The dawn's blazing eyes peered over the horizon, to rival the silken fur of the one he was here to join. Clean pine-scent overwhelmed him- revitalised him, compared to the wind-blown heather and dirt-darkness that clung to the pelts of those upon the moor. His paws felt strange on forest ground, rather than the dry grass of moorland; but it would be something he was sure he could get used to, with guidance. Within the moon was what he had promised- and here he was, upon the border. Diligently would he wait here- to intrude would be rude, wouldn't it? Waltzing in on their home, claiming he lived there now- oh, they'd look at him right funny!

Within the pines he had a promised place, at the side of their healer- blessed enamour, witnessed by a bleeding moon and another that was whole. The skies of many nights had failed to cast a thunderbolt upon their union- that was enough to convince him it was fate. Inky paws itched to run toward him- and he would find him, connected by silver strings of starlight and kismet- but he resisted, even as the truth raced through his mind. They would see each other in the light for the first time, and then... to the pines, forever...

Still, still... he stayed obedient to the scent lines, grin stretched too-wide and eyes as full and argent as the Gathering's moon. Impatience twitched his half-tail... apprehension, excitement. A new life lay beyond these pines, and he'd wear a tenfold mimicry of his mother's friendliest face to greet whoever might bump into him first.

Patrols did not stop because clanmates had gone missing and strangers had been mauled within their borders. Silversmoke didn't hesitate to break away from his own when he spotted a flash of ivory amidst the lines of newleaf shrubs, the fear of meeting the same fate as his friends not present in the maine coon's psyche. In many aspects, he was not better than them. Platonic love was harder for him, sometimes he acted irrationally, he hated cats for where they were born. But, when it came to danger, he could at least feel superiority - he refused to let the same thing happen to him, bad luck or otherwise. Black claws touching the earth after each long step, the Lead Warrior stepped out of the brambles, rising to his full height to greet... someone. First impressions may have made him call the other 'another serial killer', with a grin taking up half of his face and madness that reminded him all too much of their medicine cat. He breathed through his nose and picked up on the foulest scent he could imagine at that time. "Oh for—" His fur poofed out like porcupine quills, a tired sneer upon the tabby's scarred muzzle.

Silversmoke cast Mallowlark an incredulous look, wounded by his very existence. "Really? Don't you moor-rats have anything better to do than waste our time?" He sounded exasperated, his usual calm snark replaced with something truly exhausted by the amount of WindClanners they had had to greet. Silversmoke had no reason to believe that this wouldn't be another refugee, there to claim Sootstar was a stark-raving leader - he figured this one ought to take a look in the reflection of a lake if this stranger believed Soot was the insane one here. His expression eventually stilled into a more contemplative frown, watching the two-toned cat for signs of treachery and deceit. He would not act as unkindly as his peer, but the tabby felt his paws twitch all the same, as if egging him into combat he was trying to avoid with his patrol in earshot. "Explain what you are doing here. Quickly. I will not hesitate to escort you to an unkind place if you don't have good reason for lollygagging." The Twolegplace had been the last reported location of his friend, had it not? Perhaps the mystery assailant could his clan a favour and pinch a WindClanner while they were at it (if the stranger was still a WindClanner, that was).
Silversmoke is a comforting presence in the silence of the forest, the own sound of Fireflypaw's heartbeat hammers in his chest as he thinks about how he could be next in line to be snatched from his own territory. He hoped, somewhere out there, Howlpaw was safe- just lost, in a place where they could eventually find her. Wait for me, Howie. I'll find you. He tells himself, reminding himself in a mantra over and over again in an attempt to self-soothe. She'll be okay, He thinks. He doesn't know what he'd do if he lost another sibling, didn't know how he'd be able to breathe if they found her body lying still and cold somewhere. His paws carry him numbly behind the silvery Lead Warrior, head hung low with eyes shut tight.

He's too focused on his own thoughts, can feel everything swimming around in his head. When he bumps right into Silversmoke's back legs, Fireflypaw grunts as he scrunches his nose, pulling back from the tom's legs. He opens his mouth to complain, but his nose soon catches the scent of WindClan and Fireflypaw is suddenly small again. He's suddenly sick in the medicine den again, with a praying Dawnglare over him. Reminding him that he would make it through, that She wasn't done with him yet. She had plans for him.

"Heather-scent and yet.. No blood smell. If you're another one of that wretched Queen of the Moor's soldiers, you have no place in our territory. So.. As Silversmoke here asks; why are you here?" He finds no qualms in him to be nice to this stranger, though his own exhaustion might be causing his goodwill to falter these days. Subtly, Fireflypaw wipes at his eyes to clear the sleep-addled crust away. "...I'm Fireflypaw, I've seen you at Gatherings. You're.. The one Dawnglare wanders off to talk to most at them. What's your name?" He wants to be nicer, be more welcoming- but this was a WindClan warrior standing before them, and the last time this had happened, his father had allowed Dandelionwish to join their ranks with his bespeckled apprentice. Daisypaw, he thinks.

He cannot see the stretching smile of the cheshire-grin tom, not through the blurriness- the whites of his face mixing oddly with the other colors of pale moonlight. Dawnglare must see something in this tom, else he wouldn't spend his spare time chasing the tom down at Gatherings. However, he keeps his mouth shut further than the words he spoke, his own little grin shaking its way onto his face. From irritation, perhaps- or fear. One would never know.
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Further back in the patrol, it took Daisyflight a moment to emerge onto the scene. Her snout was wrinkled with disgust, tail plumed, at the scent of Windclan. They had lost so much, suffered innumerable indignities. In a time with cats missing and murders testing their borders with sickening frequency, it was the worst discovery to make.

A sallow bulk, grimly glowing in the dim light met her narrowed eyes. The smile that gripped the windclanners maw told of nothing good- nothing safe. How was he so confident? Gleeful, almost. It didn't matter, self-satisfied or not, there would be no more moor-stalkers on their territory. If this visitor's simpering was a sign of his eagerness for blood, he would only find his own.

Vitriol lacing her tone, bitter exasperation in mirror of Silversmoke, Daisyflight rattled out a hiss, “Absolutely fucking not!” Gloved paws tipped with unabashedly unsheathed claws, the calico plunged through the group to face the windclanner.

This close, the stiff smile on their snout served to bolster her raised spine. “Step a few paces back, wipe that insufferable smirk off your face and speak quickly as my clanmates ask” Had her denmates not already asked after his intentions, she likely would have forced him off with little discussion but Silversmoke was her equal, and to go against his word would only sow confusion.

Fireflypaw spoke behind them, in her eyes lacking a reasonable amount of distrust. ‘You're.. The one Dawnglare wanders off to talk to most at them’. As if she’d been struck, Daisyflight flinched to look at the medicine cat apprentice. Ears sharply flared, one to him and the other to the intruder, she let out another hot exhale. A memory, asmear with nebulous details, of a gathering bubbled up- she had pitied the windclanner then, sure he was at the mercy of Dawnglare’s oddities. What further madness was this? Caustic eyes returned to the snowy tom. “With Dawnglare? Explain.
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Figpaw presses against her mother’s tortoiseshell fur, her orange gaze sharpening like a pair of claws onto the white and black Tom-cat. He smells of rabbit, of WindClan, every inch of fur on Figpaw’s body goes wild. Another at their borders?! What now? Figpaw could never guess It seems; would this be a surprise attack or would SkyClan’s council be welcoming in yet another WindClan cat?!

The Tom is huge, his whole demeanor frightens Figpaw. Rarely is she the type to scream for blood, but she wants this cat gone! She’s relieved her mother feels similarly, for Daisyflight hisses and spats at the WindClanner, revealing a side Figpaw’s rarely witnessed fro her. To hear Dawnglare hung out with that cat at gatherings too?! Again, a WindClanner! This was concerning!

While the warriors speak, Figpaw cannot help but crane her head and examine her surroundings to look for more moor cats.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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A low growl rumbled from the chimeras throat as he came to stand shoulder to shoulder with Daisyflight, the fur along his neck standing in jagged spikes as mismatched eyes came to land on the white tomcat standing on their border. The wreak of Windclan hung fresh in the air, a scent he'd learned to hate after the raid. He was tempted to run the cat out right then and there, especially with so many cats having gone missing lately.

Yeah, Quills tolerance for the outside infringing on his clans borders were definitely wearing dangerously thin.

"I'll check the area." he offered, mismatched eyes flashing coldly toward the grinning abomination. If any of his Windclan pals were out there hiding, Quill hoped he'd had the foresight to say goodbye to them before coming, because they wouldn't be leaving the border alive this time around. That clan had already killed on multiple occasions, and he wouldn't let a Skyclanner be the next victim.

With that the large tom would pad off into the underbrush before scaling the trunk of the closest tree, disappearing amongst the branches as he went about his perimeter check. There'd been too much going on for Quill to trust a lone Windclanner showing up now, of all times.

skyclan - male - 13 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several old scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

One by one, they trickled in... ordinary cats with pine-scent clinging to their pelts, no phantom ephemerality nor herb-twinge. Not all Skyclanners were cut from the same cloth, then... and there was no moonlit wisdom that spilled from their tongues either. Fitting, he supposed, in daylight! And so early, with a not-quite-intruder on their borders- he could not blame them for being on-edge! The two that approached him first were relatively calm- one silver-painted and stern, spat an insult that triggered a laugh out of the tom before he could stop it, and the other strange and bleary-eyed who spoke of his scent. Lacking subtlety completely, Mallowlark raised his paw to his nose- oh, he still had a WindClan aura alright!

And- and Dawnglare, his name at last mentioned. Nodding fervently at the suggestion of them knowing each other, he parted his lips to answer, to give his name- but out of the undergrowth burst a patch-pelted she-cat, fury poisoning her tone. The white tom's expression did not falter at her outburst- though he obeyed her orders, backing away from the border-tightrope he had previously been balancing on. "Oh, sorry! Didn't realise I was smirking, hah," hummed, punctuated with a giggle, he made an effort to widen his grin. He'd not meant to look unkind- ah, what had his mother always looked like...? Shiny smile and, yes, eye contact... owlishly made...

Two more arrived, but were mostly silent- a black and grey tom made a small suggestion, but the pale ginger feline looked at him- and around him- with a bit of wariness. "I'm Mallowlark. M'not here to hurt you! I want to join you," and with those words he dipped his head, eyes crescenting shut for a moment before flashing in a snap as wide as they had been before. "Dawnglare said I could come here, so here I am!" It was a songlike hum, triumphant. He was certain that in confirming he knew the medicine cat they'd be united, brought together- it felt wrong to do this all without him.

Others were quick to flank the lead warrior, his figure feeling brutish amidst the dignified masses of his clanmates. His ears flattened at the stranger's cackling, fury quick to flash on his face and disappear faster than the click of an elder's bones. I'm gonna kill him. He decided, though it was an extremity he wasn't sure he meant after events of recent moons. Dawnglare was mentioned and that rage turned to confusion, his head cocked as others began to question what Dawnglare had to do with some random WindClanner. He nodded wearily as Quillstrike left to scout, almost going completely slack-jawed when Mallowlark explained (very, very loosely) his intentions... and why he thought it was ok. Briefly, he looked to his clanmates - they had heard that too, right?

Silversmoke sighed harshly. "Dawnglare's words are full of feckless contradictions and nonsense." He pointed out, his nostrils flared. It was not a hatred he held for their strange, strange medicine cat, but rather, a misunderstanding. Silver preferred his paws to be in the same realm as his head, Dawnglare didn't seem to care where he roamed as long as he was given ample space to think. Fireflypaw mentioned the medic wandering off to talk to Mallowlark and a snort escaped the Lead Warrior. Dawnglare'd best pray should SkyClan fall ill, and the medicine cat's attention had wavered too much to learn of any cures when he had the time to. "Perhaps he said you could come to the borders, but he has no say in whether or not you can cross them." Too happy to be a stray and too mad to be a threat, the tabby found himself at a stalemate. The anger practically scorched the air around Daisyflight, he neither sought to temper those flames nor fuel them further, but neutrality was a difficult thing in a situation like this. He took a step forwards, his tufted head lowering and his eyes glinting with disapproval towards the former WindClanner.

"Sanctuary is not a whimsical thing SkyClan offers to whoever seeks it. There needs to be a reason, do you understand? You have no reason. You are unhurt, you reek of our enemies, you are no child and you think your friendship with Dawnglare is enough to grant you privileges that other cats have had to work for. Frankly, your insolence is disgusting. Leave. I will not tell you again."
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Orangeblossom trails after Daisyflight, jaws parting to scent the air every so often. But instead of the faded-sweet scent of Ashenclaw's twoleg home, she chokes on WindClan's moor-reek and comes to an immediate halt at the back of the group. She has half a mind to launch herself at the black-pawed tomcat, make him rue the ridiculous decision that had led him here, but then he says something that makes confusion fill the cracks of her anger. Join them? A promise from Dawnglare?

The deputy shoulders her way to the front of the patrol, tail flicking over Silversmoke's flank in a gesture to wait, and offers Quillstrike a nod of thanks as he disappears into the sparse undergrowth to check the area for more moor-rats. Then her gaze returns to Mallowlark, who seems to be doing his best to force his smirk into something ... less smirk-like. StarClan above, no wonder he's friends with Dawnglare. They're both weird.

"Before we chase you back to the moors, explain yourself." She orders bluntly, ears flicking backwards. "Why would Dawnglare make this promise to you, Mallowlark?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
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Frostbitten metal stares from the ferns, ribs tickled by ragwort and chickweed as he steps up from the sidelines. His bladed tongue, tastes the moor. The salts of the dry rock and rolling shrubs, of rabbit droppings and all the things that deserve to be bled. As soon as it touched his senses, the lead had left his makeshift campsite where he had roosted in his thoughts and sinful prayer. Only to find his blackened claws unwind from toes ready to ravage enemy, to dig his soul further into condemnation. He wouldn’t change, only now because he didn’t want to.

White fur, like the blizzard his kind raided them in. Black paws, the color of his mad queen’s namesake. Thistleback’s nose is rolled up, lips sucked up above his gums as he sidesteps the intruder in a long circle. Silversmoke’s hackles bristle, and his heels are tread upon by Blazestar’s last child. Where this boy walked now, this demon’s wingspan would cast its shadow. He will not allow their leader to lose everything. Ink coated thorns dance, he plants himself where he could intercept a single claw aimed at Fireflypaw.

Daisyflight’s rage echoes through the forest, everyone present had a special place of hatred for the moorland dogs. Thistleback settles himself in place, resting on his haunches and staring with a tilted chin. Chipped ears curled above a crown like horns as he listens to the giggling wasp-brain. Teeth flashing in a friendly manner, but a baring of teeth from an enemy is returned with his own resting gurn from afar.

A windclanner invited by Dawnglare. The dramatics he pulled during the meeting for the verdict on Coyotepaw made him shake his head. Impossible. Dawnglare was comfortably prejudice, as is rightfully endowed. He agrees silently with Silversmoke’s final words, but falters in judgment the more this Mallowlark speaks- luckily Orangeblossom takes the lead, Thistleback trots heavily on his toes past the patrol.

" If a windclanner brought a mouse for every time they’re at our borders, we wouldn’t ever need to hunt " his tone is shackled with growls, and he copies Quillstrike’s movements but the opposite direction. It was time to check the perimeter, before he checked how different this one tastes to Kuiper.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

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The stench of WindClan on his tongue does nothing to improve his mood, but the dullness leaves Blazestar's eyes and is replaced by righteous blue fire. He shoulders past the bristling line of warriors confronting the moorland tom so he is standing shoulder to shoulder with his deputy. "I'm Mallowlark. M'not here to hurt you! I want to join you." Blazestar's expression creases with rage and disgust.

"Why would you think SkyClan would want you or any of your kind in our Clan? Camp-raiders. Murderers." His fur begins to fluff out until he resembles a cat twice his already impressive size. The strange-looking white tom with his unsettling grin, silver-pale eyes, begins to chatter about Dawnglare.

Blazestar snorts. "Dawnglare would not have promised you such a thing. I don't want to hear more of these lies." He turns to Orangeblossom, to his lead warriors, to Quillstrike and Thistleback who have scaled the nearby pines, Figpaw and Fireflypaw, and says, slowly, "Chase him out. Now." There is no mercy in the flint-tones of his voice, nor the cold anger in his gaze. "I want nothing left of him here when you are done."

// please wait for @DAWNGLARE to post before posting again ^^;

Whiff of moor-sent fresh on his nose, and already he is bristling. Hardly could he imagine a day where it does not bring a glint in his eye and a lashing along with it. Small, small exception there was, but it was one there should not be– a mistake, really. Paws planted, born and raised on the wrong land. Or was it WindClan that had sewn its roots where it should not have? This is what he had been told, but were all the clans not meant and said to be by the very stars? There's a purpose to their treachery, some strange reason. A liaison, he may be, but not everything was within his realm of thought.

All he knew was that the smell would bring with it horror for so long as he lived... That his patience has been stretched thin as spider's silk. That a stark pelt and smile-sewing thing was kept from him when he felt it should not be...

And, somehow, somehow it'd slipped his mind–

Moons-wide grin; a familiar face, and yet, something entirely new. A sun so forgiving, and a sun that kept giving. Torn to bits and stitched together once again, radiant as anything could ever be. Joy overtakes his own self quicker than any sickness. His smile stretches-wide, the bristling falls to nothing.

But he is the only one, he realizes. The rest of them slobber like dogs in the presence of fresh-meat. Blaise, too, speaks of things he is unaware of. (Didn't he always? Always the fool, always blubbering; but for once, it is unacceptable). The beginnings of his grin fall away to gritted teeth and a lashing tail. He is like the rest of them now, only because of what they were. (To say they are the same–) They were not. Far from it– And he had the nerve to say such a thing. Fog-brained, sun eclipsed and ugly by the falsities on his tongue. (He deserved someone who loved him, was only it.) A murderer, never has he been. And would he ever be, he would be nothing other than just.

"You–!" Half a hiss, half a growl; his heart nearly seizes in his throat at the brutality that drivels from Blaise's mouth. (And had it been any other, surely he would have leapt to agree–!) (It's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding) "Y-you will do no such thing–!" He meets his friend with eyes wide in frenzy. Lips peel back to reveal sharp teeth and pinkened gums, and to all of them, he would bark again. "You...you won't!"

His voice shakes as he picks his way forward. Oh unharmed, he sees him. All he wants to do is creep closer and welcome him for all his pilgrimage, but there's an itching in his skull. He may as well split the seems as they are. Sickening. He affords a frostburned glare to each of them before he meets him, the sun himself. "Do not wipe blood on those who have not earned it–! Think and y-you will not see such a face within the nooks of your mind! No raid, no... murder" The word seeps like venom, his claws scratch as if he seeks that very title for himself. "He is no WindClanner, he is... a victim of... circumstance."

And he does not keep himself from that closeness any longer. Despite all his quivering, he may fall still with only the brush of fur. He relishes in the for-once daylit touch, red on white. It is impossible to understand. Impossible to hate. How could you see a killer when he is all star-studded and bright smiles? Dawnglare breathes a deep breath; mouthful of heather. Who knows how long it would be so... Nose half-sunk in alabaster fur, he can't understand. "You look anything but a monster... I promise you." To think him anything similar... Skin-crawling, anything but possible.
Before the WindClan monstrosity can be driven from their forest, an accusatory hiss shatters the tension. "You-!" Auburn and white streaks in front of him, barring him from the white tom with wide pale eyes and bared fangs. "Y-you will do no such thing-!" Blazestar's own bristling pelt is briefly settled, if only in bafflement. The SkyClan medicine cat is furious, defying not only Blazestar, but the rest of the cats who would protect their borders from Sootstar's minions.

When Dawnglare's gaze meets Blazestar's again, it is full of indignation. The flame point cannot fathom that his friend is defending a WindClan cat from SkyClan claws, and he does not understand why. Dawnglare's words spill forth, unbidden and passionate, attempting to convince all present the grinning white tom is not a raider, not a murderer, but a victim of circumstance.

Blazestar begins to shake his head, prepares to fire back at Dawnglare and force him out of the way, but the words die in his throat. The medicine cat moves away from him, goes to the white warrior who stands amidst the pine needles, and brushes his pelt against the outsider's. "You look anything but a monster... I promise you."

Blazestar had never heard Dawnglare use that tone with another cat before, not anyone. His bewilderment begins to cloud like a sky sewn shut with stormclouds, and the tempest darkens the blue of his eyes. His medicine cat breathes the other's scent in, presses his nose into snow-pale fur, in an achingly familiar motion.

This cat is his mate. This cat is his lover.

The flame point's thick fur begins to spike again, and he breaks the line, quick and powerful strides bringing him face to face with Dawnglare. He uses an enormous golden paw to whirl him back around, forced to face his leader's wrath. "Who is this, Dawnglare? Who is this WindClan cat to you?" His voice is a near-scream, near-snarl of fury. "What have you done? What have you done!"

If Dawnglare were to look beyond Blazestar's bristling rage, he would see the shadows of a deep and aching betrayal behind his old friend's eyes.

The Ragdoll thinks that if he does not shout, he will crumble. He will break at the sight of Dawnglare curled into a WindClan warrior's side. "You know the law. You know what I lost!" His flanks begin to spasm, heave with the effort of keeping himself upright. Wild anger sprays from his mouth. "You- you saw her die! You saw her mother-"

Blazestar's rage crumbles like a monument built on unstable earth. There are tears in his eyes now, threatening to spill. "You saw everything I had to give up. Did it mean nothing to you?" His voice cracks. It's as though the rest of the SkyClan patrol has faded into a colorless background, as if the WindClan lover had been eclipsed by a betrayal so deep and profound it shrouds their world in shadow.

Chase them out, He commands, and Fireflypaw hesitates. His shut-eyed gaze moves to Figpaw, the tom's head shaking in his answer. He wasn't a fighter, he wasn't going to put blood on his paws if he could avoid it. However, the arrival of the high priest is one he was expecting to be more happy. More.. Welcoming. Dawn quickly spirals from Blazestar's words, moves to the side of the WindClanner and he touches the filth with such a tenderness he's never seen before. It's instinctive, the way he scoots further under Thistleback until he's more of a mere shadow than before. As if he can hide himself from the embarrassment.

His father speaks with a voice full of hurt, remembering the death of Morningpaw right before his eyes and Firefly.. Firefly hiccups. "Dad, please-" Not here. Do not shed more blood over her, please. Her name can't be bathed in it.. His face shifts into a shaking grin, emotions overwhelming but he holds himself with fear. His voice cracks. "Dad? Dad, come back to me." He croaks, a paw reaching out to prod at his father's side in an attempt to bring him back to where they were. Away from.. Whatever headspace he was stuck in. Betrayal, pain, grief. It's written all over his face, and Fireflypaw can do nothing but watch.

And so he falls silent finally, backing away until he's officially become Thistleback's own shadow, eyes open yet staring numbly at the ground. As if everything would disappear if he willed ignorance. You saw everything I had to give up. Did it mean nothing to you? Did it? He wondered. Dawnglare was no traitor, he was a divine being in Fi's eyes. But yet, he was falling for an enemy and defending him. Fireflypaw can't find it in him to look at his mentor anymore right now. Perhaps he would de-escalate this.

Windclanner at the border. Wants to join. Whispers-whispers-they travel through the camp and reach him and he is sprinting full force to join the patrol there despite knowing he shouldn't, despite knowing he was not allowed to be near because what if? What if it was one of his siblings? He knew they would not be allowed to join but just getting to see them would be enough, just getting to tell them he was alive and okay and to keep his presence here to themselves still. Dandelionwish appears just behind the cats present, breathless, panting, it takes a moment to see the bright white tom with his black paws past those clustered before him but he breaks into a smile once he does, "Mallowlark!"
The delight at seeing a friendly face, alive and well still, was quickly smothered out as the conversation caught up to him. He had known Dawnglare and Mallowlark were friends, close enough the velvet tom would spare SkyClan herbs to save the others life but...he didn't realize this was the extent of it. His heart broke at Blazestar's furious, tearful words, screaming his disbelief and betrayal and the chocolate limbed ex-WindClanner flattened his ears to his head and slowly backed back away. No, this was not the right time to ask questions and reunite with an old friend. His presence here was not going to help and he continues to back up until he is back shrouded in the safe shade of the treeline and mostly out of sight, but his mismatched gaze remains locked on the scene. Oh, Dawnglare, you absolute fool.
Dawnglare has a mate.

The realisation arrives paired with shock, at first. Really? He had a mate? If you'd asked Orangeblossom who she thought would have ben perpetually single in SkyClan, their feather-brained healer would have been near the top of that very short list (accompanied closely, for the information of any interested parties, by Slate) for his general unpleasantness. However, with what little she's just learned about Mallowlark through this first interaction, she supposes their personalities complement each other in some weird, unhinged way.

Dawnglare has a WindClan mate.

One extra word, a single element of the forest attached to a Clan, changes everything. Had Mallowlark carried the scent of any other group, she may have been less furious - but Orangeblossom bristles over this reveal. Dawnglare had always touted himself as high and mighty, above the rest of them as StarClan's chosen prophet; yet here he was all the same, flouting his codebreaking mate as if the warrior code, currently complete in its one and only principle, did not apply to him. Maybe there was a reason Haku had come to Fireflypaw instead of his senior.

Beneath her anger, the vindicated spark of betrayal (maybe this would be enough for SkyClan to finally be rid of this menace) gives way to a bitter jealousy. It twists her features into a look of disgust, scarred lips pulling into a snarl - but before she can even form any coherent thoughts, let alone words, Blazestar beats her to it and renders his deputy briefly silent in her surprise.

"Fi," she urges the apprentice quietly, a careful glance passed between the two adults, "leave it. He deserves this." It's unclear whether she means Dawnglare, on the receiving end of their leader's rare show of rage - or Blazestar himself, finally given a reason to allow his dammed up emotions over losing his mate to her Clan to slip through the cracks in his regal facade. Who knew, maybe she meant Mallowlark. Orangeblossom does not, however, want Fireflypaw caught in the crossing of claws that may be about to occur.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
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Reactions: Floppie
He is a mongrel in the name of all that he cannot understand. Attention hungry for once. Not listening as he so always did. Dawnglare meets the yowling with his own unwavering glare, star-given namesake so worryingly worn in the face of his friend. Blaise's questions are spat only with the goal of having him admit whatever he thought he was owed. Dawnglare steps further into his space, nothing but hellfire in his eyes. "He is my mate," he tells him plainly, and his teeth grit in an effort to not stoop to the childish screaming. But his friend is in such a mood to accuse, is he not? Anger is not so ugly when just, and his own is abruptly scalding within him. "I've done nothing!" he barks back.

What he would have done to see such anger directed at those who deserved it. It was the last thing he's ever expected, for the day Blaise screeched in fury to be for him– at him–! Who was it that Dawnglare spoke to? His friend or a madman?

About himself. About himself he cries. With this drivel, Dawnglare's frown is deep. Of course, of course, he never wished to see the bleak lump that had sat within his den before. Light thoroughly snuffed– for who would ever desire such a thing? A dreary world for the sun is a dreary world for them all. But no such risks were real for him. They never would be. (He could not possibly imagine–) His lips waver on a smile, but it's out of franticness, "I'm not... like you, I'm not." And his claws continue to tear at the ground– all-encompassing; all apologies– how could he be used to something like this? "Her body wep-t to the stars before my eyes!" he says, for he would never argue anything else. Why could these things not be iso n tandem? Why could he not long for a warmer nest whilst her death remained fresh in his mind?

The fierceness of Blaise's own misplaced feelings practically seems to make him sick and frail with delirium. Dawnglare can hardly stand to see him make so much a fool of himself. Dawnglare can only blink, appalled by this very claim. His eyes flare wise while Blaise's own spring with tears, and he cannot understand– "Do you think I like seeing you mope around like a wayward spirit? Of course it means something." His voice shakes, and his own legs nearly knock together in their franticness. "And why would this say that I am so pitiless?"

The thought festers in his mind amidst the heavy breaths he heaves. And he stares for a moment. Accusation floods ceremoniously from his tongue. "You don't want me to be happy," he declares. The realization is plain, but still, he crooks his head as if looking for that call and response. "I must relinquish what I must, because you had to. I assure you, what we have comes with no such risks," he spits, and an eye briefly falls to Fireflypaw, reduced to the same sniveling mess his father had been.

"It will do no harm to either of us– any of us." More than could be said for the other sniveling things Blaise had invited with open arms. Even now, a shout reveals the snake from within their ranks. Fiend, or liability, he would have to choose soon. "And if it ever does... you may see to it that we are taken care of, Blazestar."
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Reactions: Marquette


Figpaw cannot believe her senses, Mallowlark and Dawnglare were… mates?! The girl is stunned as Blazestar and Dawnglare begin to exchange tensed words, seeing tears swell in her leaders gaze was such an odd sight. Even though she respects her medicine cat more than she did prior to her stay in his den she finds herself inwardly jumping to her leader’s side. He was right, this was nothing but selfish, foolish, blasphemous!

”The warrior code has been broken!” She exclaims to her mother, to anyone who bothered to listen to her in the midst of this dispute. Surely StarClan frowns at them for this?! Their ire is what Figpaw fears the most.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

It turned accusatory, then- insolence, murderers, camp-raiders. Fangs split open to take a breath- a hurried one, for he'd have to be quick with his defence. A leader had given an order- and having lived under Sootstar's iron claws for so long, Mallowlark knew very well what happened when a leader ordered someone out of their sight. Thankfully, he was given no time to cry out in protest- dawn-painted, day touched, a furious phantom pushed through the crowd, body a barrier. In amazement, silver eyes flared.

No Windclanner- and a small nod jostled his head. WindClan had been on his home- had occupied it, and all he had wanted to do was live on the moors that had only ever been his, waiting for them all to eat each other. For no WindClan cause had he ever been passionate- his heart had long lay in the paws of a Skyclanner. His only regret was not arriving sooner- was choosing to stay on the moorland, rather than encroaching newer horizons.

He met Dawnglare's touch wordlessly, eagerly. Relief softened the empty harshness of his smile into something notably more genuine, though it was a short-lived wash of emotion, one soon seized by a shout. The leader, flame-painted face contorted in rage and something like agony, now set his fury upon his own kind- upon pine, rather than moor. His face fixed into a void of a smile, yet again. Nothingness occupied with the brightest grin he could muster- a good impression, he had to make a good impression. He could not risk losing this- if he lost this, he lost everything.

It was that sudden realisation, that fear, that made him stick close to Dawnglare's side- kept them close, because he feared if they were severed apart now they might not be able to find each other again. The eyes that found him were fought not to meet, and in the crowding he was sure he heard a voice- a familiar, lilting call of his name. Attention snagged for a moment, among the Skyclanners and smelling a lot less like herbs and heather- Dandelionwish. Again, the light in his eyes returned- but the ferocity with which Blazestar shouted snuffed it again.

Dawnglare returned with fervour- with a definitive answer. He is my mate- and Mallowlark's failure to refute it was an endorsement in itself. Why should he lie and claim it was false? It was the reason he was here, after all. The reason he had run to these pines, the reason he now intended to stay within them. To see a moonlit ghost in impossible sunlight- to live the dream they had spoken of so many times. A land together. It must be here- it could not exist on those moors. Poisoned, stolen moors.

His grin had wavered very much once Blazestar's voice had crumbled into tearfulness- markedly unenthusiastic, the only remnants of his smile stayed as habit and force, now. If he slipped into anything else, they might think him what they accused- a murderer, a ferocious beast, there to attack them. All he wanted was this sun-kissed closeness- not to endanger a life. And with war mounting, animosity building between the pines and the moors- this way, he would never break the code. He would never refuse to bare fangs and claws against his love because it was here. As Dawnglare finished- claiming that if any harm came out of their union here, the leader could do as he liked- Mallowlark nodded his head.

"I'll do anything." And it was all the promise he could give with all the sincerity in his heart. His smile showed no teeth, anymore- his wide gaze swam with genuine worry, though it stayed as star-wide as ever. His lips wobbled with the ache of his curved maw- with the fear he might have ruined it all. As painful as temporary separation had been there had never been this threat of permanence, this tugging stress that should this be refused he might never see Dawnglare again. The perfect dream of what this might have been had shattered- but he prayed there would be pieces of it to gather up.
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Of any clan you could toy with the sanctity of a code by with your friend’s sacrifice. Dawnglare had committed an act without claws, that cut so deeply. Within moments, a truth is revealed- harsh words froth from two friends as a gorge practically rips between them. One whos duty is to guide, the other- to heal. One is as of late losing his way, the other- doing harm.

Returning from his perimeter check, he eyes the edges of the clearing for Quillstrike’s own return. Fireflypaw is reaching for his father, but ultimately falling under the piebald’s shadow.

He narrowly missteps with the absolute shock rippling down his coat where his ribs dance under hackle and scruff. " I know bloody well Dawnglare did not just say mate " he speaks breathlessly because disgust combs through his guts, he feels sick with the sudden display of white brushing auburn. The mix of Windclan salts and evergreen were never meant to mix, enemies- for an eternity should Thistleback live it. The smell of rabbit hills on his son had been just as unacceptable. Prejudice and hatred melt over his maw. With a star-forsaken Windclanner, no fucking less.

This thing has the gall to smile like a thickheaded cow, uninjured and reeking with audacity. Dandelionwish greets them cheerily, it stokes his ire. Hypocritical swine, he recalls the council’s verdict on his own son seeking actual refuge. Dawnglare had been adamantly against it, so much so he had slobbered like a dog in the madness of his vote. He feels his backteeth crackle with the pressure he puts on them. For once, Dawnglare’s words are taken very seriously. Every syllable, meets battle nicked ears. This clan, had not only terrorized his children, stolen one, cut his throat- and continue to put pressure on an ever-bending stick.

Thistleback rolls his shoulders and settles on his haunches, willing his snarl into a scowl. His lip twitches but he flicks his eyes to the apologetic scoundrel. " broken by the one who delivers us messages from Starclan, no less " he adds to Figpaw’s shout with his own even tone.

I’ll do anything. Evidently, the lead cocks his chin back and tilts his skull almost as if facinated. " I almost admire it. How one can be so cold, as to willingly join enemy forces that killed one of their own clanmates in battle. Had that warrior lived his life, so that thieves could raid for herbs from your Skyclan mate? what a sick and confusing mess you’ve both made. " Thistleback prattles in a way he hopes cuts the stranger deep. He’d not raise a claw, no- there were other ways to injure. If Blazestar wished to allow his friend’s unorthodox happiness, so it shall be.

" bizarre " he pukes the word out, but ultimately falls to respectful silence with a lifted brow. His trust and understanding that had blossomed for the medicine cat, now shriveled and dried down to the root. Dawnglare’s loneliness, was a product of his own design, now wonder. He’d decided to take an enemy as his lover.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png