PANDEMONIUM - Blobls character hub

Formerly known as Badger and Bonecrusher
— Badger for her colors, Strike for her prowess in battle.
— Female \ She/her \ Bisexual
— 30 moons \ ages 1st of every month
— Warrior of Thunderclan


???? X ????
— Sister of Rabbitnose and Sweetybee (Npc)

— mother/father/parent to none



A large scarred blue molly with black and low white.
— Badgerstrike stands tall and wears her scars proudly. Her fur is coarse from her rough lifestyle and her scars litter her body just about everywhere. Bright yellow eyes pierce the soul and sharp teeth are always flashed in a grin. She is large, weighing at about 18 pounds.

— Three claw marks over an eye, a mark between her eyes, and three on her cheek. Her shoulders have very noticable scars along them as well. She has a scar on her back, and hindlegs as well. Her ear has a pretty big tear in it.
— Her torn ear often aches, but it doesn't bother her. She is unstoppable.


✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Courageous, Protective
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Understanding, Observant, Critical, which can go either way
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bullheaded, Bloodthirsty, Short tempered

Badger is an extremely eager battle hungry molly. So much so, that she designated herself as her small groups protector even when there were already two perfectly good protectors already. She actively looks for the strongest cats to contend with.

Badger is eager to learn, eager to take on any challenge, and eager to take on whatever is thrown her way. She renamed herself along her journeys, she chose Bonecrusher because not only is that what she does, it also forces those addressing her to acknowledge her strength.

Badger may be a bloodthirsty brute, but she is not without loyalty. She fights fiercest when protecting her family and clan.
— Chaotic Good
suffers from any mental illnesses? None


talents, experience? what are they good at?
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
Poor at being gentle and sweet. Sucks at weaving. Dislikes tedious chores, sitting still for too long, and peace, to an extent.

peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay?

smells like blood probably
VA is Envy from FMA
— penned by [@Blobl]


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Formerly known as Rabbit
— Rabbit for his quickness, nose for his tracking prowess
— Male\ He/Him \Bisexual
— 54 moons \ ages the 1st of each month
— Warrior of Thunderclan


????? X ????
— Brother of Badgerstrike and Sweetybee (Npc)

MATE TO @Sunfreckle
— Father of @Sparkpaw @MOUSEPAW ! @Dovekit~! @mossypaw and @FRECKLEPAW!



A blue tom with high white and blue eyes.
— Rabbitnose is covered in blue splotches. He is lean, muscles can be seen rippling under his near silken fur. His tail is short, having been bitten off by a dog before he joined Thunderclan. Despite his strength, he has a very soft and kind demeanor. Less noticeable is his vitiligo, Mostly noticeable on his face.

— Half missing tail. Recently acquired a torn ear and chest scars from a dog.


✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, compassionate, gentle
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Calm, careful, romantic
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Hesitant, too soft sometimes, easy to provoke, prone to putting things in his mouth he FUCKING SHOULDNT

Rabbitnose is kindhearted and gentle. He helps those who need it, and is fiercely protective of the weak. He will fight tooth and nail for his clan who so graciously gave him and his mate a home. While he is stalwart in battle, he is a bit of a pushover socially.

He is a hopeless romantic, and is always seen with or near Sunfreckle and their kits. He loves his family dearly.

His energy is boundless and he may seem childish at times....And he may have a habit of putting things in his mouth..... But rest assured, he is capable of being a responsible adult.

Rabbitnose has a near crippling fear of water from being swept away by a flash flood in his early days in the clan. He doesn't even fear dogs as much as the river. And he's pretty afraid of them too!

— Lawful Good

talents, experience? what are they good at?
Excellent hunter and tracker, proud of his quick reflexes, confident in his strength in battle

what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
Poor at handling stress and anxiety. Disllikes being put in charge too much.

peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay?

smells like the forest floor
Has a smooth, honeyed voice
— penned by [ @Blobl ]


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Formerly Sparkkit, Sparkpaw
— Spark, for his fiery orange pelt. Named after Sunfreckle.
— Male \ He/him \ He dont know yet
— 17 moons \ ages on the 25th of each month
— Apprentice of Thunderclan


@Sunfreckle X @Rabbitnose
— Brother to @MOUSEPAW ! @FRECKLEPAW! @mossypaw and @Dovekit~! (dead)

— mother/father/parent to none

— previously mentored none
— mentored by @WOLFWIND


A fluffy red tabby with blue eyes
— A strong, fluffy red tabby. Sparkpaw is big, and his fluff makes him look even bigger. His fur is often a mess and leaf litter can often be found stuck to it. Despite that, he keeps himself groomed.

— Has a scar on his face from a fight with Poppypaw
— any ongoing illnesses


✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Strong, Loyal, Compassionate
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Energetic, Playful, Understanding
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: A little too sympathetic, Naive, Short Tempered
— longer personality description Sparkwing is a fiery young cat with a good heart and a strong sense of justice. He isnt afraid to put himself in harms way to protect the weak and innocent or his family, no matter the cost. He is a bit of a bleeding heart and will sometimes show compassion to his enemies. He knows he shouldn't, but he believes kindness can solve problems too. He is loud, rambunctious and silly, and will sometimes play harmless or silly pranks on other cats.
— Lawful Good

suffers from any mental illnesses?


talents, experience? what are they good at?

Excellent at hunting, will become a great fighter
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?

Not so good at thinking under pressure, hates tedious chores, like tick duty.
peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay?

smells like dirt and leaves
Has a loud voice, but one that can be just as soft.
— penned by [ @Blobl ]

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— Named Sweetybee, for her stripelike spots and her sweet attitude.
— Female \ She/her \ Bisexual
— 30 moons \ Ages 1st of each month
— Daylight warrior of Skyclan


??? X ???
— sibling to @Rabbitnose and @Badgerstrike

— mother/father/parent to NONE

— previously mentored none
— mentored by none


A soft calico with sky blue eyes and a pink ribbon.
— A soft furred calico lady with spots on her back resembling stripes. Sky blue eyes shyly look at anyone who engages her, and a bushy striped tail sways behind her as she walks. A pink ribbon adorns her neck. Under that soft fur there is muscle, however. She appears soft and dainty, but surviving in the wild has given her the strength and stamina needed to hold her own.

— None

Compassionate, kind, determined
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Quiet, patient, trusting
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Jealous, vindictive, airheaded
— Sweetybee is a friendly, gentle lady who treats everyone with kindness and loves the company of others. She tries to make everyone smile, tries to be a shoulder to lean on in trying times. She likes her space, and often sits among groups to listen to them while not being directly involved. Kind and caring as she is, she is not without her secrets. Parts of her that no one ever sees. Sweetybee is prone to jealousy when it comes to friends/mates. She is aware of this, and tries to push it down. She knows her friends/mates are allowed to talk to other cats, she's just being selfish. If she is wronged however, she will remember your name and face for all eternity. She will hold this grudge until it is settled or she dies. She knows its petty.....But revenge is the sweetest flavor. Buried under all that is her bloodlust, inherited by parents she barely knew. She displays her ill intent differently than her siblings.

While Rabbit and Badger show their ire openly, Sweetybee is more subtle. You'll find yourself experiencing small sllights by her. A bump, a wrong name, briefly ignoring you under the guise of spacing out. When no one is looking, her sweet facade drops and she stares at you with utmost distaste. Publicly shes as sweet as ever, but alone... She is colder. A viper ready to strike when the time is right.

suffers from any mental illnesses?


talents, experience? what are they good at?
Sweetybee is an expert flower picker and weaver. She loves making flower crowns and weaving flowers into nests and dens.

what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
She is terrible at being a leader. Don't ask her to lead anything. She prefers to be a follower, thinking others probably know better than she does, or are better suited for a task than she.

peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay? Yes
smells like vanilla, courtesy of her twoleg
Sweetybee has a very soft, quiet voice
— penned by [ @Blobl ]



Azaleakit, Azaleapaw
— In some cultures, the azalea is sent to another as a death threat because of its toxicity.
— Female\ she/her \ bisexual
— 16moons \ ages the first of every month
— Apprentice of Windclan


✧ ?????? X ??????
— No siblings
✧ MATE TO...?
— mother/father/parent to...?

— previously mentored ?
— mentored by ?


✧ short description
A blue and white molly with long fur and a deceptively fragile figure.
— longer description.
Long blue and white fur flows in the wind as amber eyes look upon the landscape with an unreadable expression. Her figure stands tall, with long legs and an agile form. She appears as delicate as the flower she is named for, but the black claws hidden in their sheaths tell that she is anything but.
— use multiple bullet points if wanted/needed

— A chest scar is hidden by her fur from an attack on Riverclan.


✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, determined, Protective, Caring
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bitter, Judgemental, Vindictive, probably always seething
— Azalea has seethed and hated those around her entire life. She is venomous, vindictive, bloodthirsty and waits for the downfall of most of Windclan with a face void of expression. She keeps her facade going with ease, not often showing any kind of emotion. It is a method of self defense, and it only fails when her emotions are extreme. She has dedicated her life to rising through the ranks and becoming one of Windclan's best warriors out of spite. She wants to force the wildborn cats to acknowledge and respect her while knowing she is of kittypet origin.

So strong is this drive, that she does not know much else about herself.

— Lawful Nuetral

talents, experience? what are they good at?
Azalea is good at observing and gathering information. She is also good at fighting.
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
She is poor at weaving but does her best anyways. She hates tick duty because listening to elders ramble on drives her insane.
peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay?
smells like grass and lavender
sounds like ?
— penned by [ @Blobl ]

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Sprout, Yewberry
— name meaning
Yewberry, also known as death berries.
Irispath, a flower symbolizing new beginnings and Path, for the path he has walked to get there.
— Intersex\ He/him \ Bisexual
— 45 moons \ 1st of each month
— Windclan Tunneler

???? X ????
— siblings

✧ MATE TO...?
— mother/father/parent to...?
@sparkspirit @Larkfeather ! @Morningsong~ (But not really, sshhhhhh)

— previously mentored ?
— mentored by ?

A small lilac tom with amber eyes and littered with scars.
— Tired sunset amber eyes stare despondently across the land as lilac fur is ruffled in the wind. The scars littering his pelt only serve as reminders of his failures, and the ones on his face, reminders of what he left behind.

— scars, current physical injuries
His pelt is littered with scars, the most recognizeable being the X on his face.

Kind, Compassionate
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Quiet, Hard working
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Wishy washy, cowardly, self depreciative, Impulsive
— Irispath is anxious and jumpy. He speaks with a nervous stutter, and his voice cracks when raised from lack of use in such a way. He has a good heart, always wants to stand up for what is right and just, and cares about his friends and family. However, Irispath does not think ahead. He often speaks before he thinks, and is often unable to commit to what he's gotten himself into. He is prone to outbursts of emotion, which led to his exile.
He spends most of his time moping, beating himself up over his actions, and drowning in self loathing for abandoning his family in Windclan. It is his deepest regret, and he very likely will never recover from it.
Constant bullying and time as a loner has changed him, making him more cynical and and willing to slit throats. He holds very little respect for the clans, and regrets ever choosing to join them. He is very bitter.

— Neutral

talents, experience? what are they good at?
He is good at navigating tight spaces due to being a tunneler, and is a Professional Flower Picker
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
Poor at following orders he doesn't agree with.
peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay?
smells like ?
Formerly smelling of lavender, he now smells of the twolegplace.
sounds like ?
Beni (Genshin Impact)
— penned by [ @Blobl ]

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Morningkit, Morningpaw
— Morning, for the rising sun and the calmness of dawn.
— Male\ He/him\ He doesn't know
— 10moons \ Ages on the 15th of every month
— Apprentice of Windclan

Elmbreeze X Echolight
— siblings
@Larkpaw ! @sparkpaw.

✧ MATE TO...?
— mother/father/parent to...?

— previously mentored ?
— mentored by ?
Gorseprickle, who is dead


A lilac and red tabby chimera with soft green eyes.
— He stands on long legs as he observes the the sun rising on the moors. Short lilac and red tabby patched fur is ruffled by the breeze and a long tail stands tall behind him. Soft green eyes close as he takes a breath, breathing in the air of a new day.

Kind, Compassionate, Gentle, Optimistic, Disciplined
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Quiet, often stands by during conflict he is not involved in
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Anxious, Prone to giving in to darker thoughts, Holds grudges
— Morningsong prides himself on his control. He is calm and compassionate, having an optimistic disposition and is kind to others. He maintains his composure very well even if he is anxious most of the time due to eyes always being on him because of his heritage. He takes insults and wary comments with a smile, unwilling to let them get under his skin.

Kind and gentle as he is, he is not without a darker side that begs to see the light of day. Insults are responded to kindly but with a faint undertone of venom. He won't start fights, but he'll finish them. All the while he will smile like he always has. If he or his siblings are wronged, he will hold a grudge against whoever it was and will often watch them to make sure they don't do it again. He does not crave blood nor violence, but he will splatter your blood on the floor if he has to.

Morningsong has pride in knowing that his family has roamed the moors for far longer than Windclan has, and often considers himself higher than most of the clan. He considers his family to be the true royalty of the moors. Even though his family is looked down on, Morningsong wants to create his own legacy, to leave his own mark upon the moors.

— Has an aversion to blood. It makes him uncomfortable, though this isnt debilitating.
— He often speaks with a nervous stutter.
— He shuffles his paws as a nervous habit. If it's really bad, he'll chew his claws.
— He greets everyone every morning with a sing songy Good Morning~

— Lawful Good


✧ talents, experience? what are they good at?
Morningsong is good at weaving, hunting, and is an Expert Flower Picker tm
✧ what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
Morningsong is poor at confrontation and dislikes fighting, but by god he will GET YOU if he has to.
✧ peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay?
✧ smells like ?
✧ sounds like ?
Allen Walker from D.Grayman
— penned by [ @Blobl ]

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Spider Lily
— name meaning
After the red spider lily, a flower symbolizing death and sorrow.
— Female\ She/her \ Bisexual
— 46moons\ ages 1st of every month
— Warrior of Windclan

???? X ????
— siblings

✧ MATE TO...?
@Jasperglare (Ex) @Juniperfrost (Dead)
— mother/father/parent to...?

— previously mentored ?
— mentored by ?

A dark seal point with blue eyes
— Dark fur and darker points cover her lithe form, a long tail flows behind her. Soft blue eyes betray the ice behind them. She walks without a sound, claws as black as night wondering when they will shed blood once more.


Composed, quick witted, Cares for those close to her, has a sense of humor
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Observant, obedient
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Brooding, vengeful, bloodthirsty for the blood of those who've wronged her, coldhearted
— Spiderbloom is as calm as a long frozen forest, beautiful yet dangerous. She follows orders with precision, a hardened heart allowing her to show no mercy or remorse for any blood she may spill. She is highly observant of her surroundings and fellows, she will not be caught off guard by an attack or betrayal. She is quick to reply to insults or comments. She will not sit and take any disrespect.

Her sense of humor can range from childish to morbid, and its certainly not for everyone. She doesn't care.
— She is incredibly vengeful. Wrong her, and you have an enemy for life. She will jump at any chance to cause you misfortune or kill you.
— Lawful Neutral
suffers from any mental illnesses?

talents, experience? what are they good at?
Spiderbloom excells in combat. She is good at memorizing scents for hunting prey both edible and not.
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
She is poor at expressing her emotions. She isnt used to opening up and showing vulnerability. She dislikes border patrols to Riverclan because she can't just. Reach over and snap someone's neck and not start a whole kerfuffle.
peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay?
smells like ?
She smells like the grass on the moors
sounds like ?
Yotsuyu from FFXIV
— penned by [you!]

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➸ name meaning?
Frost, his name given at birth, and bite, for his ferocity.
➸ previous names?
➸ age?
47 moons
➸ position in clan?
➸ gender/sexuality?
Afab, identifies as male. He's not sure what his sexuality is.

➸ relationship status?


A large snowy white tom with icy blue eyes.
➸ long desc
A large tom with fur as white as newfallen snow. His fur is thick and fluffy, hiding the muscle that lies beneath. His icy blue eyes look sharply ahead, and he stands tall and proud among his clanmates. In the swamps he can be considered ethereal, like a strange spirit haunting the marsh for how eerie he looks against the dull and muddy colors and how his gaze pierces through any onlookers. Large paws hold sharp, black claws that have hooked into countless victims, whether they be prey or foe.
A tear in his left ear from raid stealing prey from Thunderclan.

Frostbite lives up to his name. He is as cold and unforgiving as frostbite itself, and his glare carries the chill of frozen mountain peaks. He serves his clan loyally and doesn't hesitate to defend it from any perceived threat. Frostbite shows no mercy to enemies of Shadowclan or his family. His short temper may get him in trouble sometimes, but he always admits to his mistakes and accepts whatever punishment is deemed fit.

While he may come off as cold and irritable, Frostbite is warm and caring to those who get to know him and those he considers himself close to. He'll make lighthearted jokes and tease his clanmates, but he never means anything bad by it. Shadowclan is his fucked up little family.

➸ Lawful Good

➸ any mental illnesses etc

easy / hard to form platonic relationships
easy / hard to form romantic relationships
➸ mate of? crushing on?
➸ parent to?
@GRACEKIT. @Wolfkit @POPPYKIT @Ptarmigankit
➸ child of?
Blossom and Downpour
➸ sibling to?



➸ name meaning?
Garlic, for her cowlick and scruffy fur.
➸ previous names?
➸ age?
6 moons
➸ position in clan?
Apprentice of Shadowclan
➸ gender/sexuality?
Cis female, doesn't know her sexuality
➸ relationship status?

A scruffy blue torbie with low white and blue eyes.
➸ long desc
A scruffy torbie with what could be a luxurious mane if groomed properly. Her coat is often scruffy with dirt clinging to it. Garlicpaw is strong, her muscles are developing from hunting. Which makes her even more scruffier and dirt spotted.
➸ scars/injuries

Garlicpaw is impish and silly, childish and sometimes immature. She's not the brightest crayon in the box, though she always does her best and shows everyone in her clan affection, usually friendly headbumps. She sees all her clanmates as friends, as one big family.

➸ alignment
Chaotic Lawful
➸ any mental illnesses etc

easy / hard to form platonic relationships
easy / hard to form romantic relationships
➸ mate of? crushing on?
➸ parent to?
probably a million snails
➸ child of?
@Halfshade and @smogmaw
➸ sibling to?

@APPLEPAW @swanpaw @ASHENPAW @Halfkit @Birdkit @TANGLEKIT



Red, for her fur, and path, for the bloody paws she walked in with and her pledge to serve the clan.
➸ previous names?
➸ age?
52 moons, ages 1st of each month
➸ position in clan?
emotional support (Warrior)
➸ gender/sexuality?
AMAB Bisexual
➸ relationship status?

A vibrant orange tabby with one blue eye and one yellow eye and one white paw.
Redpath is a large, muscled molly with several scars and a lively orange pelt. Her eyes are bright and shining, rarely ever dulled. One paw is dipped in white.
➸ scars/injuries
Across her head, on her neck and shoulder, and a torn ear.

Redpath is goofy and silly and always genuine regardless of how stupid she acts. Even though she's not the brightest, she is very strong and very loyal to Riverclan. She takes pride in her combat abilities, as well as her fishing prowess. She may not seem like the smartest or wisest cat, but she does have her moments of maturity, especially if a situation calls for it.
➸ alignment
Chaotic Good

➸ easy / hard to form platonic relationships
➸ easy / hard to form romantic relationships
➸ mate of? crushing on?
➸ parent to?
several rocks
➸ child of?
➸ sibling to?