- Jun 8, 2022
- 873
- 643
- 93
The npc elders have carried the body to the burial place just outside of camp. Sootstar and a small group of other cats joined them, offering aid when allowed in the process of digging the grave. Ferretswipe had been a noble and respected senior warrior, but new-leaf brought snake spawn. Vulturemask had decreeded based on the shape of the bite that it had indeed come from an adder, likely venemous. They had found him lying dead. Looking at the brown tabby's body infuriates Sootstar, he had managed to live longer than many, but what a waste this was… There is a sorrowful scowl on her face as they move his body into the hole, she steps forward to help bury him. The blue she-cat isn't sure she can count how many clan-mates she's had to bury than the start of WindClan, the worst had been during the greencough outbreak… she shudders to think about it. Cats from the elderly to the smallest kits had been getting buried, yet the clans dared to scorn them for their desperation for herbs. It felt like many moons ago now. She can't help but wonder how many more bodies she'll have to watch bury in the span of her remaining seven lives. Would there come a time where she no longer cared? Where it became routine? "May you find warm breezes and swift hunting in StarClan, Ferretswipe." Sootstar meows after she had spoken other traditional words of burial before taking a paw step back. She eyes her present clan-mates. //its the end of the plot event and there is no elders, so im using this prompt with some missing context so it isn't totally wasted! "How do they all feel about witnessing yet another death and burying yet another cat together?" answer it and it can count as a prompt for you too! |