- Feb 12, 2025
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Once the sun sets, Silverpelt glides gracefully across the clear leaf-bare sky, the air bitingly cold against Velvetdusk's nose. Round dark eyes follow the slow fading-in of the stars, watching patiently as the sky ripens to a deep perse. Though snow speckles the ever-churning mud of ShadowClan's earth, the horizon is blessedly cloudless, allowing the young warrior full access to the sight of ancestors not his own.
" StarClan, " he begins, his voice soft and full of sloping syllables. Doveswoop had been deeply informative on the subject of the stars; even now, when the pale she-cat has retired to the elders' den, he still seeks her counsel on occasion. Velvetdusk's dense eyelashes flutter shut, his sweet-faced countenance furrowed along the brow in concentration. Here, at the edge of camp and shielded by a dome of stars, it's easier to tune out the burble of his Clanmates.
" Thank you for guiding our paws through this difficult leaf-bare, " he murmurs, looking so devout with his eyes shut, the notion of his being anything but Clanborn seems ludicrous. Velvetdusk's sturdy forepaws trace meaningless shapes in the snow and mud mingling at his paws. " And for providing us your guidance when our own faltered. " He pauses in his solemn intonations, a bitter taste lingering on the back of his tongue… Ternstar had been StarClan's choice. He's certain of it, as certain as the snow is white and the marsh is black. So why does the silvery tabby leader set him on edge?
Velvetdusk clears his throat, willing the soothing waves of the night sky and the cool air to wash the thought away. " Please bring us to a safe and plentiful newleaf soon. " The arrival of the growing season likely betokens even more treacherous muck than usual, but it also means an upturn for ShadowClan… an exit from the trials leaf-bare has seen fit to bring upon them. Soon, he knows, the bright buds will start to show through the frost, and the wind's icy breath will grow mild.
When he opens his eyes, he's greeted by the sight of a Clanmate lingering nearby. It's less than usual that someone else flits around the secluded corners of camp he chooses for his prayers. Whoever it is, they're a welcome presence to the withdrawn tom nonetheless. Velvetdusk gives them a friendly blink, mrrowing, " Good evening. I was just offering a prayer to StarClan, if you care to join me? "
" StarClan, " he begins, his voice soft and full of sloping syllables. Doveswoop had been deeply informative on the subject of the stars; even now, when the pale she-cat has retired to the elders' den, he still seeks her counsel on occasion. Velvetdusk's dense eyelashes flutter shut, his sweet-faced countenance furrowed along the brow in concentration. Here, at the edge of camp and shielded by a dome of stars, it's easier to tune out the burble of his Clanmates.
" Thank you for guiding our paws through this difficult leaf-bare, " he murmurs, looking so devout with his eyes shut, the notion of his being anything but Clanborn seems ludicrous. Velvetdusk's sturdy forepaws trace meaningless shapes in the snow and mud mingling at his paws. " And for providing us your guidance when our own faltered. " He pauses in his solemn intonations, a bitter taste lingering on the back of his tongue… Ternstar had been StarClan's choice. He's certain of it, as certain as the snow is white and the marsh is black. So why does the silvery tabby leader set him on edge?
Velvetdusk clears his throat, willing the soothing waves of the night sky and the cool air to wash the thought away. " Please bring us to a safe and plentiful newleaf soon. " The arrival of the growing season likely betokens even more treacherous muck than usual, but it also means an upturn for ShadowClan… an exit from the trials leaf-bare has seen fit to bring upon them. Soon, he knows, the bright buds will start to show through the frost, and the wind's icy breath will grow mild.
When he opens his eyes, he's greeted by the sight of a Clanmate lingering nearby. It's less than usual that someone else flits around the secluded corners of camp he chooses for his prayers. Whoever it is, they're a welcome presence to the withdrawn tom nonetheless. Velvetdusk gives them a friendly blink, mrrowing, " Good evening. I was just offering a prayer to StarClan, if you care to join me? "
SicklexIsabela/ younger brother toSebastian
mentored by Doveswoop / mentoring n/a
15 moons old as of 2/1/2025penned by dejavu