pafp ONE IS ALL, ALL IS ONE \ incident

Raccoonstripe’s thoughts are dark today. He’s preoccupied with blood—he keeps tasting it in his mouth, feeling the iron and salt of it on his tongue. When he raises a paw, the white is red and leaking. He can’t shake the feeling that there’s flesh between his paw pads; he can’t get the memory of the RiverClan she-cat’s shriek out of his head, Lakemoon’s enraged hiss as she slid between them.

He can’t stop thinking about Graystorm, and no—no, that one isn’t his fault, but sometimes it feels like every death is his fault.

The tabby deviates from his patrol, lost in thought and immune to the low chatter of his Clanmates. He wants to be alone—he needs to be alone. He can still hear them shuffling about the undergrowth, but Raccoonstripe attempts to block them out. He will hunt. He will be useful. It’s the only thing he can do to cleanse his mind, rain-rinse the invisible scarlet that dries, sticky, in his fur.

It’s a fool’s endeavor. He hears a twig snap, and his head jerks up, ears forward. Berry-bright eyes stare back at him; the boar’s enormous nostrils flare, in, out, hot with anger. The lead warrior’s ears flatten, and he hisses, long and low. It’s already angry—and that sends it into fight or flight mode. And it chooses fight—it knows the cat, no matter how fierce in battle, is no match for him.

Raccoonstripe realizes his folly too late, and he springs into action, paws thrumming on the forest floor as hoofbeats trample the forest floor behind him. He can’t outrun it—it catches up to him in a matter of seconds, and searing pain tears across his hind leg. He stumbles, falls and rolls to his flank. He emits a shriek of fury and pain, just as blood—the scent, the taste, it’s his now and it’s in the air—begins to drench the lower half of his body.

He rolls forward, just enough to peer at the damage done—his leg is not broken, but the piercing tusk of the creature had sliced straight through his thick pelt and into his flesh. If he’d had thinner fur, if he were just a mouselength closer to the boar, he could have had his leg shattered or torn away entirely, and he knows this. He pants, his flanks rising and falling rapidly, as he realizes what he’s done—doomed himself. Someone will find him, as they’d found Graystorm.

I’m sorry, Howlingstar, Berryheart.

I’ll say hi to Graystorm for you,” he pants, clenching his jaw after the words escape his mouth. The boar’s breath is rancid steam against his face. He steels himself for the end.

/ please wait for @HOWLINGSTAR

  • Nervous
Reactions: WOLFWIND
TW: gruesome death, lots of mentions of blood

Howlingstar leads the way through the undergrowth, snow-tipped paws moving silently, expertly, through the foliage. It's become obvious that the boars have continued to move on away from their camp over the last quarter-moon, a relief to the clan. It seems they want nothing to do with the overpowering cat scent in the ravine and decided to move along. And they are so close to finally being rid of the beasts. Every day, it seems they grow closer and closer to the border with the loner lands, and Howlingstar can't wait for this chapter in her life to end. Graystorm has been put to rest. No one else needs to die at the hoofs of these animals.

She doesn't even notice when Raccoonstripe peels away from the group. Her nose is trained on the scent trail of the boars, her eyes locked onto the upturned earth that creates a physical path through the forest. Messy creatures, She can't help but think with a judgmental wrinkle of her snout. With a flick of her tail, she urges her patrol onward, albeit with caution. She's sure they're not far ahead, and she doesn't want to get too close...

The screech that pierce the air causes the she-cat to jump, instinctively leaping towards a tree as she assumes the sound must be coming from a boar that has spotted them. But only heartbeats pass when she realizes the sound hadn't been pig at all. It was cat. She looks over the patrol with frightful eyes and notices the cat that is missing. Raccoonstripe!

"Come on!" She yowls to the others, already racing in the direction of the cry. She can see it. The bristly fur upon the beast's back as it paws at the ground, eyeing her kit like he's prey. He's wounded, blood spilling from a gash across his leg and for a moment she sees a tiny but fluffy black-striped kitten, minuscule compared to the looming threat above him - and now she's seeing red.

You will not take another son from me.

Something akin to a roar rips from her throat as she throws herself at the boar's head with all her might, her momentum doing enough to knock it off course. It squeals in rage as her claws sink into flesh. If any ThunderClanner were to catch a glimpse of their leader's face, they'd find it twisted and unrecognizable as she acts more like a ravenous she-demon than a cat. Blood sprays the ground with every slash as she swipes, swipes, swipes, her claws seeking deeper purchase each time, spits and hisses flying from her jaws. but with every rear and buck, it becomes more difficult to hold on, and finally her claws slip from their holding. She is thrown against the trunk of a tree, the impact knocking the breath out of her. And oh, the beast isn't finished. Despite the blood that now coats its face, it seems to pin her with the same look it gave Raccoonstripe. It knew she was a flea compared to its power.

Howlingstar hisses again, swiping from where she now leans against the tree from exhaustion and it charges. She drops to the ground as the boar makes contact with the tree just above her head. She can hear the bark splinter as it rains down upon her, causing her eyes to squeeze shut. When she opens them again, disoriented as she is, she now sees the beast charging once more and this time it finds its mark.

One tusk buries itself into the side of her neck. The other, her flank. For a moment, she's held there by the weapons, frozen in shock before it finally backs away. Blood rushes from the multiple holes that now riddle her body and she can't breathe. Somewhere nearby are her clanmates; she knows because she can hear their voices, no matter how faded they're becoming. She's not scared. This is a feeling she's experienced before. She coughs, coating the ground in front of her face with splattered blood. And as she fades away, she feels relief. Her baby is safe. If she can help it, no boar will touch a single hair on his pelt again lest she rain down upon them with all of StarClan's wrath.

The last thing she sees before closing her eyes is a clanmate helping him to his paws, and she sighs contentedly.

// dead :0 boar is still present but injured; needs to be chased off!
Sparkpaw had noticed Raccoonstripe stray from the party, but he thought nothing of it, because he was Raccoonstripe. He was big and strong and usually knew what he was doing. So he focused on his own hunt, which was going poorly. The mouse he had spotted heard something that wasn't him, and darted away.

He would have given chase if not for the cry he heard from Raccoonstripe's direction. Worry and fear struck him, and Alongside Howlingstar and the rest of the cats with them, he rushed to aid the other warrior. His stomach twisted as he saw the boar over him, but the worst was yet to happen. Howlingstar, with all the fury of a mother wolf, rushed the beast and tore at it's hide. Sparkpaw had to help- he had to do something-

But he was too late. He watched the boar stab his leader with it's tusks.... And suddenly, wrath filled his own heart. He hadn't seen what happened to Graystorm, but Howlingstar was like. his GRANDMA. And this pig thought it was going to continue it's onslaught?

Not on his watch.

He was big now. Big, strong, and fluffy. He bore his teeth and yowled, fluffing his fur. "GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU DISGUSTING PINE CONE BRAINED BRUTE!!" He shrieked, and bolted for the boar.

He lunged for the boar, hoping to leap onto it's back and rip it's ear.


(( @WOLFWIND ur apprentice is fightinnggg))​
  • Wow
Reactions: WOLFWIND
While the boars still roam their lands, she is tense. The tiredness dragging at her paws is solely out of exertion. She refuses to hole herself up and do nothing while Graystorm grows colder and the ground. Nothing more would happen, and if it did, Wolfwind would be there, damnit. There's no merit to the tension in her shoulders as she pads behind her Leader– her kin. There is no rhyme or reason to it, no reason for this day to be unlike the others before it. Only that lingering sensation; that feeling that something could go terribly wrong at any given moment. At the very least, the gradual movement further from camp somewhat proves the theory she'd been cookin' up in 'er mind. That these things weren't affter them. They were moving, and ThunderClan was... in their way.

Wolfwind's eyes are keen on her leader, watching for any and every stop and signal. She's caught. dumbstruck when she hears the yowl of a cat, and acutely she notices: Where the hell was Raccoonstripe? There is no mistaking who it was– and had it been anyone, anyone, Wolfwind would burst into action all the same, but the weight of who it was makes her blood spike in a way special to him.

Wolfwind is racing toward the sound at the first clip of word from Howlingstar. But she is faster– a woman possessed. Even named for her speed, Wolfwind can only watch as her grandmother hurtles herself toward the beast with a cry ripped straight from a horror story. She swipes and swipes, and Wolfwind, stupid as she has, has a single glimmer of hope. That maybe them thinkin' these things were invincible had been pessimistic; that maybe the wrath of a leader– of a mother, is what it would take to bring one of these things crashing down.

The hope is short - lived.

Wolfwind quickly realizes that she'd never stood a chance. It's a horrific sight. Scratches lain to its face are from kitten claws in comparison to the effortless cleaving of Howlingstar's heart, tusks dug into her frame without a second thought. She wanted to hold her tongue. She really did. " HOWLINGSTAR! " She screams, outmatched maybe, only by her own voice on that day, when she screamed the clouds away. Exterior held together by muscle and thread is unraveled, she screams like someone whose seen her family die again and again, and it would not be the last time. Tears well at her eyes, but she doesn't have the time cry. Her own apprentice hurls himself at the boar. She doesn't have time to cry.

She turns on a whim, sunburst eyes blazing, and hurtles toward the beast. She wants to harness that same rage Howlingstar had– but it isn't smart, she knows. If she just threw herself at it, little good would from it. Sparpaw clearly was not thinking the same. " SPARKPAW! " She'd bark, perhaps the closest tone to anger she has ever taken up with him. " I swear to the stars, if you get yourself killed–! " Poor Sunfreckle couldn't take it. She couldnt take it, for fucks' sake.

The warrior would surge closer, aiming claws at beasts legs in hopes of disorienting it, or at the very least taking attention away from the others. She could not afford to turn and look right now. She could only think about how badly she needed this thing away from her kin before it took another life..

nightbird is not privy to the disappearance of the tabby lead warrior from the patrol. busy muttering tidbits to lightpaw and duskpaw, her focus is undividedly on them. dark ears twitch at a symphony of hisses and yowls, but her head is snapped up as the scent of the boars mingled thickly with blood crosses the air.

at howlingstar's prompt, she is racing alongside the rest of the patrol. the leader had gotten there first and was already flung at the beast. fury guided her strikes, tearing at the thick skin of the creature. her eyes followed the crimson painted across the ground to find raccoonstripe lying in a pool of his own. her jaw parts slightly, taken aback by his limp form. was he even still breathing? wolfwind's screams somewhere near her, grief filled, horrified. she is reluctant to tear her gaze away, see what had elicited such a reaction. when she does, it is on instinct that she steps over in front of duskpaw. he was so young, idolized his grandmother and did not need to see this brutality bestowed upon her. out of the edge of her gaze, sparkpaw flies towards the boar, wolfwind quick to follow.

"duskpaw," she starts, voice shaken and low. a part of her told her to have him stay, that this would not be the most horrific thing the young warrior would see. it was cruel, she felt that way for the thought to even cross her mind. "go home. tell berryheart, he'll need time to prepare." she didn't look to see if they had listened and gone, for there was movement not far. a subtle rise and fall of tiger-striped flank. a heavy, relieved, breath racked her ribs. she blinked a few times, mind feeling scrambled amidst the chaos.

the beast had drawn away from racconstripe after finding a new opponent, the leader's limp form was still too close to the bloodshed, but the warrior had time to be coaxed to safety. "help him." her voice is rough as she shoots instruction at lightpaw before dashing towards the boar. with wolfwind grappling at it's legs and sparkpaw occupying it's back, she circled around to the side opposite the other warrior before lunging her claws out to aim for it's side, quickly retracting before aiming another attack towards it's legs. it was already bleeding, injured from past fighting. hopefully it would decide that this wasn't worth it before taking another victim.

[ descriptions of howling's injuries in the first paragraph ]

Panic– wet and tangy as blood in the air, pressing down upon his tongue. It's like fire, like drowning, like he's caught at once in the eye of the storm and its deadliest currents. As the tusks pierce his grandmother's hide, Duskpaw swears he can feel it too. "NO!" His paws stumble forward, a half of a rush until his shoulder is level with his mentor's. She wanted to protect him– how could she protect him? Raccoonstripe is still there, still bleeding, and Wolfwind, and his mentor tells him to go but for perhaps the first time in his life, Duskpaw has not found it in himself to immediately obey. He can still see her. He can see where the tusks had been, see every part of her that should never be there to see. She wasn't moving. He'd heard the others talk about it, talk about her coming back, but she wasn't moving and Duskpaw had never known death like this.

What good is Berryheart here? What if he turns and runs and never stops, what if he's a coward for the rest of his life and what if he sees this again and again and again?

The apprentice's claws are rooted into the earth, his amber eyes dark and wide with terror. Though they don't feel the extent of it themselves, their chest is heaving with short, fast breaths. He watches the beast move against the warriors' blows, and there is a horrible, horrifying realization that there is nothing he can do. For all that Nightbird had trained him, for all that he has learned– there is nothing he can do but run.

So with an agonized cry, wordless and desperate, he turns tail and sprints for Berryheart's den.

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
☽ .* :☆゚. ── | Things were slowing down, going good, and it made Leopardtongue worry. She still had not encountered a boar head on like so many of her clanmates had, and she had been thanking StarClan every day that she didn't have to fight one, but she knew her time would come eventually, though it came sooner than she had thought. The patrol was supposed to be safe, the boars were moving out from the territory and going off to find their own, so when the sudden screech reaches the warrior's ears, she pauses for a moment in fear, turning around towards the sound afraid that she'd see one of them charging straight for them.

But there was nothing. Then there was the sound of Howlingstar ordering them to go, and Leopardtongue followed the leader, ears flattening to her head as she saw the scene unfold before her, as she strong smell of blood hit her senses. She watches as the boar chases after Howlingstar for a moment, eyes widening as it quickly went south and she was on the ground. Swallowing, she turned her attention to the boar, now in the middle of fighting multiple cats, and sprinted forward and swiped in an attempt to claw at it's back legs, hoping that this would cause the boar to run away. The longer it fought the more ways for it to run seemed to diminish.​

She has not stopped screaming since her mentor, her teacher, her uncle, her family, fell before the boar and it has only escalated from there. A cry of alarm evolved into a shill screech of horror as Howlingstar rushed in to save Raccoonstripe, it warped into something more enraged an worth of a lion's roar as the black tabby fell and now it was a bellow for battle, a screech to stay back as she bounded forward. Moonpaw had not been prepared for this during her trek to follow her uncle on his outing but she was not going to abandon her mentor and now deceased grandmother to their fates.
The point she-cat is pushing into Raccoonstripe's side, urging him to stand, urging him to get up and out of harm's way while her clanmates surge in like strikes of lightning from a coming storm to snap and batter the boar; it teetering in confusion at the sudden influx of cats now attempting to overwhelm it.
They couldn't defeat these beasts, but stars knew they could hurt it, they could send it scurrying for safety.
"Get up, Raccoonstripe, you have to MOVE!" Her blood is pounding in her ears, if she wasn't so caught up in the moment she might realize how suddenly smaller her mentor looks, how she was no longer quite literally looking up to him; that if anything she seemed more capable of pushing him around than before. But all she can think of is to not look, not look at the growing pool around Howlingstar, not look at the way her chest no longer rises and falls with every breath; all she can do is hope that StarClan once again sends her back.
The ground around her paws is pebbled stones again, her shoulder hurts, a RiverClanner just killed their leader and it is a defeaning roar that only rivals her own as she hisses with a vicious trill in the boar's direction as it pivots about in distraction by her clanmates.
Berryheart will be here soon, Nightbird sent Duskpaw to get him, he and Lichenpaw will fix this. She thinks of being asked to heal, realizes she made the right choice now because she has frozen in the face of injury, it seems she can only bleed wounds, not heal them..

No! Shiningsun felt the weight of the situation bear down upon him as he took in the scene before him. Raccoonstripe was injured, his fellow clanmates were battling valiantly against a great beast, and Howlingstar... The reality was hard to stomach, but he couldn't allow it to stop him from being called into action. They needed a heavy hitter and they were about to get one!

The golden coloured tom let out a caterwaul of fury as he charged forth to join the others with the assault upon the boar. Throwing his full weight behind his momentum, he aimed to slam into the boar's ribs whilst being mindful as to avoid catching any of the other ThunderClanners in the process. A snarl rumbled from the depths of his chest as his jaws swung open so he could attempt to deliver a serious bite to the boar. He wanted to make it bleed! To make it think twice before it dared to ever come near any cat ever again.

Skypaw had not been a part of the expansive patrol. At most, coincidence placed him in the area, just close enough to hear the shrieks of terror and anger. He and his mentor are quick to tear through the undergrowth to confront the ongoing chaos - but as Scaleclaw is quick to join the many in shredding the boar, the mottled apprentice stands at the outskirts, shocked, sickened. His saliva feels thick in his mouth and he swallows back the contents of his stomach -

He's not seen it in action, however it's far too easy to parse how Raccoonstripe and Howlingstar gained their injuries. StarClan, the boar still has blood and viscera decorating its tusks. His family's blood.

Skypaw doesn't have the immediate urge to help in the fight. Perhaps his mentor should've hung back a little while longer, sent him for help like Nightbird did Duskpaw moments before. His paws feel like lead and he's still, too still, for too long. Eventually he tips forward, quick to avoid the carnage and moving towards his grandmother. He's been told how quickly leaders heal, how StarClan blesses them with many lives so that they can fight with the strength of many. But that doesn't mean the young apprentice is willing to leave her corpse-like body alone. Would he die to protect her whilst she healed? Heroism tells him that yes, he would, but his quickly beating heart and ongoing, nauseating fear screams otherwise.

Nonetheless he stands with his back arched in front of Howlingstar, again swallowing thickly. He doesn't dare stare at her for too long, eyes focused on the boar and the many who've attacked it thus far. He catches sight of Moonpaw attempting to move their uncle out of the way and hopes his sister is successful. He hopes they all are; they can't afford to lose another cat to beasts like this.​
The boars. He hadn't been on that patrol. He hadn't been present for the action, but the bustle, the utter noise from the forest, the yowling? He could hear it. His fur was on end, and he was on his paws in seconds, drumming into the earth. He broke into the clearing just as the rest of the cats- it seemed like the fighting force of Thunderclan- leapt at the boar. Chaos, but something that was controlled and measure. The clearing stank of fear and anger- rage mixed into a pot. Skypaw moving in front of Howlingstar's body- her body!. An inhale was measured, and the tom flung himself into action.

His voice broke and cracked as he spoke. Fear and rage in his chest, mirroring his clanmates, rising in his voice. Just like the rest. He wasn't just going to let her lay there. "Steady, Skypaw. You got it." He moved, leaning his head down. Indecision tore at him, but he bound in front of Moonpaw and Raccoonstripe, squaring his shoulders for a moment. Green eyes flicked from cat to cat, before he turned, aiming to get at the warrior's other shoulder and support him- move him. "Come on, Raccoonstripe, let's get you out of the way!" Howlingstar would be fine. Right? Was this the right thing to do?

He couldn't change his mind now. He was aiming to guide the injured warrior away. If she lived, Howlingstar would be back in moments and Berryheart would be here soon. The boar would be chased off. He whispered to Starclan beneath his breath. He prayed in his mind, in his words, for his parents, his sisters, to send protection. To bring Howlingstar back to them.​
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
It was supposed to be a patrol. It was just supposed to be a patrol. It was just supposed to be a patrol.

Lightpaw had noticed when Raccoonstripe veered away. He'd had an odd look on his face, but the apprentice had chosen to just look forward, to trust he knew what he was doing, to continue to engage in the quiet conversation between mentor and apprentice. If something were wrong, he would have mentioned it... right?

A screech. A flurry of paws.


Raccoonstripe, on the ground. Howlingstar, with the fury of grief, of StarClan. Howlingstar, on the ground. Dead. Impaled, lifeless. Were they both dead? His paws felt heavy.

All around him his Clanmates were rushing in, redirecting the beast, putting themselves at its mercy.

Nightbird's voice was what snapped him out of it, ears pinned to his skull as he looked over to her, watching as she stepped in front of Duskpaw. Duskpaw and Skypaw. They were still so young. He sucked in a breath that felt as though it wanted to choke him. Go help Raccoonstripe, she instructed, and forcing himself to shake off his hesitation, he did just that.

Lightpaw nearly shouldered Moonpaw out of the way as he moved in, taking his place opposite of Batwing and just about shoving himself beneath the bulky warrior in an attempt to lift him up, possibly even carry him with gritted teeth. "Come on, come on, move," he urged desperately.

He tried his best not to look over, not to look at his Clanmates fighting a hopeless battle, not to see Howlingstar's bloody and unmoving form. "We have to get out of their way, we have to- we have to help." There was nothing he could have done back then. He was weak. Helpless. Here, now, he wouldn't let anyone else die in front of him. Not grumpy Raccoonstripe, not Howlingstar, not Nightbird, not even--

Lightpaw's wide star flitted over to Moonpaw. "Stick with me," he demanded. It wouldn't happen again. It couldn't.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
He’s not accepted death, but he knows he will meet StarClan soon—every movement causes his leg to wrench in agony, and the rest of his body crumples when he attempts to stand. The boar’s spittle coats the thick fur on his face and neck; soon, it will be blood, and he knows this. When another cat’s shriek pierces the eerie quiet, he flinches. Another cat will die, too, he fears, and when he locks eyes with his mother, sees her face twisted in a furious snarl, he realizes he does not want to watch her die again.

Like the LionClan warriors she’d taught him about, Howlingstar faces the hulking monster with courage. The anger stoked in her green eyes blazes like fire, scorching the creature’s bristly flesh. Every swipe drives it into a fury, and Raccoonstripe is forced to watch as it shoves one of those deadly appendages through his mother’s neck. Horror paints his face. “Howlingstar! No—no, Mother!” She hangs, suspended before her Clan, her eyes glazed with death. She is gone. By the time her body falls to the ground, Raccoonstripe is struggling again to his paws, his claws unsheathed. “You—you can’t take anyone else from me,” he hisses, but he falls again, unable to walk without support.

The rest of their patrol is here now, their voices filled with indignation. Fear. Rage. Sparkpaw, the brave little fool, throws himself at the thing that had struck two experienced warriors down without breaking a sweat. Wolfwind hurtles after her apprentice, her claws stretched for its flesh. “Don’t… don’t…” His voice is a tired rasp now, despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Will he be forced to watch them all be slaughtered, one by one, before he finally meets a gruesome end—as his mother had?

Nightbird’s voice sounds beside him. She orders Duskpaw to return to camp, to find Berryheart, and he watches his young nephew flee, tears burning in his eyes. His co-lead warrior instructs Lightpaw to help him, but then she’s at Wolfwind’s side, aiming to tear into the creature with her Clanmates. Leopardtongue, Shiningsun, and Skypaw, his other nephew, all begin to drive the beast back and away from Howlingstar’s body.

“Get up, Raccoonstripe! You have to MOVE!” The oft-quiet voice of his apprentice is high-pitched with fear. Moonpaw pushes into him, and Raccoonstripe struggles again, realizing he must not linger—he will not let his Clanmates’ noble efforts go to waste. Batwing goes to his other side, and his support, along with Lightpaw’s, is enough for the tabby warrior to hobble away from the devastation. “I wanted to make sure she wakes up,” he hisses, his jaw clenching with exertion. He knows he can’t—he knows the others will ensure her safety, that Berryheart and Lichenpaw will tend to her wounds—but he’d watched the light die from Howlingstar’s eyes twice now, and he does not think it will ever get easier.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
  • Crying
Reactions: WOLFWIND
When her eyes open, she finds herself in a familiar landscape than when she'd lost her first life. But now, the tom who stands before her is a fresher face, one that brings tears to her eyes. "Graystorm," She trills tearfully, and though their meeting is short before she is ripped back to life, she is able to embrace him.

Her eyes fly back open briefly, her neck wound closed and while she pants and grips the ground with bloodied claws, she can see her clanmates surrounding the beast. Together, they fight like the Great Clans of old to drive the boar away from her body. She glances down, sees the blood still seeping from her flank, where the dry ground drinks it up eagerly. And then she's gone again.

This meeting is a little longer. She treasures the small talk they do get. She tells him to keep his kin company in StarClan, and he tells her she was successful. She did not let a second son die. Raccoonstripe is safe, then, She thinks in relief, feeling the tears begin to fall. They embrace for longer, they whisper their "I love you's" before she feels her soul being pulled back for a second time. Two lives in one go. It only goes to show how quickly they can be used up, but she doesn't regret a thing. She'd give her remaining six lives to defend her son all over again.

When she returns, she opens her eyes again and rushes to her feet, feeling weak with blood loss. By now, the boar has been chased off. She stumbles away from the clearing, breathing heavily, but for the most part her wounds have closed up. She limps hurriedly in the direction of camp, ears ringing and vision blurry, but she's alive.