PRIDE IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF YOU | pre-gathering chatter

Jul 8, 2022
her eyes are harsh; critical and cold as she surveys the scene. disgust is clear upon her features. it is clear to all water-dwellers that their deputy has no desire to be here. that she grows uncomfortable leaving the willows and reeds. neutral territory never truly feels safe. especially with those damned moor cats still stalking the grounds. she wonders how long it will take until the other clans are as fed-up as she is. those disgusting vermin haven't been punished.

her eyes rest upon her clanmates, some missing, laying bloody and wounded in bee's medicinal home. cats that should be here, but must miss due to soot's flea-brained warrior. if she sees any of those foolish rats, she'll tear their head off. peace be damned. where is their justice? a heavy breath escapes the deputy, turning to address those in her stead. "i suggest being smart with you who talk with. play nice, riverclan." buck, on the other hand, will try to avoid mingling with outsiders as much as possible. she's never cared for anyone without the scent of the river on them.

she does not find that changing, as she stays near the riverclanner's lead. she still refuses to address him as her superior. he'll have to kill her for that. but for now, despite her uncomfortable distance from her home, she is contempt. or, as contempt as she can be. bending to clan cats.

// open for interaction

[] The massive oak trees laid barren to the snow that covered the ground, large icicles hung down from the mighty branches and cats gathered down below. A tall figure stood up on the edge of the clearing as they waited for the signal to join and once it had been given, bolted from the moorland into the grassy clearing. Even though the ground was no longer grass and more so crunchy mud. Snowshadow stood proudly at the edge of the clearing, not as timid as he had been the first time he came here, and he looked around for cats to speak too.

Who would be open for conversation? Riverclan was off the table as they had just had a fight with them, but Buckgait caught his attention. She was a formible warrior and had grace in her words as opposed to the lead warrior Smokethroat.

Though he doesn't approach, he does give a small, respectful dip of his head at the brown she-cat before continuing onwards into the crowd. Seeking out unconciously bengal colored fur for comfort of some sort. Snowshadow wasn't really one to be social, and when he did it was quite awkward, so it was a desperate measure. He didn't know many cats inside his clan or outside of it, and he wanted to change that.

//open for interaction!

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Gatherings are always chaotic for Duskfire, a social ettiquette he very much wished he could pass over. The crowds made him uneasy, too tightly packed for his liking, but as Deputy he was required to show his face and so he did. "No problems tonight, Windclan." he said as he led his group into the clearing, knowing there was bound to be tension the second Riverclan spotted them. The Deputy would keep his warriors in line though, unless the river cats gave him a reason not to.

Green eyes paused on the familiar coat of one Windclanner in particular, and once he'd gotten a few nods of acknowledgement from his clanmates he made his way over to stand alongside Rune, momentarily following his gaze to Buckgate before shifting to nudge them. "This your first gathering?" he asked, hoping to steal their attention. The last thing he needed was a Riverclanner trying to start shit over harmless looks in their direction.

windclan deputy - male - 22 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
snails shell | 30 months | female | she/her | physically easy (heavily pregnant) | mentally medium | attack in bold pink

maybe you should rest more. Hah. While Snails Shell liked to think of herself as a kind and reasonable soul, there was something about sitting about idle and not pulling her weight that just didn't sit right with her. She'd been out and about, working and helping her family since she was but a kit herself - had cared for herself when she'd finally left the nest, had single-paw'dly hunted for herself and her mate and their future kits - and even now, in unfamiliar territory with only passingly familiar cats, she's going to continue to do so. And since her 'leader' had decided to specify those unable to do their warrior duties, the she-cat finds herself padding forwards, waddling along behind the others of her clan.

Her tiny figure makes her seem even rounder - and though she thinks she's got at least another half moon to go she can't help but admit (if only in the confines of her own mind) that just maybe she should start taking it at least a bit slower. Huffing and puffing softly but to stubborn to turn back now, to admit fault, she plops herself down towards the back, toxic green gaze flitting about for someone to interact with.

// open to interaction but please ping
SOMETHING NEEDED ME ONCE ✿°.✧ ————————————

This is the first time Bramblesong attends a gathering. The concept is novel, a little strange, but so far her curiosity has been kept in check by her duties: in the past, she has preferred to pass on the gathering to stay in the camp and keep an eye on the kits. Who knows what kind of shenanigans they would get into with all the adults off socializing half the night away! She misses the opportunity for some adult conversation sometimes, but not so much she'd abandon her charges for a night gallivanting with other clans.

This time, though, she came along. Not only to satisfy her own curiosity, but to assist Snail's Shell Her fellow queen is staunchly refusing to take it easy, so it falls to Bramblesong to make sure the trip to the gathering and back is as easy on her as possible and that nothing happens to her while there. She walks alongside Snail's Shell like a distorted shadow, her bulk hiding the smaller molly from at least one side at all time. For now, she doesn't approach the situation as one that is hostile: she watches their surrounding with open curiosity rather than caution, and keeps her conversation easy and light. This is a time for peace, isn't it? The tension in the air does not have to break tonight. The storm may pass them by and leave them dry. Or so she hopes. And if not...

Well. She'll be here for Snail, if nothing else.

//Open to interaction but please ping!

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Redpath followed Cicadastar and Buckgait into the clearing, her eyes burning with ice and fire. She had prepped herself for this gathering mentally. The gathering was a truce, no violence was allowed and yet.....Surely all the clans together was just a huge recipe for disaster.

She would take her seat among her clanmates, burning gaze shifting to where Windclan sat. She pushed back the thoughts that told her to flay them alive.

She once felt ashamed of herself for her bloodlust. But now? She knew it was just a tool to use to punish those who hurt those she loved.

And by the stars, she hoped she would get another chance to sink her claws and fangs into one of those moor rats.

She gripped the ground beneath her with her claws.

All she had to do was stay calm and not rip anyone apart for one night.

((Open to interactions!))


Brown eyes remain affixed to the ground before his paws, picking out the odd blade of grass which juts out from the snowy blanket. His head is craned downwards, apathetic and unbothered by the increasing volume of chatter as he verges on the clearing. There's not a lot on his mind at the moment, save for the collection of faces he didn't want to see, along with the small assortment of those he wouldn't mind meeting.

He enters the realm of Fourtrees not too long after Bramblesong and Snailcurl. Vision skimming over the steadily growing throng of clanmates and outsiders alike, he inevitably settles on deviating from the two she-cats and wandering off elsewhere.

This is the one occasion where he can escape the framework of his wretched clan and pretend that everything is alright. Being deprived of food is one thing; being deprived of food in the midst of Leaf-bare is a far more lamentable matter. Part of him wishes for Pitchstar to swallow his swollen pride and ask the clan's sole ally (if you could even label WindClan as such) for help already. Another part of him hopes the featherbrained dullard would just keel over and die in a moon or so.

There's a noticeable resentment in everybody's faces - much more so than during the last gathering, at least. "I'll be damned," he murmurs, as though stating his thoughts aloud added a level of importance to them, "half'f these scuzzballs are just as pissed off as me."

// open to interactions!! but be sure to ping ;3

She isn't sure why she even came. A thousand– no, a million unfamiliar faces crowded the clearing, the strange scents coalescing into an unfamiliar smog that floated between the trees, and with it hung a metaphorical cloud over each and everyone's heads. "Yeah..." he mumbles beside Smogmaw. He was right. Anyone who didn't look grumpy still felt it. It made sense. The dawn of leaf-bare has broken. It's only her first, and already, she can tell it's awful. Grumbling bellies and shivering bodies became a more common sight by the day, and by the looks of them, some of the other clans weren't doing as well. Though, some certainly looked better off than others...

Her face pinches in something-something– envy, at those who passed by with still-glossy fur and full-enough bellies. Certainly not Windclan, he figures. No prime suspects seem to have that airy waft of the moor. Not Thunderclan, she doesn't think. Not so long ago, they too had been rained on by fire, their pelts charred with smoke. That wouldn't make sense. And so it leaves two.

Eyes narrowed, suddenly intense look, she scans for those prospering more than the others. Though, what did she even intend to do when she found someone? Even if they smiled like the sun and couldn't be more approachable, straying from her own clan seemed scary as it was. A squeak slips from her maw as an unfamiliar form brushes past her, and at once, she cowers, sharpened glare falling into a pitiful frown.

[ Open to interaction <3 he is staring at Riverclan,,, ]

The last time she had come here she had still been Starlingpaw, still had clung to her aunts side, refusing to leave her familiar presence until it was forced upon her. She wishes she could go back to those days, wishes things could be simple yet again but they can’t and they are not. She wonders how the other medicine cats react when she inevitably has to correct them and tell them she goes by Starlingheart now, wonders what Pitchstar will say on the matter. Will they think Shadow Clan a group of fools for loosing someone so important? Or will they stand behind them in their hatred for her aunt? Try as she might she cannot bring herself to hate her fully. Resentment, yes, but not hatred. Right now she still holds onto the hood Bonejaw will find what she is looking for or give up and she would come back to them or she would have to tell Slitherpaw that apparently being a lowlife traitor ran in the family. Disgusting that the same blood ran through their veins. She would never abandon them, never.

She takes her place where the medicine cats all sit together, first to arrive out of their strange crew, and she tilts her head up to the sky to observe the moon which casts its light down upon them, full and luminous. As she observes she wonders, which star was her mother, her father, were they watching now? Was this really the path they wanted for her? She lets out a deep sigh before her head returns to the present. The gathering. She looks around with round green eyes at the cats who mill about now and grows even more anxious by the second. She wants to just get this over with already.

// open for interaction
His skin twinges with every brush of pelt, his lips are tight around his teeth, and he stalks forward with his skull held high. Blazestar looks so lost now, and who could blame him. No parent should ever have to bury their child, no parent should ever have to feel so lost. Thistleback’s eyes narrow at the way he clambers up highrock, and it spoke volumes.

His cobweb dressed wound aches upon his shoulder and neck, a gift from Flamewhisker but he’s sure she was wearing his all the same. It was nothing compared to the loss of Morningpaw though, not a thousand cuts on the flesh could compare. His malice wasn't reserved for Thunderclan though, it was Windclan that he wished eradicated.

Thistleback’s eyes scan Windclan with a grimace, while he suspected they wouldn’t bring his son, Coyotepaw. It still garnished a low growl from the back of his throat. He settles wherever he wandered, hooking his chin over his shoulder he spots a round small warrior. The scent of bog clinging to her pelt informs him of her allegiance. Shadowclan.

" evening lass " he greets her kindly, grey eyes rimmed red with lack of sleep. " congratulations dear, you must be excited " he tipped his scarred muzzle respectfully. " My mate Deersong and I just had a litter of our own. I’m Thistleback " he introduces himself with a sigh, curling his thorny white tipped tail around his hocks.

  • — interacting with @Snailcurl.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

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Reactions: Coyotecrest
( ) Cream paws would carry the Skyclan deputy as she remained close to Blazestar the whole walk to the gathering. Her eyes would flicker from looking ahead to the face of Blazestar until they entered the clearing. She watches in sadness as their leader simply walks away, struggling to climb the Great Rock to join the other leaders, and she has to resist the urge to rush over to help him.

Taking a deep breath, Deersong would turn to face her clanmates and meowing softly, "We're all on edge tonight, but try and mingle when you can. And of course, no trouble causing, ya dig?" She knew that realistically they all knew better than to cause issues, but it just felt like something that needed to be said as a part of duty.

Turning away to look at the other clans, her aqua eyes looks in vain for her son, wanting more than ever then to see his familiar pelt again and to ask him how he was holding up in Windclan. Was he eating enough? Were they treating him right? But the grief that hit her when she did not spot him almost made the molly cry.

Of course, Sootstar wouldn't let him come. She knew he had a loving family waiting to see him, how cruel she was. Turning to join the other deputies near the roots of fourtrees, she spots Duskfire of Windclan sitting with a familiar black and white cat. That cat had been in the patrol that took Coyotepaw!

Her steps would hurry, slipping through the crowd until she was in front of the two and she nodded her head to her fellow deputy in greeting before meowing softly, "I'm so sorry to bug, but I'm Coyotepaws' Mama." Her eyes would flicker between the two toms as she spoke, "How is he doing? Is his training going alright? Is he adjusting to the moors ok?"


Interacing with @Duskfire & @Snowshadow


Still weary from the day before, Flycatcher joins his clanmates as they arrive in the clearing. The loss of Morningpaw and the skirmish with SkyClan lingers in his mind. He knows things will come of this, he just doesn't know what yet.

As he finds somewhere to get comfortable for the night, he casts a glance over the cats who had begun to make their arrival. Usually, he wouldn't really spare much time looking at ShadowClan - even more so after that fight almost broke out at the last gathering - but he cannot find it in himself to look upon them with his usual mirth.

// open for interactions!
the lanky limbed tom followed alongside his clanmates as they poured into the clearing of fourtrees, usually a handful of cats would split off to spend this free time to mingle but by the looks of it everyone seems to be sticking close together with their own. fawncloud couldn't blame them, both thunderclan and skyclan are dealing with the recent death of poor morningpaw and with how heavy the atmosphere has become he can imagine they aren't the only clan dealing with tough times.

the older warrior didn't really want to be stuck in one place though as he was a socializer at heart so he'd soon break off from his group and disappear into the sea of felines with a rather lax smile curled onto his muzzle. olive eyes that always appeared half-lidded would scan the crowd to see if there was anyone who wanted to chat and as he did so he caught sight of familiar cream ticked fur that caused him to pause for a moment. surely that wasn't who he thought it was, right? heck, it sure looked like someone he knew but there was no way to be certain unless he approached but he had ultimately decided against it since it seemed like she was busy speaking to some windclan cats so fawncloud changed his direction slightly and continued on.

deeper into the crowd he goes and eventually spots someone else, a firey red she-cat who looked ready to pounce on someone the first second she gets. this definitely won't go wrong! "how goes it, river neighbor? ya down for a little bit of friendly chit-chat?"

|| curiously eying @~Deersong~
|| interacting with @Redpath !
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Reactions: ~Deersong~

Redpath was so hot with hatred and malice she could set the forest on fire, but it was quickly extinguished when Fawncloud approached. Her expression softened, the flames abated to give way to a softer, kinder expression.

"Yeah! I'm Redpath, nice to meet you!" She responded. " Things have been.....Intense, our side of the river." She admitted. "You're gonna hear all about it, I'm sure." She added, glancing at where the leaders sat.

"Hopefully things have been better for you??" She asked. God, she hoped so. SOMEBODY'S gotta have some good vibes tonight, right?


they would have rather had some cat throw up in their mouth than to be at this stupid gathering. what a fucking joke this was. they were obviously not doing well, none of the clans, but they faked it so they didn't seem weak. shadowclan would be doing the same. only difference was- shadowclan truly had been stronger than the rest. with a grunt, the deputy sat away from everyone, grooming their pelt. no matter where they lived, they needed to be presentable– unlike pitchstar.

//open to interactions but chilled will likely ignore your character / tell them off !!
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Iciclepaw had wanted to come to this Gathering, had wanted it badly, and is elated Cicadastar and Buckgait have seen her fit to attend. She wants to see the WindClan foxhearts cower at her leader's rage, wants to watch Sootstar attempt to explain away her lead warrior's actions. Her mouth practically waters at the thought that she might witness it tonight.

Pointedly shying away from the moorland-scented cats, her pale blue eyes land on a strange-looking jet-black feline, fur sticking up and out every which direction like a hedgehog. She approaches on light paws, her head and tail lifted. "ShadowClan, right? I'm Iciclepaw. RiverClan," she adds. She doesn't know how she feels about ShadowClan yet, except their leader is more than a bit strange. Still, at least they aren't WindClan. "How's the prey running? Badly, I assume?" Her eyes flick over the dark fur, ribs protruding. Her own physique isn't looking its usual plump self either, to be fair, but ShadowClan looks pitiful. "Must help that you lost three mouth to feed," she murmurs sourly. "Your loss and our gain." Thinking, of course, of the medicine cat refugee and her mate and child.

- ,,

interacting with @SHARPPAW.
Moth... never exactly cared for the gathering, does not see the point of mingling with cats outside her Clan; she'd get the information when they came back, anyways. A huff tumbled from her mouth, childish, this whole thing was gonna end up a mess. Supposed she only went to protect her clanmates, she was sure the Riverclan leader would be pissed (not that she cared, the other clans could burn and she'd laugh). Weaselclaw did do the right thing, as if the other Clans wouldn't have done the same thing. Hypocrites, its winter.

An ear flick and green eyes scanned the crowd. It'd be much better if Nut was here but perhaps it was for the better, or maybe he was, gah, she doesn't know, didn't pay attention as they walked here. She supposes she can be civil and mingle with the low-lives if only for one night and so she begins to search for her victim.

// open for interactions wawa

She's searching for Iciclepaw—they were together earlier and now she can't find her and it's really, really stressing her out. Ashpaw honestly didn't want to come at all but her mentor, Pebbleskip—

She thinks Pebbleskip is embarassed by her. Embarassed by her episodes and her flinches and shivers, embarrassed because she can't fight at all. Ashpaw thought she was doing pretty well with Willowroot—she thought she was catching up. But since Pebbleskip started training her she's realized what a poor apprentice she really makes.

Pebbleskip made her come. Pebbleskip didn't want her to act like a kitten just because Willowroot won't be there. He spoke to her in quiet, chiding tones—gentle like he always is, sounding almost kind. And Ashpaw is his apprentice, so she listened.

She's so lost in her own head that she doesn't even realize she's about to run into someone.

She crashes right into Chilledgaze with a startled oof, then falls backward with a groan, head flares with pain. Oh, ow, that hu—

Glass-green eyes widen as Ashpaw processes the scent and sight of the other cat.

"You're ShadowClan," she blurts, gaze darting over the deputy's form, connecting dots. Fogpaw, Wolverinefang, a belly swollen with kits just like Willowroot. "You exiled Bonej—"

She catches herself a moment too late, realizing that probably isn't the most... tactful thing to say. (She's only heard whispers, anyway, not present for the little family's arrival; all she knows is that Bonejaw was not welcome back in Shadow. And also barely welcome in River.)

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • bothering @CHILLEDGAZE.
    searching for @iciclepaw
    available for other interactions!

  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and psychologically abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery

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chilledgaze's tongue stopped mid-lick upon their own pelt. their cold gaze swished over to the apprentice who smelled of old fish scales and river. their claws immediately dug into the ground, and without a single care they snarled out, hopefully scaring the apprentice backwards.

"exiled!? is that what that conniving snake is fucking telling you!? when she was the one who left us in the dead middle of leaf-bare!?"

they hissed angrily. they knew bonejaw was unloyal but to run right to riverclan was crossing a fucking line. they took in a breath before snorting.

"you're loud and annoying, kit. leave me alone. run off back to your fellow fish-brains."

which apparently included bonejaw and wolverinefang now. tch. pitchstar wasn't going to like this but what they weren't going to do was tell them now. later. when pitchstar could cast it off and not want to march over to riverclan and cause more issues. they had enough without involving the other cats that dweelled in the forest lands.

// interacting with @ashpaw!

Sickness still swayed Mallowlark's step, but less than it had been before. Many of his classmates still lay in camp, weighed down by the increase of their illness- but he was lucky. At this gathering, a meeting was fated- the final stitch to mend the broken seam of his throat, the one that had split and sputtered out a cough from time to time. Wide eyes of moonlight sought his saviour among the throng of Skyclanners, many whom he did not know- his grin glowed upon his face, perseverant. He would be here- he would be. They had met beneath the moon many a time, and tonight would be no different.

Briefly, his vision wandered toward a blue-striped tabby pelt- and to Fly, Flycatcher he had to remind himself, Mallowlark waved a paw in greeting. Ah, he wished he had time to greet a friend- but time with another was more cherished, he had to admit. So away did his attention turn, the search resumed for him, and moonlight-blue, and icecap-cradling-mocha. Gossamer yet warm, warmest of all, mahogany flame beckoning through the crowd. But where?

\ searching for @DAWNGLARE <3
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