couldn't be upset at him for caring or feeling betrayed... or maybe even for wishing things had been different entirely. It's an immutable truth, that Bluefrost did something wrong. Pinkshine still wears her smile, but it's small, strained. Not the moonbeam brightness she'd rather have... And she pricks her ears to whatever answer Thistlekit would receive, because if it was true...

Pinkshine sniffs. " ...Don't apologize for that. " Maybe he'd only said that to be mean to Bluefrost, but he looks so downtrodden that Pinkshine would take his word for genuineness... or was that a dumb thing to do? " Trusting is good. "

She shuffles her paws. A guilty glance is spared toward Rowanpaw, who probably had the better idea of not talking very much at all... But she felt like she had to say something, for some reason. " ...And the rest of us trust Bluefrost enough that... I dunno if anything would have changed if you had. " At least, not if it had been Pinkshine... Whatever excuse she had, she wouldn't have wanted Bluefrost locked away. She wouldn't have wanted her exiled, or anything... But maybe she was only speaking for herself.

He had never expected for their aunt to be a such noxious indvindual despite having brought in something bad to the clan. But father had a different version of the former lead warrior remembering clearly how vehement their father had been the other day when Bluefrost had brought in that claimed traitor. It had all been a bittersweet day of emotions for most but clearly his father was one of those who had got struck the worst.

With the information he was able to gather it had not only been their father who had been blindsided by Bluefrost but more in the clan seemed to be torrid with her decision making, leaving them dry and scorched. Sunstar in particular had been all livid looking almost like a burned sun, if that was even possible. To think his aunt had turned out to be rather glib in the way she spoke to have even succeeded with tricking their father like this. Nightkit couldn't possibly imagine how thier father might feel right now, knowing how importand family was to them. So it most, in someway have scarred them. That was something he understood now.

Like always, Nightkit was silent with his approach as he made his way over to seat down beside their savior, his gaze looking upwards to meet their father, hopefully so anyway. " Dad, it's not your fault." He wanted it clarified to them, unfortunate in this situation not being as loquacious as his sisters could be, or even father himself but still in someway wished to express that father shouldn't blame themself for this. If anything he wanted them to know that they where not alone in this. Father still had him and his sisters that remained loyal by his side.

Nightkit was determined to never cause the same pain to father the way thier aunt had done. He would make sure to never make a decision that would leave a such pernicious effect on them like Bluefrost had. Always to remain true by their side, forever.

( ⊱✿⊰ ) a bristled tongue gently grooms the feathered tail of the deprecating tomcat. thorn-sharp claws grip the ground as heatherkit listens to her father narrate his story, gently kneading as if to comfort. sootspot speaks as if to apologize for his inability to augur this outcome, and his daughter feels wretched sympathy well within her. "it isn't your fault," she repeats her brother's words, nuzzling into the tom's luscious pelt. bluefrost's torrid affair with the duskclan traitor is a shock and a surprise to the little girl, who has always known her aunt to defend her clan loyalty with zest and indignation.

quietly, heatherkit can see her aunt's side of the story. falling for some tomcat with loquacious temptations seemed quite romantic. that he is a rogue and a scoundrel is bluefrost's only mistake. thriftfeather's intentions are rife with ulterior motives and that her aunt is complacent in what must be a plot to destroy windclan shakes heatherkit to her core. "could thriftfeather have tricked bluefrost? or blackmailed her somehow?" big words and big ideas for one so small, but she is her father's daughter. "or is she truly a traitor?"

heatherkit doesn't want her aunt to be a traitor, doesn't want her family's bittersweet legacy to be tainted once again. she nuzzles against sootspot's flank once again, comfort for the distraught man.

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    a longhaired blue lynx point with blue eyes. her body is cloaked in pale snow-white fur, a storm of blue flooding her face, tail, and paws. stripes of darker blue accentuate her eyes nose, and band around her legs. shining eyes stare out from the angular shaped face, a deep, faded blue color.