Statichaze [♀] - Daylight Warrior/Queen - A black smoke with lichtenberg-figure-shaped vitiligo. @STATICHAZE

Sillybreeze [⚥] - Warrior - A tortoiseshell/cream tabby chimera. @SILLYBREEZE

Marspaw [⚥] - Apprentice - A red cameo with low white and bright blue eyes. @marspaw

Mercurykit [⚥] - Kit - A blue silver tabby/black smoke chimera. @mercurykit

Bonekit [⚥] - Kit - A blue tortoiseshell with a white star on the shoulder. @bonekit
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Census has been updated! Characters with no posts since October 1 will be removed shortly, with another update coming after the meeting. @vulture - Statichaze, Marspaw, Mercurykit and Bonekit will be added once they have 3 in character posts!

If I've missed your character or removed them in error, please let me know :D
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