☆ CW: Blood, mentions of injury, strong language.

The day's patrols are done, the sun dipping slowly but surely beneath the wavering distant horizons in a bloody smear. Iciclefang had told him that, on the journey, they had glimpsed the place where the sun went—a great pool of water that drowned that blazing scarlet light and let the day bleed away into night. He wonders if he'll ever see that—selfishly, he hopes so. He's out for a solo hunting patrol, although it's half a walk, a quiet stroll by himself where he can permit himself this small peace as the sky turns scarlet, then dusty purple, then blue - black night the color of his father's fur. The soft rustle of reeds, the comfortingly strong scent of the border, whispers of foreign smell where they've been safely deterred.

Maybe it's the peace - bringing sight of his sister safely ( albeit slowly ) recuperating, or the glowing faces of his little cousins when they make their first catches or come in from a day of training, the guaranteed safety of their youth; maybe it's his newly - kindled friendship ( acquaintanceship? Clanmate - I - kind - of - knowship? He's hesitant to call them friends just yet ) with Driftwood, or just the sweet smell of the river and the soft buzz of the cicadas, but there's something serene about tonight.

The reeds rustle, ever so gently; the foreign scent across the border increases, ever so minutely.

His head turns.

— — ☆ — —​

" Fucker! " he snaps out in a hard click of fangs, rivulets of blood trickling slowly from the tatters of his feathery ear down over the curve of his muzzle. The claw - marks torn through soft, dusty pink skin and tufted black fur are enormous, but recognizably those of a cat, the injury more a stinging irritant than anything serious as he storms into camp, bottlebrush tail flicking so hard there's a whip - crack! with each motion of fur snapping back and forth.

Thank the stars, he looks more angry than in danger of collapse, as his sister had only a few sunrises prior. The scent of rogue and the border clings to him with the blood dripping off his ear and muzzle; more crimson splatters his claws, but it's clearly not his, if the half - satisfaction glimmering low in his eyes is anything to judge by. At some cat's question, he shakes his head to dislodge the blood, clears his throat and flicks red - flecked spit into the sand before he answers. " Some black - furred kittypet, this fucker, on the border. "

" If you're worried about this— " he gestures to his shredded ear, " —you should see him." He growls under his breath, concluding with some measure of satisfaction, " Sent him packing with some scars to show for it, at least. "

☆ 100th milestone! He's not at all seriously injured, just a torn ear and a split lip. Set pre - Lichen death / dog attack number 34832.

" speech "

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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The kit is meandering about camp, pawing a gradually-crumbling mossball around by himself, when a sudden shadow falls over him. He jumps backward, shocked—he hadn’t even heard the bigger tom coming! But when Cicadaflight continues on his way, the sound of his footfalls is obvious. Crabkit turns to follow after him, carefully avoiding the whipping of the older tom’s feathered tail. The warrior smells like blood, and he looks angry. But Crabkit wants to know what’s going on. "Oh, ’cadaflight," he greets the older tom with a bright smile, one that turns wavering and uncertain when he fully takes in the older RiverClanner’s appearance. "Are you okay? What happened?" The words leave his mouth in a gasp, with another one following soon after when the black and white warrior spits a big glob of stuff onto the ground in front of him. "Ew," the little tom comments, ginger paw shoveling a bit of sand over the brilliant red blood-spot.

The black and white warrior explains haltingly, sharply, what happened, and Crabkit’s brows furrow with confusion at first. Murmured under his breath comes a curious, "What’s a fucker?" Cicadaflight says that he chased off whatever had attacked him, saying that the enemy was in worse shape—and that he’d also sent the enemy away with scars. "You hurt him?" That’s a good thing, isn’t it? Because of the rogues, or the rogue that hurt Beefang so bad. There’s not supposed to be anybody in RiverClan, except RiverClanners. That’s how it’s supposed to work, so Cicadaflight has to be in the right… right?

  • ooc:
  • 80686810_XM15QxfLERsjOog.png
    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore
  • Haha
Reactions: otterbite
The metallic scent of blood tingled her nose and she assumed it was just her imagination until the glimpse of Cicadaflight's torn ear and a busted lip. Crabkit's curiosity finds himself to his mother's former apprentice and inquires about what happened and some other things. What's a fucker? The emphasis on the cuss word makes her blink for a moment as she glances left and right for Iciclefang, assuming that she would morph out of air and cuff Crabkit over the ear. It wasn't her point to instruct him not to say it like she used to let them know what they did was wrong or how to take things better.

The further she kept her distance emotionally from others, they would be safe.

”Go get it checked out by Moonbeam before you get an infection.” Troutsnout would state simply, her face permanently plastered in the seriousness. A stray kittypet or rogue? That's fine, she'll take care of them eventually. The once familiar taste of blood is strong in her jaws, the memory of her fangs easily taking a rogue's life. Her gaze narrows momentarily as she raises a paw to her head, ignoring the slight pain in her shoulders. Was this way of Starclan telling her she needed to heal quickly and take to the fight? Trout was no medicine cat or leader, she's never seen the stars themselves━ but this was an obvious answer in her opinion. It wouldn't be long until she was free to stalk the territory once more, and she would see to it that her fangs and claws found blood.

What was the point of sitting and trying to protect others, if the danger always found itself to those she cared about before she could stop it? None. There was no point of it.
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"That word, Crabkit, is something you aren't allowed to say, else Lichenstar will hold you back a moon." Claythorn said blankly as she approached, her own ears perked and stance neutral. Obviously that wasn't true, but it would hopefully work, and hopefully, Claythorn wouldn't be the one getting cuffed over the ear. Mismatched golden eyes shifted towards Troutsnout.

She studied for a long, silent movement. The way the other's bodied moved, the look in her eyes. Claythorn's lip curled briefly before she turned her vision back towards Cicadaflight, who had explained that the other guy looked much worse, and she lifted her shoulders in a shrug. "Listen, Cicadaflight. Go see Moonbeam. Less worried about the wound, and more worried about you keeling over from infection later." Claythorn said in means of agreement with Troutsnout's statement.

Her tail twitched in slight irritation. Seriously, was their border patrols not working? The amount of rogues and dogs in their territory was irritating, highly concerning- something she had half a mind to ask Lichenstar about. "You are sure the attacker is gone? Or should I go find them and ensure they're gone?" Claythorn asked, shifting on her paws with twitched ears- vision cast about camp, looking for dark blue fur and seafoam eyes.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.