camp POKER FACE // open




Dazzlepaw was watching from a distance as his parents were spending them with his sister, Shinepaw. It hadn't been that long ago since they had returned back from patroling in the tunnels and now Heathersong and Bearthroat was overflooding their favorite child with affection. Thier mom was grooming her to make sure she looked her best while father dear was asking about her day and giving advice on how to become better or what to think about for next time like he even had an idea what it was like down there in the tunnels. All attention was on her of course while paying no attention to their second child who was seated a bit away simply watching them with a pokerface. Nothing at all revealing on the surface on what might be going on inside the apprentice head. It could be anything really but never did Dazzlepaw let anyone in on what he was thinking about.

What was the point anyway. Dazzlepaw had long ago come to terms with that he never would be good enough to his parents or to anyone really and in a way that had set him free from caring to prove anything to anyone. He liked how things currently was. It was so easy to be an disappointment after all that it was actually fun. Just a bad child, the black sheep. Nothing to lose if nobody even liked you. Everything was fine in his life. Nothing to feel sad about. Nobody expected anything from him anymore. Not even his mentor. Dazzlepaw didn't care. He was perfectly happy with his life.

He contunie to stare at his parents and sister, how they acted like the perfect lil family without him there in the picture. Dazzlepaw started to grin at himself just thinking about it. If he suddenly would stop to exist he was sure his parents wouldn't even notice him being gone. No one would. He was replacable just like how Galeforce and Yewberry already had got replaced in the clan by the new warriors, and how Vulturemask had replaced Dandelionwish.

He could only wonder who would replace him once he was gone.

──⇌•〘 INFO Wolfsong was an only child and had never experienced the competition for attention. He might have, had he and his mother not been the sole survivors of his birth, and there are days when he wonders who those nameless siblings might have become. Even after he was taken under the wing of Sunstride's father, he was never left to envy affection on the periphery. (Or rather, affection from Sunstride's father.)

To find Drizzlepaw in such a position is a moment of uncertainty for Wolfsong. Though the apprentice does not appear particularly disturbed or pained, he knows better than to discount the possibility entirely. Except the boy begins to smile, and Wolfsong finds himself unsettled by it, pausing in his approach— but he is no coward and presses on nonetheless. "Do you not wish to be with your family?"

Mallowlark could not personally fathom intentionally separating yourself from your family. He supposed there was a key factor in that, though; he loved his family. Loved them, believed in them like nothing else. He knew one day they would rule the moors again, as they had before- they would be free to frolic, to use whatever names they wished, and they would watch the Windclanners decompose beneath them. In their current situation- in the throes of this WindClan- solidarity was as important as ever. To ignore them- watch them, argent gaze corrosive mercury- he could not think to do such a thing.

Everyone was different, though. Dazzlepaw seemed smiley all the time despite the invisible barrier he appeared to sit behind, and if that worked for him... well, Mallowlark was in no place to judge! With the gnashing teeth of the moors, the power of its consumption... they had to do whatever made them happy. Not long left to do it, really...

Lying supine, facing the sprawl of the clouds, it seemed impossible Mallowlark could make eye-contact in this position. But his head turned a little, settling owlish eyes upon Wolfsong, easing into a position that looked profoundly uncomfortable. "Maybe he just hates 'em," verbally shrugged the domino tom.
Much like Wolfsong, Sunstride had been the only child of his parents' union. Though unlike his misfortune, it would seem that his loneliness was by design. There had been no silent siblings at his mother's belly– only his pathetic mewling, and his mother's silence. His father had not taken another mate since then, and he has known no mother at all. In some ways he had been jealous of his companion for the brief memories of her. When they were both younger, his own training set aside for a brief trip into another colony's way of life, Sun had enjoyed the time he spent with them both. Little Ellisif and her kindly mother, who would spend hours stacking stones or telling stories to keep the both of them entertained.

Overall, he supposes that the both of them had lived positively through those who raised them. The same could not be said for Dazzlepaw. Had Mallowlark been so lucky? He knows little of the family that were said to come before WindClan ever had. All he knows is that there is something uncomfortable about the twist of his maw, and that he does not dare pry to deeply into whatever lurked beneath. He pauses only briefly to look down upon the grinning tom, before stepping precariously around him to brush against Wolfsong in greeting. "I can only wonder if there is a reason for such things, if he does," he remarks, clearly inviting the apprentice to explain.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

Snailpaw had long since earned the right to call themselves their parent's kid. It'd been eight moons ago when they'd brought the wrong prey to their family's nest, and instead of getting the usual 'you need to be more careful' schtick, the outburst had been explosive. Their parents had been distant ever since, perhaps as a way to promote maturity in the tabby, perhaps out of some unspoken shame. The tabby had never speculated past the surface level, grimly aware that they were like that with Clambite and Slugpaw too, both of whom had done nothing wrong as far as the apprentice knew. Exhausted eyes catch the tiny commotion in camp, their ears flicking back in momentary frustration as the adults flocked around to offer their questions and explanations for why Dazzlepaw stared at his family like a lost lamb. It felt like a surface-level concern, different from Badgermoon's, more nosy than caring. They felt they had the right to believe such a thing owing to recent events, even if the thought threatened to poison even more of the tabby's natural optimism. Their parents were absent, but their lessons rang truer now than ever: don't bother anyone with your concerns.

It was a combination of unhealthy independence and wary cynicism that caused Snailpaw to bound closer to Dazzlepaw's side, attempting to bump into the smiling tom with a swinging hip. "Hey hey!" They greeted with a beaming smile, their rapidly blinking eyes settling on the three gawking warriors. It was Dazzlepaw's choice if he wished to indulge their curiosity, if it were Snailpaw, they'd lie until they were blue in the face... bluer in the face. "Family business is kinda personal, y'know? I don't wanna cause problems or anything but maybe think before you speak? I've been told that many times and it's a super duper helpful way to avoid upsetting anyone - just a suggestion!"


Did he not wish to be with his family?. What a funny thing to ask him out of all people. The ones Wolfsong really should be asking that should be his own parents. Still they didn't which was hilarious if thinking about it. Like he was the one to decide such a thing. Mallowlark joined in, that funny guy saying something rather absurd yet interesting, and then of course there was their lead warrior, Sunstride assuming there to be reasons. All three of them was assuming he was the problem here, of course they would!. He was after all the bad child. Dazzlepaw started to giggle suddenly, his smile never fading as he had heard enough.

Tearing his eyes away from his so-called family the apprentice turned their head around to face them. " Awww i got busted!. I who thought i was so good at hiding it... " He played along with a devilish smile. Badgermoon had hve right all along they all cared about each other, looking out for one another. So how could anything in his life possibly be wrong?. He would grin brightly at them who so easily tried to intrude into his personal life without even bother to be sensitive about it. He could totally feel how much they truly cared. Wow. He was so lucky having such considerate clanmates. Lucky, luck him!.

Dazzlepaw was suprised to find Snailpaw by his side out of the blue which he covered up with that same grin he had given the others. Snailpaw had more suprises to give apparently because they where actually....defending him right now?. Dazzlepaw's eyes went wide like a snakes pupils staring with curiosity as he came to title his head to the side. What for?. Dazzlepaw couldn't help but to found them interesting maybe because out of everyone here in this clan Snailpaw here was the most unpredicable one and amusing.

It would be a shame to see them get in trouble for a such comment.

" Oh it's all fine Snailpaw that's just how it is. Warriors can say whatever they like after all!. " especially to the apprentices apperantly!. Still he couldn't help himself to appreciate what his denmate just had said even only for a little bit.

What had once been a measured kindness upon the burnished tom's maw is quick to turn away. First to deliberate indifference, and then with a flash of surprise. He had known Snailpaw to be the sort to bite his own paw, but to hear his judgement so swiftly given– it stings in a way the warrior had not been prepared for. Think before you speak. How strange, that he had done just that. It seems the feeling was not a wholly mutual one. His stinging tongue yearns to return it (perhaps you should follow your own advice, he nearly says), but his better mind wins well this time. It is only a settling breath, and the defensive irritation that had once welled in his throat fades away. In and out, he coaxes himself, and rolls his shoulders.

"Forgive my concern, if it should offend the both of you so deeply." Sunstride's smooth words are biting now, though calmly so. Without ire, but with the great weight of some small reprimand. It would be a failure of his own to chase the chain of command, to demand that the both of them be punished for their words. Patience, his father had taught. Understanding, yet with a firm grasp of the situation. It is difficult now, to rely on those words, but better that than relinquish control to this moment. He turns his gaze first to Wolfsong, and then to Mallowlark. Back again, with the shrug of one shoulder, he decides that he would not dare ask again. Whatever the problems may be, Dazzlepaw seemed eager enough to carry them alone. "Wolfsong, perhaps there is still prey to be caught while the sun still lingers. Perhaps they will have better luck in their family business while staring without our intrusion." With a jerk of his head and a flick of his tail, he does just as he had thought to and leaves.

  • ooc: out! trying to take @WOLFSONG with him ALSDFHJ
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
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Reactions: WOLFSONG
Weaselclaw has been eyeing the interaction between the five cats with a half-cocked ear, listening. It's not until Snailpaw blunders his way over and begins to chastise his co-lead warriors that the tabby begins to bristle. He stalks, stiff-legged, to where the two apprentices sit, daring to talk back to their superiors.

"WindClan apprentices should know their place," he growls, giving both Sunstride and Wolfsong a half-incredulous look. Why would they let this disrespect go? In Weaselclaw's opinion, a sassy apprentice does not make an industrious warrior. "And yes, you're correct, Dazzlepaw. Warriors can say whatever they like to apprentices. And lead warriors can make you pick ticks until your paws rot off."

He lashes his tail once -- for emphasis. "I want both of you in the elder's den for the rest of the week. Maybe it will teach you an ounce of respect. Even if it doesn't, at least you'll be doing something useful." Weaselclaw gives both Snailpaw and Dazzlepaw a hard stare before whipping away, in the direction Sunstride has gone.

// out :,)

  • Haha
Reactions: WOLFSONG

Some cats just didn't have nice families and it was what it was. Sure sucked for them, but she was pretty content with hers even if Soot's little hellions were loud and constantly getting into things. Just the other day Moorkit had eaten a worm and nearly died! An embarrassment! A shame to the family! She watched Dazzlepaw, what a dumb name for a kid you didn't even like, watch his parents be happy without him and felt nothing. He was an apprentice anyways, give him time and he could make his own family later, a better family, and then he could also name his kits stupid things like dazzle or drizzle or sunshine or something. It was only when Snailpaw appeared did she even begin to pay attention. Lot of backtalk on that one wasn't there? And OH-sad family boy also had some things to say! Yowza!
Mintshade rose to stand from her lounge nearby, strutted over with her stringy whip of a tail lashing behind her.
"Oi, you little brats! Watch your mouths and respect your superiors!" How dare they! How dare they talk like this when she was the only one allowed to sass Wolfsong to any degree, how dare they disrespect him! She would maul them both if Sunstride had not so aptly dismissed it only for Weaselclaw to arrive and throw around his authority as you did. Her sister sure picked them, had to love a tom who put a paw down on this sort of nonsense. If you asked her tick duty was too good for them, what they needed was a good thrashing; roll them around in the mud and cut up their ears til they learned to mind themselves. The leads might have decided to leave, that this wasn't worth their time, but she had plenty of time to spare right now and she'd happily let them have it.
"You should take tick time as a MERCY! I'd flatten you!"

Dazzlepaw retorted with a comment that caused the ashen tabby to do a double-take. Warriors could say whatever they like? That was true, but... "That's uh... that's not what I meant." They murmured to Dazzlepaw, their tailtip twitching nervously. "Just that they need to be more careful, y'know? You don't owe anyone any explanation, whatever's going on, tell us when you're ready! If you're never ready, that's fine too!" They hadn't intended to get so sentimental, they weren't either sure if they were doing the right thing, but the reactions from their clanmates told them that they had perhaps said too much. The lack of a roof over their head may have made WindClan closer to StarClan, but it did not make them open. They'd seen the consequences of confiding in those who were not friends, it could do more harm than good to know that there were very few actually by your side. A glance was cast towards Sunstride, a little hurt that the other seemed to be hurt, but knowing it was for the best to protect Dazzlepaw. It wasn't long after one Lead Warrior left that another came over, his face an organic tempest. Uh oh.

They lowered their gaze toward the earth, scuffing it with an alabaster paw. Large eyes widened as he heard the punishment. "Both of us?!" His protests were cut off by a sharp inhale, a reminder that they shouldn't try and weasel their way out of something when it a cat named after such squirrely creatures was the one giving him the chore. They cast a glance at Dazzlepaw's body, frowning, but not entirely sad. At least they wouldn't be alone, at least they wouldn't be expected to spar with anyone for the next week, still... they were not looking forwards to the lectures from other clanmates who'd wanted to see them promoted to a warrior moons ago. Never reaching the Lead Warrior's eye, they nodded solemnly, not realising that a shadow had formed where Weaselclaw once stood until it screeched at them. "Eep!" All four paws left the earth and it took the entirety of StarClan's strength for the tabby to not faint there and then. It wasn't the first time they'd been admonished for talking too much, little did they know it wouldn't be the last either. 'You're Sootstar's kin, you'd probably get a pat on the back for flattening us' They remarked internally, the threat of violence enough for them to reconsider their words.