'It seems Granitepelt must have left with all of your sense, scarce as it was.'

Mocking comments rarely claw their way under the deputy's skin, but those words carve a hollowed trail from ear-tip to haunch. WindClan's medicine cat wagged his tongue with the express intent to sting and, judging by the tautness in the muscle supporting Smogmaw's neck, the barb had found its mark well. Insolent, holier-than-thou moor-pest. Stirring unrest while hiding behind star-sanctioned immunity, it's a spinelessness he finds intolerable, and the tom has carried his seething throughout the days since the gathering.

Granitepelt. Granitepelt. Should've been put to death, not exiled.

Claws scrape against camp's floor, burrowing through dessicated mud and leaflitter. He'd love to just bury the smouldering frustration deep in the ground, leave it forgotten, yet he cannot bore a hole large enough for it to fit. Not in the middle of camp, at least. Smogmaw instead resigns himself to pacing; a rear paw smoothes over the terrain he'd unsettled, and he continues on, looping around to the warriors den.

On his path toward the thorny shrub which conceals the den, his wandering focus happens to fall upon a duo. Flintwish, and his trademark dreariness. A young cat whose whole being can be amounted to the sum-total of tragedy, suffering, and a general misery. It never ceases for poor, poor Flintwish. A brother killed, a sister disappeared, a father who has sullied ShadowClan's reputation and name, a mother defined by exhausting duty. Chance and fate have colluded to utterly fuck over Flintwish. Smogmaw almost sympathises.

Charged by a foul mood and the tumult of recent affairs, Smogmaw trails after Flintwish and maintains a consistent gap until both of them are well away from prying ears. No physical acknowledgement is offered when the warrior takes note of his presence, and when he speaks, his tone bears its expected dullness. "I've a question," he meows simply, "and I'd like an answer." 'Like' is appropriately emphasised; he may as well have said 'expect' instead. "What would you change about your life, as it is? The good forces in this world have turned a blind eye to you. If your new name means anything, I assume you've some idea. So, what would you change?"

It's an inquiry Smogmaw has been eager to pose since Flintwish's naming, and now seems a proper enough time. Half-expecting the other cat to wish the deputy away from him, he waits, paws rooted.


Wolfsong's quip burrowed deep beneath Flintwish's stony skin. It was one thing for ShadowClanners to hold Granitepelt over him — was one thing for ShadowClanners to speak ill of him, knowing the way he had terrorized them all for moons. Flintwish still has trouble hearing his clanmates rightfully damn his father for all of the evil he'd committed. But for WindClan to puppet him over them while bemoaning the way Sootstar still lingered in their ashen moors... it enrages him, really and truly. It is the same tongue-bitten rage he'd felt while sparring his father all those moons ago, just after Granitepelt had scarred his shoulder.

He still stews in this rage now, restless with news of incoming war, with visions of Siltcloud, with a prickling unease as Smogmaw trails him until they are alone.

Flintwish does not turn to face the deputy immediately. His attention comes slowly, calculated rather than hesitant, as if he must measure the smolder in his gaze before unleashing it upon the ink-striped tom. He says nothing as Smogmaw unspools his curiosity, though Flintwish feels it is a more sinister inquiry than that. Maybe he is reading the deputy unkindly, but he does not care to read him any other way — not after dangling on that branch, not after seeing Granitepelt thrash in his jaws. For good reason, some part of him reminds, but it had hurt all the same, confused and then unenlightened to the lengths of his father's evil.

As he stands, caught in Smogmaw's magma gaze, his muscles bunch. What would you change about your life, as it is? Some huff of air expels through his nose. It resembles a laugh, or maybe a sense of indignity. Flintwish's misery is not a mere object to be changed — the stack of dominoes has been falling since kithood. To only pick one of them out of so many... would it change anything now?

But then, there's an easy answer. Easier than not being born, easier than not being saved from yellowcough. If he wished Granitepelt had not been his father, then many of those dominoes would disappear altogether, wouldn't they?

Flintwish's tongue stalls. It's the easy answer, but even now, as the humiliation writhes beneath his pelt, as cats mourn the loved ones Granitepelt had killed, as kits grow up traumatized by their kitnapping, he can hardly get the words to his teeth. If Granitepelt is not his father, then who is Flintwish? So much of his life has been defined by the slate-furred tom, good and bad. His temper. His combat skill. His misery. His ferocity. His love for Starlingheart, his mother. How would he change, should he remove Granitepelt from the equation? Would he still exist at all? Is he just finding any excuse not to damn his father, the most damnable cat in the world?

"I..." she starts, but trails off. Her mind picks through different strands of desire. I'd be good at something. I'd love somebody. Cats would like me. Her frown deepens and exposes a sliver of white teeth. Her brows knit deep over her two-toned eyes. "I don't know. I don't know what Chilledstar was thinking when they named me. I'd be a good warrior, I guess."

It would not take a sleuth to figure that Flintwish was not telling the whole truth. If Smogmaw wanted to grill her, he had every opportunity. But she turns his question back on him, as if it will distract him: "What about you? What would you change?" There is an answer she wants to hear, but she does not trust him to be so forthcoming.

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH —— warrior of shadowclan, mentored by forestshade & scalejaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask ✦ penned by meghan

    a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart, and cares for his clanmates
    unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 13 moons & ages every 12th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can probe his worth to himself

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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Hesitation. Or possibly, uncertainty. A nebulous boundary divides the two. One will have you staring fear in its ugly face; the other will have you running scared for a moon. Even so, Smogmaw is sceptical that Flintwish points her fear specifically his way, and seeing how she'd stay put in ShadowClan (starkly diverging from certain kin), the deputy cannot rightly gauge which space she occupies. But it is in one of them, that much he knows, so he keeps his gaze patient for the interim.

The immediate answer he's given seems soaked in indecision. A half-answer, something noncommittal, would have been easier to accept than total ambiguity. He'd like to think it suggests a sheltered outlook, but is all-too aware Flintwish has faced cruelties in this life well beyond what her peers can boast. Yet curiously enough, she'd refrained from banishing said cruelties even in a hypothetical sense. When his question was asked, Flintwish merely refuted it. Good warriors give good answers. His shoulders stiffen considerably.

Flipping the exchange on its head and bouncing the question back, Smogmaw has plenty time to determine how he'll broach this further. He gives a simple gesture for the moment, muzzle pointed towards the leader's den, but lingers a breath longer than he ought to. "I'd like some privacy while I'm asleep. That'd be nice."

This in itself is a half-answer — the meaning is clear without much mental effort. Smogmaw's aspirations of utmost authority are legible to anyone who cares to read him. Lying behind those words, though, is a purpose. Motivation. A quality which the young warrior appears to lack sorely. When his eyes find the grey-furred feline again, they carry a hinting, almost leading stare.

"Every moment you spend aimless, you're wasting unrealised ability. Set your sights on a worthwhile cause, Flintwish." There's no inherent trickery as he says this, no fox-like grin or sly edge to his tone. Only the passive curiosity to see if his advice will be taken. "Start a family. Chase glory. Strengthen the bonds with what loved ones you still have. I don't believe in some, like, pre-ordained fate some cats attribute to StarClan. But I know you'll just float around uselessly 'til you latch onto something."

Smogmaw's shoulders stiffen, and Flintwish feels his guard raise in tandem, more than it had been raised already. The other tom looks towards the leader's den with no mistaken desire despite his obtuse words. Flintwish thinks that Smogmaw in the leader's den would be decidedly not nice, and his ears angle a hint backwards at the thought. Smogmaw, the man who ran him up the burnt sycamore. Smogmaw, the man who had humiliated Granitepelt but not killed him. Smogmaw, the man who had pitted him against his own son in the midst of a blizzard, who had nearly killed his mentor in that act.

If that Smogmaw is to become Smogstar, Flintwish... isn't sure what he would do. There is just a sense of doom that descends over him, studying the boulder cut of his shoulders, the disdain in his face as he looks upon the new warrior.

But then he starts unspooling some knot of advice, something he seems to have carried for a while, something untainted by hate or cunning. Flintwish's shoulder fur gathers into small stalagmites. Smogmaw is not a cat he speaks earnestly with — who speaks earnestly to him. It's strange, and frankly he is offended by the older tom's suggestion of aimlessness and floating around uselessly, but it's not... cruel. Bi-color eyes narrow sharply, suspiciously.

"You don't think I have any ability," he accuses immediately, tail twitching like a lit fuse. "You don't... you hate me. You." Smogmaw doesn't actually think he's capable of doing any of that stuff, does he? Starting a family? He could laugh, really. What cat in their right mind would start a family when his own had been so terribly doomed? As for glory, what glory was there left for Flintwish to chase? What glory was there left when he toted Granitepelt's corpse behind him, ten pounds of dead baggage?

Flintwish's chest compresses painfully. Anger spurts from the stressed aorta. When he speaks again, he does it with bared teeth: "I've... I've got stuff that I care about. I don't need your lecture." There's a pause as something clicks, as understanding flickers through his sapphire and emerald eyes.

"My wish is that you'd leave me alone. That you'd would've always left me alone." He gathers his limbs beneath him where he stands, muscles tense to depart. Still, he stays, as if he feels beholden to Smogmaw's authority over him still.

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH —— warrior of shadowclan, mentored by forestshade & scalejaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask ✦ penned by meghan

    a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart, and cares for his clanmates
    unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 14 moons & ages every 12th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can probe his worth to himself

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse