OPALESCENT &. storage

  • 75352466_PZOMbk1mFgQC35W.png
    LEAPING TOAD AMAB. He / Him. Resident of StarClan.
    ✧ . A brown tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ✧ . Geckoscreech x Toad's Prowl
    ✧ . Mentored by the Marsh Group
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Suspendisse et consequat nisl.

Nulla consequat tellus purus. Donec eu ultricies arcu. Phasellus accumsan et dui quis dapibus. Cras vulputate velit sit amet turpis scelerisque facilisis. Duis lobortis tellus sed dolor auctor, nec semper dolor sagittis. Curabitur quis nisi tristique, efficitur arcu sed, mattis diam. Duis sagittis lacus nec purus elementum porttitor. Duis cursus id massa et faucibus. Proin sit amet ligula vitae enim convallis venenatis. Ut aliquam metus vel volutpat tristique. Quisque ultrices orci eget urna venenatis maximus. Donec ultricies aliquam dolor, ut bibendum velit laoreet a. In interdum viverra ligula in pretium.

" Integer sit amet sem faucibus, " semper elit a, blandit urna, " In suscipit quis orci quis pretium. " Morbi non rutrum tellus. Quisque ultrices est vel sem faucibus dapibus. Nam ut neque eget libero mattis auctor. Aenean arcu tellus, ultricies sit amet lectus eu, ultrices faucibus dui. Morbi tempor tristique placerat.

Cras dictum risus id diam molestie ullamcorper.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac arcu sem. Vestibulum condimentum velit velit, non fermentum orci aliquet ut. Vivamus nec velit mattis, sollicitudin est id, blandit lacus. Sed vitae nisl euismod, mattis nisi quis, rutrum libero. Fusce aliquet lobortis leo nec ornare. Praesent nec laoreet orci. Etiam tristique, nibh sed pellentesque sollicitudin, nunc sem porta purus, nec euismod libero ligula sit amet sem.

" Aenean convallis blandit viverra. " Maecenas id ipsum sed dolor facilisis sagittis at eu purus. Etiam tincidunt, metus a finibus vestibulum, elit sapien efficitur arcu, at suscipit arcu urna nec ligula. Fusce eu feugiat est. Nullam suscipit, nibh et feugiat fermentum, quam felis congue odio, sed vestibulum justo ipsum non nunc. Cras consectetur lacus in nibh convallis scelerisque. Praesent viverra vulputate ex, ac varius elit faucibus vel. Sed eleifend rutrum diam nec tristique.

Fusce gravida ligula vel enim tincidunt, ut dignissim ante commodo. Vestibulum ornare sit amet eros pulvinar consequat. Nunc sem turpis, efficitur sit amet sapien sed, faucibus convallis tellus. Maecenas porta felis placerat massa ullamcorper, in dignissim velit congue. Donec faucibus, lacus ut finibus lobortis, massa erat lacinia nulla, eget tristique lacus enim a justo. Maecenas dictum imperdiet risus, eget venenatis nisl rutrum sed. Aliquam ac lacinia augue, blandit efficitur risus. Donec et mauris sed augue viverra fermentum eget nec tellus. Nulla varius ipsum purus, ultricies laoreet risus sagittis vel. Aenean rhoncus tellus quis sem varius tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi egestas libero odio, at dignissim dolor rutrum id. Donec sed ultrices nibh.

OOC . fun little ooc box — will probably end up being used to apologize for being late or something
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  • 88019811_XfZNjpFf9nQwQoZ.jpg

    GREENKIT . GREENPAW . GREENEYES ; a cursed namesake.
    Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he is cursed - as brought on by the rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
    GREEN after his mother's love for bright colors. EYES after his bright gaze; for his speed and forethought.
    — AMAB; He / Him
    — SkyClan Warrior; Former Lead Warrior
    — 28 Moons; Born 08.22.2022 and introed at 4 moons / ages every 22nd
    — penned by ABRI
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    A RED AND WHITE TABBY TOM WITH GREEN EYESTOYHOUSE . Despite his name, Greeneyes is hardly green. His stout, smaller-than-average stature adorns ginger hues within long, thick, and often unkempt fur. A splash of white lays unevenly across his face, moving down his chest. The snowy shade also locates itself on his front paws, as well as the tip of his tail - an appendage of which has a permanent bend to the middle of it - and in the form of freckle-like spots across his face. Though not initially named for it, his eyes are a bright shade of green, striking enough within his appearance to make anyone assume it to be his namesake.

    — Clover behind ear. (Gifted to him by Fireflypaw)
    — Macaw feather at the base of his tail. (Gifted to him by Sheepcurl)
    — A green flower placed beside the clover. (Gifted to him by Sheepcurl, only worn on special occasions)

    — Scar at the base of his neck. (From dogs, during the Great Journey)
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    Greeneyes is a bright young tom who has an affinity for the pine forest around him and its inhabitants. He often takes charge in group activities in such a way that can often appear as bossy to others, whether he truly means to be or not. He takes great pride in the home he lives in, sometimes harboring judgment towards the thought of other clans amidst his curiosity for them. As he grows, he develops a bit of a mischievous streak to him. Greeneyes loves shiny objects, and has a slow-growing collection of them within his nest.

    His loved ones are important to him, and he often puts them and the rest of his clanmates' wellbeing first before his own.

    As tragedy strikes SkyClan, Greeneyes begins to think he's cursed - a thought brought on by Dawnglare's belief that green is a deadly color. He begins to struggle with the idea of contaminating others with said curse, and can be found isolating himself within the grieving clan in the worst of days for his headspace. He has a tendency to have nightmares, and can be often found awake in the middle of the night.

    — A brightened gaze, a smile on his face.
    — Idle thumping of his tail against the ground as he sits.
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    Greeneyes is typically eager to make friends within the clan, however finds himself wary of those who originated from the shelter. Across the clans, the tom tends to feel the most comfortable around RiverClan and ThunderClan's cats.

    SOUNDS LIKE: Bright, chirping tones.
    SMELLS LIKE: Pine needles and clover; Fresh snow, lungwort, and mountain tops.
    speech is #0BDA51

    DAISYFLIGHT xx RAVEN RAMBLE | Adoptive sibling to Butterflytuft; littermate to Figfeather, Violetnose, Snowpath | Uncle to Fluffypaw, Weedpaw, Daisypaw, Budkit (via Butterflytuft); Sangriapaw (via Figfeather)
    ⤷ Mentored by Sheepcurl
    ⤷ Currently mentoring Fluffypaw; Former mentor to Falcongaze

    Mate to Fireflyglow | Parent to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Fireflyglow, Honeysplash, Howlfire, Twitchbolt, Periwinklebreeze
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Chrysaliswing, Dawnglare
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    ► SCIENCE - Niall Horan

  • cool ref sheet here, someday
  • Last Updated: 09.02.2024
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  • 88585484_X0BIZBy0aClJqCM.jpg

    AMBERKIT . AMBERPAW ; like sunlight.
    Born of partially unknown heritage and a strange appearance, Amberpaw tends to stand out among his clanmates in ways he'd prefer not to.
    AMBER for his golden appearance. PAW for his rank as an apprentice.
    — AMAB; He / Him
    — RiverClan Apprentice
    — 7 Moons; Born 04.20.2024 and introed at 3 moons / ages every 20th
    — penned by ABRI
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    A CREAM TABBY TOM WITH LOW WHITE, DUPLICATED PINNAETOYHOUSE . Named after his golden appearance, Amberpaw is adorned in tufts of cream tabby and white, of which mingle in a splotched fashion. Sunny-fur lays along his back, tail, face, and a single paw. Nimbus-markings predominately reside over his legs, chest, stomach, and muzzle. The partially-cloudy tom appears rather fluffy, as if he'd been taken from the sky itself. As a kit, his fur may often stick out every-which-way after a day of play, but as he grows, billowing fur will carry a more maintained appearance over his river-strong from. His eyes are a soft blue, akin to the sky above him.

    Amberpaw likes to think he carries a rather handsome appearance, though carries one feature his peers might find peculiar. Atop his head there is not one set of ears but two, as he inherits his unknown father's traits. Both sets — one larger and one smaller — share a cream and white appearance.
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    With an appearance like his and a lineage partially unknown, Amberkit has a tendency to feel as though he doesn't quite fit in.

    Such thinking is cause for his strive to be a great warrior, albeit fueled by his strong-willed demeanor. The kit often prefers to do things his way, with frustration brewing at those who might try to guide him in a different direction. He will be more likely to try and fail with his own ideas first before giving others' ideas a shot. With that, he may be seen as bossy by his peers.

    Even so, Amberpaw still carries a playful-side. He loves to join in on his peers' games when he can, especially if a competition is laid in front of him. An opportunity to proving himself and any skills he might have gained between rounds of play is one he'll always take, and the prospect of winning only lights a flame within him.

    — Self-conscious of his ears. Amberkit may go through a phase of trying to hide them with flowers and the like.
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    With the nature of his personality, Amberpaw might struggle to make friends at first, and will be closest to his siblings first and foremost. He will hold a protective nature toward his family, and in time, any friends he makes as well. If things go awry, he'll be among the first to stand up for them, no matter what.

    SOUNDS LIKE: To be determined.
    SMELLS LIKE: River mist.
    Speech is #FF8502

    SWIFTFIRE xx HUSH | Littermate to Roepaw, Dreampaw
    ⤷ Mentored by an NPC
    ⤷ Currently mentoring no one; Former mentor to none

    Mate to no one | Parent to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Roepaw, Dreampaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: His extra set of ears
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    ► YOUR NEEDS, MY NEEDS - Noah Kahan

  • cool ref sheet here, someday
  • Last Updated: 09.15.2024
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