pafp Older and taller ✶ Reminiscing


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

The heat of the sun was something that she hated in the change of the season, her thick pelt sweltering under its unwavering watch. Owlheart found herself seeking the solace that was shade on a day like this, thankfully there was some shady spots due to the suns position.

It seemed she wasn’t the only one who had been out to seek that shade out. The familiar pelt of Eggbounce is a welcomed sight, the tabby brightens immediately seeing her littermate there. With a bounce in her step she moved to sit next to him “Eggie hey, how are you?” She asks with a light pur, pleased to see him.

She found herself missing her littermates, they haven't gone anywhere but she missed them all the same. Dandelion eyes sweep across camp as she kept an eye out for any of them, then they settled back onto her brother. “It's strange how many changes have been happening lately huh?” The tabby found herself reminiscing out loud. A smile spread across her maw with a light chuckle to follow.

“With Tawny's name change and Cherry being deputy- not to mention that she and Edenberry are padding” Owlheart finds herself rolling her shoulders as she shuffled to enjoy the shade. Resting against the cooler ground she looked up at her brother, tilting her head as she looked at him to avoid the glare of the sun. “What about you? Any changes going on?” She found herself asking, nothing other than mere curiosity behind her words.

// Ooc. Please wait for @Eggbounce. <3
eggbounce & 14 moons & male & he/him & skyclan warrior

Eggbounce adores his siblings, truly - and while hard pressed to name his favorite, Cherryblossom and Owlheart would certainly top the list. Of all his siblings, it is Owlheart who seems most inclined to indulge him - treating him with warm smiles and lighthearted jokes; never truly disparaging him for the fact he is quite often out of the loop. With his escapades growing more frequent, it'd been hard to wriggle in any time with his siblings in the chaos - and so it's with joy and relief he greets his sibling when she joins him sunbathing, affectionately nudging her with a beaming grin of his own spread wide across his face. " I'm alright! " comes the happy chirp, pale blue eyes glittering. Moreso now that she's there.

Owlheart speaks of changes, and Eggbounce nods - there's been many of those after all. Some are simple, obvious, like the switch from leafbare into newleaf and now into greenleaf - the summer's heat sweltering, even amungst the shade of the trees. Some are less so - like his fascination with
a certain patch-pelted 'loner' that he'd saved - or at least, he hopes it's less obvious. He shudders to think what would happen if others knew of their friendship. Mind focused on his secrets, he nearly misses Owlheart's words before they're turned upon him - pale cheeks turned pink as face heats at the thought. " No! Of course not, theres no way- wait what? " There's no way he could have changes in his life - no crush, or anything! Nope, not at all.

It's only midway through his mounting defense (and embarrassment) that mind catches up to what she's just implied - no, outright stated. " Cherryblossom and Edenberry are WHAT? " voice raises, and eyes become impossibly wider as his thoughts all but stutter to a halt. They were padding after each other as Owlheart called it.... they were mates, then? Or... something similar? " I... I thought they we're just friends? " he's utterly confused, indignant - flabbergasted even. How had he not noticed? Was he the only one who didn't know?

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )

With every passing season, Cherryblossom finds herself sinking into something deeper and darker. Applefrost, Dandelionwish, and Jaypaw are droplets in the black sea of names she will never call again, made all the worse by her apparent role in the matter. A shining star, a guiding light, something good and bright to follow through and out the bleak path of life after death. Cherryblossom was many things, but inspiring was never exactly one of them.

It wasn't like there was much she could've done anyway, aside from sending out patrols and fielding the newcomers, neither of which she did nicely but not incredibly cruelly either. Still the odd feeling of guilt lingers, a compulsion to apologize for... something. For existing, in her position or otherwise. It was almost the way she had been following Little Wolf's death, the great white emptiness quietly screaming in the cage of her chest, crimson repainting itself behind her eyelids with every blink. She hadn't killed any of them though. She hadn't even killed Little Wolf, if Gentlestorm and Howlingstar were to be believed. In time it would fade, she knows. She would have nothing to apologize for.

Death was just inevitable too. It seemed like every moon someone died, or was taken, or simply cut themselves out of clan life. Even amid the great unrelenting change of their lives, Eggbounce never seemed to get caught up in it. Even as Owlheart shuddered against the legions of worry and Glimmersun buried themself beneath the weight of duty, he remained the impish, airheaded boy from the nursery. Sometimes it irritates her. More rarely, she finds respite in it.

The edge of her lips fold into a derisive smile as she pads into earshot. "How did you not know?" the calico scoffs, plumed tail lashing through the muggy air. "We've been padding after each other since Leaf-bare, Egghead." There's something like affection glittering in the blunted edges of the taunt. Cherryblossom wryly glances at her sister next. "I see there's nothing to talk about with you and Crowsight and Oddgleam." Honestly, there was none, as far as Cherryblossom knew of. The picture-perfect throuple: cats who loved one another with no strings attached. Boring. "Which one's your favorite?"

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
*+:。.。 "Oooh, what a great question, Cherryblossom" Tawnyclaw thundered a laugh as he approached, hazel eyes aglow with amusement, "ask me a question next, yeah? I'm thinking 'Tawnyclaw, which one of your siblings do you find the most annoying'" He winks sweetly at his calico sibling before plopping down gracelessly with Eggbounce and Owlheart, "Spoiler alert, I'm lookin' at her" His tone was light and airy, a jest in every way a sibling could be with another. Cherryblossom may be a brand spanking high rank, but that didn't mean she was getting the golden treatment from Tawnyclaw. Perhaps even less so than usual - someone has to keep his prissy sister humbled.
Though, judging by the new weight she seems to be lugging around her shoulders lately, maybe life's doing that well enough on its own.

Shaking out his too-thick coat, Tawnyclaw would roll onto his back, hoping to lean as much as he could on his siblings to both irritate them and enjoy their touch. It's been a while since they'd all been in one place, hasn't it? With Owlheart sharing her nest with her loves, Cherryblossom doing much of the same, and Tawnyclaw spending as many nights as he could high up in the boughs of trees...this was a rare moment for the fruit family. As suffocatingly hot as the man was in his own pelt, he didn't mind risking a heat stroke pressing close to his siblings now that he had the chance.

"Can't say I blame Eggie though, I swear I look away for two seconds and sudden Owlheart's got two whole cats chasing her tail" he shakes his head, before aiming to flick Owlheart's cheek gently with his tail tip "They're lucky my pretty sister has two paws" he chuckles. He's reminded, all at once, how his litter is growing up. Soon, they'll start branching off into their own little families - if they haven't already. A part of Tawnyclaw wonders if he should feel envious. He was never particularly a family sort of guy - choosing studies and reputation above spending time with his siblings, then naps and self-righteous laziness soon after that phase dropped. Now, he didn't quite know what path to take. As much as he loves this - as much as a part of his soul has been craving for a moment like this with his littermates, he feels a stronger urge to step away sooner rather than later.
He's glad they're all finding their places, their people. It'll mean they'll be okay, in the end.

Stretching out his limbs, Tawnyclaw would release a loud yawn, banishing the melancholy that threatened to drizzle his thoughts. "If the line's open for probing questions - sisters, are you two planning kits yet or what? Eggie, what's happenin' in your love life? No way you haven't gotten a few suitors linin' up, look at that handsome face" he aims to squish Eggbounce's cheeks with a paw, trying to pucker his maw comically. If Tawnyclaw can't be a lovingly annoying brother, then what's the point of being a brother at all?

As he messes with them, though, he can't help but look around camp. This would be so much nicer if Glimmersun was with them, too.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

At first she thought Eggbounce was joking, while she was oblivious to most things even she could pick up that their sister was dating another. The daylight warrior had a very public confession after all, though, she didn't see them together a lot these days so maybe it was reasonable for it to slip through the cracks. "Yeah! They're dating, no harm in not knowing I'm just surprised" she tried to placate the situation, she didn't want her brother to feel too shameful over not knowing, no matter how funny it was. Owlheart couldn't stifle the chuckle that came when Cherryblossom joined them, taunting their brother.

When her attention was turned onto her she couldn't help but narrow her usually wide eyes, looking at her sister warily. This wasn't something she was used to doing, she didn't like regarding her sister with suspicion either but she could never place what her stance on her relationship was. Was she happy for her or was she mad? Cherryblossom's motivations had always been a mystery to her, she supposed that it wouldn't know now. "Well, Crowsights back in the warriors den so we're able to share a nest now!" She commented in a chipper tone, letting the suspicions roll off of her and just assuming that these were light hearted questions. She was so taken aback by the question of who her favourite was, her maw opened then closed, it may look like she was thinking about an answer but rather she was thinking about why she would even ask that? "I don't? If I didn't love them equally then I wouldn't be padding after both of them" she shrugged, presuming ignorance over malice.

She was merely happy to have more than one sibling with her, even if she didn't appreciate the questions Cherryblossom threw at her she still loved her sister. It had been so long since so many of them had been gathered in one place that she couldn't stop a soft and happy smile when she saw Tawnyclaw join them in the conversation. She wished Glimmersun could join them but she understood that it was hard enough to see just the three of them, maybe she should check in on them when they had a moment. She tilts her head to look at Eggbounce as Tawnyclaw asks his question, unable to stop her laughter as he tries to squish his brothers cheeks with his paws. The thought of his question was a delayed response, once it caught up to her she could of sworn the area around them felt warmer.

"I uh- kits? We're not even mates- not that you have to be mates to have kits" oh StarClan she was digging herself a hole here. She hadn't even considered that possibility, she supposed that was possible. Her already fluffy pelt managed to expand as she stammered, floundering to find a clear thought after being thrown so off guard. "We're not planning kits right now- I don't know if they would even want that? If we're opening up probing questions though, don't think you're safe. Do you have any secret lovers hidden from us dear brother?" She blinked up at Tawnyclaw curiously, though she made no effort to hide the teasing tone.