‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ Wraithwail was eternally grateful for the unexpectedly mild weather, her weary bones typically grinding down upon her brittle bones like the bite of a fox finally given the opportunity to truly relax. She relished this moment, her elegant form stretched languidly in a more secluded corner of camp where the sun's rays soaked into her delicate skin. Celadine's announcement and generous amounts of praise were, admittedly, almost entirely lost on the tall molly. A tufted ear would twitch as the sound of overlapping chatter engulfed the heart of camp, content mews flittering about in the wind like falling leaves.
It was peaceful, and Wraithwail was sure she could have even begun to drift off had it not been for the approach of Daisywatcher. She had returned from her tunneling endeavors looking much more well kept than usual, something that did well to impress the silken she-cat. Of course, Wraithwail did not allow the sight of a rather fitted rabbit hanging from the other's jaws escape her hollowed gaze- her pink tongue would appear from plush jaws to swipe against watering lips. She was unable to hide her pleased expression when the invitation to share in the fruits of Daisywatcher's labor was extended to her, those dull olive eyes squinting upwards into slits as the corners of her maw twisted upwards into an eerie but...welcoming smile.
"Such a selfless offer... And one I would lament the refusal of..." She would settle down closer to her smaller companion, the two of them beginning to tuck into the plump specimen at their paws. They were so close they could have easily brushed against one another, should they choose to. "...I'm sure you could put the fur to good use..."
Wraithwail would pause, allowing the lighthearted comment to sink into her ears and her mind for a moment. Silence engulfed the space between them, marinating until thick and heavy...and then she would laugh. An uncharacteristic thing, for Wraithwail hardly ever express herself with such intensity, and perhaps, just this once- with such sincerity. A genuine laugh, the sound of it soft yet swift like wind blowing through the moorland grass. There was something haunting beneath it, though not particularly sinister. Just odd, as Wraithwail could often be described as.
"Oh..." A sigh escaped constricted lungs as her symphony faded away, her eyes watering from the effort. Her tone was much more cheerful now, much different from that typical melancholy and void sound that reverberated from deep within her throat. "Perhaps your words ring true, mi querida...Do assist me in uncovering such a theory once we have eaten to our satisfaction..." Her gaze glinted with a certain amount of playfulness as she ducked her feathery head back down to take another tentative bite of the rabbit.
It was peaceful, and Wraithwail was sure she could have even begun to drift off had it not been for the approach of Daisywatcher. She had returned from her tunneling endeavors looking much more well kept than usual, something that did well to impress the silken she-cat. Of course, Wraithwail did not allow the sight of a rather fitted rabbit hanging from the other's jaws escape her hollowed gaze- her pink tongue would appear from plush jaws to swipe against watering lips. She was unable to hide her pleased expression when the invitation to share in the fruits of Daisywatcher's labor was extended to her, those dull olive eyes squinting upwards into slits as the corners of her maw twisted upwards into an eerie but...welcoming smile.
"Such a selfless offer... And one I would lament the refusal of..." She would settle down closer to her smaller companion, the two of them beginning to tuck into the plump specimen at their paws. They were so close they could have easily brushed against one another, should they choose to. "...I'm sure you could put the fur to good use..."
Wraithwail would pause, allowing the lighthearted comment to sink into her ears and her mind for a moment. Silence engulfed the space between them, marinating until thick and heavy...and then she would laugh. An uncharacteristic thing, for Wraithwail hardly ever express herself with such intensity, and perhaps, just this once- with such sincerity. A genuine laugh, the sound of it soft yet swift like wind blowing through the moorland grass. There was something haunting beneath it, though not particularly sinister. Just odd, as Wraithwail could often be described as.
"Oh..." A sigh escaped constricted lungs as her symphony faded away, her eyes watering from the effort. Her tone was much more cheerful now, much different from that typical melancholy and void sound that reverberated from deep within her throat. "Perhaps your words ring true, mi querida...Do assist me in uncovering such a theory once we have eaten to our satisfaction..." Her gaze glinted with a certain amount of playfulness as she ducked her feathery head back down to take another tentative bite of the rabbit.
- INSANE YURI HAPPENING BETWEEN WRAITH AND @Daisywatcher. !! so sorry for the wait i never got notified of your tag :(
she/her, warrior of windclan, 18 moons.
⭃ tall, longhaired white she-cat with hollow olive eyes.
⭃ mentoring bergamontpaw, mate to none, mentored by n/a, unable to conceive
⭃ peaceful, healing and minor combative powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
↛ see battle info here
⭃ penned by sloane ↛ @encarcerated on discord, feel free to dm for plots.