
Apr 28, 2024
It seemed like forever since his mother was forced in the medicine den, ever since that strange beast hurt Rivuletkit and her. Him and Algaekit were forced to hold the forth down with their grandmother, but eventually his little sister returned to him. A plush tail sways back and forth as he stumbles out the nursery, his tufted curled ears flicking at the bustling of noises. It was so loud today. His large frame comes to a stop eventually as a drifting feather catches his attention, glancing behind him at Algaekit and Rivuletkit. The kittens of Brookstorm and Robinheart no longer had oceanic blue eyes but ranging from greens and yellows━ mini mimic eye colors of Brookstorm and Algaekit with a softer tone of Robinheart.

”I pro-tec-t you tew.” Redkit would respond as he protectively stands near his smaller siblings, looking around in search of where the famously known Moonbeam would go. She smelled like mom that one day, so wherever she held his mother hostage━ Robinheart would be there. That was basically how it went, if he remembered right? Whatever. They missed their mother and as much as they loved their Grandmother, they missed their mother. Her face was becoming a vague memory from how long she's been gone in his small brain, and he didn't want to forget the pretty angelic face of his mother.

@ALGAEKIT @rivuletkit ; but no need to wait!

Algaekit missed her family. She wondered, how could that be? Robinheart and Rivuletkit had been just in Moonbeam's den, as though the two basked in the coldness of shame, where the hurt cats went to get their boo-boos all fixed up. Robinheart and Rivuletkit had gotten hurt from that strange beast with the thunderous rumbling, she had surmised thus far. But those hurt would always be healed, right? Perhaps it was just a waiting game, and the child hardly held onto such a mercurial thing such as his patience. He waited just by Willowroot's side, like the lacuna within his heart could be fulfilled just by the warmth of another belly, though even he knew it was not the same. Staring upon the maw of the woven den, he would always expect to spot tortoiseshell hues and hail-stone shades tailing right after her. By the third day, she had already given up... Perceptive as Algae was in his youth, she knew how absence glowed in brittle light, how the days seemed all the less fun without her mother and her sister. And Moonbeam hardly liked her waddling all over her den, bitter-smelling leaves sticking to pinpricks of fur. So, she waited.

Maybe she hoped so hard that Starclan had granted her piercing gaze of yellow, like a blank sun melting down to her face, giving her the grace to see as she was. In fact, he had taken to staring a little too hard, like he reveled completely in the boon that had already been handed to him. Good things were worth keeping an eye on, he mused. Better things would never release her attention. "Okay." Algaekit trilled at Redkit's proposition, happy to allow her impassioned brother to take the helm, with refulgent energy and splendorous voice alike. The mostly-ivory kitten stood just besides Redkit, blinking owlishly at him and the world that opened up its cavities to her. "Can I... pro-pro-teck?" Unsure voice lilted upon the large word that Redkit had just uttered, tongue incubating such winded verses and maw spitting them out clumsily. She had always been the quieter one compared solely to her brother, but that hardly made her less adventurous nor talkative.

Robinheart's kits. Claythorn had been there when Robinheart was attacked, stood between the dog and them while it was chased off. Now, they were sorely missing their mother- she assumed that Moonbeam had been careful in limiting playtime, given Robinheart's leg. A soft breath left her, vision turning towards the kits. And as she remembered, their eyes had changed colors. Ears perked gently at the realization, her own mismatched golds studying for a long time.

Claythorn finally pushed to her paws, and her words were quiet when she spoke. "Protect." She hummed the word out, ensuring each syllable was easily heard. She sat down not too far away, if the kits were unsure- but close enough they could leap at her if they truly wished. "That's.. brave of you, Redkit, to do that." Claythorn murmured. She was still studying their eyes, but that was something she swept her gaze away from and mentioned instead.

"You three know your eyes have changed? You're getting older." Claythorn said softly, her head tilting in thought. Now, she didn't dare take them to the water's edge without a queen's permission, especially right now, but it would be the easiest way to let them see their own changes.
  • "speech"
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  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"I think so... it would be the time to anyhow." Hazecloud mewed in agreement to Claythorn. She looked down at the three of them, two sharing their mothers curled feathery ears and blooming spring gazes.

Brookstorm's form filled so much in her kittens and she recalled the conversation she had with Robinheart late at night. When her cheeks couldn't stay dry for a moment between the tears and her kittens struggled to sleep from the distress of their mother. Newborns they had been then, ears and eyes sealed from the chaos.

"Such pretty greens! They look just like Brookstorm's, and Algaekit, you have Robinheart's beautiful yellow eyes. Would you like to see, in your reflection?" The shallows were calm enough that the ripples shouldn't make it too difficult.


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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.


Protect. The word came unbroken and rigid, unlike Algaekit's murmur of a satin voice, paisley verses not yet as confident on their own as a warrior's booming cry. Algaekit did not truly understand what the word meant, though down-fluff brain reasoned that it was what Redkit had done. Standing in front of him, allowing him to bask in his shadows... That was what 'protect' was, he reasoned. Owlish gaze stared at Claythorn as she spoke softly and stolidly, Algae's own gaze a glassy lens, reflecting all that dared entrapped themselves in her vision. Like her mother and her grandmother, the warriors were so tall... Would she ever grow to be that way? It seemed impossible to be so far off the ground, to have to bend down in ignominy in order to even touch it with one's nose. Hazecloud said that she saw her mother in his own eyes, brilliant yellows swirling in sun's essence - and her mother was her sun, her light, her guide. She had her mother within her, even as she was gone. The thought filled Algae with a giddy sort of childish excitement, the kind what she knew of when she got a toy she wanted or a piece of prey she loved. "Mhm." Algaekit's head bobbed as though it floated slightly along stilled waters. "Wanna see."

  • OOC:
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  • —— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 2 Moons
    —— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

Rivuletkit had not wanted to leave her mother. The event had been done with kicking and screaming and tears that bubbled at the corners of her eyes - and yet with a well fluttered feather and a fancy new meal, the she-kit all but forgot her transgression with whomever took her away. She nestled at the crest of Apricotflower's belly night after night, then, and it felt wrong. She woke up time and time again, whimpered into the dark, humid air, and was lulled to sleep over and over by any queen awake enough to help.

She, like her brothers, just wanted her mother. It seems that she is the only one who's memory has yet to fade as badly.

She trails them, tall ears twisting around to listen to the sounds surrounding them. Redkit says something, Algaekit repeats - Hazecloud and a warrior come to correct their pronunciation, and purr about their... eyes. Rivuletkit blinks, as if she can see her own hues if she does so hard enough. Those around her would've hardly noticed the gradual transition from blue to green, however now they are near stunningly so. The color of grass and reeds, of underwater weeds being tugged by a current. She blinks again, thinking of Brookstorm. The name is familiar in the same way that the term RiverClan is. An untouchable but important entity... maybe she'd learn more of it another day.

The kitten squeaks, babbles, clicks her tongue, and then spouts, "Re-flllluck-" a trill, as she tries to manage the in between noises, "Err... See! See! Eyes!!" Excitement causes her to bounce on the heels of her paws, though any warrior with eyes of their own would see that despite being cleared from the medicine den, she still favors her previously injured foreleg.​

( ) she finds herself almost a queen again in the amount of time she's spent around the nursery these days. robinheart is confined to the medicine den, swathed in oily poultices and kept down by poppyseed drowsiness. her children are in the care of apricotflower's grandmotherly paws and willowroot's own. with many a help from the various queens who populate the nursery, they've managed to corral the trio of two-moon-olds into some semblance of normal life. willowroot is the 'visiting mom in the medicine den, playing outside, and mealtimes' caretaker, with apricotflower taking on nights, and the other queens serving as fill ins for when either of them are busy.

today, willowroot returns from patrol, and dismisses midnightpaw for a break to find her charges already stumbling from their den. "hullo little minnow," she purrs to redkit as she approaches, cranium swooping down to touch the tabby boy's head with the tip of her nose. his siblings creep out next, algaekit babbling a response to his brother, rivuletkit quietly following. claythorn lays nearby, soft voice cooing at the three kittens. willowroot offers her fellow warrior a smile, twitching her sole ear in agreement. hazecloud appears at the nursery's entrance, following the little ones from their home and purrs a consensus. "hazecloud is right, minnows, you've got beautiful eyes." it's hard enough to look at curled ears and slate pelts and see brookstorm in them. the verdant gaze that now lives on in two out of three of her niece's children is enough to form a lump in willowroot's throat if she's not careful.

blinking their own sage hued optics, they turn towards the softly flowing river. the dark smoke moves gently to the side to allow the queen to to exit the nursery and accompany the brood. "come take a look," they offer their charges, gesturing towards the shallows where little pools of rainwater and riverwater mix to create puddles perfect for splashing, or a mirror, as the case may be.

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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.
Foxkit crouched nearby, keeping a watchful eye on his younger adoptive siblings. He purred, amused by the three's realization that their eyes had changed. Foxkit didn't remember when his eyes had changed. His mother had spent so much time keeping the wobbly tom away from the water's edge that he rarely looked at his own reflection, and he supposed that the change in his littermates had been so gradual that none of them had noticed. Rising to his paws, Foxkit trotted towards the water's edge, gingerly nosing the younger kittens in Willowroot's direction. "Come on!" he chirped. "Let's go and see!"