camp offering up a howl every night 🥀 intro


Feb 12, 2025

Once the sun sets, Silverpelt glides gracefully across the clear leaf-bare sky, the air bitingly cold against Velvetdusk's nose. Round dark eyes follow the slow fading-in of the stars, watching patiently as the sky ripens to a deep perse. Though snow speckles the ever-churning mud of ShadowClan's earth, the horizon is blessedly cloudless, allowing the young warrior full access to the sight of ancestors not his own.

" StarClan, " he begins, his voice soft and full of sloping syllables. Doveswoop had been deeply informative on the subject of the stars; even now, when the pale she-cat has retired to the elders' den, he still seeks her counsel on occasion. Velvetdusk's dense eyelashes flutter shut, his sweet-faced countenance furrowed along the brow in concentration. Here, at the edge of camp and shielded by a dome of stars, it's easier to tune out the burble of his Clanmates.

" Thank you for guiding our paws through this difficult leaf-bare, " he murmurs, looking so devout with his eyes shut, the notion of his being anything but Clanborn seems ludicrous. Velvetdusk's sturdy forepaws trace meaningless shapes in the snow and mud mingling at his paws. " And for providing us your guidance when our own faltered. " He pauses in his solemn intonations, a bitter taste lingering on the back of his tongue… Ternstar had been StarClan's choice. He's certain of it, as certain as the snow is white and the marsh is black. So why does the silvery tabby leader set him on edge?

Velvetdusk clears his throat, willing the soothing waves of the night sky and the cool air to wash the thought away. " Please bring us to a safe and plentiful newleaf soon. " The arrival of the growing season likely betokens even more treacherous muck than usual, but it also means an upturn for ShadowClan… an exit from the trials leaf-bare has seen fit to bring upon them. Soon, he knows, the bright buds will start to show through the frost, and the wind's icy breath will grow mild.

When he opens his eyes, he's greeted by the sight of a Clanmate lingering nearby. It's less than usual that someone else flits around the secluded corners of camp he chooses for his prayers. Whoever it is, they're a welcome presence to the withdrawn tom nonetheless. Velvetdusk gives them a friendly blink, mrrowing, " Good evening. I was just offering a prayer to StarClan, if you care to join me? "

Velvetdusk is a small, sweet-faced cat with a feathery black, cinnamon, and white pelt and dark, imploring brown eyes. His left ear is gone nearly to the base, and he has claw scars over his left eye and high on his right temple.

Sickle x Isabela / younger brother to Sebastian
mentored by Doveswoop / mentoring n/a
15 moons old as of 2/1/2025
penned by dejavu

The camp buzzes quietly with the last remnants of tongue sharing, but Sneezeduck can't quite seem to settle down. He paces in circles for a while, kindly dismissing any concerned mews from his Clanmates, then paces some more. As the sun sets, he expects sleep to take its hold - but the restlessness that plagues his mind has not let up.. only worsened.

Giving up on the prospect of an early sleep, Sneezeduck departs from the retiring group of cats, finding that a scenic walk might soothe his mind, if nothing else. But as he approaches the camp's edge, he overhears the soft mutterings of one of his denmates, so gently speaking to the stars as if they may startle if his voice turns sharp.

When Sneezeduck initially takes a seat next to the warrior, Velvetdusk does not respond - his eyes are closed, cool nose pointed towards the stars as he wishes the Clan well. The boy listens and watches intently, impressed by the display of devotion. Especially recently, he's noted that faith was dwindling in ShadowClan.. and it's refreshing to know that he isn't the only one who prays most nights.

When the tri-color feline finally takes note of him, Sneezeduck matches his friendly blink with a calm smile of his own. "If you don't mind," the tabby mews in response, dipping his chin in a quiet 'thank you'.

Then, to the stars, he brings his voice, just like he had when Sharpshadow fell ill, when Marbleleaf went to receive her name, and many times before. Through the muddle of his mind, wrought with fear and worry and disdain, he finds a clear path of words to say. "Thank you, StarClan, for your wisdom and foresight.. and for protecting us when we need it most. After everything, ShadowClan still stands." Politely, he realizes that he'd never thanked StarClan before, rather he's only begged. It feels good to recognize them for all they've done, especially when he stands at odds with.. certain cats.. who do not.

But Sneezeduck still has a request. He takes in a deep breathe, then speaks again in a silky voice. "Please ensure the safe birth of my siblings. They will know of your generosity, and all that you've done.." Even if the rest of his kin did not.

  • ooc: text
  • sneezepaw-transparent.png
    ✶ sneezeduck. warrior of shadowclan. ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤamab cis male, he/him | undiscovered sexuality, single.
    ㅤ15 moons old | ages every 2nd. created 2/5/2024
    ㅤa young warrior, inexperienced in most things. | mentored by sharpshadow
    ㅤLH chocolate tabby (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
    ㅤunknown xx duckshimmer | brother to singeglare and swallowflutter
    ㅤclose with marblepaw
    ㅤwritten by ixora, ic opinions | tags

Giggleflower has never been particularly devout. She believes in StarClan, believes that her mother and father and all the rest of her kin long since gone are watching over her, but she's never prayed consistently before. As a kit, she'd had no reason to; as an apprentice, she'd found herself far too busy and sidetracked to pray in the first place. Since becoming a warrior though, and since Needledrift's death at the paws of ThunderClan, Giggleflower had found herself increasingly tempted to send a message to the stars.

As the sunlight starts to fade on another day over ShadowClan, Giggleflower is drawn to the voices of Velvetdusk and Sneezeduck, who are praying quietly before they retire for the night. She approaches them with as much hesitance as she does silence, and settles down next to the two toms, nodding in greeting. She hopes they don't mind her intrusion, and she waits patiently for them both to have said their piece before undertaking her own prayer.

"StarClan, I hope Needledrift reached you without trouble," she starts, and realizes she has no guideline for how this is supposed to go. She's always heard that prayer is up to each individual, but now, beside two others who seem to know what they're doing, Giggleflower feels silly. She continues, "'ama, I hope you're well in StarClan. Maybe... I think... you and Chittertongue must be happy to be together again... Bran' and Mo' and me all miss you lots, though."

What else can she say? That she wants to avenge her mother's death? A worthy cause, surely, but not one that Giggleflower wants to announce to the world, and not one she wants Sneezeduck and Velvetdusk to know of personally, as nice as they might be. She keeps it short, bows her head low, and bites her lip to stifle a small sob that threatens to work its way up her throat and out her mouth. She's never been embarrassed about letting her emotions get the best of her before, but here, where everything seems so amplified and personal, Giggleflower feels silly at the prospect of crying.


Frozenpaw lingers at the edge of the clearing, paws half-buried in the cold mud. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop - he'd only been looking for somewhere quiet to rest after training - but the soft voices drifting toward him stopped him in his tracks. Velvetdusk, Sneezeduck, and Giggleflower are all praying nearby with the stars shimmering above them, Silverpelt stretched wide and clear.

He hesitates as his ears twitch back. They sound so sure, He thinks with some amount of awe, heart sinking as he realizes he doesn't feel the same. Like StarClan is really listening. He's never been so certain. The stars are beautiful, yes, but distant and cold. He glances upward to follow their gazes, searching for some sign, a flicker, a falling star, anything to tell him that someone up there cares. But the sky remains still.

Quietly, he pads forward and dips his head in greeting, unsure if they want him here but too drawn in to leave. The others have already spoken, their voices carrying thanks and hopes. He swallows down a swiftly tightening throat. I shouldn't say anything. But...he came this far. Lowering himself beside them, the young sepia curls his tail close and says nothing for a moment. When his voice finally does come, it's soft, whispery, for a part of him is afraid the stars might not like what he has to say. "…StarClan…I don't know if you're listening…" He briefly glances sideways at the warriors before fixing his eyes back on Silverpelt.

"But...if you are listening…I guess I just want to know why. Why some cats get taken and others don't. Why you choose the leaders you do. Why you don't always stop the bad things. Maybe it's out of your control, but…we could really use a good newleaf." His claws flex in the mud and he lowers his head further, pressing his chin to his paws. ...I want to believe you have a reason. I want to believe you're there. So...if you are, please...just show me. Show us you're watching. If you do, I'll try to believe. He thinks that part silently, for how would his clanmates react to finding out he isn't even sure he believes in them? But the stars above him give no answer. The night air remains cold in his lungs before he exhales slowly. He doesn't expect a reply, he supposes. But still, he stays seated beside the others in order to quietly share their silence.

ternstar & 26 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan

—— ─ ─ ' I was just offering a prayer to StarClan, if you care to join me? '

Ternstar nods, moving to join - and she is not the only one. Still, though she waits her turn, she pays little attention to the prayers uttered - though spoken aloud, there is still something... private about moments like these, sacred. " Starclan... Magpiepaw, " she starts softly, a quiet hum despite the stillness of her features, head tilted towards silverpelt.

" Are you watching us? Are you listening? " They are, she thinks - always, but it is polite to ask. " You... you have given us warning. An omen. But we do not understand. Have we wronged you? Or is there something worse still to come? " perhaps it is pessimistic of her, but Ternstar can never trulyshake the murmurings of her youth.


Shadowclan has always been home to Starclans favored, but the marshes have never been kind.

" ...We miss you. " she adds softly, a more private thing. ' I miss you' . Without her best friend, Shadowclan has never felt the same.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

. ݁₊ ⊹ Ternstar is a massive blue-silver tabby she-cat with an all white head and striking vibrant blue eyes. She is far from the kindest of cats, often cold and aloof - with a notable soft-spot for kits, and a rather dark streak for mischief. She is supposedly mates with Wormwatcher, and is parent to Rainbowpaw, Cornflowerpaw, and Ivorypaw. She is gifted in battle, and still maintains all nine of her star-given lives.