- Jul 10, 2022
- 423
- 121
- 43
The call to war is a brilliant one, but the voice that calls it isn't Sootstar. No, the Queen of the Moors wasn't present at this battle, it seems- a lucky coincidence, considering Hyacinth would go after her first. Nonetheless, her face pokes out of the medicine den warily, looking around to make sure nobody was coming before she turns to @BEESONG .
"I can't just stand and watch.. I'm going out to fight." Wounded or not, she could suffice with more scars if needed. Cats are already fighting, but she spots Smokethroat in a tussle with Weaselclaw; her blood runs cold. The man she once called a brother.. A fellow soldier, he was trying to kill her best friend now. Hyacinthbreath wants to run over and help, but he hasn't called for any yet- so instead, she sneaks along the outside of the fighting to find her own opponent- searching for those beady eyes that she couldn't stand.
But Juniperfrost is nowhere to be found. Part of her is thankful, her child was safe as long as Juniper wasn't around, but she knows Peri was most likely struggling with the news that his mother was a murderer. Aren't we all, though? She hopes he's hiding out for safety, hopes he isn't anywhere near the battle. She couldn't protect him anymore, not like this. Cindershade voices her support, Hyacinth's chest heaving with a held-back growl at the thought of her son being hurt or even worse, killed.
"And I'll do it again!" She yowled loud enough for the whole small makeshift camp to hear, fur along her spine rising in disgust. "Juniperfrost threatened the one thing he shouldn't have. I don't regret crushing that arrogant little head of his that day."
// currently pacing the outskirts of the battle away from the medicine den. open to attack. roll for results in my channel! - saeyoung
"I can't just stand and watch.. I'm going out to fight." Wounded or not, she could suffice with more scars if needed. Cats are already fighting, but she spots Smokethroat in a tussle with Weaselclaw; her blood runs cold. The man she once called a brother.. A fellow soldier, he was trying to kill her best friend now. Hyacinthbreath wants to run over and help, but he hasn't called for any yet- so instead, she sneaks along the outside of the fighting to find her own opponent- searching for those beady eyes that she couldn't stand.
But Juniperfrost is nowhere to be found. Part of her is thankful, her child was safe as long as Juniper wasn't around, but she knows Peri was most likely struggling with the news that his mother was a murderer. Aren't we all, though? She hopes he's hiding out for safety, hopes he isn't anywhere near the battle. She couldn't protect him anymore, not like this. Cindershade voices her support, Hyacinth's chest heaving with a held-back growl at the thought of her son being hurt or even worse, killed.
"And I'll do it again!" She yowled loud enough for the whole small makeshift camp to hear, fur along her spine rising in disgust. "Juniperfrost threatened the one thing he shouldn't have. I don't regret crushing that arrogant little head of his that day."
// currently pacing the outskirts of the battle away from the medicine den. open to attack. roll for results in my channel! - saeyoung
❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞