pafp ONE DAY I'LL BE GROWN — wound treatment

Young as she is, Sparrow's never really had any injuries past the ones that carry themselves on her shoulder.

Bumps and bruises, sure. Such was typical of a kit her age, with playtime taking up so much of her time before her arrival to the moors. But bruises were never as scary as pierced skin, as bloodshed. Bumps weren't nearly as scary as the dark feline prodding at Sparrow's shoulder, while she stood in a whole different world compared to the one she'd stood in when she woke up that morning. A shift in everything she'd ever known.

And the kits around here, the one's that she'd met already - whether quick to judge her or not - they didn't carry the same injuries the newcomer now did. Despite the lack of a barn to keep them safe, they were injury free. Safe.

She doesn't get how that can be. How can the safety of her home be worse than the safety of open plains?

Ears lie flat as she inspects the cat's work - the coating that now sits upon new breaks in the pattern of her fur. The kit has never seen anything like it. And, she doesn't understand. She doesn't understand the point of the fang-toothed cat's work. Was it going to hurt her more? Leave her with one less leg? She didn't want to lose her leg too!

"What... is this?" the kit finally asks, sniffing at what now sits on her wounds. "What's it do?" Sparrow follows it up with - as if to ask the scarred cat: what do you do?

Yet another set of questions she brings forth, in this new world she finds herself in.

He had no clue what this kit had gone through out there but he could with ease tell it most have been something traumatizing. Vulturemask hadn't bothered asking questions about where they had found this kit or what had happened to her. All of these things didn't matter to him at the moment. Later he could ask Badgermoon about where this kit had come from. For now he was only caring about treating their injures which wasn't all that bad thankfully. This kit had been lucky to survive whatever attack she had endured.

Vulturemask had just finished cleaning the wounds and put what was needed on the wounds for it to have a chance to heal properly. He had just been about to turn himself around when the kit spoke her first words to him. The medicine cat looked back over at her having noticed that she felt uneasy around him. Not something he could blame her for. Vulturemask was aware of his intimating appearance which not really bothered him. It was better to be feared then not been taking seriously.

" Healing herbs. It will make sure that your wounds heal properly and soon enough you will be back at your full strength again." he would explain only being able to imagine how strange this most be for them right now.

// so sorry for how late this is Dx

──⇌•〘 INFO He understands her situation better than many other WindClanners. Though he knows only what Badgermoon has told him, the basic outline is more than enough to establish the empathy of someone with shared experience. However, he had been fortunate enough that the people who raised him were not strangers to him, and the world they lived in was hardly different than the one he'd known before. Sparrowkit has neither of those luxuries, and worse still, her reception had not been unanimous kindness.

At least now her wounds will not trouble her as much as before, but like his eye, the scars will ensure a more vivid remembrance.

He pokes his head through the den, preferring to be part of the conversation than merely an eavesdropper. "Vulturemask is our healer," he explains, "with great knowledge that can bind wounds and banish coughs. Medicine cats are a precious resource."
periwinklepaw | 07 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Periwinklepaw has to firmly tell himself not to crowd this new child - that this must be ever so strange and worrisome for the kit. But he to is worried - what must the world outside windclan be like to children to be covered in wounds. Did queens just not.. care for their kits? It's troubling.

A silent observer from his nest, only when the treatment is done does he rise, long limbs stretching and clear gaze sparkling with warmth. "V-v-vulture's th-the best," he says cheerily, confidently. His own frame is still sore and aching - the sting and pull of his skin the reminders of his recent loss. But that's okay - he'd never expected anything less. "I'm p-p-periwink-le-paw," he introduces softly, settling down nearby.

There had been a fraction of time within Sparrow's first moments as a WindClanner that he thought of her as the others did. A stranger, unfit to join their clan. But then he had remembered. It was a time far simpler, and quite some distance away. The moon had shifted across the dark sky as he and Ellisif walked. They had found Gin before WindClan, but before even that they had been children. Youthful and hopeful, and his best friend had been entrenched in an unfamiliar world just as Sparrowkit was. He learned mercy through those memories. A piece of him falls from frost.

But as he comes to this den, it is not for the kitten's sake. A rabbit's claw was a familiar wound to many WindClan cats, and Sunstride is no different. Typically he would have done nothing more than groom it away, but the bleeding has persisted, sluggish yet insistent down his leg. He was prepared to plead Vulturemask for a bundle of cobwebs before he's realized he has intruded. It is Periwinklepaw, as he has come to expect from the stuttering apprentice, and Sparrowkit. Wolfsong, too, whose low voice he should have better recognized even in his tempestuous stew. "You must be a brave kitten," he decides to tell her as he presses deeper in, though not so close as to crowd the growing group, "to come here with such wounds."

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

Unfamiliar terms are offered to her as an explanation. Healing herbs, medicine cats. Brand new information that only leaves the kit with more questions.

"Like, leaves..?" she squeaks out, sniffing at the poultice that sits on her shoulder. Her nose scrunches up at the scent. Gross. "Will... Will it really make it better...?" It seems kind of odd, sticking smelly plants on dog bites. Did Ma know about this? Would she have done the same, if she'd seen her shoulder?

Wolfsong, a more familiar face than the rest around her, says medicine cats are a precious resource. Sparrowkit blinks at that, then at the dog-like cat who'd treated her wounds. Vulturemask. "Is... Vulturemask... the only one?"

What if all of WindClan got hurt? Then what? What if Vulturemask got hurt? Would he have to heal his own wounds? His own sickness?

He's the best, a new face claims. Brown ears twitch at the voice, and she moves to step back as the apprentice stutters out an introduction.

" 'M Sparrow," she quietly offers, though flattens her ears as she speaks. All these cats before her, they seemed to have two names. Was she meant to have one too? Was she supposed to be calling herself something different, now?

Her concerns are shifted as another, less familiar face approaches the den - another move to step backward made. It seemed like there was infinite cats who lived here, with the unfamiliar cats that approach her. This one calls her brave, and, and... maybe she is, for running this far from home. Maybe she is, but she doesn't feel like it, when everything is still so new and scary.

"I had nowhere else to go," she mumbles, though doesn't know if that's true either. Had she run a different direction, she might've found herself somewhere else - perhaps more scared than she is now. Perhaps to her own demise.
Sparrowkit is different. She's come from a place far away. A place without Clans, without leaders and boundaries and duty and StarClan. Bluekit struggles to imagine such a world. At two moons, WindClan runs in her veins as much as her blood does -- and she only knows someday it will be an honor for her to give her life to defend it. Even that, she can only grasp as a faint, non-threatening concept -- it's just something she hears repeated, and it's beginning to become second nature to say it herself.

All the cats who stand around and look at Sparrowkit cause Bluekit to drift over. Her newest denmate has been treated, the wound covered with leaves and ointments made from all sorts of things that grow in the moorland. The tiny WindClan princess tilts her head, eyes blank as she asks, "You didn't have medicine cats where you lived?" It's a genuine question. How could such a place exist? "What did you do when you got hurt?"


" More like plants but yes it does work if used with the right knowledge." He would explain to the kit noticing their doubts which he couldn't blame them for. He too had been doubtful at first when Honeytwist had got announced as their very first medicine cat. It was not until Dandelionwish had taken over that he had started to see the value of having one around in the clan. Wolfsong would join them saying something that shocked the medicine cat. His attention lifted up to stare at the lead warrior. Precious resource. This was the first time one of his clanmates had said this to him. The only one who had showed validation to his job had been Silverpaw, a kittypet. That said alot with how underappreciated he was.

Aha, and then there come Periwinklepaw giving to much credit to him. The best. He didn't even have close to an ego to think that highly of himself neither that he had great knowledge. Both of thier praise was too kind but at the same time he appreciated to hear it. At the end of the day all he really wanted was for his clanmates to acknowledge all of the hardwork he was putting down for this clan. That he was not Honeytwist or Dandelionwish. Speechless and unable to come up with anything to answer to his praise the medicine cat instead remained silent while feeling slightly flustered.

" No, there's more of us. We all live in different clans serving different leaders." He would speak up again once the praise had washed out from his system to further explain to the kit who looked a bit overwhelmed with all of this. Not suprising if this was all new to her. Vulturemask wouldn't mind answering all of her questions this kit might have. It was actually refreshing to explain his job to someone who didn't look down on what he was doing or made fun of him.