PRIDE IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF YOU | pre-gathering chatter

He is sitting there quietly when movement out of the corner of his eye captures his attention.[ Flycatcher turns and spots Mallowlark waving at him. He perks up a bit thinking his friend is coming over to say hello, but by the looks of it, he's looking for someone else. Regardless, Flycatcher returns the greeting and looks away, but can't help but raise a brow in surprise when he spots his friend being led away by SkyClan's medicine cat.

He returns to his silence, only to be interrupted by a voice calling out to him.

"Hey! You!"

Flycatcher whips his head around to find the source of the call, surprised to find a ShadowClan cat approaching him. He recognises the dark tortoiseshell from previous patrols but her name alludes him. She's curious about things in ThunderClan, clearly noting the expression on Emberstar's face. Flycatcher frowns slightly, more to himself than at Flickerfire's question and follow-up reaction to Blackmoon coughing beside him. "Things between our clans are fine," Flycatcher says cordially. He chooses his next words carefully, not wanting to say much on recent matters given that Emberstar or Blazestar were likely to bring it up anyway. "No doubt you'll find out what's wrong soon enough," He tells her. "I suspect Blazestar or Emberstar will mention it at this gathering."

responding to @FLICKERFIRE briefly referencing @BLACKMOON

There- Dawn in the midnight, wonderful impossibility. But there was something wrong, something- lingering. And not in the fond way. The moon painted itself pale upon the mahogany, and as Dawnglare reached to press his cheek against Mallowlark's own he let out a sigh of relief, a similar greeting uttered. "Hi." The word was heavy, though. Pulled to the depths. His smile remained, and so did the joy of seeing Dawnglare, but- but there was something different about him. There was joy there, for a moment- mirror of his own feelings, but a fleeting shard.

"Missed you too." Similarly, his voice was low, volume suppressed. Dawnglare too spoke hushed, and he would not shout even if he wanted to. Oh, and he did want to- desperately, he wanted to go around and parade his joy, showing all jus how happy he was, and how impossible it was for him to be happier. Noise, though- noise and crowd. It was always, always unbearable. When they were alone everything seemed so much brighter, sugared silver starlight filtered through the trees. That light was shared among many now. So- at that silken beckon he nodded, midnight paws pacing the path that his phantom tread.

No more words left his maw; merely he nodded, leaving the crowd without a second thought. They might as well have not existed, because all he cared about was Dawnglare and why Dawnglare was sad. He gave no thought for his still-sickened wheeze, the fixing that had been promised; greedy, always greedy. He wanted togetherness alone, and he wanted to fix whatever had broken instead of being the one meant to be fixed.

/ leaving with @DAWNGLARE >:)
A traitor? Why would Riverclan want a traitor? "I- I don't know!" she whines. And the question was rhetorical, wasn't it? She knows, she knows, but her chest burns fury and she can't believe, cannot believe–! Went to find her family, she had said, and not a quarter moon later she shows up at Riverclan's doorstep. Bonejaw is an old buddy, Iciclepaw says, and it's a bitter reminder. Was any shadowclanner with cross-clan friends a risk know? Were ties to other marshers dangerous?

She's– annoyed. She's annoyed she's annoyed she's annoyed. And it's only worse when the chittering bird known as Poppypaw starts screeching nonsence nearby. Try as he might to mind his business, Poppypaw was impossible too ignore, and it's annoying. Did she not get enough attention as a kit? Plenty of shadowclanners hadn't, and they don't do this. He'd only hoped she had the sense not to make a scene at the gathering, but clearly, his expectations had been set too high. And Iciclepaw blinks at her, apologetic. Not mocking, making fun of her for sharing a clan with Poppypaw, but just... nice. It's nice. And suddenly Riverclan isn't so bad.

And suddenly Riverclan is stupid. Frog-brained, toad-skulled, stupid, stupid. He gapes at the rosetted tom, and for a moment, he's frozen in place. "W-what did you say? Why-?" would you say that? You, a cat none of them had ever met. You don't know them. You don't know any of them. "You're– you–" he's an idiot. She wants to call him what he is, but she can't. Even Starlingheart manages better than her, and it's embarassing. With a last lingering glance to Iciclepaw, she skuttles beside Starlingheart. Pinched brows, frowning face. "You– you're gullable."

Maybe if it had been Iciclepaw, if it was another apprentice. Same size, same face; maybe then, she'd be able to say all she wanted to say. That Bonejaw has done worse than Chilledgaze ever has, but Shadowclan kept her because they loved her. And then– and then– she has the nerve to get mad when half of Shadowclan's horribleness was because of her. And now, now she needs to be the better cat.

Thankful, she blinks as Spectermask retorts. Though, she wishes he had said more. She would've said more.

[ talking to @iciclepaw, then sighing at @Poppypaw & defending @CHILLEDGAZE. and @STARLINGHEART . from @FISHFACE. thankful for @spectermask ]
snails shell | 30 months | female | she/her | physically easy (heavily pregnant) | mentally medium | attack in bold pink

A tom of ink and snow is the first to approach, and though she watches him warily she sits tall and proud. She won't let any of these cats intimidate her - not if she can help it. Relaxing somewhat as only a simple greeting and congratulations is spoken, her gaze softens. "Thank you...." she wishes her mate could be here, could see her now. Could be there to see his kits born. But he can't. He won't. A bit melancholy, she leans closer to her fellow queen, as though the contact will keep her from slipping under the crashing tide of memories and longing. "I'm Snails Shell," he introduces politely, head tipping to the side slightly. "Have you been in the clans long?" she questions. The yells of youngsters nearby is steadfastly ignored - she is in no state to do anything even if she felt like doing so.

// interacting with @ThistleBack and @Bramblesong