pafp OUTRUNNING FATE // fleeing + trying to reach twolegplace


Promise me it's gonna be alright
Sep 20, 2022

//Please wait for @Sunfreckle and @Rabbitnose

The battle at Sunningrocks had ended in a loss for RiverClan, now the stretch of territory belonged to ThunderClan. It had cost much blood, possibly more, and in Sharpeye's case it had cost him everything. At first he had longed to follow the RiverClanners back across the river, but the reality remained that he simply couldn't swim like they could. He couldn't risk potentially drowning, or the possibility that they would turn him away anyway. That only really left him with one choice; reach twolegplace and hope for the best. However, to reach the stone dens he had to get past SkyClan. Unfortunately he still had a stretch of ThunderClan territory to escape from, and even more unfortunately he had been spotted fleeing the scene!

Sharpeye was aware that he wasn't alone and he was dreading the moment they caught up to him. What would they do? And what was he going to do once he reached SkyClan's border? Risk a walk along the river's edge? Or take the much longer route around along where the borders met? Or take the bold risk of trespassing across his former home and cutting through the Sandy Ravine in order to reach the other side?

"Bloody dammit..." He hissed under his breath as he glanced over his shoulder with his one good eye since his left eye was now heavily swollen. All he could think to do was growl in warning in the hopes that the ThunderClanners would back off.


Behind him the voices of his clanmates had long since drowned themselves out and they were leagues away from Sunningrocks now; though he had heard a shout of retreat before the battle field faded behind them. ThunderClan had won, the stones were theirs, and once he tied up this loose end he was going to enjoy victory with his clanmates back home, but first this SkyClanner needed dealing with...perhaps. He still wasn't entirely sure what to make of the single climbing cat present in the chaos, fighting alongside RiverClan with no sign of any other but he would think more on that once he caught the bastard.
Once the tom got into SkyClan territory the chase was off, while a WindClanner might be perfectly content to stroll into another's land out of some sense of superiority, Sunfreckle had enough sense and respect not to so he hastened his limbs as quickly as he could. He was again reminded of how slow he ran, normally his missing third foreleg did not hamper him on the daily but when it came to this kind of strenuous chase he knew he was lacking.
A growl was shot back to them, a warning. Perhaps to tell them to back off from the territory yet they'd not hit a boundary scent line yet and he was not inclined to listen so a growl and grit white teeth were responded to in kind.
Rabbitnose was next to him still, much faster than he was, and perhaps the blue dappled tom might be able to close the distance between them and their wayward opponent.

Rbbitnose was close by Sunfreckle's side as he bolted after the fleeing Skyclan cat. He wanted to know why he was the only one. Was there a trap somewhere? was there a reason at all? He would catch this cat and get some answers. Did....Blazestar think one cat would be enough? Did he think Thunderclan that weak?

No.....He better not, anyways.

Rabbitnose was as quick as his namesake. He could sprint and stride as quick as lightning, and tracking and chasing were his specialties. He kept his gaze locked on Sharpeye. He WOULD catch him before he reached the border. He was determined to. He may not be ready to kill this one, but he did want to rough him up a bit. He could sate his budding bloodthirst without maiming and killing. If anything, Sharpeye was lucky he wasn't a Riverclanner. Riverclan held his ire, not Skyclan.

The warning growl only made him quicken his pace, you'd think he was a cheetah with how he ran. A cheetah without a tail. Claws tore at the earth as he sped forth, bounding over shrubs and roots. At the speed he was going, He would surely catch up in no time....
The sound of feet pounding against the ground is loud as leaves are kicked up and bushes are rustled. Bluejay doesn't have enough time to realize what was going on before she sees Sharpeye run past her, the molly having been on a border patrol for the first time in a while. It isn't until she smells ThunderClan does she start running as well, muscles bunched and ready to chase.

But the cat she chases isn't Sharpeye.

It's the rabbit-like cat launching itself towards him with claws sheathed to avoid an actual fight.

With a running leap from the side, Bluejay would attempt to run right into Rabbitnose's side, aiming to bowl him over mid-run. What? She had to stop the momentum this one had! He'd catch up in no time. Sharpeye had done no wrong. She glances over her shoulder at the running tom, before turning back to look at the two ThunderClan cats.

"You're awfully close to our border, friends! What might I do to make 'ya stop chasin' ole Sharpeye, hmn?"
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Feel free to fight ThunderClan yourself. But if you do, do not return to these borders. The second you leave, you give up being a SkyClanner." The words had been simple enough to understand. Sharpeye had been given a choice. Stay in SkyClan or leave and forfeit the benefits that came with being a loyal member of their clan. Bluejay, however, did not seem to understand this simple directive. They are on a patrol when suddenly a familiar, traitorous scent, floods his nostrils and then suddenly Sharpeye is running past them. Instead of chasing him though Bluejay turns to attack the traitors pursuers! He lets out a frustrated hiss but quickly, he makes his choice.

He turns on his heels and he bolts after the fleeing ex-clanmate. If he’s fast enough to catch up, and Redstorm is a fast tom, he would launch himself at the now rogue, claws outstretched and aiming to dig into the others hindquarters and bring him to the ground. If he isn’t successful, he would simply pick himself up with a curse and continue his pursuit. Sharpeye wasn’t getting away so easily, not on his watch.

Blazestar would hear about Bluejay’s betrayal later, of that he would make sure. But first he had a fox-heart to catch.

He could hear it, the thundering of paws coming up fast behind him. No doubt they would be upon him in mere seconds, but then came the sound of another cat coming from in front of him. Dread rose up within him like a coming flood and he found himself slipping into a chilling acceptance that this was the end. Naturally he braced himself for the impact as he expected the SkyClan patrol to strike him down instantly, but it didn't happen as so. Instead the SkyClanner known as Bluejay shot past him and headed straight for the ThunderClanners behind him, protecting him! A noble act that left him feeling humbled, but now he felt afraid for her.

The tom hit the brakes and skidded across the forest floor to a halt. Whipping himself around he then cast his gaze back at the fight behind him. "BLUEJAY! DON'T FIGHT THEM! JUST RUN!" He couldn't bear the thought of her getting wrapped up into the personal hell he had made for himself. Nor did he want a full out war to begin between SkyClan and ThunderClan. He still cared for them... he always would.

Before he could rush into the fray he found himself on the receiving end of Redstorm's fury, and because he had turned himself round the claws found purchase on his chest and right shoulder rather than his hindquarters. The exhausted tom was practically flattened beneath the other with a look of shock on his face. "G-get off! We need to stop her!" Frantically he tried to wriggle free from Redstorm's hold with the sole intention of running back towards the ThunderClanners and the SkyClan she-cat. "BLUEJAY!"

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Springing from a rotten log, the black and white lead soars through the air and with grappling thorns he slithers up the branches and sails the canopy until he can see the caterwauls and sprinting feet better. Two unfamiliar chasing Sharpeye- he can spot his injured face, that unmistakable offset jaw. Had Riverclan rejected his sacrificial aid? Thistleback doesn’t have time to twitch a whisker in thought of anything, he sees Redstorm barrel into Sharpeye and Bluejay intercepting the Thunderclanner. What an absolute mess.

Thistleback drops with a hard thud and rips across the forest floor, teeth flashing as he breathes hard through his jaws. He wouldn’t lose another warrior, not over Thunderclan. Not over a cold war and Sharpeye’s chosen path.

He bucks as he nears the pair, and aims to snap his jaws around Bluejay’s scruff, to stagger and throw her away from her attack on Rabbitnose successful or not he shouts to her . " Don’t let his path drown you! " he roars. " This isn’t Skyclan’s fight! " he adds with a deep growl. Slamming his paw down hard as he twists on his hocks to face her, he wills the woman to listen. Don't do this, his heart pains at the thought. Skyclan was his family, to an orphan that means so much more.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


In an instant they are being attacked, SkyClan scent burns his nose and he comes to a skidding stop as he watches another cat slam themselves into Rabbitnose and a sharp cry of alarm escapes him; they were now TRESPASSING on ThunderClan territory and attacking them for driving off one of their own cats! Or so he thought, his initial reaction was to leap onto the pale SkyClan molly and shred her for jumping onto his mate, but Sharpeye was going to get back onto their territory if he didn't stop him so he raced past the tangle of cats fighting, knowing Rabbitnose could handle himself, and kept up the pursuit only to be intercepted a second time. Another SkyClanner, but this time attacking...Sharpeye?
Sunfreckle faltered, stopped dead in his tracks as they were defended from SkyClan by SkyClan? Green eyes narrowed and then widened in confusion and he looked from Redstorm to Thistleback and then back and forth once more before feeling his fur prickling with annoyance, "What is this? What is the meaning of this?!" He paced back to his fallen partner, watched the black and white tom attempt to pull his clanmate back and his ears fell flat in uncertainty.
"...that cat-" He turned, nose pointing to where Sharpeye lay being pinned beneath the redmasked form of another SkyClan warrior, "-fought against ThunderClan in a battle! Is he one of yours? Is she?" His green gaze honed in angrily on Bluejay, purposefully trespassing on ThunderClan land in defense of this other SkyClan cat but he spared some lenience to the two SkyClanners present who had only done so to stop the fighting. Neither of them had raised a paw to himself or Rabbitnose...he had no idea what to make of this. Part of him wanted to leave, tell Howlingstar about this immediately, but another part of him refused to just walk away without getting his claws into Sharpeye.

Redstorm is successful in pinning the traitor, in bringing him down and he holds fast, despite the others attempt to get away. He calls out for Bluejay and Redstorm frowns but he says nothing, only looks up with his deep blue eyes to watch as Thistleback pulls his clanmate off the Thunderclanners she has foolishly attacked. He says something about not letting Sharpeye pull her down the wrong path but in the point toms mind it is too late. She would already be labeled a traitor for going against Blazestar’s orders so swiftly and clearly. She had made her side known.

His eyes shift then, to one of the ThunderClanners who had been pursuing Sharpeye. “Is he one of yours? Is she?" He asks. "No" he says in response though it is unclear if he is speaking about Bluejay or the tom who’s shoulder he now curls his claws into. "Blazestar told this one that if he went to fight ThunderClan he would be a SkyClanner no more and anyone who followed him was to join him" at that his eyes flash to Bluejay before quickly returning to the red warrior in front of him and then to Thistleback, as if for confirmation. "He is not one of us anymore and that one wishes to join him in exile it seems" he concludes, his lips pulling up in a snarl.
જ➶ "But why did he go when we were told not too!? That doesn't sound right." Even if Blazestar said if he went then he was to not be a Skyclanner anymore, why even make that distinction? She doesn't like it and bumbling onto this scene her fur is raising with clear worry in her bright amber eyes. She huffs softly as she eyes Bluejay and she takes a step forward. "Bluejay, you can't be fighting Thunderclan. You didn't go so you shouldn't be fighting now." Clearly the apprentice is scared and she looks like a large fluffy ball of fur as alarmed as she is. Keeping herself ready for a fight. She doesn't know what to think when it comes to Thunderclan but here she is regardless.

Watching Thistleback try to pull Bluejay away her eyes are rushing back and forth and boy it is making her dizzy. Maybe it's also cause of how anxious she is too.
What comes first is gravity falling out beneath her, her paws dangling and head spinning as she's jerked off of her feet. Bluejay winces as she hangs from Thistleback's jaws, the molly confused for a moment and turning her head to look at him. "What? What?" She asks, gawking at the strength of this tom. She was small enough for him to pick up, for sure- but it amazes her how he could just yank her right off of her paws.

Talk of exile leaves peoples' mouths, and Bluejay squints in irritation. "But he WAS SkyClan. He's done nothing wrong but help our allies! Even though.. Blazestar.. Told him not to." She whines, her ears tilting back against her head. Still hanging from Thistleback's jaws, her ears press against her cranium as she whispers her apology to the rabbit-like tom. Luckily, Thistleback had stopped her before she could touch him.

There's arguing suddenly, people bickering- "What are you going to do with him? Kill him? Bite his ears off?" She asks, not fully understanding the direness of this situation. But her name being called by Sharpeye catches her attention soon after. "I'm okay! I'm okay! No worries- Just.. Hangin'." She reassures him, paws dangling off of the ground.
"We were asked by RiverClan to aid in their fight. Blazestar told us not to go, assumedly so that we wouldn't fight his kin in ThunderClan, and Sharpeye acted of his own accord." Orangeblossom is next to arrive, trotting over at a breakneck pace with an explanation to Heatherpaw, pitching her voice loud enough for their neighbours to hear as well. Thankfully, it looks like most of the chaos has subsided before her arrival. She doesn't know the reason explicitly, having not been there, but she's not stupid. It doesn't take a stars-blessed warrior to guess the reason Blazestar had declined joining this fight.

Orangeblossom shoots Sharpeye a look of wild ambivalence - irritation for his betrayal, betrayal for leaving her sister without a mentor in his haste. Yet, warring with them, sits respect for following his convictions and defending an ally. If he didn't die today for this part in the fight, she would welcome him home to SkyClan one day herself.

"Sunfreckle, knowing that this is not a SkyClanner, what does ThunderClan want from him for fighting this battle?" In a rare show of diplomacy, one that crosses claws with her friendship, Orangeblossom turns her eyes calmly between the ThunderClanners and their own exile. "Sharpeye, did you really think you could come back here after running off like that?"

An apprentice joins them, baffled by the tom's decision as well. The other SkyClanner with the partially white form is insisting the tom should still be defended despite being exiled. Sunfreckle slowly blinks at her, perplexed at this outrageous display of foolishness. The red pointed tom explains, they don't seem inclined to claim Sharpeye as theirs by any means, nor the fool of a cat who had jumped them. His ears pricked upward at further explaination and the sound of another approaching.

Orangeblossom, usually so fierce and intimidating, seems tired to him for some reason and he stares back at the SkyClan deputy with a frown. She had a sister in RiverClan did she not? Howlingstar also had kin there as, clans, loyalties. It was a messy affair. But Sunningrocks was theirs.
"...this is not my call to make." A sharp stare is sent to the pinned tom who had wasted his time in this chase, "Unlike some of us I will not be acting without or against my leader's decisions." What if Blazestar's comment had just been a bluff, if they allowed this tom to rejoin their ranks after facing ThunderClan they would have earned themselves an enemy in the forest dwellers for it. He didn't want further war, not so soon. Sunningrocks was still being won as they spoke, the fighting was subsiding as he had chased this cat and he glanced to Rabbitnose with a frown.
"Hold him for now and the-" Gaze lingering on the trespassing molly without a lick of sense, "-trespasser is yours to punish as you like. But for him...expect a visit from Howlingstar soon." If he conveniently escaped before then it would be their problem to deal with, but Sunfreckle was not about to start a fight here over some treasonist scrap of fur. SkyClan could make their excuses to his leader. The red tabby gave a tired huff, great plume of a tail flicking to the side to gesture for Rabbitnose to follow.
"Clear off of our territory please."


He almost had him, just a little more-

Bluejay rammed into him to intercept him, knocking him over onto the ground with a short skid. Skyclan scent flooded his nose and he snarled.

He knew it!! He knew there was a trap- was Skyclan attacking their camp right now? He'd shred them-

What happened next derailed his suspicions. He watched in confusion as Redstorm attacked Sharpeye.... As Thistleback lifted Bluejay off of him.....

He quickly got to his feet and looked at the cats present. What should he do now???? Redstorm just said that Skyclan refused aid to Riverclan and Sharpeye disobeyed, choosing to help their ally.

He felt conflicted. He was glad no help came for Riverclan but... To exile someone for helping your ally???? What? Sharpeye did nothing wrong, in his eyes. Even if they were enemies in battle.

More cats join them and Orangeblossom confirms what Redstorm said.

He didn't know know what to say, honestly.



"So.... Sharpeye went to go help your Riverclan allies against us....And Blazestar exiled him for it.......For some reason or another. And we, not knowing that, chased him back to your territory...."

You'd think smoke was coming from his ears with how hard he was using his brain.

"Uh......Sorry....????" He said to the Skyclanners, and then looked back at Sunfreckle. What should he do.
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The only relief Sharpeye could take in that moment was that Bluejay had been stopped by Thistleback, but that didn't seem to spare her from chatter of exile. The thought made his blood run cold and he began to fear that SkyClan was losing its grip on sanity. She had made a mistake! Driven by good intentions. Were they really going to cast her out for having a damned heart?

Sharpeye's attempts to escape Redstorm's hold ceases and he finds himself simply laying there accepting his fate for the time being, hissing under his breath when he feels the claws pricking at his skin. It hurt, but in comparison to his current injuries it hardly compared. Unfortunately his troubles were only due to get worse as talk began, unveiling the story to the two ThunderClanners in the process. He did feel sorry for Rabbitnose, it wasn't the easiest of tales to follow. "Exile seems overly harsh for someone with kind intentions." He muttered with a scowl directed towards Redstorm in particular. "Careful my boy, you might turn into a WindClanner." Now that was a clan who dished out exiles like it wasn't going out of fashion.

Shifting his gaze towards that of Orangeblossom he let out a weary sigh as he rested his cheek against the ground. "I was intending on cutting through the territory as the shortest route to reach twolegplace." He explained simply, shedding light on his reasoning for running back towards SkyClan lands. "I wasn't returning, you just happen to be in the way of where I want to go." Though perhaps now he wouldn't even get to see the deeper reaches of the maze of stone dens, not if they go by what Sunfreckle said about holding him until Howlingstar's decision. "So... are you going to hold me as a prisoner, kill me here and now, or escort me to twolegplace?"


he watches as the scene unfolds before him, listening with a neutral expression on his face to the ThunderClanners, his deputy. He barely even reacts when Bluejay finally speaks. It is when the tom underneath him finally opens his arrogant mouth that Redstorm lets out a fierce growl."Did you really just compare me to the clan that killed my brother?" he, asks, astonished that a former clanmate would really stoop so low, that he would use something he knew would hurt him against him like this. It was only further proof in his mind that Sharpeye was no longer one of them.

"just because RiverClan is our ally does not mean we have to drop everything to fight their battles for them. This fight was between Thunder and River and them alone. Your leader gave you an order and you openly defied him in front of a cat from a different clan no less. If you truly believe you are in the right here you must be more mousebrained than I thought and if you truly were as kindhearted as you claim to be you would not have said what you just did knowing what WindClan has taken from me." he would not pretend that he knows what Sharpeyes fate is but he does know one thing. "We would never kill you" he says quietly, rolling his blue eyes. Did he truly think so lowly of his former clan that he would assume such a thing? Had he ever been one of them?

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"Right. SkyClan, back over the border. And we aren't exiling Bluejay for this, calm down. You'll get tick duty, maybe, but not exile." She shakes her head as the ThunderClanners depart, tail twitching as the patrol slowly reforms around her - on the correct side of the border, this time. We've already lost one perfectly capable warrior today, there's no need to make it a second. She blinks, surprised, as Sharpeye compares SkyClan - compares Redstorm - to WindClan, and she says nothing over his retort. He deserved that, at least.

"We're not killing you where you stand." She confirms Redstorm's whisper, louder, ears twitching backwards at the thought. Despite the passive stare that she wears, fatigue pulling at the edges of her very self, her voice is firm. Couldn't ThunderClan have picked on a different neighbour and left SkyClan out of this as a result? StarClan above.

"Someone go get @BLAZESTAR . Since he was the one that exiled you, he should decide whether we hold you or escort you off SkyClan land." For once.
"Whats going on-" comes Sheep's question as she hurries over, having stumbled across the screeches and voices from where she had been hunting. Fighting, oh, and Sharpeye was on the border, and the Thunderclanners had just left him- He said something to Redstorm. It takes a moment for it to register in her brain but as soon as it does, as soon as she plays it over again once more, lips pull back in an angered snarl. How dare he! Redstorm was kind, he was loving, he had every quality that a Windclanner did not. He had loyalty, and to compare him to the very clan that had took his brother! The mental image of Haze’s vigil, a nose pressed against a cream colored shoulder in solidarity, only pisses her off more. "Don’t you ever say that! You made your nest, now lie in it!" Sheep’s voice comes out as a bark, louder than intended, her own anger shocking her as she stares through narrowed eyes. "You have no such right to even say that now that you have left everyone, everything behind. How would your former apprentice feel, Sharpeye? Tell me. You knew the risks. You did, you did, and you chose to break them." what had happened to Redstorms brother was common knowledge, the beginnings of hatred in Windclan. To compare him… Shes shaking with rage as she stalks forth, barely keeping her voice from going above a strained growl. All of this begins to make her head pound.

"You must have truly not known us at all, then, if you think we’d stoop so low to execute you." a warrior Sheep once trusted, thrown out with a barbed insult he had sent to her mate nonetheless. A warrior that had once been such a good member, she could no longer look past his grievances, she had looked up to him for speaking up. But not anymore, never would she again. And for Bluejay, its a different story, but she harbors a confused, weak starting of resentment in her heart. Perhaps Bluejay had her reasons. Perhaps they’d never truly know what had gone through her head.

Sheep’s skin prickles uncomfortably. Anger had never suited her, not once.

I’d rather we hold him for what he has said to Red, for how he has- Sheep needs to get ahold of herself, she feels herself losing it, all for the defense of her mates image. She turns her head, a certain sad apathy in her eyes. "I’ll go get him." she dips her head towards the deputy, sends Redstorm a mouthed ‘i love you’, before she shakes to depart. Her fur still bristles as she disappears, but it’d be best if she didn’t lose her cool.

// off to go snag @BLAZESTAR

Holy shit. This is a mess. Stars forfend. It was time for Rabbitnose to follow his mate after he had hesitated in his thoughts trying to put it all together.

He looked between the cats present. This was so awkward.

"Well.... I'll leave you guys to.... This stuff." He said. "Byyeee...."

And he wasted no time hopping after Sunfreckle.

((//OUT sry mobile didnt show me sunfreckle posted while i was writing my last response so i just went with rabbitnose standing there awkwardly but now he is Gone.))
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Oh, of course, how could he have forgotten the unfortunate fate of Redstorm's sibling. "I didn't mean to draw on that pain, but considering how quickly you brought up exile for Bluejay it's hard not draw upon the comparison." How many WindClan exiles had they seen in recent times? How quickly had they been ousted from their home by the mad queen and her brain-washed rabble? Were all clans destined to fall to such fates? "Let us not forget that RiverClan dropped everything in order to help us. So easy to receive, so hard to give back. On that day we might have seen so many more of our number die because of WindClan claws, fortunately it wasn't worse." They hadn't even been allies at the time, not to mention the horrid weather rolling in and threatening the safety of anyone caught out in it.

"Your leader is loyal to his family, not to SkyClan or to what is expected of us as a whole. If you ask me leaders shouldn't have children, it clouds their minds too much. Makes them forget their duties to maintaining the balance between the five clans. Don't get me wrong, I sympathise with the fact that Blaze is in a difficult position on account of his crossclan relationship, and of course what had happened to Morningpaw, but duty is still duty. What is owed is still owed. Now those lost rocks are painted red with blood that didn't need to be spilled. Who knows, maybe we could have stopped Howlingstar losing a life."

He gave a pause, though it remained a short one. "I guess I don't know you these days. Its hard when I don't even feel safe around you." He stated flatly before he closed his eye as he took a moment to rest. He wasn't looking forward to Blazestar's eventual arrival, he was honestly dreading it.
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