pafp PLEASE STOP LAUGHING AT ME [confrontation]

𓍊𓋼 He’s made his visits to the nursery more brief than usual over the past few days, feeling too much guilt to spend very long in the den. He’s always gotten the feeling that some of the queens don’t like it when he hovers about the nursery like some looming specter—and after breaking the warrior code, maybe they have a point. He has better things to do than lurk around with the kits, more useful things. He’s a warrior. He should be training his apprentice or hunting for whatever prey he can find. Prey that never seems to be enough to fill the bellies of an endless stream of kits, and much less his own stomach.

This afternoon, Falconheart finds that he doesn’t have the energy to leave camp again after his latest patrol. It’s a much different feeling than just after his father’s death, when he’d found himself unable to even leave his nest. Now, it’s just a headache that won’t recede, a stone weighing down each of his limbs. Rather than attempt to continue his patrols, the tom makes his way to the nursery instead. Maybe he can find solace there, after everything that’s happened. And as he steps through the entrance, the first cat he sees is a small gray-pointed kit. "Hi, Dovekit. How are you doing today? I found a cool feather, if you want it?" He plucks his find from the fur of his shoulder, and presents to the kit a brilliantly blue feather, barred with inky black stripes. He’d found the feather on one of his patrols and just had to snatch it up from the ground. It’s beautiful, he thinks, but since the kits seem to love any toy they can get their little paws on, maybe Dovekit would appreciate it more than him.

  • ooc: @Dovekit
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Dovekit hadn't understood at first why so many cats seemed to be mad at the ones that had come back from the patrol only a few days prior. They had brought back food - so much more food than Dovekit had yet to see a single patrol bring back yet - and so much of it had gone to the nursery that it had been hard to be mad. They didn't understand politics, didn't understand that the strange scent that coated the prey wasn't because the prey had rolled in something but was because it wasn't ThunderClan's, but as more words spread around and the queens talked to each other about what had happened Dovekit began to understand a little more.

They had broken a code. It didn't matter that it was broken in order to help feed the kits - themself included - all that mattered was that the code had been broken, and cats were upset, and that made Dovekit upset.

They sat in their thoughts, tail flick-flick-flicking back and forth as they tried to figure out how being mad worked until Falconheart moved into the nursery and spoke to them. A feather, he had brought a feather and Dovekit moved forward to look before stopping themself quickly and shaking their head. "I don't want the feather! I'm mad at you!" They'd speak out loud, not caring - or realizing - if others heard and came close. "You broke... broke the code! ThunderClanners don't do that, it was mean and we're not s'posed to be mean." The last sentence was said in a pout, paw stomping down for emphasis as the words left their maw, brows furrowing as maw frowned down quickly. "I thought SkyClan was nice... they sent us um... Dawnglint, and you were mean and that's a thing bullies do." And he wasn't supposed to like bullies, but it was hard. He'd known Falconheart his whole life and he'd never been a bully before, and it hurt his heart to think that the warrior was capable of being one.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6
  • Wow
Reactions: ROEFLAME .
Tybalt's ears twitched, overhearing the confrontation. Unlike many of his clanmates, the rule about where to source one's prey meant little to him. He didn't make a habit of trespassing, keeping his own hunts to ThunderClan territory, but overall, ThunderClan needed to be well looked after. The kits would be fed tonight because of the patrol's decision, and that mattered far more than any sort of code, at least to him. But he could see just from the way Falconheart carried himself that the other warrior was consumed with guilt, so Tybalt spoke to the kit.

"The patrol only wanted to make sure all of our clanmates were looked after," he told Dovekit gently. His voice was soft, carrying something he reserved only for his youngest and most vulnerable clanmates. "Even if he did break a rule, his heart was in the right place. Just like it is now when he's brought you a feather to play with. He didn't mean any harm. Every cat on that patrol was just doing what they could to keep ThunderClan safe."
  • Dead
Reactions: ROEFLAME .
Beetlekit didn't know so much about politics, but he understood what of the code his family had begun to teach him. Howlingstar, Burnstorm, Roeflame. Each had been diligent in mentioning something about it to them, so when the storm of anger kicked up, the mountain of freshkill on a pile that Beetlekit had slowly been allowed to eat from... his ears twitched from where he had been napping, green eyes cracking open as Dovekit began their rant at Falconheart.

Interest and curiosity was slowly replaced with understanding of the situation, as ruffled dark fur came to press against Dovekit's flank in support. Green eyes narrowed in as much anger a kit could muster, and it wasn't long before another cat was opening their mouth to try and explain. Beetlekit finally spoke, inhaling sharply before he did. "AND? That's not fair to Skyclan. What if they're hungry too?" Beetlekit snapped at Stagstrike, his nose wrinkling.

Eyes searched, turning to find his mother, or his father, to make these stinky bullies go away.

—————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    3 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • WHAT
Reactions: ROEFLAME .
"don’t justify breaking the code to our young, stagstrike. if you’d like a refresher, i’m sure our overworked queens would love to give you a lesson." leafhusk warns, flicking her tail as she nursery’s entrance. dovekit’s squeaky voice caused her to look over, and seeing falconheart standing by, she winced inwardly. thunderclan’s politics were currently divided, thankfully, it wasn’t an even split. those that did wrong justified their behavior with basics we’re hungry, or they kept their heads down, like falconheart. the display of guilt is preferable, she doesn’t need to be reminded over how starving the workers are.

her gaze looks over to falconheart, a faint hint of sympathy in her eyes. she did not support anyone’s actions, but the young warrior’s, she could see what would’ve driven him to that. his mother sits in an overcrowded nursery, grieving while she takes care of children- that is where her pities end. maybe she can extend a little more for stagstrike’s stupidity in saying that codebreaking is fine. beetlekit speaks up to agree, and she chuffs, amused by their spunk.

  • hi
  • ce30435d4008ebe8b43d9dceb88edfc5ed910091.png
    LEAFHUSK thunderclan lead warrior・ex-kittypet
    a long-haired, fawn sepia molly with pale golden eyes, she keeps her fur neatly groomed and free of any mats or tangles. leafhusk is easy to talk too and befriend, her attitude doesn't change much towards other clans but she is visibly wary around outsiders.
    physically easy, mentally easy, attack in underline & tag
    healing & peaceful powerplay allowed・all opinions ic
    she / her・currently mentoring adderpaw
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord
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  • Like
Reactions: ROEFLAME .

Boldkit flinked an ear up over Dovekit's tantrum looking mildly confused. He did not understand why some in the clan were so upset over the food the patrol the other day had brought in. Food was food. It didn't matter how the they got their paws on it. Boldkit knew the feeling of going hungry for days. How it felt to starve and being to weak to barely stand. It had made him grow to appreciate food and he was even willing to fight for it to fill his belly. So he did not understand why they where complaining. Boldkit had been able to eat himself full another day thanks to that patrol which never would have happened back at the rogue group.

But he was starting to understand that things was working different in this clan, that Big Blue had right about alot of things he had told them about this place. The warrior code was still a big mystery to him though but it seemed importand to this clan to follow. Boldkit remained quiet as he did not wish to voice his opinion in a matter he didn't understand. But he did narrow his eyes a bit when the lead warrior scolded Stagstrike. That tom had feed him a rabbit on his very first day here, and he had never gotten to eat so much food before. So he felt grateful towards them and so he didn't like seeing them get scolded for something when he hadn't even done anything wrong, not in his eyes anyway.

Tybalt didn't say anything as Beetlekit scolded him, only leaning down to lick his ruffled chest fur. What's done is done, and ThunderClan was fed. SkyClan could look after themselves, and their bordering Twolegplace meant they could get food from twolegs if they needed it. And as the weather continued to warm this whole thing was likely to be forgotten. Prey would be less difficult to find. The kittens would grow into apprentices and pull their own weight. ThunderClan would be stronger for it.

He had never forgotten it, the feeling of starvation. The desperation, the way he had eaten anything he could get his claws on, just to silence his snarling belly. Some of it hadn't even been food. Whatever guilt he might have felt about taking food from SkyClan would easily have been dwarfed by the guilt of ThunderClan's youth starving.
Ivorykit doesn’t know about hunger the way some of her older Clanmates do. She’s never been sent to bed without a mouthful of fresh-kill or kibble; her kittypet roots had been well-watered, keeping her plump and happy, and the Clan had ensured she and her nurserymates had all the prey they could eat. She doesn’t understand the difficulties of warriorhood, of hunting prey that disappears before you can sink your teeth into it. She also doesn’t know much about the warrior code, though—Beetlekit and Dovekit seem vehement that the warriors who’d returned with all the SkyClan prey had broken some rule.

Admittedly, she cares less about that than she does about what Beetlekit had brought up—the other cats had feelings too! She pads up beside Boldkit, who is silent, and listens to the conversation before piping up. “I bet SkyClan was upset at losing so much prey. We shouldn’t steal from others—it’s wrong.” She speaks self-righteously, ignorantly, but from her bleeding heart.

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame never strayed far from the nursery without being assured that another could keep a watchful eye on her kits, but with Dovekit in the nursery and many of her littermates outside, the brassy queen got herself comfortable against the front wall of the nursery, keeping a ear tuned towards the entrance in case her name was to be called in a high-pitched voice.
Falconheart approaches, and Roeflame only nods as he passes her and strides into the nursery, thinking nothing of the warriors visit. When Dovekit’s hollers suddenly erupt from the depths of the den, Roeflame is quick to spring to silvery paws and make her way in, bracing herself for whatever chaos she might stumble into. Perched at the threshold, her child’s words become clearer to brassy ears and Roeflame’s maw just about drops. It wasn’t that Dovekit was wrong to call Falconheart out, it was the sternness in her kits tone that took Roeflame by surprise the most… was that a flicker of pride she was feeling? Whatever emotions danced behind sage hues are masked by a neutral expression, her only cue a quirked brow. Stagstrikes presence is almost bewildering, and his words earn her sons ire. Finally, the small queen would have enough of this, closing the gap between her and her kits on the heels of Leafhusk. “Alright, alright…” the queen aims to hush the growing chatter, the dogpile of Falconheart and Stagstrike. “In case anyone has noticed, we have kits and queens alike in here trying to get some rest, unless you fall under any of those- get out.” Roeflame ordered, her tone giving little room for argument. To her kits, Roeflame would only rasp her tongue between round ears, “We’ll discuss proper ways to give someone a piece of your mind later, just take a breath for now, okay?” Perhaps, Roeflame thinks with a small crease of her maw, she had passed down her own fuse onto her kits. Was that genetic? The queen hoped not.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.