Oct 3, 2024
Bloody Mary

๐Ÿฉธ Love you to the bone ๐Ÿฆท



Trans Female
She / Her
Biographical Information
Ages Every
24 Moons
10.01.2024 at 24 โ˜พ​
Bloody Mary​
N / A​
Roleplay Information
Penned by
Last Update

  • With her presence, the trees cackle and groan. She fills the forest with her wordโ€” a chattering songbird in her own twisted right. Whatever plane she exists on is seperate from anyone elses, and she cares little to bridge the gap between reality and nonsense. Her truth is based in nihilism, but not the sad, sulking kind... Her light takes her to new and wonderous places. it begs the question: why do anything at all when they're all practically dirt? She does not think there's an answer to this, but if she just so happened upon it, she supposes she would not mind...

    Bloody Mary is a large, pure white she - cat with blood - red rivulets down her throat, a chopped tail, and mildew eyes.

    Bloody Mary is currently a kittypet. She was born to a kittypet couple and remained nameless for some amount of time before being named Bloody Mary by her twolegs after her distinctive coloring. Bloody Mary is an avid outdoor cat and is likely to be somewhat known by her neighbors. She is not clueless to Clan Life, having been drip fed information of varying validity from both her neighbors and parents. She has grown more curious about the neighboring clan, SkyClan, and has been glancing curiously over their border as of late.

    1. Detailed Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventoryโ€‹
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirksโ€‹
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combatโ€‹
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Other Catsโ€‹
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 Playedโ€‹
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeksโ€‹
  • 5llq5LN.png

    Bloody Mary by Floppieโ€‹
    Bloody Mary is a mongrel of a woman. Her build is like patchwork, with outstanding features cobbled together into one jutting form of a cat rather than melding seamlessly. She is not all unsightly; the base of her is set upon elegant features โ€” high cheekbones and a long, tipped muzzle buttoned with a heart nose. Her fur is long, and in theory, quite luxurious. Though she preens herself rather avidly, it grows on her the way a fungus would, wild and somewhat resistant to efforts to tame it.

    At the right angle, the elegant slope of her face could suggest beauty. Head - on, however, it is riddled with features that nearly seem unfit for the body they reside on. Her eyes, a remarkably lusterless shade of mold, stretch large across her face with a pinkness peaking at the corners. Her ears are bat - like, massive and mostly devoid of fur on the inside. They are often slightly tilted off the sides of her head, as if too heavy to keep upright. Bloody Mary has a slight overbite, often leaving large, doggish teeth and pink gums on display. Her skin seems to stretch almost uncomfortably across her. Past the thick ruff of her ears and neck, the press of her angled skull seems uniquely obvious.

    Bloody Mary's size would be most typical amongst the brutes of SkyClan. She is tall, with bulk in some places โ€” namely, broad shoulders and a powerful set of haunchesโ€” and hardly any in others. Her limbs are gangly, with too - large paws hanging from the ends. Notably, she has a remarkably short tail, and it is implied that it was not always that way. She has more toes than is typical, with seven on both forepaws.

    Bloody Mary's coloration is stark. She is primarily white, with blood - smatter colorings at the tips of her ears, just below the eyes, and in what is likely her namesake: twin rivers that rip from the bottom of her jaw down to her chest.

    โคท Technically: Longhaired cinnamon with high white and polydactyly. Carries some amount of Oriental Longhair blood.

    Scars gained:
    • Tail has been somewhat-recently amputated.
    Body Language

    Bloody Mary's posture is quite terrible, often settling into a beastly hunch whenever she sits. She maintains the slightest curve in her spine even when walking, though; unbeknownst to her, a minor case of scoliosis. She is knock - kneed, with paws that jut out awkwardly when standing still. A product of her overbite: she spits more easily than other cats may, and on rare occasions may find herself absently drooling. Once she gets the taste of prey, she will stick to mostly larger morsels, wolfing down her fare in large, greedy swallows. Bloody Mary can often be found gnawing on things. If not bone, anything else she may be able to scrape her teeth against. It's unclear if this is an effort to care for her teeth, or if she simply likes doing it.

    Her gait is lazy, with solid limbs dragging behind her as she walks. No amount of training might ever shape her into a truly silent stalker, and when there is no pressure to be one, her steps will always be heavy - footed. There is weight behind everything she does, whether that be a full - bodied pounce onto her prey or the mere turn of her head. When hyper on adrenaline though, whether this be excitement or fear, her movements may become startlingly quick and jerky.

    Juxtaposed to the slow nature of her body, her face responds to situations with often - unnerving quickness. Her ears will animatedly shift atop her head โ€” though they will always tip back into their slanted place of rest, in the end. Her eyes flare and narrow with the receiving of information. Though a contented grin is what you will most often find on her face, she is in no way married to it, and has the potential to shift it dramatically, if wanted.โ€‹

    • Empty
  • Bloody Mary will be immediately known for her idiosyncrasies, sporadicness, and overall unseriousness. Her perception of life leads her to be rather apathetic, and alongside it she harbors a very fierce sense of self - worthlessness. In her own way, she is spiritual and steadfast in the beliefs that she does hold. She is an adrenaline junkie, with a sluggish exterior being shed for eager quickness when it comes to thrill. What she does find interest in, she risks obsessing over.

    At the root of it all is an existential belief โ€” one that dictates the hierarchy of all things in the world, and that places living things like them firmly at that bottom. A cat does not have much more value than a squirrel, no... their unfortunate affliction is that they are the only things conscious enough to possibly know this reality. Bloody Mary was instilled with it swiftly. Following the first few moons of her life, in her opinion, she has coped with this fairly well!

    Really, she is pointless garbage. But she need not despair or self - loathe โ€” for everyone around her is just the same! Them and their societies are much like that of a colony of ants... It is very real to them, but no one else really minds what is so close to dirt... A paw can trample them at any second, just the same! She challenges not just that system, but every one that will ever be with her nonsense. She works on whims and whims alone. Holding a conversation with her is often a headache, interspersed with conflicting statements and sentences that mean nothing at all in the first place. It can often feel like conversing with multiple cats at once, and only one of then is even listening to what you are saying at all. She floats about without care, and it's the ideal way to live she'll tell you! She's quite content with it, nevermind the glimmer of frustration you may catch with enough time spent with her...


    Empathy does not come easily to her. She fails utterly to put herself in others' situations, insisting that were she in it, she simply would not care. In matters of death, she insists its inevitability and does not mourn it for this reason. Injuries both to herself and to others concern her none. Though she does not go out of her way to disrespect life at every turn, its evident that she considers it of little value.


    It is clear that whoever taught her what she knows on Clan Life focused on only the violent and extraordinary tales. Bloody Mary will enter most situations expecting something spectacular, and/or spectacularly violent to happen often times. She'll offer to fulfill the role herself if the scene is acutely devoid of it, seemingly believing that clan life cannot function as it is without frequent, needless bloodshed. In a strange way, her violent tendencies come across with some courteousness... Though she at least partly seems to find it amusing, as well.


    She has little ambition, or simply things she finds worthwhile at all... Perhaps in the absence of this, she finds most of her energy in high - stress situations. She almost seems to seek them out somewhat, eager to chase after impossibilities or offer herself in dangerous circumstances. Additionally, she seems to show a certain interest in cats with a strong sense of purpose or anything similar. She may be inclined to loiter around these cats, or outright prod them, expressing the desire to pick at their brain.


    Bloody Mary believes cats to be near the bottom of a chain of importance that they are only barely allowed to know. She believes in the existence of other, higher beings, but thinks cats to be incapable of perceiving them properly. She keeps the direct recipient of her reverence somewhat vague, but believes in... something wholeheartedly. She knows of StarClan, of course. Believing in them does not mean that she finds them perfect... Something between cats and Gods, they are not as untouchable as those above them. She is too lowly to question them much, still. Though if she were to, she thinks her opinion so meaningless that they would not care much, either way.

    To her, undeniably, souls take on more importance after death. Were you to find yourself at the end your line, you ought to rejoice! For your meaningless existence has suddenly become something more. Of course, thrusting yourself into the place of a star did not make you one proper. No, she had to live this life first to give her next one meaning... whatever it was that "living" entails.

    A link between something meaningless and something not, the Medicine Cats ought to be respected, she's certain! In the grand scheme of things, they were perhaps only a skip above herself; but to her own lowly mind, that may as well be leaps and bounds! If given the chance, Bloody Mary would sooner value the word of a Medicine Cat over that of Leader.

    She does not all like the pointlessness... She would like something to do with herself, truly, but finding that thing is more easier said than done...โ€‹

    • Often seems to forget that not all cats think the same as her. Will passingly make remarks about others worthlessness not realizing how it could potentially be insensitive. If such remarks were made at her, she'd only laugh.
    • Has a tendency to viscously dehumanize both herself and others, whilst frivolously humanizing inanimate things.
    • Attempts to humor reality and make - believe in equal measure, believing their state of being so pointless that differentiating them makes little difference in the long run
    • However worthless they are, finds cats endlessly fascinating. Unfortunately for others, an avid people - watcher. Always with love in mind, frequently expresses the desire to dissect them. She does in her own way, already, but would never do so literally.
  • Bloody Mary is lesbian and monogamous. She is not currently interested in anyone.
    • Bloody Mary holds the same generally low opinion of everybody by default, though this does not by any means translate to dislike. She is her version of "friendly" to all she meets. For now, she holds no sense of distrust toward anyone.
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, friends, enemies, romance, injury Closed to severe injury, death.

    Sounds like: Bloody Mary possesses an impressive vocal range, able to swing the pendulum from masculine to feminine at will. She uses this to her full advantage, often shifting her voice for comedic effect, including the sudden onset of nonspecific, made-up accents. Though she is capable of lower tones, her natural voice tends to hover in the medium-high range. Always intended in a jovial manner, it catches on overexcited growls, trills, and snarls often. She laughs frequently, it in itself ranging from high giggles to a distinctively loud and grating cackle. Vocal inflection is it times, irregular. May suddenly raise her voice into barks, lower it to whispers, or break into song. Voice Claim TBA.

    Smells of: Expectantly, the scent of pine needles clings to her from her toeing of the forest borders. More distinctive scent carries the smell of rotting plants and old meat with an unexpectedly pleasant, underlying note of lilies.

    speech is #CA341F Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.
    • Poor stealth and hunting. This would likely remain true even with training. Her bright coat and heavy paws do little for her in these areas.
    • Moderate speed, with a for the most part, sluggish form able to whip itself into surprising quickness, if needed.
    • Impressive stamina and constitution. She does not tire easily, and can take a hefty number of blows before being put out of commission โ€” though her body may scream at her for it later.
    • A competent climber, though the branches creak beneath her paws. She may struggle with climbing down due to her below average sense of balance
    • More capable of combat than you would expect for a kittypet.

    Combat difficulty is medium. She has no formal training, but her natural proclivities would keep her head above water in a hostile situation. She throws her weight around with reckless abandon, flinging herself at her opponents with clumsy, but brutal blows. Being large and bulky, she is difficult to take down, and will allow adrenaline to pilot her farther than her body would normally allow. Fights extremely recklessly. She is likely to be left in a state equally as terrible as the one she has left her opponent in.

    Holding a distinct lack of care for her well - being, may start fights, though it will hardly ever be for a good reason. Bloody Mary will most likely not flee conflict unless told. Though she will hardly ever intend to kill, she is naturally a rather brutal fighter makes no active effort not to.โ€‹
  • NPC x NPC โ€ข Generation 1 โ€ข Mated to None
    โคท Has a few unknown siblings that she does not recall, being separated from them early in life

    Close to N / A
    Admires N / A
    Friends with N / A
    Likes Edmund
    Dislikes N / A
    Loathes N / A

    Kin โœŽ

    Parents โœŽ

    Her parents have taught her what she vaguely understands of Clan Life, their stories mostly fantastical and notably negative skewing. Bloody Mary likely did not interpret it quite the way they had hoped that she would.โ€‹

    Other Cats โœŽ

    TBA โœŽ
  • Backwritten

    Bloody Mary was born to a kittypet couple nestled within Twolegplace. She spent much of her formative years with her parents and has thoroughly soaked up their ideals, including information regarding the Clans that they've picked up through means she has never bothered to question.

    Her tail was amputated in August 2024. She claims to not recall the reason why, but it is unclear if she's telling the truth, or not. In July of 2024, she had scuffled with Florabreeze of SkyClan, and this inadvertently led to the loss of her tail. Bloody Mary claims not to care much at some times, and that she will never forgive her for this at others. This scuffle of hers was her first taste of battle. It's quite possible that it is what has her convinced that she could be capable clan cat some day.โ€‹
    • If you couldn't tell,,, she is my unofficial official Mallowdawn fankid <3
    • Aesthetics are rotting meat, mold and mildew, plant rot, burning red sunrises, apocalypse skies, zombies, three - eyed cats, abandoned city homes, & vampire bats
    • Brat summer is over, its weirdgirl autumn

    โ–ถ Butcher Vanity - Vane Lily Lacking genuine energy of her own, Bloody Mary primarily feeds off of other people, unconsciously searching for the answer to her problems within the dissected minds of others. If given the chance, she could quickly become overbearingly cannibalistic (In metaphor only, that is).

    โ–ถ Dead Man - Self Bloody Mary believes that life is inherently meaningless, and if there is any meaning to me found, it would be in death.

    โ–ถ Nothing Man - Sodikken She is more content with her life than she truly knows! Wouldn't it be pointless to yearn for anything more, anyways?

    โ–ถ Eat You - Caravan of Thieves Bloody Mary is prone to becoming unusually enraptured by those that take her particular interest. Her affection can take on undertones that sound unkind, on paper.

    โ–ถ Yes to Err is Human, So Don't be One - Will Wood She has not learned to be human quite as much as the others have โ€” her intrinsic desires are perhaps, problematic

    โ–ถ Sick of the Silence - Mother Mother Beneath the mask of nothing and nonsense, she has a few inner turmoils that she tries quite vehemently to ignore โ€” though unbeknownst to this, they affect her subconsciously regardless. She's someone wary of her own inner-workings, a nd will try to scream over them with her nothingspeak.

    โ–ถ People Eater - Sodikken . . .โ€‹

    Theme Weeks

  • Code:
    [box=65%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. [outline=black][color=#CA341F][b]" SPEECH. "[/b][/color][/outline]
    [tabs][tab=THEY SAY I CAN'T KEEP MYSELF FROM TRYING][quote][outline=black][color=#CA341F][b]OOC.[/b][/color][/outline][/quote][/tab]
    [tab=โฌช ๐’œ ๐ต๐ผ๐’ฏ๐ธ ๐’ช๐น ๐ธ๐’ฑ๐ธ๐‘…๐’ด๐’ฏ๐ป๐ผ๐’ฉ๐’ข ๐ผ๐’ฉ ๐’ฎ๐ผ๐’ข๐ป๐’ฏ / ( 10 . 15 )][fleft][img width=250px][/img][/fleft][outline=black][color=#CA341F][b]BLOODY MARY[/b][/color][/outline] โฌช KITTYPET. SHE  - HER - HERS. 24 MOONS.
    [quote]A dog-like woman. Large, with bulk in some places, and only lean muscle in others. Elegant at some angles, acutely strange looking at others. Has a longer, wolfish muzzle and gleaming dog teeth near-always on display due to an overbite. Skull presses insistent against her skin. Eyes are almost too - large, and not all sunken in her skull. Has large, tufted ears. Polydactyl, with a curved spine and recently-chopped tail.[/quote][/tab][/tabs]
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