Dovahkiinwing is a short-haired solid black cat with vitiligo and chocolate brown eyes. He is a Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, currently at 20 moons. He appears to be one that will constantly chat your ear off. ✦
Bergamotpaw is a fiery and wrahtful Moor Runner Apprentice of WindClan. This shorthaired red rosetted tabby currently sits at 12 moons and is a rule absolutist. In spite of this, Bergamotpaw is fiercely loyal to those he trusts. He is being mentored by Wraithwail. ✦
This mess of a genderfluid ThunderClan warrior is a short-haired black mackerel tabby with high white, and one blue eye and one yellow it. They sit at 15 moons and are very trusting. They are constantly on the lookout for "the one", which leads to obsession. ✦
Dashkit is a SkyClan Daylight kit, a shorthaired blue-silver torbie acting as a mix of her parents, Johnnyflame and Silversmoke. She is currently 3 moons old, and speaks with a slight Scottish accent. Dashkit is emotionally mature for her age, and tends to mirror older cats to fill the "older sister" role. ✦
Affogato is a SH chocolate tabby with high white and amber eyes, and he is currently a rogue. They are currently 33 moons old, and speak with a slight Northern Italian accent. They are very charming, though something lurks beneath the surface of kindness. ✦