─ Bergamotkit,Bergamotpaw; Named as his mother loves flowers, and he is red in color.
─ Moor Runner Apprentice of WindClan; no previous allegiance
─ demiboy, he/they; bisexual, monogamist
─ created 11.17.24 at 9 moons / ages 24th / currently 12 moons
↳ penned by @tristitia ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
short sh red rosetted tabby with high white / reference
Silvery eyes carry this cat, at least in terms of a unique attribute. For the most part, though, Bergamotpaw is an entirely normal cat. He is mostly white, except for the red rosetted fur that appears to almost drip at parts, as though he's a white rose painted with red. One thing to note is that Bergamotpaw is incredibly skinny and small for his age, bordering malnourishment. He is a Moor Runner Apprentice as his stature would be typical to that of an average WindClanner, he simply needs more nutrients and to gain experience. He also was not as malnourished before his apprenticeship, as he was not exerting himself as much.
lawful neutral, ISTJ ❝ the virtuoso❞ (+) hard-working, intuitive (/) serious, awkward (-) rule absolutist, short-tempered. Bergamotpaw is someone who wants to earn what he has, so he works tirelessly to ensure he can get what he wants. However, given the way he was raised, he is very harsh on himself and others. He takes the Warrior Code incredibly seriously. Commitment to everything is his middle name, as he punishes himself, and may try to punish others if they break the rules, even by accident. He further has disordered eating, and it's common to see him skipping meals. Generally speaking, he is very intelligent and feels as though he has a lack of control over most things. ↳ mannerisms elaborate ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . . Mouseclaw (NPC) x Roseheart (NPC) sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by Wraithwail
Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
— Admires
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
single; bisexual biromantic, monogamist / crushing on who, looking, does not trust easily
— physical health: [ 85% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
— (will) start fights | (will) end fights | (will not) flee | (will) show mercy
— excels at leaping, jumping, running
— poor at skill
— sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
— smells like
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed, etc.
— speech is #BE2625
( Backstory / simplified history )
Bergamotpaw was born to Mouseclaw and Roseheart. From a very young age, his mother, Roseheart, controlled every aspect of his life. This included what he ate, who he made friends with, and how he studied or trained. One thing she instilled in him was following the rules. The rules are there for a reason, and there will be chaos without them. It became worse when Bergamotpaw was about 3 moons old, and she revealed to Mouseclaw that she had cheated on him, and thus she devoted her time solely to Bergamotpaw. Her grip has supposedly lessened with him becoming an apprentice.
( Important Threads )
( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development Thread Name ──── brief description. Thread Name ──── brief description.
─ DovahkiinDovahkiinwing; Named after the Dragonborn from Skyrim, -wing is given as a suffix for a Daylight Warrior
─ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan; previously a kittypet
─ cismale, he/him; pansexual, monogamist
─ created 11.18.24 at 20 moons / ages every 18th / currently 20 moons
↳ penned by @tristitia ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
sh solid black cat with vitiligo / reference
In spite of his heritage, Dovahkiinwing has short fur. He was born completely black with chocolate brown eyes. However, as he started to grow older, little bits and pieces of white appeared. As he grew, he gained more of them. As of current, one of his front paws is white, as well as his tail tip. Nearly half of his face has vitiligo, as well as his chest, and slight amounts on the rest of his paws.
chaotic neutral, ENTJ ❝ the commander❞ (+) street smarts, personable, charming (/) laidback, optimistic, (-) manipulative, silver-tongued, gregarious. Generally speaking, Dovahkiinwing tends to talk the ears off of anyone and everyone that is near him. He is also incredibly hospitable, as everyone he knows, he will invite to his home for food. He could be considered a low intelligence but high wisdom type of person. While he doesn't have a huge understanding of what is edible, or perhaps of how to hunt (quite yet, at least), he understands what makes a person tick. He knows how to word things smoothly, incredibly so, and knows how to charm others into doing what he wants. ↳ mannerisms speaks with a Scandinavian accent. ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . . Lizard (NPC) x Frappe (NPC) sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
— Admires
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
single; pansexual panromantic, monogamist / crushing on who, looking, very easy trusting
— physical health: [ 80% ] | mental health: [ 100% ] | suffering from frostbite
— (will not) start fights | (wil) end fights | (will) flee | (will) show mercy
— excels at climbing
— poor at skill hunting
— sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
— smells like
— healing allowed, powerplay not allowed
— speech is #77909f
( Backstory / simplified history )
Dovahkiinwing was born in a shelter. There, he was adopted by twolegs that spoiled him and generally treated him well. He is originally from somewhere in Scandinavia, though they moved later on to nearby the forest, relatively speaking. After he was out of the kitten phase, though, they became more neglectful. Due to this, he began looking to the forest. Over time, he gained the courage to slowly slip out, and he became a Daylight Warrior.
( Important Threads )
( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development Thread Name ──── brief description. Thread Name ──── brief description.
─ Agnus, Lambkit, LambpawLambleap; Lamb for his cream coat, while leap is for the strength of his legs.
─ Warrior of RiverClan; previously a barncat
─ Cismale, he/him; pansexual panromantic, monogamist
─ created 11.19.24 at 23 moons / ages every 19th / currently 23 moons
↳ penned by @tristitia ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
lh classic cream tabby with low white / reference
There are patches of white in Lambleap's cream fur, seemingly without organization or pattern. His eyes are a bright copper color, and his fur is generally well-kept.
lawful neutral, ENFP ❝ the campaigner❞ (+) adaptable, quick-thinking (/) pacifistic, optimistic, (-) egotistical, quick to anger. To most, Lambleap holds true to his name. He is someone who appears incredibly innocent, as though he hasn't seen bloodshed. However, he holds himself in high regard and will take care of his needs first. He refuses to be insulted, sans the very typical comments from clan members about said innocence, and can snap quite easily. ↳ mannerisms elaborate ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . . Coyotecreek x Wolf's Song (NPC) sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Nephew to Sunsetfury
— Admires
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
single; pansexual, monogamous / crushing on who, looking, trusts somewhat easily
— physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
— (will) start fights | (will ) end fights | (will not) flee | (will) show mercy
— excels at swimming, jumping,
— poor at skill
— sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
— smells like
— healing allowed, powerplay not allowed
— speech is #EEE8AA
( Backstory / simplified history )
Born as a barncat, Lambleap wasn't fully sure about Clan life. Moving to the marsh was odd for him, as he did not feel he belonged. When they came to RiverClan, he began to feel at least a bit better and that he had started to fit in more. Over time, he became an apprentice, and then a warrior.
( Important Threads )
( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development Thread Name ──── brief description. Thread Name ──── brief description.
─ Pinekit, PinepawPinefang; Pine for ShadowClan's pines, fang after his father, Wolfbite
─ Warrior of ShadowClan; no previous allegiances
─ Demiboy, he/they; bisexual, monogamist
─ created 11.18.24 at 25 moons / ages every 1st / currently 26 moons
↳ penned by @tristitia ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
lh blue smoke / reference
Pinefang has pine-green eyes, long fur, and his color is that of a blue smoke. It gently alternates between a darker gray and a lighter gray. His fur is rather long and sticks up like pine needles.
lawful neutral, INTP ❝ the logician❞ (+) Calm, approachable (/) Reserved, socially awkward (-) wrathful, bitter. Pinefang, overall, seems to be a quiet soul. He doesn't talk to others unless he is spoken to. Even so, he is approachable and seems to put up a happy face. However, he seems to be able to change moods on a dime, becoming very angry when there appears to be no trigger. ↳ mannerisms elaborate ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . . Wolfbite (NPC) x Ivycurl (NPC) sibling to whoever | half-sibling to Ternfrost | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Uncle to Rainbowkit, Ivorykit, and Coneflowerkit | Indirectly related to Greywhisker
— Admires
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
single; bisexual biromantic, monogamist / crushing on who, tentatively looking, does not trust easily
— physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
— (will) start fights | (will) end fights | (will not) flee | (will) show mercy
— excels at maneuvering through difficult terrain, claw attacks
— poor at skill getting close enough to bite
— sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
— smells like
— healing allowed, powerplay not allowed
— speech is #488214
( Backstory / simplified history )
Born to Wolfbite and Ivycurl, Pinefang has had a rather easy going life. He had loving parents and a happy home. Everything was as it should be for him. As he grew, he fell in love with another cat, and they eventually became mates. It was blissful, until one day, his mate became very ill. In spite of all his efforts, his mate passed away. Feeling bitter and angry, and having rumors about his relationship to Maggotfur thrown into the mix, he became a shell of who he was. He seems to pay no heed to the rumors, though his short temper is a mark of his experiences.
( Important Threads )
( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development Thread Name ──── brief description. Thread Name ──── brief description.
─ Cranekit, CranepawCranetuft; Named OOCly after the Korean legend, ICly, his fur makes him look like a crane.
─ Warrior of ThunderClan; no previous allegiences
─ Genderfluid (AMAB), he/she/they; pansexual panromantic, monogamist
─ created 11.21.24 at 15 moons / ages every 21st / currently 15 moons
↳ penned by @tristitia ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
sh black mackerel tabby with high white / reference
White mostly covers Cranetuft, sans his tail which is completely colored. She also has some other, small patches of her black mackerel tabby coloring, namely on her legs and the back of her head. She has slight tufts on her tail and on her head. One of her eyes is a light blue, while the other is colored gold.
true neutral, ENFJ ❝ the protagonist❞ (+) loving, kind, sociable (/) extroverted, absentminded, big-thinking (-) obsessive, impulsive. Cranetuft is gentle and kind, willing to extend a listening ear to whoever may need it. They seem to have their heads in the clouds, and have dreams of grandeur. It should be noted that they fall in love incredibly easily, and may quickly make stupid decisions and become far too infatuated with any romantic partners. ↳ mannerisms text ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . . NPC x NPC sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
— Admires
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
single; pansexual panromantic, monogamist / crushing on who, looking
Very easy trusting
— physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
— (will not) start fights | (will) end fights | (will) flee | (will) show mercy
— excels at
— poor at skill
— sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
— smells like
— healing allowed, powerplay not allowed, etc.
— speech is #c76b6b
( Backstory / simplified history )
Cranetuft was born in a very dysfunctional family, with parents who did not love each other. Cranetuft is the living proof of an affair, and her parents ignored her when she was growing up. No matter what she did, it was never enough. Growing up, he distanced himself from his parents, and decided to step into his own. Doing this, though, he is now looking for the love he never recieved.
( Important Threads )
( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development Thread Name ──── brief description. Thread Name ──── brief description.
─ Previous name(s)?Dashkit; Named ICly
─ Kit of SkyClan; no previous allegiences
─ demigirl, she/they; bisexual biromantic, monogamist
─ created 12.01.24 at 4 moons / ages every 6th of the month
↳ penned by @tristitia ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
sh blue silver torbie with low white and gold eyes / reference
The kitten appears to have a blue base, with patches of orange-cream and white along with tabby markings. Akin to Silversmoke, she has ear tufts and a longer tail. She appears as someone who is slightly small yet lean. Across her face is a stripe of the orange-cream color that almost appears as a mask, and she has gold eyes, like Johnnyflame.
chaotic good, infj ❝ the advocate❞ (+) empathetic, adaptable, kind (/) pessimistic, reserved, punctual (-) envious, bitter, competitive. This little kitten is someone who feels as though she doesn't belong, though this is not the fault of her parents. She sees the way other kits play, or how others act and tries to emulate them, akin to a mirror. She doesn't speak unless she feels there is a need, and due to her wanting everyone to be pleased, she often pushes herself down to make others look bigger and brighter, much to her own detestment. She believes that everyone is playing parts, akin to a play, and so she must change her personality to fit different parts of what others want her to be. ↳ mannerisms elaborate ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . . SILVERSMOKE x JOHNNYFLAME | gen 2 | sibling to Roosterkit, Quailkit, Crashkit, and Fidgetkit | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
— Admires
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
Lambleap is a RiverClan warrior, sitting at 23 moons with a flair for acting innocent. He seems to be mostly fluff, as he is a longhaired cream classic tabby with some white. His eyes are the color of copper. ✦
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