camp OH SHADOW AND SUN ✞ eclipse

The day is like any other. Blizzardkit—no, it is Blizzardpaw now—follows their mentor back to camp, their silky white fur stained a muddled brown by the amount of dirt that they have collected on their way through the tunnels. They do not mind the tunnels, they have found. The worms and other creatures make for a fun sight each time they trek through the darkness; and they do not mind the darkness at all, though their mentor seems surprised every time they turn around to find the apprentice’s pale form standing like a ghoul amongst the pitch-blackness. Blizzardpaw would find it amusing, were they not distracted by the gloomy atmosphere.

The change from being cradled in the night-dark tunnels to being scorched by the bright rays of the sun is the worst part about being named a tunneler. If they had it their way, Blizzardpaw would never leave the tunnels. They have peeled one too many sunburns, their delicate skin unable to handle the exposure for long. Today is no different, and the apprentice makes an effort to extend their time in the tunnel for as long as possible, asking their mentor this and that, idle questions meant to delay the inevitable.

But when the snow-white apprentice emerges from the tunnel and steps into the gorse-walled camp, they are greeted not by blinding sunlight but by a much dimmer landscape than expected. They had not spent that long underground, had they? Webthorn seems just as confused, tipping their head to the side, and Blizzardpaw wonders if clouds had simply moved in more quickly than expected.

They look up, but there is not a cloud in the sky. No, what they find is much worse. Much more unsettling. Instead of the burning of their eyes when they look up to the sun, they feel nothing. And in the sun’s place, all that they see is a black hole, with a halo of faint light around it.

"The sun…" They murmur, voice wavering, crackling like dry twigs beneath clumsy paws. "It disappeared. It’s… gone." Slateheart. Where is Slateheart? Rattleheart? Lakekit and Periwinklebreeze and Sunstar? They do not know why they have been struck with such a sense of panic. Everything seems okay, it is just that… the sun is gone. They actually prefer this to the blazing light it normally puts off, but they can only think of one explanation for this. "StarClan must have taken it from us," they declare at last, gazing up at the blacked-out sun with rounded pink eyes.

[ ༻ ❊ ༺ ] The day had been normal, just like any other day. The ray of sunlight hitting his dusty fur, the kits who were yet been able to be named apprentices played amongst each other and, Lakekit watched them from where he stood while also angling himself to keep watch of the camp entrance for signs of Blizzardpaw and Spotpaw, wanting to know how it feels to be outside of the camp walls and to be in the tunnels. Yet... slowly the day began to change.

Lakekit hadn't been sure if he dozed off or not but... the sky had dimmed, becoming much darker and the chirping of birds could be heard no longer. Uneasiness pricked at Lakekit's pelt before he looked up to see the sun had completely vanished. His heart dropped an when he heard his friends voice he made his way over to them. Eyes landing down to the other. "Blizzardpaw, you're okay... the..sun, the sky, it all kept getting darker" he explained softly to their friend before turning to face where it should have been, yet in its place was only a ring of light.

"Will... is, Starclan upset with Sunstar?" he asked, voice soft and filled with worry, this could not possibly be good. And, by the means of how his other clanmates have been acting, it couldn't mean anything good.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Lakekit AMAB, He/Him, Kit of Windclan, 5 moons.
    LH Rosette Lynx Minx with low white and bi-color eyes, blind in left eye
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Last edited:
The day was normal, like any other day. Sheepkit was plopped near his denmate Lakekit, awake for once instead of inside the nursery napping. Stomach to the dusty ground of camp, he flicked an large ear as charcoal dusted paws was drawing wiggly doodles in the dirt out of boredom. He stopped watching his other denmates roughhousing near the nursery, with a sleepy blink. He also wanted to ask Spotpaw and Blizzardpaw what's it like going outside of camp. Like was it super duper cool? The black smoke was humming to himself, as the sun began to dim. Huh? Brows knitted together, kitten face turning downward in a frown. "HEY! What's the big idea! HUH!?" The young tom yells out, as he turns his attention away from is squiggly drawing up at the darkening sun. The air grew colder, as his pelt prickle with unease.

He heard Blizzardpaw's voice, whipping his head towards his once denmate gaping in shock. Starclan? Taking away the sun?! wh- WHY?! "Why'd Starclan take the sun away from us? We didn't do anything.. If Starclan is upset with Sunstar, then what do we do?" He huffs out towards Lakekit and Blizzardpaw with a flick of his plumed tail. He turns his blue eyed gaze at the darkened sun, with the most angryyy looking face he could muster. Large ears angle back, towards his pale skull as he screeches out up towards the sky. "BRING THE SUN BACK, YOU MEANIES!"

  • ooc.
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( NO WAY! REALLY?! ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ SHEEPKIT.
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 5 MOONS & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    kitten of windclan | clanborn
    undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a longhaired black smoke with high white with blue eyes
    thoughts ; "Speech, 8E7F7F" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like early morning dew & windblown heather
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
𓆝 . ° ✦ Grasskit was a little less eager to hear about how outside camp was. He was a little afraid of it, if he would be honest about it. But he wouldn't. He'd tell himself and everyone else that he was just more interested in rocks and beetles. He sat near Lakekit and Sheepkit anyway. He could understand their excitement, it'd be them next. As the scenery around them darkened, he grew increasingly more uneasy. Blizzardpaw, Lakekit and Sheepkit were not helping the situation. So instead of voicing his worries out loud, he cracked a joke. "They prob'ly want you to be quieter," he mewed toward Sheepkit, his ears folded back still from his screech.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
Sunny days with passing clouds and cool breezes were among one of Slateheart's favorite type of days. It was a perfect mix of the gloom that he loved, and the warmth that the occasional ray of sunlight provided. He could never expect a beautiful day like today to turn so.. terrifying.

He had just returned from a solo hunt, shortly before mentors began to return from their training sessions. Slateheart had planned to spend the next couple of hours sharing tongues and getting food in his stomach, but his paws slowed to a halt as the sunlit grass of camp began to darken with shadows that crept up the edges of camp. It was as if night was falling over them, though much quicker and unrealistic than he could fathom.

Slateheart's breath quickens, and his first thought is that it's him, victim to one of the terrifying signs he thought only a medicine cat could receive. But shortly after, he recognizes the confusion on other cats' faces as they lift their chins to the sky, much like himself. What he saw was nothing less than horror - the sun, vibrant and life-giving, whose fire was doused by a dark hole, moving and growing until it swallowed all but a glowing rim, the last remnants of the sun. "What.. what?" he whispered, taken aback. That's when Blizzardpaw comes in, and he hurries over to the apprentice's side, sharing an uncertain glance with their mentor Webthorn.

StarClan must have taken it from us, Blizzardpaw ponders. Lakekit and Sheepkit agree. Slateheart feels that there is no logical explanation for the sun's disappearance, but he can't seem to figure out why. Such a thought of StarClan punishing WindClan now of all times makes his heart ache. "No," the warrior rasps. His voice is doused in anguish and defeat. "No, that.. that doesn't make sense. Sootstar is dead. Her loyalists were exiled. WindClan is whole again.. we're recovering. We.. we.."

Green eyes search the camp for Sunstar and Wolfsong. Would they be just as uncertain as him in this time? Would Wolfsong see something else in this sign with his spiritual knowledge? Slateheart can't seem to find the hope in this situation - it was plain as day to him that the sun's disappearance could be nothing good. It was unnatural. It.. had to be StarClan's doing. "We did everything we were supposed to do.. why is StarClan enshrouding us in darkness?"
  • speech is #bbbb88
  • 78016217_relDzXG2vj7CiMr.png

  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 22 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none


The sun was in fact, not stolen, the world was not ending, StarClan is not upset with anyone. Brackenkit had made their mind up on these simple facts and was not going to change it. Only kits would be scared of something as silly as the sky changing and Brackenkit was only a kit in the title alone. Still, fear of the unknown ebbed at her instincts, despite the steely expression she fought to uphold there was a slight tremble to her frame. It was rather alarming to look up and expect the sun only to see what they thought of as an eye looking back down at them. The kit believed if it was wrath there would be more… excitement with it. Perhaps they were just observing? Windclan is meant to be their favourite right? That’s what she thinks anyway. The sun disappearing entirely threw a stick into her plannings of what this could all mean but she was determined to figure it out.

The sky was just darker, it’s kind of exciting, she wonders if this is what nights outside the camp are like. There was nothing to be scared about, that's what they told themself as they wandered towards where the other kits were gathered, she wanted to know the general conclusion. To weed out who the babies were, because babies had no place being friends with her of course. Her large ears twitch as she leans a little closer to listen in on Lakekit and Blizzardpaw, trying to gather what their conclusion on this was while separating their voices from Sheepkit’s screeching. The mention of Sunstar makes her theories for the missing sun disappear momentarily, they scoff at the thought. “Psshh I wish StarClan was upset, this is maybe them saying good job” they mutter to themself. No, if StarClan was upset with Sunstar then surely she would know, because that means all of her complaining had gone answered.

  • ooc.
    they/she, kit of WindClan, child of NPC x NPC, five moons(ages on the 22nd)
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    A lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── They do not know. No one knows of Wolfsong's dream but the dreamer himself, of the flames eating the moors and Sunstar's blood overripe in his mouth. They do not know, and so they wonder aloud if StarClan is displeased with Sunstar, and it raises the fur on the back of Wolfsong's neck even as he understands that they do not. This is not an omen of displeasure, but a warning which must be connected to Wolfsong's dream. Perhaps his silence has earned their ire and they must now send a sign all can see, and they intend to force Wolfsong to address it.

He sets his jaw, irritated by the "Quiet yourselves!" He barks, his rasping voice lifted loud. "When StarClan disagreed with Sootstar, they sent a great bolt of lightning to strike her place at the Gathering. How many moons has Sunstar led us now, and how little has his course changed? It has not wavered. He has led us into the light through hopeless darkness, and StarClan has remained quiet. No, this is not their displeasure." His death. It is a sign my mate will die. "This will pass, and the sun will brighten the moors just as he did after Sootstar's reign. See how the sun's light persists behind shadow?"
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.

The clear blue skies are indicative of better weather ahead, that's what Bluepool thinks when she tips her head upwards this afternoon. New-leaf was in full swing and while most days the wind howled and the skies were heavy with rain-laden clouds there were still times like today that made it all so worth it. New-leaf brough new life across the moors, especially this turn of the season. Her sister's iron claws were released from WindClan, the prey was coming back in full force, and WindClan's nursery was bursting at the seams with strong warriors. She herself had even taken a mate. Life was going good.

Or so Bluepool thought.

Yowls break out across the clearing as the world is plunged into darkness. She herself does not verbally exclaim but she does freeze with golden eyes opened wide as she stares up at the moon-shadowed sun. Was it a sign? Others seem to think so, that StarClan was displeased with them. But Wolfsong is quick to disagree. Bluepool eyes him warily. WindClan had been lied to about a sign before. Who was to say that the medicine cat's word was trustworthy? "Spit it out then, what do you think it means?" she barks a little too fiercely, but fear makes her angry. She hated this feeling, this lack of control and she digs her claws into the sand as if she's worried she'll drift off into the sudden night sky.

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win
Snakehiss' maw draws agape in awe as the moors stand still, the breeze ceasing as if it, too, is in shock. The darkness was shrouding the light, overtaking it and casting shadows upon the earth below. This was undoubtedly StarClan's doing.

Did this mean that Sunstar was not meant to be WindClan's true leader? StarClan had granted him lives, but... was this a sign that something more was supposed to happen? A chill sends shivers down his spine, making his midnight-colored fur bristle. "This has to mean something." The warrior voices his input as he gazes upon the miraculous sight.

His head whips in the direction of Wolfsong as the medicine cat tries to make sense of this sign, though Snakehiss isn't satisfied. "You must visit the Moonstone for answers." Snakehiss insists upon Wolfsong, an action so utterly bold for the cat currently living on probation. However, StarClan would not walk in the dreams of an ordinary cat like him; his claws kneaded the earth anxiously, silently willing Wolfsong to agree.

  • 77053620_v7IN9LxSdUc41lI.png
    he/him; moor runner of windclan
    long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and multiple scars
    father to violetkit, cricketkit, and privetkit (duskclan)
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── "You will not speak to me like a wayward apprentice." His sole eye glitters like frosted stone as it alights on Bluepool, his upper lip slightly curled and a solid line of tension drawing his shoulders rigid. She would dare regard him with suspicion? After all he has done for this clan, all the dreams of new kits he has turned his back on to better serve? What he keeps close to his chest shall be for Sunstar's ears alone, and what understanding he brought for his clanmates' fear is overshadowed by thorny agitation writhing in his belly. "I have explained what I see, but it seems I should have spoken more plainly into the wind on its way through your ears."

But it seems Bluepool is not alone in ordering Wolfsong about, and he turns on Snakehiss with another flash of teeth. "How fortuitous I have you here to speak upon my duties as though they are unknown to me. Shall we send you to every border with the same message for the other medicine cats, so they might wonder why a lost lamb has come to bleat at them?" He scoffs. "I will speak with Sunstar now. Alone." Wolfsong swallows further scathing remarks, powerful though the urge is, and makes for his mate's den.

//@SUNSTAR i will make 'em a pt :)
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
  • Nervous
Reactions: revelations
periwinklebreeze 20 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
When sky begins to dim, at first the boy thinks nothing of it - just a passing cloud, nothing more. But it darkens, and darkens, and doesn't stop until they are plunged into near night - only a sliver of fire against the blackened hole where the sun once was. Blizzardpaw speaks, and others answer - and yet... and yet, he stands there trembling. Its a small thing, the quiver that twitches it's way up his spine, the way he's frozen stock still in the midst of his duties, eyes almost unseeing as he stares at the heavens. 'They've taken the sun,' he thinks and stomach churns, anxiety gnawing at him like a starved animal. It's a warning, surely - but of what? Was it what he'd done - lied to his clanmates, brought in kits that aren't his. Surely, Michael wasn't someone to cause trouble. Or... or was it about sunstar? Surely, the golden furred tom was a far better leader than sootstar. He wasn't following in her paws, was he? Or could it be about the twolegs, fighting battles with the earth and destroying the far reaches of their territory? There's far too many questions, to many possibilities running through his mind - instead, he swallows woodenly as wolfsongs words fall upon deafened ears. He - he needs to go. To be with his kits. He doesn't know what this means - any of it - what starclan has in store for them, but he cannot stomach to dwell upon it any longer. He has no wish to puzzle out whatever cruel fate starclan as in store for him this time.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
// in & out
⁀➷ The sudden darkness blankets dread over Foxglare's shoulders, a chilling reminder of how truly little in life he had control over. Of course, Windclan immediately dissolves into yowls and half-contrived accusations, and he can hardly think alongside the sudden ruckus.

Even still, he glares up at the darkened sky, thinking, 'What do y'all want from us?' Starclan — both in its vast ranks of fallen warriors and the cosmic, unknowable power they seemed to wield — eluded his understanding, and made him bristle like he did at the sight of any other mysterious predator. Starclan had cast away Sootstar, signaling their silent disapproval in lightning and the cold, ever-present glimmer of the night sky, but it was Windclan that did away with her for good, that shed the blood of their own kin in the name of justice. It was Windclan that had to rebuild themselves from the ground up. What were they doing so wrong that they felt the need to cast them into darkness?

His only response is a burning sensation in his eyes that forces him to blink downward. Wolfsong defends his mate with an eloquent fervor, and Foxglare didn't want to point his claws at anyone with only the wishy-washy reckonings of the sky and its rulers. But the haste in which some of the others stamp incrimination upon individuals has him on edge. How strong was their clan really tied together? Could a mere solar phenomenon really make them dissolve into paranoia again?

The young warrior watches Periwinklebreeze walk away from the others, and he stands to leave as well. Though he turns to approach the small gathering of kits standing off to the side, murmuring, "Y'all should go with Periwinklebreeze to go hang out in your den. Just sit tight and keep the babies accounted for 'till the sun sorts itself out, yeah?"

He felt awkward trying to herd the youths back into the nursery, but he figured it was in everyone's best interest if the kittens were at least all in one place while the adults busied themselves freaking out at each other.

  • OOC: trying to convince @Grasskit @Brackenkit @sheepkit and @Lakekit. to go chill in the nursery <3
  • sun . fox . foxpaw . foxglare
    — he/him. 16mo moor-runner of windclan. currently mentoring sunlitpaw.
    — a large, scarred white and golden tabby tom with grey eyes
    — smells like dewy oak and sedge
    — sounds like leon kennedy, with a vague texan drawl.
    — the straight-faced and taciturn adopted son of houndthistle, lived as a twolegplace loner until 7 moons old, now a moor-runner of windclan. steadfast and reserved, in an era of attempting to forge bonds with others and create a future to look toward.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by antiigone, hs by tropics
    — penned by eezy
There is a ring of light surrounding the darkness; he does not know which he should focus his gaze upon. A brief look is all that he is given. Stinging eyes are torn away and clouds are quick to move in, but that does not mean the image is not burned into his mind as the world moves ever forward. He feels that he himself has been left behind. This loop of light, his fate. To be swallowed whole by the darkness, or to be the final voice against the inexorable force of it. Around him, his clanmates bicker. They are terrified. Sunstar's unflinching gaze does not shift from the clouds. He cannot help them. Not yet. They may require comfort, and this is something that he cannot give.

His mind is numb, the humming machinations of it distant as he stands to his full height (when had he allowed himself to sit?). Though he does not intend to raise his voice, it still rumbles across WindClan's camp like the drumbeat of thunder and an oncoming storm. "Wolfsong is right," he recognizes his voice as saying. "This is not a sign of our clan." Was it him, and him alone? Do the other clans look upon this sign and see his name in what it blankets? His death, his doom, his darkness? Do they think him worse than Sootstar? The blood-stained queen of WindClan had not garnered this much from the stars. Despite his stillness, Sunstar feels thickness within his throat. "Your panic does not serve your clan. If they are to speak, they will speak to Wolfsong– return to your duties. Or hide within the dens, if you fear this so terribly."

He does not move until Wolfsong has retreated to his den. And even then, a moment longer, he waits before he follows.

  • OOC.
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

Quietpaw felt the warmth of his fur grow cold as the moor was surrounded by darkness. Quietpaw was not suspicious by nature. Wolfsong said that Starclan was not angry with Windclan; so be it. And yet, his blue eyes did not look away from the sky. Who would've thought colorful hues would've been taken for granted? Dread ate at his soul, and fear had turned him to stone. Everything needed the sun. It would be a great loss to never run among the grass in the sunlight once more.

'This will pass' Quietpaw clung to those words tightly. There were a lot more polite ways to say something instead of hiding the sun. Not even Sunstar was worried, even though it's his namesake, was being taken away by Starclan. His mind was filled with questions, fears, and pleas. He didn't want his clan to deal with any more hardships; perhaps the other clans deserved the wrath of the stars. Quietpaw pitied them. Tearing himself away from cloudwatching and heading to the apprentice den. He would prefer to morn the light in the comfort of his nest anyway.
જ➶ The day has been warm but not so much that he can not tolerate it. He is learning about Windclan and the duties he has to perform. Rather shadowed or not he is willing to work to keep the moorlands safe and sound. Yet as he is returning to camp the shadows of the land seem to deepen. Grow long as if the sun is setting but an unsettling darkness covers the land and as he looks up to the sky all he can see is a black circle in the air. "What the...." The rabbit drops from his maw almost all but forgotten as he sees this. It's not something he has ever seen before in his life and he shakes his head rapidly before he grabs a hold of the rabbit and bolts from the camp. Surely everyone else has seen this spectacle as well. His paws thud like thunder and upon getting to camp he breathes out harshly, dropping the prey as quickly as he can onto their pile before he steps forth and listens to the others speak about it. Starclan? Can they really do such a thing as take the sun away. His pale pink orbs shift over everyone but he makes no comment.

Really he doesn't find it his place to as new as he is. But this all troubles him. He has never seen the works of Starclan but some things he has been told about. "Are they really powerful enough to get rid of the sun?" His deep voice mutters to himself. If so did that mean something is to happen to their leader? He does not think so but he doesn't know. This bothers him and he sighs shortly before shaking his head a little. Perhaps keeping busy is key here, go back to his duties. But this dark orb lingering in the sky is absorbing all his thoughts to focus on it.

Brackenkit’s attention remained on the ugly eye where the sun should be. It was a losing game to try and figure out what this could mean, loathed as they are to admit it she is still much too young. Her eyes stung a little from staring at it head on so reluctantly she would look away at the ground, passing glances at the eye every so often. They don't have that life experience to assign to this grand mystery so she begrudgingly took on the discussions from the adults of the clan. Truthfully, Brackenkit enjoyed watching the infighting, it was a good reminder that Sunstar’s council wasn’t infallible. That may have been the spite talking, Brackenkit wasn’t aware what spite was yet, much too young and ignorant to learn any words to feelings that weren’t just mad, happy, or sad. It was quite obvious that she was listening in on the harsh exchanges from Wolfsong towards Bluepool and Snakehiss . Her large ears flicked in their directions and she very obviously tilted their head in their direction, their eyes glued on the other kits in a failing attempt to not look so obvious.

Foxglare was irritating, she had decided at that moment that she didn’t like him. He hadn’t done anything to personally slight her, in hindsight he was being considerate of the kittens wellbeing and for the adults wellbeing. Brackenkit wasn’t having it though, they stuck their head to the sky away from him with a pout “Why can’t we stay here? I want to see if the sun comes back!” she declared with finality. Looking back only to glare at him but it really didn’t amount to much, a kitten wasn’t much of a threat after all but she was trying her hardest to try and appear intimidating.​

  • ooc.
    they/she, kit of WindClan, five moons (ages on the 22nd)
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

*+:。.。 "WOAH! "

The scent of fear was as thick as the ringing in her ears from everyone's screaming. It made for a horrible atmosphere during such an amazing phenomenon. For the girl who knows little of the darkness in cats' hearts and Starclan's wrath against them, this can only be something amazing. While everyone panics, the little kitten begins to bounce around, giggling as she chants, " Sun, sun, eaten and swallowed! No, sir, no sir I promise I won't wallow! Not when I know I'll see you tomorrow! "
She bounces between the crowd of cats as she sings, her intense pale eyes drinking in the sight of their panicked or frustrated faces with interest. Brackenkit had a good point, her refusal to be taken inside making Frightkit murrow in agreement before repeating her chant and spinning away.
Kat, big and scary as he is, is cowed by uncertainty. It's funny to see! He asks a question that perks her ears, but when the answer comes from Wolfsong, raging about lightning and signs, Frightkit shrugs. So they can make lightning but they can't control the sun? She wonders if whatever ate the source of all their light could eat Starclan, too!
With a laugh, she lowers herself into a crouch, singing her song now in a whisper as she eyes Blizzardpaw's frozen form. Quietpaw in the corner of her eye remains muted, while Sunstar's booming call struggles to retain some semblance of control. She has to bite her tongue to keep from laughing again, lest she alert her prey! But how silly is everyone! For being older and wiser, to be scared of a little darkness, a little chewed-up sunshine - oh who cares! They're not all dead, are they? 'Sides, the sun always dies at nightfall!
This is probably like a black rainbow!
Foxglare tries to herd the kits back to the nursery, where PeriPeriPeri is already disappearing into. She's a bit miffed that her uncle isn't the one trying to wrangle them up, preferring his concerned attention on her rather than his new brood. But it's a passing thought - as passing as her interest in Foxglare's efforts, which go inevitably unheeded.
Wolfsong barks just as fiercely as Sunstar howls, but his irritation doesn't hide his frazzled nerves. It's so obvious, even a kit like Fry can see it! How couldn't she, when Snakehiss and Bluepool reflect that same do something attitude, a bid for control when there simply can't be any. Unless they all plan to climb atop each other and try and bite the sunbiter's head off!
Oh wow - could that be possible? She needs to find Rattleheart!

In the meantime, her attention is caught by Slateheart. Similar in name, but less cool. He's practically a trembling leaf! Darn, and here she thought becoming an adult would make someone braver, not less! Though both Sheepkit and Grasskit prove that theory was wrong as, like her, they don't seem afraid at all! Maybe they'll even sing her new song with her! Ah, but she's already sorta forgetting the lyrics.
But as the not-sun shines its lack of light upon her, darkness descending far too soon and tingling the air with an unnaturally new cold, Frightkit only feels exuberant. A kitten's life is all about discovering new things, and it's quite fun to do so ahead of the crowd. She feels more adult than most of the cats present, which adds a lovely melody of humor to this otherwise boisterous performance.

And she's determined to enjoy every bit of it!

" I'm the sun eater, an' I'm gonna eat all your light, Blizzardpaw! " Frightkit announces with a laugh, leaping from her crouch to tackle her former denmate. If she can turn it into a game, maybe they'll stop snivling about it?

  • Attacking (playfully) @BLIZZARDPAW

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None

✧ . Had they grown too used to peace? Had they had too many normal days that all must crumble before them once more?

Lemontongue’s paws halt at the sudden shift and his blood runs with the atmosphere’s frost. A form just getting used to living fright-free is refueled by the horror, and suddenly he is a kit again; suddenly he’s watching his mother be ousted from the clan, suddenly he’s fearing his own safety, his siblings’ safety.

For when the day flips upside down and the sky grows night-dark and the air leaf-bare cold, it’s almost as if she’s returned from wherever her dwindled spirit has found refuge, almost as if soot-taloned paws have returned to the moors.

What have they done to deserve this? What have they done to wrong the Stars this time that warrants the sun to be slain before their eyes?

Nothing, according to Wolfsong. The sun will persist, the medicine cat claims. How can he be so sure? Would StarClan really send such a spine-chilling message just to praise WindClan, to praise Sunstar? Lemontongue doesn’t press forward with any questions, doesn’t bear orders to the golden tabby as Snakehiss does. The cinnamon tom knows his place, knows the value in a healer’s word.

Lemontongue watches the duo retreat to the leader’s den, his fur still bristling in alarm. When their forms are no longer visible, dread still clouds his thoughts as he attempts to follows Sunstar’s orders and return to his duties. But, how does one pretend all is well after this?​
  • 75352118_XH2ROymgRJzK9qk.png
    LEMONTONGUE AMAB. He / Him. Moor Runner of WindClan.
    ✧ . A cinnamon tabby and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ✧ . Honeytwist x Lionsnarl
    ✧ . Mentored by Flaxenjump
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack