perfect by nature ✘ [APRIL '24 MEETING]


"RiverClan...gather." The words are not the ones he often uses, thoughts in disarray from the morbid news to share, the weight suddenly heavy on his back as well as on Moonpaw's slim shoulders too. He is a taciturn shadow perched above the clan this day, expression weary. “This past moon has brought us losses and life. We mourn the passing of Mudpelt and Lilybloom, both honorable cats from our clan’s humble beginnings who fought and died for their clan in very different ways. Mudpelt saved Iciclefang and thus saved her kits we are fortunate to have at last. Lilybloom died bringing in new life, her children will be raised well in her honor. With the nursery full I remind you that our queens and kits are fed first, that our elders as well come before any warrior or apprentice.” It was the code Cicadastar had placed upon the clans and it was the one he would honor more aggressively than any other - part of him knew it came to be not simply because of the colony’s respect to their elders but because he had been with kits at the time. The memory of it was a grave reminder of how fleeting life was. How quickly it was snatched away. He would ensure the nursery remained as well-cared for as it was during leafbare regardless of the easier access to prey now. Some of their losses held no closure this moon.

“...we have seen no sign of Ravensong and Moonpaw spoke to StarClan at the last fullmoon gathering of medicine cats. She says she received a sign making clear he was lost to us. As much as I would like to continue the search, we can not waste resources further on sending cats out and we must accept that StarClan would not give Moonpaw this sign unless they meant it to mean he is gone.” He hoped desperately it was not something like death that kept Ravensong from them, that he would not be another body found bloated along the river’s edge like Beesong had been long ago. He hopes the dark tom returns to them one day, alive and well with tales to share but for now they can do nothing but mourn and move on. Smokestar sighed deeply and waited a moment for the news to settle before he pressed onward. Life continued, whether they liked it or not.

“We have a few kits ready to be apprenticed.” Better news. His own nieces and nephews, well-some of them anyways. His heart goes out to Shellkit, sick in the medicine cat den but also he had considered holding her back to begin with given her wandering paws leading her into trouble with the rogues prior. When she was well, though, she would be given a mentor proper but for now he would rather her focus be on recovery.
“Riverkit, Pebblekit, step forward.” He finds the two blue tom’s in the crowd, fur neatly groomed by Hazecloud prior to sending them out and he marveled again at how comical it was that his family had grown so much despite the cold merciless leafbare that took his mate from him.
“Riverkit, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Riverpaw. Salmonshade is a skilled hunter and dutiful warrior who once mentored Moonpaw before the path of a healer pulled her away, I have no doubt you will flourish under her training as well.”
The burnt umber molly was a cat he regarded as one of their more diligent and while soft spoken he knew she would be firm as necessary to guide Riverpaw properly.
“Pebblekit, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Pebblepaw...” He pauses, eyes moving from his nephew to a patchwork of autumnal colors across white snow within the crowd. He had taken Eelpaw from Foxtail only a moon ago, but Pebblepaw would be different he hoped. At six moons the apprehension of a ‘kitten’ being harmed would surely be easy to disregard and he had faith their talk had not simply slid from the tom’s pelt like water droplets, but sunk within.
“Foxtail will be your mentor, one of the clan’s finest fishers and a respectful warrior. May he pass onto you these traits in your training.”
Smokestar felt more confident in this choice than he had previously, he had high hopes it would be a fine pairing. With so many kits in the nursery he was pleased to have more warriors to name and so he turned to the older apprentices to the side, two of which would be named today and hopefully he would not regret either.

“Claypaw, Otterpaw, please step forward.” He lifts his head, single burning eye locked on the sky above, “I, Smokestar of RiverClan, ask our ancestors in the stars to look upon these two apprentices. They have trained hard and fought valiantly for their clan and are ready to become warriors…” Faded gray maw turned, the color around his nose lighter than it once was as though seasons had passed within seconds, “Do you both swear to protect and defend your clan and honor the warrior code?”

  • March Activity Shoutouts
    @lichentail & @Moonpaw & @Snakeblink & @Petalnose & @iciclefang & @FERNGILL & @Mosspool

    @FOXTAIL & @salmonshade & @hazecloud & @robinheart & @SWIFTFIRE & @Sablemist & @HOUNDSTRIDE. & @QUICKJAW & @FOGSHORE & @brookstorm & @claypaw & @valepaw ➶ & @EVENINGKIT & @TWINKLEKIT & @RIVERKIT & @shellkit

    Another month of killing it, excellent job you guys! SO MANY ACTIVITY SHOUTOUTS! Reminder that activity shoutouts put you in THIS raffle! And another reminder to not forget our Newleaf prompt event, they don’t end until the end of April! If you feel you were missed for shoutouts please let me know in my channel on discord, to punish me for not being thorough enough I am giving doodle freebies to anyone who was forgotten! The minimum post amount for last month was ten! Hold me accountable!

    New Apprentices:
    @RIVERKIT mentored by @salmonshade
    @PEBBLEKIT. mentored by @FOXTAIL

    To be named Warriors:

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

  • Sad
Reactions: antlers
She is silent at the call of the meeting. Claypaw can recall soaked fur against her skin- a quiet promise from the deputy that they'd be seeing more of eachother in regards to this. She stands here at the mercy of Lichentail's decision, and for that much, she understands. Her head dips gently at the mentions of those ho lost their lives- Mudpelt, Lilybloom. Both would be missed as members of Riverclan. She hopes Lilybloom's kits will be loved, regardless of an absent mother.

Smokestar reports on the status of Ravensong, and her ear twitched- not for the older medicine cat, but for his apprentice who was left without a lead. Mismatched golden eyes shifted towards Moonpaw, who was present nearby, with a silent and appreciative blink. Well wishes to you. She thought softly, turning her head back towards the front. Kits, to be apprenticed- ones to join the fray and grow as she had. They recieve their mentors- fine choices, and surely picked with strong thought and not just something on the fly. The way Smokestar studies the crowd tells her as much.

Eyes shifted towards the front as her name, alongside Otterpaw's, was called. A gentle glance was shared with the other, before she stood, stepping forward out of the fray. Stocky, strong frame, wrapped in colors of molten flame- she picked her chin up proudly. She had fought her way to earning her name, despite any criticism of her heritage. She earned this, just as much as the rest of them had. Her words are quiet, but strong. "I do." She responded to Smokestar.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Smokestar's firm words were enough to draw her from the nursery, the bicolored queen settling not far outside of the entrance. As hesitant as she had been to move into it in the first place, she now felt more drawn to her nest within with every day that passed. The news of Lilybloom's passing in particular caused her gut to churn, green gaze momentarily flicking downward - half towards the ground, and half towards her own developing weight. She knew it was selfish to worry about herself after the loss of Lilybloom. After what Lakemoon was dealing with now. Yet she couldn't help it, agonizing over whether her own kits would come safely into the world. What if she bled out the same way? Swiftfire knew well that her kits would be well taken care of in that case - it wasn't as if they didn't have plenty of queens that could take them in - but they'd be left without her. Left without a mother and a father, considering she would never be able to tell Hush of her passing.

Her throat was rapidly closing up, and she forced herself to focus back on the meeting at paw. Ravensong's disappearance did nothing to soothe her, though at least she knew that she could trust Moonpaw. The young cat might not have been a full medicine cat, but she had at least some experience with birthing now. She was far from incompetent, even if Swiftfire had been hoping and praying for Ravensong's safe return. Though with Starclan themselves needing to step in and deliver the bad news, she had a feeling they wouldn't be seeing any more of his dark pelt anytime soon. Hopefully he was still alive out there, somewhere, just trying to get back to them when he could.

Apprentices and warriors to be made. Finally, some good news. The chimera felt her shoulders relax, a tired but genuine grin spreading across her face as she watched Riverkit and Pebblekit step forward from the crowd. They both looked so neat, fur meticulously groomed in a way that made her mind wander to how Hazecloud must have been feeling. Full of pride, surely, but was she scared as well? Worried? Swiftfire was unsure, but rose her muzzle to the air all the same. "Riverpaw! Pebblepaw!" Her cheerful calls died down once both Claypaw and Otterpaw were called forward as well, her attention moving expectantly over to the both of them. It was her first time properly paying attention for a warrior ceremony - besides her own renaming - so she was curious to see how both new warriors would handle the responsibility being placed on their shoulders.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    41 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; secretly mated to hush
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Last edited:
Another moon brings another meeting, the fawn-pelted woman making her way over. Smokestar goes over their losses, Mudpelt, Lilybloom, both of the same family... She cannot imagine the grief the surviving members are going through. He reiterates the warrior code, and then goes on to say... Ravensong is missing for good, and to cease the search patrols. Her heart aches for Moonpaw and if she can find the young girls gaze, she'd give her a small nod of encouragement. Sal makes a mental note to check on her after the meeting, and maybe bring her something nice...

Apprentice ceremonies are next.

Riverkit is first to be apprenticed, and... then Smokestar is saying her name. It shocks her for a split second, chin tilting upwards as if she processed his words wrong... This marks her second apprentice and she almost smiles with the thought that she has been singled out to be given another. Salmonshade is a skilled hunter and dutiful warrior who once mentored Moonpaw before the path of a healer pulled her away, I have no doubt you will flourish under her training as well. Her tail swishes and blue eyes close in a momentary blink as heat pulls to her cheeks, something akin to being bashful upon her skill being recognized... She gives her mane a few licks, tufted ears swinging back before she composes herself once more. She makes her way through the crowd and there the kitten sits.

Salmon bends her head to touch her nose to the little one, pulling back with an even look. "Training starts after the meeting... We'll head out and I will show you the territory." she confirms with him, giving him a small nod. Perhaps she'll take him to where she took Moonpaw, near Sunningrocks, or maybe... The bridge? It borders three clans, after all, and would make the most sense...

Theres a momentary, selfish fear of Starclan ripping this one away again. She lets out a small sigh and then sits herself besides him to watch the rest of the ceremonies go by. They still have warrior ceremonies to go through after all...

  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 37 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring riverpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff

Smokestar's words are but a grim reminder, and Eveningkit has to wonder why he has to bring it up. The names of Mudpelt and Lilyboom clearly make everybody's eyes sad, their ears and tails drooping, and she just wishes it didn't have to be brought up if everyone reacts this way. Isn't it just unnecessarily painful?

Nevertheless, and miraculously, she knows better than to voice that opinion and interrupt her leader. All the manners that she has been taught only gets forgotten in the heat of playful moments, or whenever she needs to make a point and be right. Here, she just listens, and wills Smokestar to get to the good part already. Cutting right into his speech would only delay it- and Lichentail would probably look like she wants the ground to swallow her up, while Hazecloud would maybe shake her head and disapprove.

The worst of the worst, truly.

Despite all her impatience, Eveningkit spares Moonpaw a glance. How could it feel? To be told that you shouldn't expect your mentor's return? Ravensong is all but a blur now; Eveningkit only recalls seeing him in the background, although he's already gone missing by the time she really got to explore camp on her own.

Her tail shoots up when two familiar names are called, almost as if it was her own ceremony already. She thinks she should pay attention to how Riverkit and Pebblekit appear when addressed by the Clan leader, considering her turn won't be long now, but she can barely sit still as is.

And then, finally...

"YAY!" Eveningkit yells, little body bouncing into the air for emphasis. All the jealousy that is soon to come when she realizes the pair will get to leave camp has yet to wait; for now, she just feels happy. "Pebblepaw! Riverpaw!"

  • 3rauDdy.jpeg
  • OOC -
    DAUGHTER TO Lichentail x Hazecloud
    SISTER TO Horizonkit & Twinklekit & Snowflakekit
    ADOPTIVE SISTER TO Shellkit & Pebblepaw & Riverpaw

    ✦ Pale grey point she-cat with yellow eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´

She knew it was coming, the meeting that she knew she would remember for the rest of her life. Sitting outside her den the apprentice watched as cats began to gather to listen to the news that Smokestar had to share, her own ears flicking to an upturned position as he began to speak of the losses of that moon, of the family that seems to lose more and more with each passing day. Eyes flicked down to white paws as they were both mentioned and they closed at the mention of the kits that Lilybloom brought into the world as her final act of life. Breath hitched and stuck within her throat as the leader moved on, mentioning Ravensong and the sign that Moonpaw had received from StarClan.

It was then that eyes looked up, choosing to watch Smokestar instead of looking around at the others within the crowd searching for her as her name was mentioned. Ears burned as she felt the eyes of her clanmates looking to her and it was over just as quickly as it had begun, the metaphorical pit in her chest had not felt wider nor had it shrunk with the news getting out there and she could now continue on in peace without having to worry about the immediate reactions of her clanmates. She was sure there would be questions, ones that she would not fully be able to answer now if ever, but she would do her best and that was all that mattered.

As Smokestar moved on to apprentice and warrior ceremonies she found herself half listening, though when cheering began she jumped in to cheer with them the best she could. Riverpaw and Pebblepaw would be good warriors, she only hoped that their training would go without too much interruption over the next few moons.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • Pinched in a furrow of barely withheld dismay, there is little about this meeting she is keen to celebrate... even the promotion of two young boys who've called after her as mother is soured by the noticeable gap where a tiny, butterfly-breathed girl should be standing. River-blues stay cast at the ground, clinging to it with the same ferocity as a waterfall though they remain dry, droughted by so much loss. She thinks of brown fur cradled so viciously by earth and stone, the last droplets of his tearful goodbye while all they could do was stand and watch. Hears the quiver in Lakemoon's lips that had murmured a hesitant, mournful farewell to a love lost so suddenly. Her heart tears, thinking of swirling misty curls there instead... How would she manage the sprouts they'd sewn without her?

    Eveningkit's bright eyes stand transfixed on Smokestar, tiny ears wiggling in some sort of intense thought she doesn't think to share but he isn't the one in need of comforting... Even if he does beg their attention for these hallowed messages. Moonpaw stands like a wilted daisy and the blue deputy remembers her silence on the way back from the Moonstone. This is what she'd seen... what she'd been unwilling to admit to a collection of daffodils and asters. Had she gone into her den that night and cried? Did it feel cold in there now, despite the simmering heat of new-leaf?

    She turns to tuck Hazecloud's head under her chin, swiping her tongue quickly at one of her ears in a silent apology. Ravensong was not just their medicine cat... at least not to them. A brother blessed by shadow.... now swallowed whole by them. As Pebblekit and Riverkit are called forward to collect a prize they'd been so eager to obtain, she can't help but be rattled by an all-consuming fear.

    She searches a firelight eye for his thoughts... his feelings. Worry? Excitement? Pride? His own children were so much older... had thrived despite their earlier start to warriorhood... but with Oxbowpaw so fresh in her mind, it was hard to feel hopeful. The warriors they are assigned to are ones she trusts... a smile painted carefully as she search for two sets of whites and orange-brown furs.

    She wished that alone was reassurance enough everything would be fine.

    Her cheers ring out with her clan despite the way it grates at her tender vocal cords- maybe if they were loud enough, StarClan might be able to better see them... might be able to better protect them. "Riverpaw! Pebblepaw!" If she had to do this again in three months for her littlest... her heart might become alike a panicked bird and flutter wildly until its petrifying death.

    There is still more... and with a small glance, her blink is slow and intentioned at Claypaw. A promise she'd earned this... that their agreement didn't take anything away from this moment. Otterpaw is an... unfortunate tag along to this moment, one she will suffer to acknowledge out of minimal kindness.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
The young warrior comes padding forward upon Smokestar's call, finding himself a place among the crowd. He sits down as Smokestar begins to address the clan, his tail wrapping around his paws. First, Smokestar reminds them of the two cats who have joined their ancestors in last moon— Mudpelt and Lilybloom. His heart aches; he can't imagine the loss certain RiverClanners must feel right now. Especially losing well loved cats; the grief must be heavy. He regrets not getting to know either sooner— clan life can be so busy, it can be difficult to get to know every single cat. And unfortunately at times, you only realize you should've spoken to someone more until it's too late.

Furthermore, his heart aches as Smokestar shifts his focus onto Ravensong. The dark furred medicine cat has been missing for some good time now; search patrols have been futile to find the medicine cat. He was hoping the search patrols would get close to finding him... or perhaps find a clue on where Ravensong might be. But as more time goes by without any good news, it can be difficult to stay positive. He was certain he wasn't the only one losing hope that they would find Ravensong anytime soon, and Smoketsar's next words confirm his fears. Ravensong is gone. Told to Moonpaw by StarClan through a sign. He hangs his head low for a moment, letting out a defeated, yet quiet, sigh. He can only hope that Ravensong will return to them one day.... but for now on, what is RiverClan going to do without a full medicine cat?

He looks up from his paws as Smokestar brings on better news. After Blazestar proposed one of the newer codes, they haven't seen kits become apprentice for a couple moons. He looks over at the two kits whom are to be made apprentices; Riverkit and Pebblekit. He blinks, there is a definite difference in height compared to the last apprentice ceremony. He recalls how small Eelpaw looked during her ceremony. She still looked like she belonged in the nursery, but back then apprenticing kits at 3 moons was the norm. It was expected, and the warrior didn't think that much of it until that moon's gathering. Blazestar's words stuck to the younger warrior, and perhaps they stuck a tad too much. It's only been a moon since Smokestar resigned Eelpaw, Foxtail thinks to himself, as he wonders who might possibly be assigned to the two kits. He knows Smokestar never said Foxtail wouldn't get an apprentice again after Eelpaw, but for a moment he doesn't consider himself as a potential mentor.

"Foxtail will be your mentor, one of the clan’s finest fishers and a respectful warrior." Foxtail's ears perk right up , Smokestar nearly catching him by surprise. He quickly blinks away the shock in his eyes; Smokestar thinks he's ready for an (albeit older) apprentice. Foxtail felt like such a disappointment with Eelpaw; to be frank he didn't think he was a good mentor to her. He had been too worried for her safety to consider he might've been contributing to her getting hurt, or worse. "May he pass onto you these traits in your training." This last moon has given Foxtail time to think, and time to focus on his duties as a warrior. As he pads forward, he quickly hopes he can make Smokestar proud with his choice. I won't fail you, He thinks as he gently touches noses with his Pebblepaw. He softly smiles at the new apprentice, with a flick of an ear. "I-I'm so excited to begin your training," He mews in the quick moment they have, "I'll teach you everything I k-know!"

"Riverpaw! Pebblepaw!" He cheers with his clanmates. They must be proud to finally be apprentices, especially since they've had to wait so much longer! He sits beside his new apprentice as Smokestar shifts focus onto two older apprentices— Claypaw and Otterpaw. Training to become a warrior is not an easy feat. It takes time and effort, but it's worth it all at the end. He wonders what warrior names will bestowed upon them, names that they have worked hard for.

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    18 moons


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- An arrogant stride carried the dark tom through the island, clawed paws flicking sand behind him with each step until he stopped beside his denmate. Otterpaw did not waste his breath chanting the names of kits he held no care for. Soon enough his place in the apprentices den would be replaced by another- maybe Cricketpaw (the thought of her curling up in the same place as him made him smile, if so slightly).

Though his apprenticeship had been delayed another moon Otterpaw did not appear so tiffed about it. No whining or snappish complaints had come from him and it was due to the blessing that Otterpaw hadn't even known. His attention had not been so much on the timing of his warriorhood so much as just getting there, and Coyotecreek had shared with him this meeting would be his last day as a -paw.

Venom-spitting sights locked onto Claypaw in a sideways stare as he sat before their star-gifted leader. While Smokestar looked to their ancestors as he blessed their ceremonies, Otterpaw leaned to the side in a raspy whisper, "S'gonna be a long night, just us." and straightened back with a dark chuckle.

"Yes, I do."

  • OTTERPAW he/him, apprentice of riverclan, eleven moons.
    scruffy blue/black chimera with a white tail-tip and green eyes. noticeable kinked whiskers
    adopted son to pikesplash // apprentice to coyotecreek
    peaceful and healing powerplay requires permission / / underline and tag when attacking or making an action toward
    see battle info here
    penned by beataegonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Two fiery young cats, one significantly more troublesome than the other but both with very distinct chips on their shoulders for various reasons. Otterpaw, former rogue and raised by Pikesplash of all cats despite being quite the opposite in demeanor from the skittish tom. Claypaw, from the colony, having taken the brunt of the clan's mistrust alongside the few who remained after Deacon and Sasha were exiled. It was not an easy upbringing for either, he had his apprehensions, but both had proven themselves to at least be loyal, dutiful, tenacious. He saw no reason to withold them from their warrior names any further.
"Claypaw, Darkbranch has trained you well - you stand solidly in battle amongst your peers, your strength and your fortitude has not gone unnoticed." And neither has your temper, but hopefully that would adjust in time, "For these reasons you will be known as Claythorn." And perhaps the warning to others of her prickly ways was not unwarrented as well.
"Otterpaw-" Maybe this one should have been named with 'thorn' for how much of one he had been in Smokestar's side from the beginning, "Coyotecreek has done well with you-" By not strangling you at various points, stars bless that tom for his patience, "-and under his training I have seen your growth, your endurance, your strength as well. From this moment on you will be known as Otterbite."
His head lifts up slightly, "StarClan honors you both and I welcome you as new warriors of RiverClan." The chanting begins, he allows it a moment to die down before continuing. "As per our new code, you will sit a silent vigil this night to reflect on your new duties come tomorrow. See the elder's if you wish to present yourself to StarClan as we do for gatherings first, but otherwise you will only break this vigil should something of emergency occur." If the clan caught fire then that warranted having to hear them talk again that night, otherwise the peace of not having Otterpaw strutting around the camp bragging would be welcomed.


  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

  • Like
Reactions: lichenstar
Her head lifted- dozens of eyes upon her flank, and she was proud to be standing above them. Otterpaw's words were sharp, and she did her best to ignore the vile thing. Pay him no mind. Here, he holds no power. Her thoughts whispered, and she agreed quietly, tail twitching. Smokestar approached at last, and glowing goldens shifted to meet his. The king of Riverclan- she didn't often stand before him, but in the time she did, it was either for her ceremonies, or it was to be saved from pretentious warriors.

How blessed was she.

She receives her name with grace- Claythorn. Sharp, unwielding. A sharp grin spreads on her muzzle as she dips her head in response to Smokestar, giving a respectful lick to his shoulder. Perked ears pointed upwards as Claythorn regards those who do- or don't- chant her name. Vision shifts towards Otterbite with a curiously unreadable look. She nods gently at Smokestar's instruction. "Understood." She speaks, before slipping back into the crowd.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, eleven moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.

Another meeting. This time Robinheart listens in not as a warrior as she had done last moon, but as a queen. Such a sharp transition from a life she had barely begun to know; a life she had barely begun to live. The tortoiseshell seats herself on the outskirts of the group, yellow eyes fixated on Smokestar as he addresses the clan. He speaks of lives lost and lives gained (Robinheart doesn't allow herself to think too hard about Lilybloom right now), kits promoted to apprentices, and apprentices promoted to warriors. It seems... to go in twos. Mudpelt, Lilybloom. Snowkit, Graykit. Riverpaw, Pebblepaw. Claythorn, Otterbite.

The only outlier is Ravensong. Though perhaps fitting in the saddest of ways. Robinheart swallows a lump in her throat as she mourns the disappearance of their medicine cat. She may have not been close to the inky tom, but she certainly respected him. A quick glance is afforded to Moonpaw as a silent means of support. Whatever was to come in the future, Moonpaw would always have RiverClan at her back to support her and help her rise to her fullest potential.

Her introspection, what little she comfortably affords for one evening, comes to a close as apprentices and warriors are named. There is pride in the mottled molly's heart for Pebblepaw and Riverpaw - both were ready to begin their journey into apprenticeship. Though with that came a spark of sorrow for Shellkit. Robinheart knew all too well how it felt to be held back due to illness. She only hopes Shellkit will not be like her when she is finally named an apprentice. As for Claythorn and Otterbite, the two had proved themselves fierce and loyal warriors, completely deserving of their names. Robinheart only hopes they'll continue to grow and mature into the sharp names they have been given, not idle and use the names in their own selfish manners. With those hopes and excitement for the future of RiverClan, the tortie joins in with the chanting of her clan mates. "Riverpaw! Pebblepaw! Claythorn! Otterbite!"
( penned by kerms )

As eager Twinklekit is to get out of the nursery and train to be a warrior, she too found happiness for Pebblekit and Riverkit. One day when she was big and strong, she’d get her ‘paw name and a mentor too! Salmonshade and Foxtail are made their mentors, blue eyes shine in awe as they touch noses with their new mentors. ”Pebblepaw! Riverpaw!” She shouts a bit quieter than her sister, but with spirit nonetheless.

Eyes cannot help but pivot to the medicine cats den, sympathy flooding her heart for Shellkit. It must not feel very good being left behind like that… If Eveningkit and Horizonkit were made ‘paws without her it’d make Twinklekit feel really bad. Nonetheless, she is quickly distracted by the warrior ceremonies. Claythorn and Otterbite- their new names bold and ferocious, her tail thumps excitedly on the ground for them.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

( ) there is an apprehension churning within the boy's stomach that he hadn't expected on this day. perhaps it's because shellkit is sick, and she can't very well become an apprentice like that... perhaps because he has no idea who his mentor will be. perhaps it's because he had finally felt like he belonged in the nursery and now he's being uprooted. still, hadn't he wanted this with aching desperation only three moons ago? as he sits neatly beside his brother, he finds some of his trepidation gives way to excitement.

his uncle looks awe inspiring and imposing sitting high above on his lonesome. the singular ember eye so similar to pebblekit's own glows with grief as he begins the meeting on a solemn note. pebblekit lowers his gaze in respect as the dead are mentioned, mind flashing back to the fateful day of lilybloom's birth, the scent of iron and death permeating the nursery. mudpelt's death had happened outside of camp, but even the kits were not spared from grief- the tabby man had frequented the nursery during his daughters' pregnancy days, and pebblekit can recall fond memories of chatting with and learning from the tomcat. ravensong's vanishing is something the boy had thought would be resolved many days ago, but there is no sign of the dark medicine cat. smokestar announces a sign from starclan, and orange optics will flick towards the pale shape of moonpaw, looking small and alone off to the side. the sweet she-cat does not deserve this heartache, peb knows, and his own chest aches for her grief.

as the tone of the meeting shifts slightly as his uncle's gaze settles on him and his brother. a chill of excitement ripples down his spine as he stands eagerly, pelt brushing riverkit's. his heart hurts for shellkit, his little sister who had been so eager to learn. she's trapped within the confines of the medicine den, chest full of illness. it's not fair, he thinks. it's not fair that they'd all been through so much and only shellkit is as sick as she is. truthfully he would give anything to trade places with his sister, to allow her to graduate towards the next steps of her life without this ailment following her like a shadow. there's no helping it now, but copper eyes still flick towards the den in hopes of spotting shellkit.

riverkit is apprenticed first, dubbed riverpaw and assigned to salmonshade. pebblekit nudges his brother with excitement, watching as the other touches noses with the earthen she-cat. salmonshade is strong and kind- peb knoes she'll guide his brother well. he is still grinning for riverpaw as smokestar calls his own name. flame eyes gaze up at his uncle, tail tip twitching involuntarily as he is named pebblepaw. pebblepaw... it rolls off the tongue nicely. he aches to tap his paws along the ground, let his anxious excitement escape in moving his body, but he will remain still. smokestar calls foxtail, and pebblekit can't help but whisper "yes!" the copper and white tomcat is young and strong. pebblek-pebblepaw's gaze glows as he turns to touch muzzles with the older tom, grinning. "we'll be the best team there is!" he promises his mentor as he moves to sit down beside him.

quickly he'll turn around to beam at hazecloud and lichentail, waving his tail tip at his littler siblings as he sits tall and proud. he adds his voice to the crows of delight, arching his neck around his mentor to make eye contact with his brother. "riverpaw! riverpaw!" smokestar moves the meeting along, and pebblepaw will calm his movements to focus on the present. otterpaw and claypaw step up to the spotlight, two apprentices peb doesn't know well. still, he finds his own glee at graduating to be infectious as it evolves into excitement for the others. smokestar dubs them claythorn and otterbite, and peb will stand, waving his tail again as he calls his clanmate's names. to be a warrior is thrilling- he hopes they know how lucky they are. "claythorn! otterbite!"

  • // " speak "

  • peb_.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

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from her very earliest moments, when hazecloud had spun stories to young, velveteen ears of bravery and warriorship, she had envisioned herself standing alongside her brothers in sunlit ceremony. groomed to curled perfection, river sleek where they were so often play rumpled and cow - licked from soft pawed whacks upside the head. a direct parallel to the tumultuousness of their youth, together through it all ; to stand in the familiar space between her littermate's flanks beneath the glow of a single flaming eye. a smoldering star, bursting with life and direction. she'd be given a mentor better than anyone else -- just like her brothers would be, the crowned reed royalty of riverclan's rolling meadows. untarnished, untainted by rotting rogue blood under the eyes of her ancestors and all those who trained before them. she was meant to prove herself more than the lily - breathed daughter of redwater's vicious queen, a remnant of their loss and quiet devastation. on this day, with the wind twining lengths of their pelt, they were to be known as something more than the reason they'd nearly lost their home.

its with slow, ambling paws that she makes her way towards the gaping maw of riverclan's medicine den, moss - tufted and disheveled from sleep and uncomfortable, cotton - headed thrashing. shellkit aims for where moonpaw is settled just outside her den as the furthest she could venture into the clearing, alabaster form drawn taut and inward as smokestar calls her hallowed name. eyebrow pinch with concentration and pang of sympathy, rabbit - veined whiskers giving a solemn twitch as she finally, finally finds her scar laden side. it takes her breath in a clear wipe, the fishbone thin tremblings of aching arms wiping into afterthought when smokestar mentions his loss. ravensong was gone? rheumy rosen eyes drift ever upward, imploring sweet as strawberry mush where they do not gleam her pain. what did it mean, lost to them? the stars encapsulate her in their mysticism and briefly, shellkit wonders if their shining reflection blesses their waters or condemns them. would she ever know? would the babbling brooks ever whisper such foreboding secrets to her? it felt awfully heavy, but the medicine cat apprenticed was burdened with a heavy name. shellkit only supposed it fit.

in her mindless wanderings, her brothers are called forward ; strong and hardy as the river bend itself. ever changing, ever adapting despite the frost - bitten scars at their extremities, the markings of a cruel and winter - scorched youth. she prays they are mistaken for something battleborn instead, something tough and ready to strike their claws against any opponent they encounter. she prays it keeps them safe until she can meet them beneath the willows herself. the air fills with yowls of excitement and cheer and in a perfect life, she would have been the loudest of them all. she is too breathless for it. her dove - ribboned flank leans sideways against moonpaw's own, a heavy bat of sluggish eyes upwards the only indication of her tired, simmering frustration. it's not fair, bloodlet eyes scream, muzzle landing heavily against her for support. why is nothing in my life ever fair? was she ever meant to survive past her kithood if her body would never allow for growth? was it really still all her fault? her head spins as riverpaw is apprenticed to salmonshade, pebblepaw to foxtail.

the feeling cools her paws, leadens them like river stone. she closes her eyes against it and the blazing sun overhead, counting her heartbeat to the pounding in her skull. her head spins as riverpaw is apprenticed to salmonshade, pebblepaw to foxtail ; they look back for her and she hopes they can spot her over the bustle of purring cats between them, ” yayy, pebblepaw and riverpaw.. “ she mewls, to say that she did. her throat pains, bloodied and hoarse from the night spent coughing into her own small, cold moss nest. it wasn't fair, she thinks, feeling guilt and embarrassment burn into her pelt because she should be happy for them. she loved them, wanted no more than to be at their side -- but she was angry. at herself? at them? its a thought she can't quite follow and so she merely feels, letting her heart smolder as she sniffles and hacks against the sickly thickness in her throat. otterbite and claythorn are crowned warriors and shellkit does not have the energy for much more than a thump of her plumish tail, eyes heavy and tear - brimmed when she finally looks off to the side, sullen ; using the last of her strength to pretend the pitiful stares of her peers did not scorch her to the marrow.

she vowed to only cry later on.

  • i.

  • 75178334_B2nz6qRU6QTC3MQ.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush in a way seemingly similar to hazecloud's. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    currently HIGHLY INFECTIOUS WITH WHITECOUGH. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — The loss of Lilybloom and Mudpelt weigh heavily on the clan, she thinks about the queen having given her life to bring forth Graykit and Snowkit. Mudpelt sacrificing himself so that Iciclefang could live and have her own kittens but he'd never be here in person to watch his grandkits tumble about, the thought alone is saddening and she pushes it away. Normally, Bee would find herself in the crowd but chooses to stay out of it not seeing any of her littermates and finds comfort in the prescence of Moonpaw instead and brushes against her friends pale pelt. Both of their denmates, or rather hers, have recieved their warrior names and she can't help but feel a small bit of envy prickling at her chest. Its quickly forgotten when her kin are made apprentices except for Shellkit and her heart goes out to her cousin, she curls her feathery tail around her paws.

She can feel her chest tightening when she hears Shellkit's mewl as she cheers for her littermates, her large ears laying flat against her skull wishing that the lilac kitten hadn't been so ill and that would've been her up there getting a mentor as well as her name. Bee prays quietly for her cousin and closes her eyes only to cheer alongside the rest of her clanmates for the new apprentices and warriors.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

A lot was going on. Smokestars uncharacteristic call was one she could expect. There was tragic losses, hard news.. but there were a lot of faces welcomed into the clan and some blooming into independence. Mudpelt had died protecting his family.. his clan, Lilybloom had passed welcoming new paws into the clan. The deaths weren't that far into reasoning, both were honorable deaths from honorable warriors. Saddening it was to have new lives having to be told of their mother's story instead of sleeping at her warm side. Also to have only stories told of the ever loved member that rose up some of Riverclan's best warriors. Heart wrenching.

Then there was Ravensongs disappearance, a sign touching Moonpaw to cease the search. He wasn't coming back.. her eyes shut tightly as she bowed her head. As much good natured trouble she gave the former medicine cat as he matured, she respected the feline. Proud she always was for him, even if she tried her best to keep away from the containing den. Petalnose wished she had more conversations that didn't consist of being told to keep still and asking when she could resume her work next. She wondered what bothered him, what drove him away..

Despite it all, she tried her best to call cheerfully for each of their gained apprentices that were called upon their ranks. Smokestars kin always seemed to serve well, knowing his offspring she mentored being an ambitious and obedient student to her commands. There wasn't a worry for them, they'd do well.

Claypaw and Otterpaw were next for the call of their independence. Claypaw she hadn't familiarized herself with, seeing her as the quiet type that preferred to observe. Nevertheless, Petalnose was proud to see an addition.

Otterpaw was rather a look of indifference, Petalnose wasn't certain to be annoyed or grateful to the call. She was certain Coyotecreek was grateful, curious she was to see what the feline would offer as a warrior. Immature he always was in her eyes, maybe this step could change him? Doubtful she still was.

Smokestar's call rouses the molly to her paws. Having the chance to laze around for a moment was nice now and then but she couldn't outright ignore a clan meeting. Trotting through the growing fray she chose a spot off to the side, tufted ears perked high, and yellow gaze light with curiosity. The start of the meeting puts a damper on the Molly's mood but she knows the loss of clanmates is a worthy mention. Eyes pressed closed for just a heartbeat before reopening to pay closer attention.

Next is mention of Ravensong's absence and a part of her wants to protest but she couldn't argue with the Medicine Cat's own apprentice. If that's what Starclan has said then it is true. Looking to the pale cat in question her heart quickens with sympathy.

Visibly the ebony she-cat wilts. Another clanmate lost. Bumblepaw wasn't sure what she would do without her own mentor and to have so much responsibility at such a young age seemed intimidating. At last the leader moved into more pleasant topics of discussion. New apprentices to share the den with and some even moving out to become warriors. Putting on a feeble smile she adds her voice to the cheering masses. Despite the heavier topics of the day there would always be promise in its wake.
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