pafp Panic sits before me in a newly painted coat || competition


he's out of pocket
Apr 26, 2023

Please wait for @WOLFGRIN to post!

This is a friendly competition since leafbare is coming up! They have till sundown to bring home the most prey, and whoever wins gets first pick after elders, queens, and kits eat! We will be using flat dice rolls that beat 12 to see if yc catches something! Maybe about 5 turns each? That hasn't been decided and is dependent on how many are interested! Thank you for participating!


He could already feel the unsettling cold on his whiskers and nose as he pulled himself from the warriors den. Olive eyes peered from the entrance, ears flattened and form cautious as he shook off loose moss from his pelt before slinking forward. Always, the small warrior felt like each step he would be picked up by a hawk, his eyes scanning the skies at the mere thought. Or something bad was going to happen as they never seemed to catch much of a break. A cloud here and there dotted the sky, and the sun on the horizon would surely bring warmth later in the day. But it didn't mean that Shrewflight felt like leafbare would happen tomorrow, the leaves were already falling and he feared that next thing they all knew, they would be starving.

A small exhale as he approached other warriors, ducking his way to the sidelines of the group as they shared morning tongues before patrols and duties would arise. When finally it was appropriate to speak, he would still find himself hesitant. "G-good morning," he squeaked, small paws kneading the ground.

"Maybe, we c-can get the apprentices and others in, um... Maybe a competition.." he didn't ever have many leading ideas, but it sounded fun at least to him. "T-to gather the most p-p-prey..?" If only he could get his ideas out faster, stuttering along and feeling anxiety clench his stomach at how long it took to get anything out. "And, winner.. th-they get first pick! After... After queens, k-kits, elders eat-"


Shrewflight isn't alone in his dread, though Wolfgrin's reasons are different than his; this will be the first leaf-bare after Flamefeather's death, and he won't have his mate's plush fur to warm him. Leaves drop from the trees, as vibrant orange as the dead cat's pelt. With each one that falls in the corner of his vision, he thinks he sees it - the specter, still burning - only to find a simple orange leaf on the ground. He needs a distraction, badly, but going through the motions of routine Clan life opens up too much time for him to reminisce and see shadows in his peripheral vision.

Thankfully, Shrewflight unknowingly offers him what he needs. Counting kills will fill up his mind too much to fit memories of Flamefeather. Quickly finishing his morning wash, he straightens up and nods to the anxious warrior. "Sounds like fun," he observes. "I'll join in." In spite of his lingering grogginess, he gives the small cat what he hopes is a friendly smile. It comes out fainter than he intended, he can feel how it barely tugs at his mouth. Oh, well.

She doesn't mean to eavesdrop, it was simply rather easy to rather she intended to or not. Owlheart would like to think that she didn't have a competitive streak, she tried to keep things like that out of her mindset but sometimes things capture her interest. The discussion between Shrewflight and Wolfgrin is the most recent thing to break her resolve for both eavesdropping and for not being competitive, a casual competition like that did sound fun. It would be a great way to involve the apprentices of the camp in hunting and a good excuse to add more to the pile. The weather was turning to colder temperatures so she knew that it was truly only a matter of time before the prey becomes sparce, so something like this might be a fantastic incentive to foster morale.

Plus, she was sure that a lot of warriors, herself included, fall into routine. Relying on skills without a proper challenge, she is aware that change is natural and happens over time but sometimes a push like this wouldn't hurt in a refresher for basic skills. "Ah, sorry. Do you think I could join?" She didn't want to presume that she would be allowed participation but it did seem like it was open to both warriors and apprentices. "Would we be hunting from the ground or the trees?" Her curiosity pushed her to try and feel out the parameters, wanting to know just how difficult this could potentially be.

Owlheart was eager for the premise, the idea of potentially being allowed to eat from the prey pile early was appealing, not because she was hungry but there was a possibility that Oddgleam may still be eating by then. It would be a nice experiencing to eat together again, while she's aware that sharing prey is a thing that they could do she did miss eating separate prey together.

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Lingering near Owlheart, Hollypaw too finds his ears perked by the conversation between the two warriors. A hunting competition! What a marvelous idea. He seems perfectly oblivious to the creeping chill of dread that clings to the pelt of the two warriors. A smile curls across her maw, bright and toothy. "And I shall join as well!" chirrups the mottled apprentice, bounding over on bouncy paws. "Naturally, naturally!" He holds none of the polite hesitance of Owlheart, his own voice leaving little room for argument.

A fluffy tail-tip flickers back and forth eagerly. The reward of eating first means little; all she needs is the competition. It's all another game to her, a break from the monotony of training for some proper fun. And it's a chance to prove herself. Her eyes glint with eager anticipation, and she channels her impatience into a bounce on her toes. "I prefer hunting in the trees - " he offers brightly, "but I shall accept whatever challenge is given!" And win, hopefully. He has full confidence in himself.

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  • HOLLYPAW ⚔︎ she / he, apprentice of skyclan, nine moons.
    a fluffy, stout tom with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    whimsical and bright-eyed, with a fascination for stories and adventures.
    doeblaze x blazestar; littermate to lionpaw & candorpaw, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
"Wait for me!" Sweetnose offers as they trot over, tail lifted high. Their short frame is nearly comical next to Owlheart's, stood on the younger she-cat's other side, but they watch the growing group with ears pricked forward eagerly. Hunting has always been a favourite pastime of Sweetnose, and they're keen to see if they'll manage to catch anything amidst the sparsely falling needles of leaf-fall among SkyClan's pine forest. That said, if this group got much bigger, they'd have more paws to worry about and it might make things more difficult...

The small warrior tilts her head to one side, a good natured twitch of their whiskers accompanying the meow of, "Where are you thinking of sending us to hunt, Shrewflight?" Please split the group, please split the group ...

He didn't expect this much excitement over it. His small form shifting in discomfort at the anxiety as they all looked to him. He expected someone else to take lead- but here he was. Clearing his throat and lifting his head a bit to encourage some form of confidence, he took a breath. "Of c-course you can j-join!" he said finally to the few, offering a smile to each of them.

But they began asking more questions than he anticipated, and his eyes furrowed for a moment, chewing the inside of his cheek. "Ok, so .. We will... Split off in two groups, k-keep each other's backs p-protected... Wolfgrin, you'll b-be with me, and -" he frowns. They were an uneven group, which made splitting up harder.

"Owlheart, sweetnose, and Hollypaw... You guys will b-be together... But- split up B-between the trees and the g-ground! Hollypaw- p-please stick closer to a warrior th-though, I d-don't wanna see you hurt!"

Shrewflight flicked his tail, before olivine eyes finally glanced out of to the distance. "Well split off .. Wolfgrin and I will g-go to Sandy ravine, and you three will go to the rockpile... Then we'll m-meet at end of d-day at the tall pines."

His gaze turns back to them another small smile passing his muzzle. "Sound g-good?"


I think personally it would be easier to do privs for each group? And we'll roll 1d20 three times total... One for trip to first location (Sandy ravine / rockpile)

12-15 - 1 prey caught in this area
16-19- 2 prey caught
20 - 3 prey caught
20 + - 4 prey caught

What do u guys think?

He didn't expect this much excitement over it. His small form shifting in discomfort at the anxiety as they all looked to him. He expected someone else to take lead- but here he was. Clearing his throat and lifting his head a bit to encourage some form of confidence, he took a breath. "Of c-course you can j-join!" he said finally to the few, offering a smile to each of them.

But they began asking more questions than he anticipated, and his eyes furrowed for a moment, chewing the inside of his cheek. "Ok, so .. We will... Split off in two groups, k-keep each other's backs p-protected... Wolfgrin, you'll b-be with me, and -" he frowns. They were an uneven group, which made splitting up harder.

"Owlheart, sweetnose, and Hollypaw... You guys will b-be together... But- split up B-between the trees and the g-ground! Hollypaw- p-please stick closer to a warrior th-though, I d-don't wanna see you hurt!"

Shrewflight flicked his tail, before olivine eyes finally glanced out of to the distance. "Well split off .. Wolfgrin and I will g-go to Sandy ravine, and you three will go to the rockpile... Then we'll m-meet at end of d-day at the tall pines."

His gaze turns back to them another small smile passing his muzzle. "Sound g-good?"


I think personally it would be easier to do privs for each group? And we'll roll 1d20 three times total... One for trip to first location (Sandy ravine / rockpile)

12-15 - 1 prey caught in this area
16-19- 2 prey caught
20 - 3 prey caught
20 + - 4 prey caught

What do u guys think?

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"Sounds good!" Sweetnose affirms with a nod, whiskers twitching. She doesn't hesitate and gestures for the other two to follow, setting off at a brisk pace from camp. Maybe they'd pick up some more hunters along the way. At the very least, they would hopefully bring some prey home to SkyClan to share by sundown.

// hunting group 2!