pafp OUTRUNNING FATE // fleeing + trying to reach twolegplace

Brought over by the sounds of combat, the maine coon had a near-frantic look upon their scarred muzzle as they first bound towards the borders, their eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and excitement. Soon, it only changed to the former of the emotions as he witnessed ThunderClanners chasing a rogue onto their lands and Bluejay trespassing to help said rogue and - good StarClan what the fuck was happening? He stormed closer, his nostrils flaring as a near-permanent sneer appeared in place of all else. Less and less he was liking kittypets, he decided as he watched Bluejay openly defend defying Blazestar's orders. Then, it was finally time to assess Sharpeye. Bloodied bastard Sharpeye. Any semblance of budding respect for the sandy tom was gone, a running theme in Silversmoke's life this past moon. Clan life was so much more fragile than he could've ever imagined it to be, one cat allowed to fall out of place and the whole facade seemed to crumble. First it'd been Slate, then Sharpeye, now Thistleback, all loose cannons of varying levels of concern, all acting in their own interests instead of SkyClan's. Thistleback had made one hiccup, Slate was a series of hiccups, but Sharpeye was no longer a SkyClanner and therefore, to the tabby, was the only one legally allowed to earn his ire.

"Well... pray forgive the discourtesy of Blazestar having children." He mewed, his sarcasm like venom. It wasn't like they could go back in time and stop Blazestar, and Silver wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to if he had the option either. He liked Howlpaw and Fireflypaw (to differing extents), it was difficult to comprehend a SkyClan without them, though the former's disappearance was trying him in that regard. "His circumstances will never happen again, the code ensures that." The silver tabby assured, his tail swiveling at a near erratic pace. He was noticing a pattern with his former clanmate, one which left his brows furrowed in thought. There was so much to agree with, helping RiverClan diplomatically should've been a solution, but then... "I can't believe you had everyone fooled into thinking you were a SkyClanner at heart, though, I suppose I understand why. You say one thing right but then you take it a step too far, each and every time. We owe RiverClan, we do not owe stability to every single clan in this forest. If Blaze, hell, if any leader put the weight of that many cats on their shoulders their backs would break." Not to mention that regardless of intent, no other clan would so readily accept half of SkyClan's warriors. Kittypets, former rogues, some of the world's worst ilk, but also some of his best friends. It was tough.

Unsheathed claws pulled at the grass below, the sounds of little strands snapping barely audible over the sound of this back-and-forth. His frown spoke of heavy disappointment. "It'd be so easy to believe your lie of loyalty if you just learned to shut up." His ears twitched to-and-from a flattened position, working himself up the more and more he spoke. He didn't agree with Blazestar's neutrality, but he disagreed with Sharpeye's outburst even more. Blazestar could've talked his way out of consequences, but now Sharpeye had given him enough to risk two wars. Silversmoke's fur bristled. "Now everyone sees you for who you truly are, a spineless rogue more dedicated to their own ideas than their clan. There is no bravery in that, only selfishness. I'd suggest escorting them to the cutters but there'd be nothing there for him to lose. Kicking him out to the Twolegplace as a whole might have to suffice." He cast a side-eyed glance at Orangeblossom at his suggestion.
  • Haha
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The sounds of thrashing about with the mixture of rushed voices brings the warrior into the scene behind Silversmoke. The scene that unfolded before him was nonetheless chaotic as Sharpeye returns, ThunderClan warriors sprinting behind him with a wild look in their eyes. Auburnflame didn't quite recognize the duo, but he didn't much care to investigate an identity now. Redstorm had Sharpeye pinned down whilst Thistleback held Bluejay within the clutches of steel trap jaws. He made no incentive to cross over the border, standing a bit away from the crowd as words buzzed in his ears.
He says nothing during the arguments, his own mind lost deep in thought as brows quirked together while he stood rigid. Orangeblossom had ordered for someone to fetch Blazestar and Sheepcurl took no time in doing so. Sharpeye's words pulled at his strings, finding some truth within his words. Auburnflame had also wanted to go and aid RiverClan, especially after hearing what WindClan had just raided them only a few days prior. He remembered the aftermath of WindClan during the blizzard, how they tried to ransack and steal herbs from Dawnglare—how RiverClan rushed in to help them without a moment's notice. SkyClan owed a great deal to Cicadastar and RiverClan for sacrificing their warriors. He mulls it all over, jaw clenching in sporadic rhythm as he listens silently. He tried to place himself in Blazestar's situation, imagining him in love with someone so wonderful—he imagines himself and his family torn apart, forever separated from kin by a border and Apricotflower lingers in his mind. He sighs, lowering his helm as his tufted ears flatten against the nape of his neck. Auburnflame would do the same thing—he'd do it over and over without question. He'd never be able to bring a claw to someone he loved, even if it made him a traitor or killed him in the end.
So he would listen to his leader's orders, he would respect him as a leader and also as a father. Even if he felt misguided and pulled along between two consequences. Perhaps things could be sorted—perhaps Blazestar could speak with the RiverClan leader—but would that help at all? The calico couldn't be certain. All they had to do was wait and see.

It was hard to listen to Silversmoke if he was truthful with himself, and despite the desire to keep defending his corner he ultimately decided to keep his mouth shut. There was no point now in saying anything more, not when they were getting riled up to such a degree. Though he wasn't particularly fond of being called 'spineless' given that he'd been the only cat present with the balls to go fight for a clan who had been in desperate need of help. He'd take being called a rogue however, it would be just him returning to his former rogue roots anyway.

Idly he clenched his jaw until it began to ache, and only then did he decide to speak again. "You'd be best kicking me out into the twoleg trash after Howlingstar comes here to speak with Blazestar." He supposed he might as well face the consequences of his actions. The neighbours could get more of their little power trip out of their system before he was ultimately set free to seek a new life elsewhere. "I won't struggle."

Sheepcurl's news has Blazestar's fur bristling, but the anger has raged throughout his body already. He trudges through pine needles as though they are the remaining cinders, his ears flat and his tone matching. The sand-colored rogue wears nicks in his pelt, presumably from a battle with ThunderClan he'd gone to fight alone.

The flame point comes to stand before Sharpeye, looking down on him with disappointment and a faint, faded sorrow. "So it's true. You are here." A thick golden tail lashes behind him. "I meant what I said, Sharpeye. You chose to leave. You are not welcome here." He sighs. It's impossibly worn and ragged, heavy with all that had been lost, all that had been and never would be. "Whatever quarrel you have with ThunderClan will have to be fought from outside our territory. Do not cross our scent line again, or you will be treated as a dangerous rogue. You will not be shown the mercy I am showing you today."

He turns his face away. "Let him go." If the tawny ex-SkyClanner had any sense, he'd run for Twolegplace now, and he'd not let himself be scented in the pine forest again as long as Blazestar led. He nods to @ThistleBack . "Ensure he leaves."

His blue gaze shoots to Bluejay next. "You've some explaining to do to your leader," he says, slowly, deliberately. "For what reason did you intervene with your Clanmates chasing a trespasser from our territory? You will answer me. Now." He needs to know right then and there if she is a fool or a traitor.

Blazestar's arrival is met with the blue tabby curling in further on herself, a sigh leaving her lips- she'd just been made a warrior two moons ago- if she fucked this up, she'd be demoted to apprentice! She bites her lip, waiting for Blazestar to finish what he was saying before she makes eye contact through half-lidded eyes. Her tail-tip curves, wrapping around her leg.

"I just wanted to make sure Sharpeye could make it to twolegplace. I'm sorry." She murmurs loud enough for the leader to hear, but she knows that she's done wrong in this instance. If Thistleback were to drop her, she'd land on her feet promptly and shuffle over to Blazestar with her head held low. "I didn't.. Think it was fair that he be treated like a traitor. He was one of us, y'know.." Ugh, she sounded so immature! "And those ThunderClan cats kept chasin' him, so my body moved.. And before I knew it, my feet were off of the ground and Thistleback was talkin' t' me!"

Her ears flop to the side of her head. "Does this mean I have to return to my housefolk? Please, no- I don' wanna go back there! It's so boring there!"

Sharpeye brings his one-eyed gaze to that of Blazestar with uncertainty radiating from his form. Though he finds himself awed with surprise when the Ragdoll decrees to have him cut loose. He wouldn't be a prisoner today, nor would he be served up to Howlingstar like some piece of meat. A part of him finds the decision risky on SkyClan's part, but the other part of him feels nothing but relief. It was time to go.

The tom pulled himself away from Redstorm and wasted no time in running away in the direction of twolegplace. No words were uttered, no glances back spared. He would return to being a rogue from now on, as much as it pained him to do so. However, he did not regret his actions, not when he had stood up for what he believed to be right. Perhaps one day SkyClan would find its way back to the right path... he could only hope.
