camp PULL UP IN THE '97 BENZ &. february 8th meeting

Snowykit sits in line with her siblings, alongside the other sizeable litter born in the same frigid months. It's unbelievable to a degree - how so many of them are getting their 'paws and their mentors all in one fell swoop! The black furred she-cat almost believed that some of them would be tapered off, just until the older apprentices, like Poppypaw and Applepaw and the rest, move into the warriors den. But nope! She and the rest are boosted up to a new rank, pressed with paw to their names, given a mentor, and -

In truth, she drones out most of the meeting, blue eyes scanning the throng of warriors to find Thistlesight. She only listens once again when the news is broken that she and her siblings are not to leave camp. "Bwah - what's the point of that, then...?!" the newly named Snowypaw gasps, unyielding and unafraid. At least with the nursery placement, she got to eat first. Now she has to sit around in camp and, what, play dead until she actually dies of starvation? She can't even try to hunt for her own food? This is ridiculous!!

She frowns firmly, the joy of apprenticehood draining almost immediately. Two moons shouldn't be long, she figures, but it will damn well feel like it.​
Chilledstar's familiar call lured the young molly from the apprentice's den. Finding a cozy spot near the back of the crowd, she shuffled in behind a few shorter paws', watching with mild interest as the darker feline drawled on. Oh, it's time for them already? It didn't feel like it had been all that long ago since Snowykit and Bonekit were little ruffians bouncing around the nursery. Now it seemed they would be the... What? Her brown and blue gaze widened with confusion as Chilledstar dished out news of the final line of kits being the last of them being aged into apprenticeship. Thankfully, it seemed her own role wasn't threatened, but the change felt odd if not a bit out of the blue. Rather than dwell, she observed as the ceremonies commenced.

Blinking kindly as the newly named paws' bounded to greet their mentors, her father and Snowpaw's own teacher among them. Loudly she chanted alongside her clanmates and melted away back into familiar silence. The wild hum-drum of warriors goes by in a blue but still she mindfully follows with the usual clan customs. Yet, the notice of new leads is a pleasant surprise whereas Roosterstrut's disappearance is a concerning reality. Another cat has gone missing but this time by the clutches of two-legs. A part of her hopes that the grimy creatures haven't hurt the poor warrior and that he could find his way back home. It was unsurprising to hear the warnings dished out by the inky leader but it didn't make her stomach twist with uncertainty any less.

As the ceremonies concluded the young molly couldn't shake the unease that lingered. The disappearance of Roosterstrut weighed heavily on her mind, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of their territory. Despite the reassurances from their leader, she couldn't help but worry for her missing clanmate, his fate uncertain in the hands of the two-legs. Turning her thoughts back to her duties, she resolved to keep a vigilant eye out for any signs of his return, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.