- Aug 22, 2022
- 752
- 254
- 63
Patrols had become embedded in her routine this last moon. She assigned them daily just past dawn's first light, never missing a beat. Though the excitement that had thrummed in her chest for this task had ceased; it wasn't new and exciting anymore, it had become her ordinary. Repetitive. She wasn't complaining though, this is still very much what she wanted. Her rank as deputy becoming a normalacy was a good thing, in her opinion. It means she was adjusting well.
Cats trickle in around her beneath the Highbranch, she hardly had to yowl for their attention anymore. They knew what time she assigned patrols each day and they knew to be there if they didn't want to risk a scolding.
"Okay… This morning we're going to renew ThunderClan's scent markers. @Howlfire , I'm having you take the lead on this one. Take @Teeveesight. , @Radiochatter , and @SLATESNARL with you." It might not be the best mix… Slatesnarl with a bunch of daylight warriors? She knows Howlfire is plenty capable of keeping him in line if he needs teeth put around his scruff, though.
She gives the fiery tabby a subtle affectionate blink before focusing her attention on announcing the next patrol. " @TWITCHSTAR will be taking a patrol to the Twolegplace this morning." She had given him a heads up to this the prior night to ensure it wouldn't conflict with his schedule. " @Blizzardstorm , @SANGRIAFLIGHT and @edenberry ?! , you three will join him." She ensures her leader will have plenty of cats knowledgable of the Twolegplace with him. Blizzardstorm had lived there for a decent chunk of his life, and Sangriaflight and Edenberry both prowled the place when they weren't in SkyClan.
"When twilight nears I'll be taking a patrol down to RiverClan." She doesn't expect any complications, it should be an easygoing patrol, as trips to the river usually are. " @Chickbloom , @BLOODBIRD , and @Florabreeze will be accompanying me. Make sure you rest up sometime today so you're rejuvinated for the trek to the river."
Lastly, " @LIONGAZE , take @weedpaw (wish), @EDMUNDSONG, and @CHALK to the loner lands when dusk nears. Be careful for hawks…" Edenberry had told her what had happened just under a moon ago. She's warned all her patrols heading out that way since, she didn't need anyone becoming bird food.
With border patrols out of the way she tries to find her chosen hunting patrol leads within the crowd. " @WOLFGRIN , @Bellabloom …" She trails off as she ensures they're present, "You'll lead our hunting patrols today. Gather up whoever is free. Newleaf is among us, your hunts should be easy and plentiful." She purrs softly, pleased that prey was beginning to come out from their burrows again.
"That's it from me. Be safe out there, may StarClan light your paths today."
Cats trickle in around her beneath the Highbranch, she hardly had to yowl for their attention anymore. They knew what time she assigned patrols each day and they knew to be there if they didn't want to risk a scolding.
"Okay… This morning we're going to renew ThunderClan's scent markers. @Howlfire , I'm having you take the lead on this one. Take @Teeveesight. , @Radiochatter , and @SLATESNARL with you." It might not be the best mix… Slatesnarl with a bunch of daylight warriors? She knows Howlfire is plenty capable of keeping him in line if he needs teeth put around his scruff, though.
She gives the fiery tabby a subtle affectionate blink before focusing her attention on announcing the next patrol. " @TWITCHSTAR will be taking a patrol to the Twolegplace this morning." She had given him a heads up to this the prior night to ensure it wouldn't conflict with his schedule. " @Blizzardstorm , @SANGRIAFLIGHT and @edenberry ?! , you three will join him." She ensures her leader will have plenty of cats knowledgable of the Twolegplace with him. Blizzardstorm had lived there for a decent chunk of his life, and Sangriaflight and Edenberry both prowled the place when they weren't in SkyClan.
"When twilight nears I'll be taking a patrol down to RiverClan." She doesn't expect any complications, it should be an easygoing patrol, as trips to the river usually are. " @Chickbloom , @BLOODBIRD , and @Florabreeze will be accompanying me. Make sure you rest up sometime today so you're rejuvinated for the trek to the river."
Lastly, " @LIONGAZE , take @weedpaw (wish), @EDMUNDSONG, and @CHALK to the loner lands when dusk nears. Be careful for hawks…" Edenberry had told her what had happened just under a moon ago. She's warned all her patrols heading out that way since, she didn't need anyone becoming bird food.
With border patrols out of the way she tries to find her chosen hunting patrol leads within the crowd. " @WOLFGRIN , @Bellabloom …" She trails off as she ensures they're present, "You'll lead our hunting patrols today. Gather up whoever is free. Newleaf is among us, your hunts should be easy and plentiful." She purrs softly, pleased that prey was beginning to come out from their burrows again.
"That's it from me. Be safe out there, may StarClan light your paths today."
THUNDERCLAN PATROL (DAWN): Howlfire (lead), Slatesnarl, Teveesight, Radiochatter
RIVERCLAN PATROL (DUSK): Figfeather (lead), Bloodbird, Chickbloom, Florabreeze
TWOLEGPLACE (DAWN): Twitchstar (lead), Blizzardstorm, Sangriaflight, Edenberry
PROMPT: No propmt! Going to have y'all do a FFA this time ;)
LONER LANDS (DUSK): Liongaze (lead), Chalk, Weedwish, Edmundsong
PROMPT: A small herd of does are bedding in the long grass just past the scentlines. Their fawns, still wobbly on their legs, are practicing walking on their stilts not far from them.
HUNTING PATROL LEADS: Wolfgrin & Bellabloom
WOLFGRIN'S PATROL PROMPT: Warmer weathers have allowed the snow to melt, but now the ground is muddy. You might be cleaning dirt out of your paws for the next several days, but at least the prey has left plenty of tracks behind in the mud.
BELLABLOOM'S PATROL PROMPT: Your patrol finds a nest of robin eggs.
TRAINING: no training session this time!
NOTICE: Apprentices not on the census were not tagged with their mentors but may still go if desired.
REMINDER: LEADS! Please make sure you remember to post a summary of your patrol in the discord channel #patrol-reports when your thread finishes OR replies stop.
RIVERCLAN PATROL (DUSK): Figfeather (lead), Bloodbird, Chickbloom, Florabreeze
TWOLEGPLACE (DAWN): Twitchstar (lead), Blizzardstorm, Sangriaflight, Edenberry
PROMPT: No propmt! Going to have y'all do a FFA this time ;)
LONER LANDS (DUSK): Liongaze (lead), Chalk, Weedwish, Edmundsong
PROMPT: A small herd of does are bedding in the long grass just past the scentlines. Their fawns, still wobbly on their legs, are practicing walking on their stilts not far from them.
HUNTING PATROL LEADS: Wolfgrin & Bellabloom
WOLFGRIN'S PATROL PROMPT: Warmer weathers have allowed the snow to melt, but now the ground is muddy. You might be cleaning dirt out of your paws for the next several days, but at least the prey has left plenty of tracks behind in the mud.
BELLABLOOM'S PATROL PROMPT: Your patrol finds a nest of robin eggs.
TRAINING: no training session this time!
NOTICE: Apprentices not on the census were not tagged with their mentors but may still go if desired.
REMINDER: LEADS! Please make sure you remember to post a summary of your patrol in the discord channel #patrol-reports when your thread finishes OR replies stop.
✦ trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
✦ 33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
✦ deputy of SkyClan
✦ Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
✦ mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
✦ previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
✦ penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!
Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.