pafp ORGAN DONOR [✨] new apprentice den arrival(s)

Shortly after the meeting Figfeather grabbed @Daisypaw and a bundle of moss. Together they head for the apprentice's den that was hidden among the ferns. By the time they're inside it's lively and full of chatter. With the pawful of new apprentices there'd be a lot of commotion in here today as everyone got use to their new den-mates.

Finding an empty spot on the outskirts of the den, traditionally where new 'paws end up, Figfeather drops the bundle of moss. "Why don't we lay your nest here?" Figfeather isn't sure where his litter-mates put their nests, or if they had yet, but there was nothing wrong with some independence. He was an apprentice after all, it was time to become his own cat! "Butterflytuft has taught you how to make your own nest, yeah?" Had Daisyflight taught her how to make her first nest? Or had Tallulahwing...? It's been so long she can hardly remember; she just knows the ceremony and their first walk-around the woods has been engraved into her mind.
  • please wait for daisy!
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

He had known that apprenticeship started immediately, that he'd begin training with Figfeather almost as soon as he had been apprenticed to her but he hadn't realized that he would be expected to pick a spot for his nest so soon, or that she would be with him to help do so. Following obediently along, she moved to the outskirts of the den and dropped the moss down, suggesting that his new nest could go there. "Oh, ok!" He'd answer, head nodding slightly. He wasn't sure if his siblings had placed their nests down already or not, but if they had he was sure they'd be close by or they could move their nests closer together, and if not then they could put their nests together when making them at first. "Why not closer in?" More of a question than a suggestion, looking to see the small empty spaces where a nest could go and he'd have plenty of nest-neighbors, good spots if he wanted to be pressed against another while sleeping. He hadn't been told about the way the apprentice den nests worked, that newer apprentices got to sleep at the edge and slowly work their way in with time.

Figfeather then asked if Butterflytuft had taught them how to make their own nest and Daisypaw stopped to think for a moment. "We helped to change some of the old stuff sometimes... does that count?" Honestly if she had taught them he couldn't remember, too fixated on other things like playing with the other kits or napping, but he remembered towards the end of his kithood he'd helped to pick out old moss only to stuff and fluff new moss in with the parts that were still clean enough to be in a nest.
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Candorkit had actually forgotten that Butterflytuft and Fantastream's kits would become apprentices before him and his littermates... He spent so much time with them in the nursery that it just made sense to leave the nursery together too, didn't it? The nursery was suddenly way more empty... and therefore way more boring! Not that the others were boring, but some games needed more kits! and Fluffykit — paw, was the best at playing a cat in trouble... Who was he meant to rescue now?

Candorkit wasn't allowed at Clan Meetings, but he listened anyways, and peeked from the nursery to see what cats would do afterward! He hopes he gets a mentor as cool as Daisypaw or Fluffypaw's... " Daisypaw! " Candorkit approaches with quick paws, and really, they were just as big as Daisypaw's... he should get to be an apprentice right now... but, um, patience is a virtue! " Congratulations! I, um, miss you already, friend! " Eyes narrow toward the Apprentice's den, it smelled funny... It smelled... like the FUTURE! And this is an aroma he would be breathing in himself soon... yes.

He keeps outside of the den, knowing that it would be improper for someone of his kit status to step foot inside, as cool as it looks... Oh— he almost forgets to dip his head to Figfeather! That was something heroes did sometimes, so he decided he will start doing it too! " Yeah, why not? " he parrots. Mentally, he notes that he ought to learn how to make a nest before being apprenticed...
  • Haha

Closer in? Figfeather glances further into the den before lightly smiling, ”Well… there is an unspoken order to this.” She begins as she points her nose in the direction of the nests in the middle of the den. ”Those nests up there belong to Springpaw and Horsepaw. They’ve been apprentices the longest and seniority earns them the warmest spot in the den.” It wasn’t the most fun adjustment in comparison to the nursery where everyone was prioritized, but it was how things worked as you grew older in SkyClan.

”It’s like that in the warriors den too. New warriors at the outskirts, lead and senior warriors closer to the middle.” She is eager to move her nest closer to the middle with her new promotion- though she had already been making her way up there in terms of seniority anyways. It was frighting how short of lives most warriors lived, but if Figfeather could help it she’d be a gray-furred senior warrior one day. ”Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it seems. You’ll make your way closer to the center in no time.”

Soft paw steps are heard entering the den. She swerves her head and points her gaze downwards to spot a small orange kit. Candorkit. She gives a gentle meow in greeting, unbothered by his presence so long as he didn’t distract Daisypaw from getting settled in. She still wanted to take him out of the camp for the first time today.

Daisypaw informs that sometimes he helped change the old stuff out with the new, not quite nest making but the skill of tossing dirty bedding would come in handy as an apprentice. ”Luckily it’s simple. Just lay enough moss down until you have enough padding- like this.” The orange she-cat does as she instructs, ”Then you’re going to want to knead it. Helps fluff up the moss a bit. Later we can stuff it with some feathers for extra warmth at night, here you try working on it.” Stepping back she allows room for Daisypaw to take over and knead his own nest down.
  • » Figfeather
    SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Head turned as the call of his own voice caught his attention and Daisypaw would smile towards Candorkit, tail high and ears pricked as the younger member of the clan gave him congratulations and mentioned missing him. "You'll be an apprentice soon too, and then maybe we can have our nests kinda close to each other too!" Of course they'd be close to each other, it was only cemented more into his mind as Figfeather spoke of the way the nests worked in here and the warrior den. Face screwed up slightly in thought at this - it'd take some getting used to for sure - but he wouldn't mind it, he was sure.

Being near the edge of the other cats meant he wouldn't have to worry about stepping on any cats when he woke up now too, which was good. "If the daylights sleep in here sometimes do they get their own nest too or do they share with a friend?" He was curious about his cousins that had become apprenticed with him and his siblings, would they have a nest that stayed empty most nights if they ever decided to sleep in camp or would they just simply sleep tucked away with friends they've made?

He watched as the orange tabby put moss down and began kneading at it, the moss working it's way up to become fluffier the longer she did it, and when she stepped back to allow himself to work on his own nest he'd move forward to do so, smile on his face as he knead at the moss of his own nest - his own, all his own! - before stepping back to look at his work. It wasn't perfect - that would just happen over time - but it was a nest, a nice nest for his first one with plenty of space to curl up in and he was proud. "Do you have a lot of feather's in your nest Figfeather?" How many would he need, how cold did it get at night when it was so warm during the day now?
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
𓆝 . ° ✦ It's purely out of habit that Weedpaw follows blindly after Daisypaw goes with his mentor to move into the apprentices' den. He obviously did not learn from the incident with the adder that he should act on his own accord every once in awhile. He does not pay mind to whether or not his mentor is coming with him, focused mostly on Figfeather and Daisypaw. The sourness of envy remains in the pit of his stomach, and he trails after them like a sad kitten in an effort to not be left out of what his aunt and brother are up to.

Surely he is welcome to join them, he hopes. He also has to move into the apprentice den anyway.

Candorkit, ever the little ball of life and loudness, bounces over to congratulate Daisypaw and question the methodology for den rankings. Weedpaw is nonplussed by Figfeather's explanation of the order of things, even if his brother is satisfied with it and moves on to thinking about their friends and cousins and their sleeping arrangements. His comfort with his family is perhaps to his disadvantage, as before he can quite stop himself Weedpaw is blurting flatly: "That's stupid."

Suddenly, Weedpaw doesn't care if his nest is beside Fluffypaw and Daisypaw's nests. "So what, if someone breaks into camp we're meant to be the sacrifices? Like we're worthy of being relinquished because we're the youngest and least experienced?" he elaborates with a frown. Weedpaw doesn't even care about which part of the den is the warmest. This had not been the arrangement when he'd been in the nursery. Seniority hadn't mattered then.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
"How do you even know the word 'relinquished'?" Cherryblossom scoffs. The newly-named deputy lingers just behind the newest lead warrior, peering over her shoulder at one of the newest apprentices with glimmering yellow eyes. Extricating herself from the throng of well-wishers was a difficult task, particularly in regards to pulling her face out of the garden of black roses, but she freed herself eventually.

Lemonade eyes study the kitten's pouty features, and a sudden chord of disdain rings out in her chest, souring her features ever so slightly. She'd been more than grateful to be an apprentice, and she'd been apprenticed two whole moons before Weedpaw and his siblings were. Where was the excitement? The gratitude?

She rolls her shoulders. "Don't be a mouse-brain. In no world are apprentices the sacrifices." Her mouth fills with thunderclouds; her tongue sags with the taste of bloodied snow. Instead of rolling back into the nightmares, Cherryblossom's gaze sharpens. "Warriors will die to protect you." Keenly aware of her fellow journeyer at her side, she adds darkly, "Better train hard."