—— ─ ─ ' "What, did you call us here to whine about how no one agreed with you and Lichenstar? '
Once again, it seems, Sharpshadow does not bother to mince her words - and Ternstar only levels a glace at them, gaze as cold as frost. At least this time, she thinks, he has done so in
private. Still, she cannot help but wonder what she'd been thinking - to choose her, to think that she would be a good deputy. True, he challenged her - something Ternstar was sure she'd need, if she was to adhere to starclans warnings... but that seemed to be the only
duty he'd taken to.
" It does not need be a code for us to still adhere best we can, " she says lowly, a warning in her tone. Shadowclan has always been devout, no matter what her council says - star-blessed, with medicine cats who shared tongues with starclan both in the waking world and not. And for all that Marbleleaf is
young, less trusted then some Ternstar has given her ear, she knows she too, follows in her predecessors pawsteps.
" Sunflowermask- " the name feels heavy on her lips, foreign despite it's familiarity.. They'd never had much need for
words in their companionship, both seeking the silence and solitude.
" believes in starclan as much as any other clan cat. " at least, she
thinks they do - it is not as though she'd asked, but truly its irrelevant. It's not what they really want to know, is it?
' Are you going to… tell us anything? About the friend? '
A quiet sigh then, her face otherwise blank, tail flicking slowly.
" I have known them for many moons. As a friendly face, and even as an enemy on the battlefield. We have exchanged blows before... and they have saved my life. That is more then many can say. I offered them a place because they have earned it. " she says. Shoulders tense, as she speaks the inevitable - but she knows it cannot be avoided. Already, she think she has seen Halfsun putting the pieces together, has seen that familiar flicker of
knowing. Of
familiarity. Her council, to, will put two and two together... even if she does not bother to spell it out.
" I spoke to Scorchstar tonight, of Sunflowermask's presence. It will not cause us any problems. "
─ actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'