Rabbit eater || imaginary hunt || alphabet prompt

Sep 6, 2024
☾ ⋆* ⋆˚✿˖°・゚ The quirky kit was on the hunt for the zany rabbit eater that has been stealing away her clanmates into its monster lair to never be seen again! She surveyed the sandy hollow of camp, cats that walked around unaware of the dangers and all the different tunnels the beast could be hiding in. The other monster hunters grew complacent, but not Beetlekit. She was not afraid she'd rescue everyone; it didn't matter if it took her all day and night to find them.

She cast a bittersweet look back at the nursery, her secret hideout, and began her little jaunt to be lionized for her bravery. Her young mind was crafting an allusion to yellowcough and the little things she heard about it onto a tiny cricket. Something smaller than herself that she could defeat and save everyone from its fervent wrath.

The cricket bounced away from the black and brown kit which had diligently followed it under the torridmidday sun right to the elders den. If she could just think back to halcyon time when she'd watch the apprentices practice their hunting techniques and copy it, she could take it down in no time! Beetlekit jumped forward, extending her front legs to swinging at the cricket sending it flying into the air away from the mawkish elders.

Her wistful brown eyes looked down, watching the ground get closer and closer. Unable to stop her fall, she landed hard on the side. The discomfit filled her mind, making her want to run away to her nest. The invidious beast reared its ugly stick legs up at her as though to mock her before taking off again. Though gritted teeth, she dramatically rose up, 'Come on, Beelte, you can't let it escape!' She scolded herself, kneading the ground as her eyes began to water.

Letter count - 15

A - allusion

B - bittersweet

C - complacent

D - discomfit

F - fervent

H - halcyon

I - invidious

J - jaunt

K - knead

L - lionized

M - mawkish

T - torrid

W - wistful

Q- quirky

Z - zany

  • ooc: — Feel free to handle the cricket!
The foliage slowly but surely changing hue and the breeze steadily beginning to cool augured the coming of leafbare. The sooner this Yellowcough was rid of, the more hopeful the clan's outlook would be for wintertime. Buckfire had been born on the tail-end of the frigid season and had lived through one as a near-adult and he knew how meager prey could be. He wonders how the entirety of WindClan could possibly manage to fill their bellies with such scarcity.

Fleeting thoughts of the onset of leafbare were interrupted by a kitten chewing gravel. The black tabby blinks, molten stare lingering as he observes to see if she's okay. Her tumble had caused her to be discomfited, he could tell that much. The kit's lack of honed skill was obviously a hindrance for her, but at least her natural instincts were present and readied. It appeared that she was fine, if not disappointed by the escape of her prize.

Quickly, the new warrior jumps from his seated position and outstretches his limb, smacking his paw until he is able to capture ( but not crush ) the cricket. Buckfire tended to incline toward jovialness when it came to children. He was happy to try and help the youth feel encouragement, especially after a missed attempt. "I believe this is yours." Buckfire drawls lightly with a nod toward Beetlekit. "I'm gonna let go. You ready to catch 'im?" The tom would allow her to get closer to his paw if she desired to pursue her hunt further.

  • 86417925_7c5WxVdny06oqof.png
    a new warrior of windclan, buckfire is thirty-one moons. he is a ruggedly handsome tom, sporting lean muscle and a slightly taller-than-average stature. there is a nick in his left ear as well as a small scratch on his right lip. he smells of cotton grass and gorse.
The world had grown exponentially bigger since she allowed herself to leave the nursery, and it wasn't rare that the tabby kit found herself aimlessly wandering, though she never strayed too far from the areas she knew she was permitted to be in. What would happen if she went where she shouldn't, like Sunstar's den, or outside the camp's bounds? Something dangerous was her first thought, spoken with papa's voice, though the second thought, much quieter and in her inflection, was, something exciting. Did it matter what it would be? It would be novel - wasn't that enough justification?

Bramblekit cast her golden gaze toward the distant horizon, the great many unknowns it held eclipsed by the immediate surroundings. Action leaped through her field of vision, and the child didn't have to learn whether complaisant nature would be yielding to her curiosity or vice versa, because something else had ensnared her attention. After one last glance to the beyond, she scurried over to Beetlekit, Buckfire, and the captive cricket that had caught her eye.

"Maybe leaves are better to hunt. They're prettier, but also easier to catch. Bugs can be hard to catch, can't they?" She smiled at her fellow kitten while she rambled, wriggling into a crouching position beside Beetlekit's form. Bramblekit preferred play fighting to play hunting, but papa always praised her and her siblings, so her performance here would automatically be praise-worthy, right? Maybe it would even inspire Beetlekit! "Can I try to catch it with you?"