Getting honey was a sizeable hazel, but it was very much worth it. Before his investigations he had never tried anything so uniquely sweet, crafted by insects no less! Unfortunately, there was no way to get it without profoundly disturbing and agitating the craftsmen... so as he returned to camp with honeycomb wrapped in a leaf, stings upon his flank flared in itchy irritation. He'd just have to not lie on that side for a while- if he did, there would indeed be a sharp reminder of whether it was truly worth it to obtain honey.
Upon his tongue drizzled a drop, and he concluded that yes, it was worth it.
Grey eyes rove the clearing in which Thunderclan settled, and settled soon upon a stark-white figure who stood out against the low, wan light of early afternoon. Bluejay, the kitten whom Bumblebee had invited along with her flower-picking escapade. Ambling awry toward the child, Berry dipped his head and placed the leaf-bundle of honey and berries upon the ground. Someone else deserved to try this combination... though, not in excess, and kittens had not the appetite of adults. Usually.
Upon his tongue drizzled a drop, and he concluded that yes, it was worth it.
Grey eyes rove the clearing in which Thunderclan settled, and settled soon upon a stark-white figure who stood out against the low, wan light of early afternoon. Bluejay, the kitten whom Bumblebee had invited along with her flower-picking escapade. Ambling awry toward the child, Berry dipped his head and placed the leaf-bundle of honey and berries upon the ground. Someone else deserved to try this combination... though, not in excess, and kittens had not the appetite of adults. Usually.