"SkyClan, gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!"

She runs low on time. The greenleaf sun rises ever higher, and Orangestar wants the Clan scattered among the cooler parts of the forest by the hottest part of the day. They deserve a moment of peace: a chance to celebrate the cats among them, and the chance to reveal to the Clan the outcomes of two conversations she'd had not too long ago.

"We begin with two warriors who have chosen to shed their names and start anew. Bobbie, Eggshellbloom, step forward." When the cats of SkyClan have assembled beneath Highbranch at her midmorning call, Orangestar does not start her Clan meeting by mentioning the unspoken beast that breathes down their collective necks. As ochre eyes meet the two warriors' among the crowd, the leader shuffles forward along Highbranch so that she can see them better. She allows them to reach the front, to settle for a heartbeat, before she continues:

"Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the names of the cats you see before you, for it no longer stands for what they are." For a moment, she imagines she feels the tug of a breeze at her fur, and closes her eyes against the sensation. When she opens them again, her gaze descends upon the two warriors. "By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give these cats a new name."

The first of the two is lilac and white, and scarred with moons upon moons of the trials that a Clan life wrought. Orangestar had been surprised by the request: a renaming had been long earned, the she-cat before her one of SkyClan's best. Orangestarhad accepted, instead, that she hadn't wanted it. It seems like this moon, something had changed. Something to honour Blazestar, she'd requested, a sincere pleading in olive eyes that Orangestar couldn't have said no to even if she'd wanted to. The whole Clan had seen how she and the late leader looked at each other. If she wanted to carry a piece of her mate with her for the rest of her life, the warrior deserved that much.

"From this moment on, she will be known as Doeblaze."

The name Orangestar gives him, next, is not normally a name she would pick for a warrior. It's hard to envision bestowing such a name upon a grown cat, but the gentle naivety of the golden-and-white tom before her greets the world with the promise to start anew. He'd shed his shell, but had retained an innocence that was hard to come by in the forest. It's intriguing as much as it is a liability. The former daylight warrior he had, of course, retained his potential ... And so his earned name would remain. She has no reason to steal the signifier of growth from beneath him.

"From this moment on, he will be known as Chickbloom."

She does not descend from Highbranch to meet them (the ceremony does not call for such, and she wants to reserve her leg), but Orangestar inclines her head towards the two warriors respectfully as the Clan erupts into cheers. After a moment, she adds her meow to the calls: "Doeblaze! Chickbloom! Doeblaze! Chickbloom!"

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Reactions: DOEBLAZE and Thorny
𓆝 . ° ✦Mica wasn't sure if he qualified to be part of the meeting, but he decided he should listen in anyway. He shuffled over to the only cat he somewhat recognized, (seriously, how did he know this guy?), Bluepaw, and sat silently. He wasn't overly sure about much of anything. Like, there were so many things these cats did. He couldn't imagine learning it all. But here he was. Learning it. Kind of. The name changing didn't affect him much, he wasn't familiar with them anyway. They seemed happy to get their new names though, and that at least made him smile.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.

Eggshellbloom knew this was coming. He’d asked for it days in advance, but that didn’t stop the Scottish Fold’s fragile heart from jumping into his throat as he stood amongst the wild cats, waiting for his name to be called.

A wild cat. That’s what he would be after this meeting - officially, anyway. A yolk-stained paw passed over his neck, unconsciously tracing the outline of where the coward’s collar used to be. Amber eyes briefly tore themselves away from Orangestar, glancing back through the crowd at the warrior’s den to try and see if his memento was still there. Eggshell was so preoccupied by the scrap of leather, in fact, that it took a few moments for folded ears to register his leader’s words.

A small yelp sounded from amongst the sea of cats as the whelp scrambled to make his way to the front, a cavalcade of “Excuse me” and “sorry” signifying his progress. The boy arrived only a few seconds after Bobbie, but embarrassment swept through him all the same. The feeling passed as quickly as it came, thankfully, washed away by the weight of Orangestar’s words. Eggshellbloom gulped at the small speech, amber eyes flicking to the experienced she-cat beside him and silently praying he wasn’t alone in his nervousness.

But just like that, it was over. As with Johnnyflame removing his collar, Eggshellbloom thought he’d feel different. The coward hoped a new name would usher in some hidden strength, but he still had the same rounded features, the same perpetually-wide eyes, and the same mess of yolk staining his fur. For a brief, brief moment, he was disappointed.

But as the cats around him took to chanting their new names, joined by the leader of Skyclan herself, a smile began to form across an egg-battered maw. Surrounded by all these cats, peers, friends, the former kittypet couldn’t help but compare it to the loneliness he felt isolated in the twolegplace. This was home, this was where he belonged.

Chickbloom cast his gaze around camp, now beaming with joy. “T-Thank you, everyone. I’ll - I’ll try my best!”

The egg had hatched.

teeveekit & 06 moons & nonbinary & they/them & skyclan daylight kit

Todays meeting is an important one - if not in general, then at least for Teevee and their siblings. The names and faces in the crowd are not yet familiar to Teevee, and at first they take their time to memorize those who are called up by the leader - Orangestar, memory supplies. Bobbie at least, is a cat they've met - upon their very first day within Skyclans camp, in fact. But her name doesn't stay BObbie for long - doeblaze is a very pretty name, they note absently, a smile upon their lips as cheers begin to rise up. Are they supposed to cheer too? " Doeblaze! Chickbloom! "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

A N D W E D O N ' T S T A Y F O R L O N G

SkyClan, gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!

Involuntarily, her paws shake when she hears the distinctive call . . . she had made her request of Orangestar a smattering of sunrises ago, and she doesn't doubt today will be the day when it's fulfilled. Is it the heart - twist when she hears that distinctive call, the one she'll only ever hear from a golden muzzle, that makes her tremble so? Or is it wondering what name will leave a white one? She'd not be so demanding as to ask a specific one of Orangestar, no, never, but she's thought on it, certainly . . . wondered what the ginger - and - ivory leader might derive from her simple request. One that . . . honors Blazestar's memory, she'd nearly pled, and the other she - cat had granted it.

Orangestar has always given her far more than she deserves, and now is no exception as she trails the rest of the Clan under the greenleaf sun, happy to become one in a sea of pelts. Only for a moment, of course; a strong voice calls her forward alongside Eggshellbloom, who she flashes a green glance that half reassures and half hopes for the same . . . it's good, to know she's not alone under the burning sun, ready to shed herself.

That's what it feels like, as Orangestar's voice sweeps Bobbie off her shoulders like the weight of a carrion - bird, pushing mouldering feathers and overtaxed wings to the earth to settle in the dust with a whisper of a death - cry. A rebirth, nearly, phoenix - like when it's cast in the relief of flames that burn bright, consuming stabbing quills to leave her hollowed - out and raw, shoulders bare . . . if only for a moment. For the space of a barest breath, as Orangestar beckons StarClan to lift the burden of Bobbie from her back, she stands nameless and waiting, temporarily clear of the soot of smoldering feathers and the weight of broken wings . . . momentarily liminal, ever lingering in the doorway.

Doeblaze settles on first with the lightness of fledgling down, then the sharp silk of a predator bird, gifted wings that burn with the heat of a wildfire as they sear themselves between her shoulder - blades, rooting sparks into her skin. All steel feathers and bladed quills, forged in the core of a leaping blaze, taking the place of a softness so cloying it'd become a weight that nearly took her from the air, dragged her down into the darkest hollows of water far below, falling Icarian from the height of unconditional love. It retains the snow - white fluff around the edges, softness twisting sharp on the tongue, but not too much . . . not so much that the weight of an old self drowns her.

A drop of that salt - spray leaps unbidden to her eye as Bobbie burns away and Doeblaze leaps ever higher, the name breathing sparks even as it leaves Orangestar's lips, as it doubtlessly will when it spills from her own, her kits', anyone's. It's a cross she'll bear, a cross she wishes to . . . that with each feather - soft sting she might carry a golden memory with her; even as she thinks it, she fixes a verdant eye on the distant blue of the sky, the place where she knows cobalt day drapes to hide someone . . . someone she hopes more than anything is watching now.

As always, Orangestar gifts her with more than she'd hope and far, far more than she'll ever dream of deserving. Lost in gratitude and a raw grief that cramps at a beryl eye until she has to swipe over it with a white paw, she very nearly disappears into that beckoning glade; as ever, she drags herself back to the world with barren claws just in time. A near - tears smile, wavering and hesitant but there, turns toward the newly renamed Chickbloom and her watching Clanmates—Mica, Teeveepaw, all of them.

" Chickbloom! Chickbloom! " she lends hoarsely to the calls, her shaky smile now fixed onto a spot in the sky, warm - blue vacant for now but glowing gold upon dusk's fall. I hope you're watching now. I'll carry you with me, until we meet again.


As ever, Twitchbolt arrived at Orangestar's call dutifully... he watched the level copper of her eyes as she beckoned warriors forward first, rather than kits and apprentices. Shivering muscles lowered him to the ground, and a soft smile was written upon his lips, a prideful curve that glowed past its wavering. Wide eyes flicked between the two of them- Eggshellbloom, a shaky but earnest-hearted former kittypet who strived every say to be someone worthy of his title as a SkyClan warrior- and Bobbie, swathed in darkness since Blazestar's death, ready to face the light that her late mate bathed his founding Clan in once again.

Orangestar swept their names away like rainfall, as deft as a strike of lightning.

Eggshellbloom was sloughed from his self, and out emerged a living thing, ready to experience a new world- Chickbloom. It was a good name, a great name that suited the marigold-pelted tom well. His earnest thanks flooded through the clearing, and Twitchbolt nodded in silent approval. To have your name whipped away from you, he couldn't imagine it- couldn't imagine what he meant. But then, being Clanborn, perhaps he was just ueed to it. Twitchkit had died a screeching, uncertain thing- Twitchpaw had tried to face the world with courage, but grief and doubt had nearly doubled him over.

Bobbie, too- he could only assume she had asked for it, writhing out of the poison ivy that had choked her, ready to burst from the ashes and into a blazing new beginning. Doeblaze, it held embers as it left Orangestar's lips- Twitchbolt's eyes flicked to the lilac molly's face as soon as her new name leapt into the world. Blaze- Stars, it hardly spoke of a new beginning. It sang of memorial, buried forever in her new name. Now, whenever anyone wanted her... she would be inextricably linked to the ghost of the mate who had left her behind. He could not imagine wanting that...

But Doeblaze was stronger than he, it seemed. Or, the permanence of Blaze within herself was not a cruel reminder, but a kind one- a memory that meant so much more than it stung to recall. And seeing a clearness in her single eye of green, seeing a smile on her face- he was finally content to join the cheering. "Chickbloom! Doeblaze!"
penned by pin ✧

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-The meeting. Falcongaze's breath left him gently as he approached, settling not far from Drowsynose if he was present. His ears twitched and pressed forward. Where Orangestar called, he oft responded without turned nose. Her daughter was something else, but luckily this was one of the few times he knew she bit her tongue. Blue eyes settled upon the leader as she called up two names- Bobbie, and Eggshellbloom.

He knew Bobbie well enough, but Eggshellbloom not so much. Bobbie... he had carried her back to camp, spent time around her. He knew her face well, and looked curiously on. Ears perked as Orangestar performed the ceremony. The first was like a resounding box-slap to the face. Doeblaze. He could almost imagine the warm smile on his muzzle, vision tilted down as he looked down upon her. Her, who had been so deserving of such a strong name, her who had been through grief unimaginable. Excited, warm eyes of his own tilted towards Drowsynose with a grin, then back forward.

Unlike Twitchbolt, he does not take time to carefully consider the way she would be reminded of him with every word, every call or hail to mealtime or shouted across camp in greeting. He could not, not when Doeblaze wore such a look on her features. Eggshellbloom had been rewarded Chickbloom. Both names were soft, but there was no reason to be ashamed of that. Whilst his own could literally spell death if you were beset by a bird of prey, Chickbloom was... almost opposite to his own. Falcongaze's lips parted as he cheered the two names. "Doeblaze! Chickbloom! Doeblaze! Chickbloom!"

Falcongaze turned quiet as he settled down, waiting for the next part of the meeting.
  • "speech"
  • FALCONGAZE 🌧 he/him, warrior of skyclan, fifteen moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Today is the day. Pride and excitement nestle in every inch of her chest, wrapped with a warm fuzz, a pink little bow on top. Green eyes sparkle as she's groomed neatly by her mother (with much correction from herself), settling in to a good space as Orangestar calls the meeting.

Two warriors are bestowed a new name, a new beginning. Doeblaze and Chickbloom, both decent names she guesses. It's not like shes a leader and has to name them. Bobbie- Or, Doeblaze, now, is Hollypaw and Candorpaws mother, so naturally does Ricekits voice rise a little higher than it does for Chickblooms. "Doeblaze! Chickbloom!" her ear flicks back as the cheering grows louder once Orangestar joins in the chanting. She digs her paws in to the earth below, sucking in a breath.

As the cheers die down, she turns her head to Orangestar, waiting, watching. It's almost time. Just a couple more seconds and then her and Jellykit and all of her siblings would be brought anew in to the apprentice den, and then Ricekit will have her friends back once more. Oh, she can hardly wait!

  • 81382020_TgorGp1EeaLXbkU.png
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 06 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, siblings
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff
〕Name changes were fairly common amongst former outsiders who wished to turn a new leaf. Slate himself has never considered it, mostly because he's never cared enough to and he has a tough time adjusting to change. Even living in a clan had been difficult getting used to; only seasons into his residency here had he finally felt like he belonged to something. Not one but two warriors are stepping up today to shed their skin and take on a new identity, though when Slate hears the names mentioned, he raises his eyebrows. He could almost guarantee that any clan name would sound better than their current monikers, though admittedly addressing them by something new would take some getting used to.

Bobbie is up first, the building anticipation leading up to a new title that Orangestar and ( supposedly ) the ancestors themselves had approved — Doeblaze. What? His bushy brows furrow. Had she requested such a name herself? It was possible that Orangestar could have chosen it—he isn't necessarily sure what the procedure of name-changing entails—but such a choice was even more puzzling to the tom.

A narrowed stare lingers on Doeblaze, a bitterness pooling on his tongue as he resists the urge to scoff. And what exactly have you done to carry that name? Bobbie's achievements, as sparse as they were, did not measure up to Blazestar's greatness. A soft-pawed kittypet had abandoned his cozy life and single-handedly taken the helm of SkyClan, building it from the ground up, leading them through trials and tribulations, disease and war. He was not the strongest warrior, nor were his decisions always agreeable, but he proved to Slate that cats could be capable of being greater than they once were. That a hungry, lowly rogue like him could serve on a leader's council and be part of a community.

Slate doesn't know if he's capable of addressing the scarred lilac tabby by her new name. It feels... undeserved. She had not done enough to protect her own mate, which cost SkyClan the loss of their leader and friend. If Blazestar were still here, then Orangestar would still be deputy and Cherryblossom wouldn't have been rushed to take up a rank that she wasn't ready for.

The charcoal warrior finds himself so entrapped in discontent and spite that he nearly misses the following ceremony belonging to Eggshellbloom — now named Chickbloom. Slate manages to briefly note that it's easier on the tongue and not to mention less ridiculous-sounding than his previous name, but he still finds himself in disbelief that Bobbie was now named after SkyClan's founder. He did not hate her as he once did; she had been broken down from a naive former house pet to a marred, forlorn husk. Her situation was pitiful, something that even the proud Slate could admit, but in his steely heart he could not acknowledge that she earned the right to be named after a leader.

Nearly getting to his paws to stalk off somewhere and inwardly vent, he stops himself and decides to stay put, if only to stew in the acidic brew of his current emotions. Slate only wishes that this meeting was over with just as soon as it had begun, but he knows that there is more to be said and he does not want to outright disrespect Orangestar. The cheers and hollers emitting from the crowd are grinding to his ears; they pin back, though the gesture is subtle considering how mangled they already are.

  • ooc.
  • SLATE —— lead warrior of skyclan , mentoring coffeepaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 40 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— hard combat difficulty & weak to agile, quick fighters / will start fights, will kill if necessary

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 81989570_qOt9GUlhGgQcrtn.png

    a scarred longhaired maine coon with amber eyes. a large, 20lb tom with thick locks of fur. his chest and underbelly is ruddy from sun exposure. notable scars decorate his face and his ears are both torn with one being folded over.
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Reactions: DAWNGLARE


At the call of her leader, Figfeather had hobbled forward. She settles herself somewhere among the crowd, not minding particularly whom she sat by. Vibrant orange eyes flutter up to gaze upon her leader as she calls forth two warriors, Eggshellbloom and Bobbie. These names surprise her, and looking around at her clan-mates she was far from alone. Eggshellbloom was the most unsurprising, he's been a fulltime warrior for a moon or two now, but Bobbie? Why did she decide to shed her name now? Figfeather doesn't ridicule her for it, to take a warrior name was an honorable act, but it did surprise her.

Eggshellbloom becomes Chickbloom. A fine name she still finds befitting of the former-kittypet. Bobbie is renamed Doeblaze, a clear callback to Blazestar. Figfeather shares a mixture of the same opinions of that of her clan-mates, understanding Twitchbolt's unease with tying your name to what once was. Though less harshly, she also understands Slates disgruntlement too, Blazestar had touched them all during his noble reign. His direct namesake belonging to another cat might not fall over every SkyClan cat easily.

Yet Figfeather can understand. There is beauty and honor in this new name. Even if she had mixed feelings, she chooses to celebrate Doeblaze now for all of her accomplishments and how far shes come as a clan cat.

"Chickbloom! Doeblaze!"
Orangestar calls her summons, a meeting of celebration. Thistleback nods along, having emotional pause as Bobbie takes the name Doeblaze with clear remembrance to her fallen love. He could not blame her, perhaps there was a sense of closeness with his name stitched into hers.

Eyes held at attention, he settles with his tail twitching back and forth. " Doeblaze! Chickbloom! " Thistleback joins the chant respectfully. A name was a name, in the end. Eggshellbloom seemed to like their new name, Chickbloom- if the display of confidence from the newly named was anything to go off of.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

"Sillypaw." She calls the attention of a berry-patched feline, though does not beckon them forward. Orangestar seems faintly annoyed at having to do this, eyes narrow, though her ire is certainly not directed to the apprentice. Sillypaw is one moon from her warrior name. Couldn't Leafwhisker have waited just a little longer? Thankfully, however, a pawful of Sillypaw's cohort were also about to graduate. "With your mentor's recent retirement from warrior duties, you will be assigned to Howlfire for the remainder of your training."

With a bit of luck, Orangestar would have two new warriors to name next meeting: both of whom Howlfire could claim to have trained. Hm. Orangestar places the matter of assessments to the side for now, in favour of picking two more cats from the crowd. A former kittypet, and a daylight apprentice to-be. Neither have a littermate to join them, unlike the other apprentices to be named today, and so she gestures them forward at the same time. "Mica, Jellykit. Step forward."

Her tongue swipes across her jaws as she waits for the two to emerge; when they do, she thinks them nervous and expectant in equal measure. "Mica, you have chosen to join SkyClan as a full-time apprentice. Hence, from now until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Cloudypaw." For the second time this meeting, she seeks lilac fur in the crowd. "Doeblaze will be your mentor, and she will teach you all she knows.

"Jellykit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to become an apprentice. From now until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Jellypaw. Florabreeze,"
she includes a dark tabby in the ceremony with a flick of her tail, "has proven herself diligent and determined, and ready to take on an apprentice. Florabreeze, I expect you to teach Jellypaw all you know."

Orangestar pauses then, waiting for the two new apprentices to touch noses with their mentor, and gives an approving look as they do. Then, she adds her rasping cheer to the calls that ring out: "Cloudypaw! Jellypaw!"

The second litter of the day has been eagerly awaited by one cat in particular: their sire. She had seen Cauliflowercurl briefly that morning, meticulously groomed and nearly bursting with pride as he joined his Clan for the day. Orangestar makes eye contact with him now (he's practically about to lift off the ground with how straight he's sitting), and huffs a soft noise of amusement. At least Heronstep, next to him, seems relatively grounded in comparison.

"Ricekit, Stormkit, Dogwoodkit. Step forward. You have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed." She waits as the trio move to the front of the Clan, watching thoughtfully.

"Ricekit. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ricepw. Your mentor will be Cherryblossom." How lucky for a kit to be apprenticed to the deputy of the Clan. Cherryblossom is Orangestar's pride and joy (more pride than joy, though she would never say so out loud), but Orangestar wonders how the calico would handle an apprentice on top of her duties. "Cherryblossom, you are ready to mentor an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Slate, and I trust you will pass on your skills to Ricepaw."

Next, her attention descends upon blue tabby fur and odd eyes. "Stormkit. From this day until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Stormpaw. Your mentor will be Lupinesong." The timid Stormpaw would pair well with Lupinesong, she thinks. The smoke-furred she-cat has grown in confidence somewhat, enough that Orangestar thinks she is ready for a formal apprentice. "You received excellent training from Dandelionwish, and I believe you will pass on your knowledge and skills."

Finally, with fur falling across her eyes: "Dogwoodkit. From now until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dogwoodpaw. Your mentor will be Tawnyclaw, who will pass on all he knows." Orangestar passes her son an expectant look. He'd better pass on all he knows. Returning her attention to the new apprentice, Orangestar nods to Dogwoodpaw. "He has received excellent training from Drizzlepelt, and has proven himself a good warrior."

Just as she had for the last pair of apprentices, Orangestar gestures for the three to touch noses with their new mentors before cheering: "Ricepaw! Stormpaw! Dogwoodpaw!"

There is one more litter to be apprenticed today. They'd made the trip in to the Clan specially for it, paraded through the buzzing morning air, excited chatter meeting the trio and their proud mother.

"Radiokit, Glitchkit, Teeveekit. Step forward. The three of you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to become apprentices." She calls Statichaze's brood, tail curling at its tip.

"Radiokit." First, a white-tipped kitten, staring up at her with amber eyes. "From this day on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Radiopaw. Your mentor will be Falcongaze." Her nose turns towards the chocolate point, a slight nod accompanying the look. "You have received excellent training from Greeneyes, and I expect you to pass down all you know to Radiopaw."

Next, Orangestar turns her attention to the split-coat kitten sitting between her siblings. In this order, they almost make a perfect gradient between fur of ink and oak. Almost. She makes no move to acknowledge the coincidence, though it doesn't leave her mind for the rest of the meeting.

"Glitchkit. From this day on until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Glitchpaw." In the brief silence before announcing Glitchpaw's mentor, she makes eye contact with the warrior; Orangestar wonders, briefly, if the look she shares with Palemoon is entirely met. "You will be mentored by Palemoon. Palemoon, I expect you to pass on all you know. to Glitchpaw."

And, finally, chocolate and white and bristling with either excitement or nerves: "Teeveekit. From now until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Teeveepaw. Your mentor will be Thistleback; a courageous and capable warrior. Thistleback, I hope you will pass your skills and knowledge on to Teeveepaw." An experienced warrior and mentor, Orangestar has no concerns about this pairing.

"Radiopaw! Glitchpaw! Teeveepaw!"

𓆝 . ° ✦Mica snapped his gaze upward. He was getting called up? For what? He stepped forward with Jellykit, anxiety flooding him before- oh, it's fine. It's just... official now, he thought. They heard their mentor's name and looked around. Wasn't she just the one who changed her name? Where did she go? Crap. But then, suddenly, Doeblaze stood before him. Apparently she knew what she was doing. In the back of their mind they wondered why no one had told them what to expect or what to do. He saw her lean to touch his nose, and realized with a literal jolt that he was meant to meet her in the middle. He smacked his nose into hers rather unceremoniously and cringed. "Sorry..."
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  • ooc:
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- He watches with anxious eyes at Orangestar begins to the rest of the ceremonies- very specifically, the apprenticeships. There is a pawful of apprentices that go through the movements- Falcongaze is left wondering quietly, strongly, if he will be becoming a mentor today. Will he be given a life to look after, like Greeneyes was him? Falcongaze's ears perked forward, blue eyes blinking wide. Two of them first- Mica, and Jellykit, now Cloudypaw and Jellypaw. From his muzzle, "Cloudypaw! Jellypaw!" He cheered.

Next, a litter of three. There is a flame of disappointment as Ricepaw is given to Cherryblossom- not because he wanted that kit to mentor in specific, but the fact that Cherryblossom's immediate connection to the leader in all regards was giving her all of the 'firsts'... first. Falcongaze kept his face, his eyes neutral in the wake of these decisions- and the flame turned to ice prickles against his skin as Lupinesong is given one, as well. And here I thought karma doesn't exist. He thought, though every drip of sarcasm swept from his veins in an instant. Not for Lupinesong, never for her. Tawnyclaw, another warrior blooded like their leader, also receives a mentor. Today is not about you. He reminds himself.

"Ricepaw! Stormpaw! Dogwoodpaw!" He called in means of a cheer. Today is about them. He said quietly, and Orangestar is calling up the next litter. These ones, he things, are daylight warrior's kits. He hadn't interacted with them all that much, not that he normally made a point of interacting with kits from the nurser- Your mentor will be Falcongaze. Eyes snapped towards Orangestar in an instant, ears perking high. He pushes to his paws, weaving through the crowd of cats. Radiopaw, the apprentice's name was now. His chest nearly burst open in sudden-found pride.

He finds the kit near the paws of the leader. The point's head leaned down, pressing his nose to that of his apprentice. A soft breath left him, words quiet. "It's nice to meet you. Are you ready?" He questioned softly. "We'll be seeing the territory when the meeting is over." Falcongaze instructed. Worry coalesced at his paws. Would he be a good mentor? Blue eyes shifted amongst the crowd for emerald, finding his old mentor's vision. Head tipped gently in thought, before he lead Radiopaw away from the center of the meeting, sitting where he could see the rest.

Radiopaw's siblings are receiving their names as well. He lifted his head, and in cheer, called for all three. "Radiopaw! Glitchpaw! Teeveepaw!" Blue eyes glanced towards Radiopaw, in encouragement for him to cheer for his siblings.
  • "speech"
  • FALCONGAZE 🌧 he/him, warrior of skyclan, fifteen moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Like
Reactions: cloudypaw~
The ceremony continues and once again erupts with cheers, Thistleback wonders if they’ll need to dig the apprentice den wider with all the new tenants. He nods with approval as the young warriors are assigned their first apprentices, looking forward to seeing the next generation blossom with skill. That and feeling especially old.

Thistleback raises his chin as he is named Teeveepaw’s mentor. Having done this two times before, he stands and pads through the masses to stand before his newest named apprentice. Dipping his skull in silent thanks to Orangestar’s praise that threaded her announcement.

His stern white muzzle softening in greeting and welcome, " I’ve trained two of the fiercest warriors in Skyclan, here’s to the third. " he promises, reaching down to touch his nose to Teeveepaw’s. " we will start your training before sunrise " he decides.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) trepidation filters through every part of her body as she lines up beside her siblings. orangestar looks utterly massive atop her throne, booming voice beckoning her clan to gather. stormkit is frightened out of her mind, but ricekit and dogwoodkit seem so ready that she swallows her fear and stores it deep in her stomach. it makes her feel sick, the taste of hesitation in her mouth, and it is so distracting that she doesn't see bobbie get her new name, nor eggshellbloom until her clan are chanting them. she'll join in on the chorus, cheering "doeblaze! chickbloom!" with the rest, but her mind is occupied.

what if she gets someone mean as a mentor? what if orangestar announces that stormkit is actually a failure already and has to go live in twolegplace. it's so overwhelming that she freezes when her name is called. dual-hued eyes widen in shock, blue-gray ears flattening suddenly before she realizes all eyes are on her and her siblings. this is the moment. she is given to lupinesong, a kind she-cat who will do her best to help stormkit... no, stormpaw. suddenly stormpaw doesn't feel as afraid anymore. she blinks up at the older feline, and timidly touches her nose to the other's. "hi!" she'll whisper, offering a small smile. as dogwoodkit and ricekit are named apprentices, she cheers for them. "dogwoodpaw! ricepaw!"

  • // "#758ba4"
  • 83301616_oGaXxMckWrWIpNl.png

    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.
Another day, another moon. Had it been that long already? Time passed like clockwork and there was never enough time, it seemed. The call of the scarred orange-and-white leader brought her forth to the High branch as a ghostly blue gaze flicks across everyone who already gathered. Orangestar starts the meeting with the mention of two of their warriors wishing to shed their past names and start anew. Bobbie, is a former lead warrior under Blazestar's reign, along with being his mate and the mother of two different litters. Eggshellbloom, was a timid warrior who came as a daylight warrior until he eventually became a full-term Skyclanner. Perhaps he found a home more with Skyclan than with his twolegs? As long as his choice made him happy, then all would be well. Everything worked under Starclan's grace, after all. ”Doeblaze! Chickbloom!” Palemoon calls out amongst the cheers of her clan mates before watching as the meeting continues.

The next was kits graduating to apprentices and being granted mentors. An ever-gentle smile was taut on the corner of her lips. ”Ricepaw! Stormpaw! Dogwoodpaw!” She calls out once more with the crowd until silence seeps over and Orangestar continues the rest of the announcements. The next three graduating from kittens to apprentices were also Daylighters, and had made the travel to come in just for the meeting. Velveteen ears flick as the familiar gaze of her friend atop the high branch meets her, and bestows her the honor of training Glitchpaw. Palemoon feels nervous as it was common knowledge that her eyesight was going away every few weeks, and she didn't want to make Glitchpaw suffer with an incompetent mentor. This must've been a sign from Starclan to Orangestar, if it was willed.

She moves forward to touch noses with the younger girl and offer a soft smile, ”We'll start training tomorrow. Make sure you get enough rest and eat.” Palemoon coos softly.

———————daylight apprentice | 6mo | emptypilled——————
Some kittens may have had their fur slicked and damp from a mothers neurotic rasping tongue, determined to make their young look presentable, but Jellypaw was lacking in such favor. Her mother had kindly pleaded she simply sit still and make sure to pay attention.

Jellykit had done her best to listen of course, stepping up alongside Micah, leaving the other kittens behind her at Orangestar's call. The ginger patched she-cat perched upon Highbranch, and the pointed kit could see the glow within honey brown eyes as her name was announced.

"... you will be known as Jellypaw..."

A shaky breath rattled from the new graduate. It hadn't felt so real before, knowing she would one day travel beyond the barriers of camp, beyond the trail she and her mother paved to get into SkyClan. Alongside Florabreeze, a warrior she was no less familiar with than any other. Not from any intentional refusal on her behalf, the adults just weren't very appealing to play with as a kit.

"Nooo..." Her whine, low and drowned beneath the sound of chants rumbled in her throat. Jellypaw blinked slowly as she met her new mentor's gaze, ears flat with worry. What was wrong with staying as a kit?

However she would not be rude and keep the molly waiting. Jellypaw leaned up on her pads and touched her nose to Florabreeze's, her tail quivering nervously.

[penned by beatae].

At the call of Orangestar, Howlifre joins her clanmates below the Highbranch. The ceremonies begin with the name changing of two warriors: Eggshellbloom and Bobbie. On both counts, she is a little surprised, but also she is pleased for them even. Eggshellbloom becomes Chickbloom and Bobbie becomes Doeblaze...which was certainly a choice. It's not that she doesn't like it - she finds it quite fitting for her - it's just the tacking on of 'blaze' at the end leaves her with an unsure feeling in her belly. Regardless, despite any mixed feelings she has, Howlfire pushes through to cheer, "Doeblaze! Chickbloom!"

After the warriors come the apprentices, and by how many kits await their turn by the nursery, Howlfire knows to brace herself for a long ceremony. However, she finds herself in a state of shock when she is called forward to oversee Sillypaw's training for another moon alongside Hawkpaw. Really, Leafwhisker? Her eyes narrow slightly as she finds Sillypaw's former mentor in the crowd. You couldn't have waited another moon? Howlfire's annoyance has faded when she comes forward to touch noses with her second apprentice, "I look forward to seeing your training to completion, Sillypaw," She mewed softly.

Stepping back, Howlfire sits down to listen to the other ceremonies, smiling softly when Doeblaze is given another apprentice. Once. she had trained Blazingpaw, before his injury and her pregnancy had forced them to swap. "Ricepaw! Stormpaw! Dogwoodpaw!" Howlfire cheers for the new batch of apprentices, waiting a while for Orangestar to finish another batch before yelling, "Radiopaw! Glitchpaw! Teeveepaw!"

Florabreeze takes her place amongst her clanmates, gazing up at the Highbranch with a quiet curiosity over what this Clan meeting would bring. The previous ones had been extremely eventful so she held no doubt that something would pop up to stir a commotion. She just hoped that it would be a funny commotion, or one subject to clan gossip rather than a tragedy. The ceremonies brought two faces that she had seen around before, Bobbie and Eggshellbloom, the former she considered to be a friend. She can't say that she was surprised by this, given by the fact that he had become a full time warrior now, it only made sense to wish to change his name. Presuming that this was his choice, it may not be, she thought it was equally fair for Orangestar to just decide to change it. Her opinions on names weren't dramatic, like all things she considered names to be fluid, it seemed to change like the seasons. Maybe that opinion formed due to her life as a kittypet, names weren't constant when shuffled from one home to another. Doeblaze was a pretty name, strong and soft at the same time which are attributes that she had started to give the she-cat since she had joined the warrior ranks once more. She hadn't known Blazestar in life so she couldn't honestly speculate on how he may have felt about this, all she cared about was that her clan mate was happy. Chickbloom was soft, friendly, with potential to grow which seemed like something that her friend was doing a lot in this new chapter of his life. "Doeblaze! Chickbloom!" Her call is boisterous, full of passion for the joy that she hoped the two were experiencing right now.

Spending more time in the nursery lately has opened Florabreeze's eyes to just how many kits there were in the clan, especially to how many were on the cusp for being apprentices. She settled down in her spot, watching with interest as the kittens are called up. First there was a reassignment Sillypaw was the first of the apprentices to be called up, assigned to Howlfire. Didn't she already have an apprentice? Hopefully she would be fine with two apprentices, she thought the other warrior was capable enough to handle it. Mica and Jellykit are called up afterwards, once again she doesn't have a strong opinion on the name change, Cloudypaw is a kind name and she's curious to see how Doeblaze works with him as his mentor. It's a surprise to hear her own name be called out in tandem with Jellykit-Jellypaw. She comes forward to press her nose against the newfound apprentices, she takes note of the displeasure that she seems to carry. Florabreeze couldn't say that she knew why she may be upset over this, maybe it was nerves? She hoped that the displeasure wasn't personal, she couldn't say that she remembered doing anything to upset her.

"Hey, we will start your training tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of the day with your friends." She whispers with a nod, she wanted Jellypaw to enjoy her day with her new denmates, worry about being an apprentice tomorrow and instead enjoying the social aspect of it today. Stepping back with a grin she curls her tail around herself, ears twitching as she listens to the rest of the ceremonies. There was a burst of excitement seeing two litters step up to receive their apprentice names, all groomed and seemingly eager. Maybe the nursery would feel a lot quieter and emptier when she visits in the future? "Ricepaw! Stormpaw! Dogwoodpaw!" She joins the clan in chanting for the two litters "Radiopaw! Glitchpaw! Teeveepaw!" So far it seemed to be a non-dramatic meeting, at least in Florabreeze's perspective. Hopefully that would continue.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
  • Nervous
Reactions: jellypaw ♬